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Book-6. Chain reaction, novella

Book-6. Chain reaction, novella V. Speys The Book-6 «Chain reaction» from the series of the novella «FAYETON» tells about the work of military scientists on the secret development of new types of flying disc- shaped vehicles and test flights into space. And about new adventures of heroes connected with secret scientific discoveries.Enjoyable readings, your author V. Speys. Book-6. Chain reaction, novella V. Speys © V. Speys, 2021 ISBN 978-5-0053-5042-8 (ò. 6) ISBN 978-5-0053-4959-0 Created with Ridero smart publishing system Annotation The Book-6 «Chain reaction» from the series of the novella «FAYETON» tells about the work of military scientists on the secret development of new types of flying disc- shaped vehicles and test flights into space. And about new adventures of heroes connected with secret scientific discoveries. Enjoyable readings, your author V. Speys. Book – VI. Chain reaction, novella Chapter 1 – Hey Annie! – Called Anna Sobinova. – Hey! – Anya told her on a cell phone. – You waited arrival Auntie Elsa? Yes, it is here! And you know so cool! I get enough sleep in the morning. Head stopped hurting. After all I have in this school year, graduation is almost hanging on the nose! It is necessary to work on the thesis work. I told her at all so grateful. – Look, that’s what I wanted to say, as long as our kids there, maybe we will move in Peredelkino. Now the end of August. Mushrooms there probably is not visible. – Yes, all classes that from the first of September, and the last weekend is not bad to. The most- viewed. And Aunt Elsa you in time for the article! – Egged her Anna. – Dimka so attached to it! So become friends! I’m after maternity, well, do you remember last year, worn out with these exams. Well, since you also restored in your same group. Still, the wife of the hero of Russia! – Come on. Only the sleepless nights were given to me these exams. Well, so what? – Oh, come on. Tomorrow is Saturday. Will move in Peredelkino. Spend the night there and at dawn for mushrooms. I’ll meet you tomorrow. Call in and once on the train! – Okay! Anya, ending the conversation took place in the kitchen, where the baby was eating gruel. Aunt Elsa devotedly nursed the infant from a small saucepan. Kid having fun with her little hands stretched in this pot, trying to grasp the edge of it. And when he succeeded, he struggled pulling it toward you. If there was a plate on the table, it is already used for a long time she would have been turned, and with the pan feeding turned into a pleasant experience. Aunt Elsa held her firmly by the handle with one hand, and the other fed from a spoon. And when the baby soiled gruel, set aside a pan and carefully wiped his cheek with a clean cloth. Aunt Elsa was in oilcloth apron. She sat at the kitchen table and wiped her cheeks just a kid doing this and found her Anya. – Elsa Eduardovna, tomorrow I’ll go with Anna Sobinova for mushrooms in Peredelkino and will be on Sunday evening. – Oh, my dear girl, how I wish I could go with you, but the kid is more important. – I am so grateful to you for all you do for me. – Well, that’s you. My grandchildren have long grown, but the experience is priceless thing. That’s why he did not want you there semolina porridge, for example, and I eat so much that I’m even afraid to overfeed, eh? – Well, of course, you know what that secret? – Trying to make conversation more heat, said Anne. Of course, I do. And it is that I am in the morning, at daybreak, I ran to the market. There I met the landlady who has a goat, and buy fresh goat milk. From this it tastes the sweetest milk, grow real Russian heroes. – I am so grateful to you, Auntie! – You’re like my daughter was. After all, we can say you have lost loved ones. You’re my mother died, I left the children. And I, and we’re almost alone, but he is our salvation. – Elsa Eduardovna pointed eyes full of tender love on Dimka. Yes, Aunt Elsa, I’ve never even Lenya visit to a rehabilitation center. So just call back on his cell. – What is he, how is he? – He promised to leave, already at the end of April. Just in time for birthday Dima. Religious dad Garinov Alexei also promised to fly. Yes, I remember when we were baptized Dimochka with him in our little church at the rehabilitation center. This stately and handsome man. Oh, would I were younger. Yes, he’s lonely. When his son died, his wife could not survive the death of his son. She died after half a year. – So he never married? – Twice asked curiously Elsa Eduardovna. Yes, alone. – Sigh said Anne. Well, if I do not have urgent business, then I will be at a birthday Dima. That’s when we’re all together it will pick up the bride, be sure of that. – Uh- blah- mm! – Babbled baby smearing handle full gruel your mouth and cheeks. – Oh, you’re my little one! – Wailing, Elsa Eduardovna quickly wiped with a clean cloth pap… Saturday morning dawned warm and sunny. Anya, stretching in bed with pleasure, giving laziness and inaction, not in a hurry to get up. The doorbell suddenly rang. Elsa Eduardovna, indoor slippers shuffling, hurried to open the door. Soon came the voice from the hallway Sobinova: – Hello, Elsa Eduardovna! Anya is still asleep? – Her voice ringing with funny notes saying that Anya’s laziness in bed came to an end. And she quickly slipped his feet into slippers, rushed out to meet a friend, finding buttoning pink bathrobe. – Hi, Sobinova! How the wind in such a early hour? – How early?! It’s ten o’clock! – And realizing that she is not at home, and did not proofread his Petra went on: Well, excuse me, please! I’m bored and could not stand it for long! By the way, the taxi is waiting. So get dressed up and go! – We, like all normal people agreed that we will go by train. Yes, but I have something long ago lost the habit of trains. – You know, I’m probably the same. You wait for me over there for a coffee table, I will soon. In the shower run off and go. A taxi will not wash off? – What do you mean? Where does he find so many bobla? For the whole day is noting as much as I promised him! – Mimicking the jargon Experienced in reshaping women answered Sobinova. Anna stared at her, thinking: «What can cast a woman enforced solitude!» Sobinova had at its disposal all. Money, a company car, a dacha in Peredelkino and even daily maid service. But such opportunities for long been lazy and become a grumpy fat woman with the ever- distracting nature. It does not figure in the plans of Anna, and she decided to radically change everything and start to lead the Spartan way of life. Especially after reading the historical novel «Three hundred Spartans.» One day he woke up «in the morning» a watch that way at 12, she called to her maid, and calculated it. Then began for the driver of a company car. Asking to ward off the «Volga» in Peredelkino and lock out there in the garage, which was built in the courtyard garden, and the keys give the gardener. The driver tried to object, but stumbled on the iron lady note in his voice, dutifully took the money owed to the expectation and without saying goodbye and forcefully slammed the door went from bad thoughts: «Wait a minute, bitch, come boss, how cute call me!» So, left alone, Anna began to lord it in the house. And it distracted her from enforced idleness, giving new impetus to the fight against boredom alone. Of course, Anya Krazimova not had time to pleasure, to enjoy the pleasures of a well- fed carefree life, what was until recently Sobinova. And she wanted as long as possible to prolong this state, but the hard pressure of Anna and suppleness of character Anya did the trick. After a half hour of procedures, Anya fresh and dressed in a tracksuit, was ready to follow his girlfriend. – Anne, and what we will collect mushrooms? – Alarmed, examined from head to toe girlfriend asked Sobinova. – There’s at our dacha in Peredelkino has everything you need! Come on! – She commanded. And asking about something Aunt Elsa, went to Anna in the hallway… Taxis in front of the house, blocking the entrance of cars, standing in the middle of the carriageway access road to the house. The taxi driver was standing at the open door, nervously obviously doubted the promised reward. He was wearing a checkered cloth cap, stitched in the English manner, and in a plaid sleeveless. Black thick and bristly mustache, hung from his lower lip, almost closing the mouth, and curls of black hair streaked with gray, the speakers of a cap and a thick neck on the circular body, making resemblance to the large and predatory bulldog. Especially emphasized this similarity is heavy and massive jaw, small shiny brown eyes and a nose like a ball in the pocket roulette wheel lying in the crotch of his mustache. – I really want to leave! – He met women happy, greedy cry. Well, what you? We women are punctual! – Sobinova said, stretching the melodious words. – Punctual, yes, but for the simple need to throw! Well, about that do not worry. And touch! – Imperiously commanded it, sitting next to the driver. Until Peredelkino rode in silence. The road was a suburban highway, lined on both sides of fir and birch trees interspersed. Peredelkino stretched in a picturesque suburban suburb. Nearby was a pine forest interspersed with mixed hazel, birch, oak and aspen groves. An extensive body of water rich in fish promise vacationers here celebrities catch of carp to pike. Their wives and children were here, where the gain full basket of mushrooms. Before entering the Peredelkino driver suddenly protested, knowing where it was necessary to turn off. He stopped the taxi and said with undisguised irritation: – Then do not go! – Why is that? – Disturbance Sobinova no bounds. There enclosed garden- EF- ES- Be! – So what? – And then, one you drive there for a picnic, and then I will carry on all instances whom and for whom you brought here? And how much did they pay you and in what currency? I do not want it! – Hey, you! – Suddenly rough start Sobinova – you whom we took? Do I look like a whore? – No! – Suddenly said quietly taxi driver – I’ve seen these more than a dozen! You look like a pimp! – What! Yes, you …! – Anna, blushing with indignation to crimson color, do not know what to say. Fixed position of the taxi driver: – Look, if you’re gone pay me a fee for which is here pimps carry a table decoration, he nodded his cap in the direction of Ani, I’ll take you. If not, Get out and go hiking here with three kilometers will be. Well, you and squirt. If you do not apologize immediately and not deliver us for free, then I guarantee you that tomorrow you did not accept even a driver machine that pumps out the crap out of pit latrines in Peredelkino. Yeah, who are you? Anna has gone …! – The taxi driver did not finish. Anna shoved under his nose identity passes to the closed village elite strictly protected by the FSB. With the silly sight, carefully studied the long taxi driver written there, studying the contents of the Red Book with solid seals and sweeping signature chief of the special department of the FSB. Then turned as white as chalk, and silently started the engine. He drove to the first post with a barrier. They approached a security guard in a police uniform. Anna showed pass. The guard demanded to pass, Ani. When she charged him with his, the barrier went up. Taxi followed further. In the massive stained in green metal gate stopped. They came ensign in green cap, making sure the passes, gave the command to open the gate. The car proceeded further, venturing into the shadow of the tall pine century- old pine trees. Soon there were two- storied villas with private fences and gates, with plates of satellite dishes on the rooftops. Near the mansion with a sign with the number 10 on it has stopped. Anna opened the door of the taxi in silence, threw a hundred- dollar bill on the seat and slammed her with force. Anya still fussing with his door when the driver turned to her his bulldog face, ingratiating began to babble: – Tell your friend that I did not want to offend you, I’m an honest taxi driver and I do not care how our money, taxpayers’ money, entertain their children. The children of these high- cones. Well, excuse me! Anya opened finally the door, saying: – Will the next time carefully. A friend of mine has excused you, otherwise it will not be paid off. Good- bye! – God bless you, my dear girl! – Uttered relief taxi driver. Anna has already entered the gate, when Anna caught up with her. – Here’s a scoundrel, so spoil the mood! – Wailed Anna – You got anything to drink? – Suddenly asked Sobinova. – Let’s look at the fireplace in the bar, there Lenya put all sorts of souvenir drinks. – Anya replied, opening the door. They entered the spacious veranda with a round table and a number of country wooden chairs around. Anya was messing around with the lock on the door to the room of the house. Soon after they entered the living room. Directly opposite the entrance is the fireplace. To his left was embedded in the wall bar with a makeshift bar and exposed in a mirrored display cases on the shelves of drinks. Glasses hanging over the bar, and at the bottom under the counter refrigerator was where it was possible to make ice and chill the champagne. Anna is at home, went to the bar and more cheerful voice, trying to imitate the bartender – Anything to drink, sir? – Anya imitating saucy drunks, answered: – Bloody Mary! Frappe! Anna reached into the refrigerator: Refrigerator- off. So, turn it on, what are you waiting, but I’ll take a fireplace. Sometime later, a friend sat in leather armchairs beside the fireplace, on the table between them was unfinished bottle of Scottish whiskey strong «White Horse.» In rosettes filled with red caviar, in the calf, stuck teaspoons, from time to time they sip from their glasses a sip of whiskey and eating caviar. – Wow, the old goat for pimps and who, me! – Banging his fist in the chest, said Sobinova drunken voice, cursing, was worth the taxi driver. – In my opinion, the original! I’m here with a prostitute, but me! – Echoing her indignant Anya – Do you think I look like a hooker? – Anna stared at Anna, measuring with her drunken gaze got sick eyes, then said: – Nope! Do not like! But! – It has made a significant pause, then added, – For the priestess of love, perhaps, would be gone! – A priestess of love? Well, you’re my pimp! Ha- ha- ha! – They laughed loud and long, sometimes repeating: – Priestess! – Pimp! Again, laughter, until a drunken frenzy smite them, and they do not fall asleep right in the cozy and comfortable chairs by the fireplace… The next morning he woke up, they could not understand, as proved in the country. Overcoming a terrible headache, take turns running to the toilet, and moving to the nasty throat ball splashed, there for a few minutes making it easier overall. By twelve o’clock it went. Weak voice, they began to discuss what happened to them yesterday, and as they found themselves on Anya’s Leonid cottage. – Or Else Eduardovna knows something? – Anya surmised. – You, in your mind, that we suspected of drinking? This is what I think, why do not you ask how there with Dima and Aunt Elsa certainly something so prompt. Climb! Anya dialed the number on the mobile phone, and soon heard the voice of Elsa Eduardovna: Yes, it’s you Anna! Well, as there are a lot of mushrooms gathered enough? – Anya suddenly remembered that they were going to the cottage for mushrooms. She was all clear, and to save the day she replied: – No mushrooms here. Maybe they have already gathered, so that will come up empty handed! And what about the little one? – All right, fed, and was asleep in the afternoon. Tell him that his mother will soon be, if not bored, okay? All right, darling! Anya put the phone down on the table and turned to Anne: So, you know, as we found ourselves here, and …? Chapter 2 From Baikonur Leonid flew to Moscow late at night. His plane was still in flight, when in his apartment two Ani, Anna Sobinova and wife Anna, Leonid set the table on the occasion of the birth of his son Krazimova, Dima. Tiny fulfilled the second year. In this April evening, a special night for Ani and Leonidas, as the birthday of his son, Krazimovu was granted leave. And they will be together for a month. Peter was nervous. Often went out to the balcony. Staring at the ruby stars of the Kremlin, well be seen away from the balcony of the apartment Krazimov’s. Radiance that emanated from their majestic five- pointed rays shone down upon the sky over Moscow, putting the capital in a festive glow. Sobinov, in anticipation of the meeting, thoughts often returned to the point where Garin was to adopt an expedition to the anomalous zone with the hope of anticipating that they will fly together with Lenya. But everything turned out how it happened. And now Peter is slightly jealous of Lena. Anna Sobinova admired original recipes of pickles put up on the table and prepared according to original recipes Anna Elsa Eduardovna, which she gave to Ana. These pickles published wonderful aroma of oriental spices and were so fresh in appearance, as if just gathered from the garden. A yellow boletus in a crystal vase with fresh chopped onion rings, glistened there languishing in anticipation of snacks. They are especially good for Stolichnaya vodka, if you drink it in small glasses, richly biting boletus, the vodka is an invigorating drink, refreshing ideas and exciting range of sensual pleasures feast. Under the pickles and mushrooms vodka winds around a romantic dream about new projects and expeditions into the unknown and not yet explored space, dragging the interlocutors into unknown worlds of the universe. The table has been covered and was bursting with food. Women completed the cover and lead informal conversation about economic matters, weaving in conversations noticed oddities in the characters of their husbands, and this from the kitchen from time to time came their happy and cheerful laughter. Peter frankly bored. From the balcony of the house from the twelfth floor, offers spectacular views of Moscow, the Red Square and the Kremlin. Down the adjacent street raced cars continuous flow, time, occasionally pausing at intersections with red lights traffic lights. «Obviously got stuck in traffic.» – Thought Sobinov. He glanced at his watch, the hands pointed to five twenty- one. The plane landed at Sheremetyevo in twenty zero and go here all is forty- five minutes, unless of course there is no congestion. Peter could not stand it and dialed a number on your mobile phone. Long tones in the tube suddenly interrupted: Yes, Petro! – Leonid loud voice replied. Well, where are you? Vodka has already frozen in the fridge, and you are not! Snake- a lift! And he went out from the balcony to the kitchen: – Hey, girls! Leon is in the elevator! Women quickly took aprons, and went into the corridor to meet the landlord. Leonid with a bouquet of red roses crossed the threshold and presented flowers to Anya, she handed over a bouquet Sobinova Anna, and she hugged and clung to Leonid entire body. He felt the firmness of her breasts and a flutter of her young body. They kissed. Leonid then kissed her on the cheek Anna and shook his hand to Peter, Well, hello, my dear ones! And where is the smallest? – He’s been in bed! – Anya said. – I brought him something here! – Pointing to the heavy box leather case, said Leonid. – It is then! – Commanded wife – Come on, my hands and the table. You see, the guests are tired of waiting. The feast was held fun. In talking about the funny events in the lives of couples. About this and that, but work. Why this topic is carefully avoided by all knew it was taboo, felt that Alexei had a good job with each and in conversations and thoughts about work or not. Long after midnight Sobinova goodbye. Leonid spent spouses to the elevator and looks back to his wife. Oh, how he was waiting for this moment, fleeting moment of blissful solitude and peace in the arms of a hot woman he loved and trusted friend. Lying in bed, enjoying each other, they are like children lisped different words, distorting their meaning. They seemed to love these moments that the meaning of these words is clear, the two of them in the whole universe, and that life is a fabulously beautiful and divine. Anya in the darkness, shining eyes were huge as the two stars. In pubescence long eyelashes, the eyes were perfect, shining with happiness and joy, delight, filled with her strong man. In these moments of her feminine weakness acquired by a love game for which the lovers are men broke spears on knightly tournaments. For which, the lovers make miracles courage in defending the honor and dignity of the fight of his lady. Anne, like a beautiful flower, exuding subtle aroma generating a storm of sensual bliss, blew a semiconscious trepidation, which was plunged and stayed while. The space disappeared and only Anya, and only her eyes, her lips, her cheeks, her beautiful curves and lines of her sharp nipples breasts like two sharp and gentle hillock, slid down his chest, plunging the whole body into an ecstasy of love… It was only in the morning when the first rays of the rising sun penetrated into the bedroom, the husband and wife, tired of the passion of love asleep in luxury. They woke up babbling baby in the crib. Thundering rattle, he called loudly: – Ma- ma! Ma- ma- ah! From this voice both woke up. The room has the sun was shining. The time was 9:00. – It’s time to feed the birthday boy! – Anya. – Come on, I change his little bed and wash diapers. – Thoughtful of paternal warmth spoke Leonid – And you, boil him gruel! In- deed! – Anya commanded. And they are quickly and expertly began to fulfill their parental responsibilities… Leonid sitting in a chair under a lamp floor lamp, reading a book. It was a work of Charles de Caster’s «Legend of the Eulenspiegel and Lame Gudzak their valiant fun and praiseworthy deeds in Flanders and other parts.» Leonid read this book as a child, and now, with pleasure, to give home comfort, relaxation and re- reading favorite piece again. Anya and her little son at that time went to the yard to walk before bedtime. Antique clocks, Anya’s grandmother’s wedding present, approximately ticked in the corner of the room, it was 19- 00, that should have been revealed from the wife walks with the child, when in the twilight of the room, and suddenly a flash of lightning came silhouette of a man. The outbreak room filled with ozone, and the silhouette materialized in Carlos Allende. He was wearing a track suit unchanged. Leonid, accustomed to surprises in their work, in a calm voice welcomed uninvited guest: – Good evening! With what have welcomed this time? – You will not believe it! – Carlos waved his hand. Above the double bedrooms in the air there was a flickering screen and on it were pictures of a secret conversation Leonid Garinov with a top- secret «Museum», the brainchild of Alexei. Surprise Krazimova did not have limit: – Where is it? – He asked. – Thank you, Leonid, for the information! We implanted implant you, he made the record that we scanned his memory, that’s all! Now we know that torsion fields by storm you. What the study, regardless of the danger of death continues. – So after all, we are taking steps to neutralize! – Leonid tried to argue. Carlos waved his hand again. On the screen appeared with the restored laboratory of space equipment. – You can see that the objects to restore or, in other words, the return of the space intact anything. It will be chaos. Note the laboratory rack in the middle of the room. – Enlarge the image on the screen and stood by the flask were hardly recognizable. One was soldered into a wooden shelf, like a grown up with a tree, from which this regiment was made. Another bottle was lying on the edge of the shelf, and its free end is pulled up to the tile floor. Not a single item that was in the lab, there was not deformed in good condition. – As you can see, these experiments no good will not result. Therefore, I strongly recommend, stop mock the nature of things. We once had to drown you know is Atlantis because of the chaos and destruction of the space. But you’re lucky. It was still possible to save the planet by sacrificing one continent. But Fayeton had to destroy. – What happened there? ,To seize power in the internecine wars they created kvazikvark bomb, which is nothing but a chain reaction of transformation of matter into space. Squeezing a push to the top of the reaction in the bomb, they conducted the first test in the desert region Pastka. There was a ghost town. After the test, the ruins of the city were gone, formed a huge and deep ditch. Our advance guard rescuers barely extinguished the hearth of destruction began uncontrolled chain reaction. Pit filled with water, forming a huge lake there. – I do not understand your position, Mr Carlos, why do you ignore the contact? – You do not understand civilization lower one, which, coming in contact with you, we expose you to the risk of infection. Until you reach a level of self- cleaning and protecting themselves from the syndrome of greed, envy and malice, we will not be able to fully develop our relations. A help us overcome these syndromes? That’s not possible! It is not possible due to the fact that you have not yet reached an understanding that you can get all the benefits of advanced civilizations, and their achievements instantly comes epidemic universal degradation of the individual syndromes generated by the laziness and inactivity. Your organisms are so arranged. A remake of the force, and we are not only historical experience and the struggle for survival rearranges you, it requires a natural selection, the natural course of development, we have been carefully preserved. – I do not do anything to stop the wars and conflicts of the beginning of mankind. – If you want, wars and conflicts stimulate your natural development and push progress. We stand on guard for your natural development here is not our intervention. Only in exceptional cases, when civilization goes too far, harming threatening all life in the universe, we are taking action. – Destroying civilization. And, as you might imagine, and the entire planet, such as Fayeton. But in fact it is not our doing. Civilization destroy ourselves, we only eliminate the consequences of their destructive activities. And sometimes it gets us hard. On- site Fayeton due to a chain reaction, a black hole universal scale, which threatened all the material of the body to turn into a single spatial monolith. We had to use the latest technology to block the explosion of the planet. Block continuum we managed, there is now drifting anomalous zone or hole of time that you are using it to penetrate into the past. – So, I understand that in order to move us into the knowledge of the laws of the universe to be some historical way of natural selection. – I mean nothing. What is the inherent nature, the inherent and any interference in the process of degradation and extinction threatens civilization? I do not want to repeat the same thing. – You can even ask? – Ask. – We know that advanced civilizations have a distinctive appearance compared with the Man. But you, Carlos does not differ from the terrestrial inhabitants? Yes, it’s true. The civilization of the future is the correction of our ancestors, guiding their actions, which improves us and promotes the implementation of a future time where there is such huge reserves of seething energy, as here. A draw energy from the past you have not tried? Ha- ha- ha! I definitely like you, Leonid! It is impossible, even at the atomic level grain gather this energy will go a chain reaction and bring harm to us in our time. We can only take some of the resources for their flying objects that are used in the same time to move, that’s all. – Dear Mr. Carlos, I dare you to notice that his wife will now. – Don’t worry, I’ll give you at the time of the beginning of our conversation, and the clock time of our dialogue will last only for a moment. Leonid curiously looked at the clock. Pendulum clocks frozen in a deflected position and did not move, the arrow froze at around 19- 00. – How do you do it? – Our civilization billions of years, and you want us to give you the energy management, you have destroyed the universe. No really. Learn to live in peace and respect each other, then we will help you. Like last time, the newcomer has melted in the space of the room. Hours immediately struck 19- 00. And entered the room Anne. – What a strange smell came in the bedroom. Do not you feel? – What is? – As if the smell of ozone, as well, after the storm!… Chapter 3 Leonid careful not to wake his wife, moved on the floor of bedroom slippers hand, and trying not to rustle and do not make unnecessary movements stuck to their feet cozy fur. Then, carefully got out of bed, stepping softly, went into the kitchen. Turned on the light. On the kitchen table was a cell phone. He took it in his hand. Long look at the keys to figure out what to do with them and how to be in this situation. Then he looked at the wall clock. The arrows on them showing 1 hour 30 minutes. With a wave of his hand and dialed a number. In the tube were long beeps finally beeps stopped, and Alexei’s sleepy voice answered: – Yes! I’m listening! – It Krazimov good night Alexey! – Good night! So do not wait, out with all the purity of what happened? – You will not believe it, I was a guest today. Anya about it does not know anything, but guest knows all about the lab, and about what we were doing! – It can not be! – Garin exploded. This meant that the career of Lieutenant General came to an end. At least he shines a pension, or worse yet, reduction in rank for the disclosure of classified information. In the tube Leonid heard a sniff of a general. A minute later he was no longer a sleepy voice said: Immediately, get ready! So today was in place and reported in full form as a leaked! – Comrade General, may I ask? – Ask? – Garin snorted into the phone. – The cause of the implant is implanted, our funds were not able to detect it, so there is neither my nor your fault not. – And where did it come from, damn it! – Guest said that I still have it implanted on the ship during the flight! – Leonid lied to save the reputation of the General. In fact, he did not know where or when this implant was implanted and the funny thing, which of the staff. Leonid risk and exposed himself to danger in suspicion, he says the truth or not. Everything now depended on whether it is in the body of this implant or not. A proof of his innocence, and General will now only the fact. – That’s all? – That’s right! – Carry out the order! – Yes! – Leonid turned off the cell phone, put it on the desk, sat down on a chair in meditation. «Only the start of the holiday. It’s only been five days and on you!» The kitchen door creaked entered Anya: – Are you awake? – Her sleepy voice came to her face and combed hair, curled on his head in an intricate knot. Leonid unwittingly admired wife, enchanted by her voice and sleepy views heard what she was asking. Anya repeated the question: – Can you hear me? Are you awake? – Her voice sounded anxious tone. Only anxiety in his voice made his wife back to reality: – I? Oh yeah! Let’s go to bed! – He decided it yet say nothing, say in the morning. Let him get some sleep peacefully. Vodicka, wanted to have a drink, that’s gone into the kitchen. – And I really thought something was wrong, and you’re going to run away. They went into the bedroom and climbed into bed. Again, this indescribable aroma emanating from her tender body, the hair and the timbre of her gentle, almost childish, and such a natural voice, and everything in it, Leonid plunged into the fabulous world of love, boundless and strong. Before they reach their thirties, Leonid could not imagine that there is any strong sense of how the mutual love between two hearts. Boundless and pure as his love Ani and his to her… Morning dawned on the windows of the houses the first rays of the warm April sun. The air smelled of spring already. But even on the streets of Moscow in the shade of stone walls lay dirty snow and the sidewalks were wet. At the bottom of an endless string of moving vehicles and the first pedestrians hurrying about their business. Leonid woke up early and doing morning exercises on the balcony, watching the panorama opened to the twelfth floor. It was six in the morning. Anya finding an empty bed, rolled over restlessly under a blanket, finally waking up. She got up, went to the balcony in a cold terry- cloth robe: – I feel that something has happened! Anna out with it! – A stern voice that brooked no objection, she ordered. – Anushka – he came up to her and gently hugged her close to him – I immediately ordered today to fly to Baikonur. – I knew – she sighed bitterly – but nothing could be done. That is your fate, Leonid Krazimov! Plane in the twelve- zero- zero! – Put it in a famous wife. – You know, come there to Elsa Edwardovna, tell currant jam, I cooked for her recipe, let evaluate and make recommendations, maybe something is wrong. – Well, of course, pick up everything that you think is right within my weighty case. Yeah, do not worry, I will gather, and grilled chicken are now charged in the oven. Charges were short- lived. When things were stacked in the case, Leonid went to the baby, kissed him and patted on the ass: Mum- to listen, Dima, do not be naughty! – Anya moist eyes and trying to hide the tears Nakata, she quickly said, – He does not know anything else, a little! – Ah- ha! – As if agreeing with the words of Ani, uttered kid that parents find it quite amusing and amused. Anna spent her husband to the elevator and there, at the elevator, they were long, kissed until Anya shoved him through the open door… Alexei Garin stood with his back to his desk and looked out the window. In his office, it was the only window. It took almost half of the wall and reached the ceiling. When the general sat down at his desk, the window was behind him, and the entry of visitors could see the faces of the general, as the light from the window, closed it. But the general had seen every line on his face entered, and on his face read everything that was written there, and in what mood entered the visitor stepped into his office. So it was at this time, with one exception. In Krazimov entered the room. – Let me enter! – Barely crossed the threshold, Leonid blurted. Alexei pulled away from the contemplation of the window, went to meet: – Why this officialdom, Leon! – He embraced Leonidas, patting him on his father’s shoulders – How is it we are so missed with this implant, and! – Who knows. Why instruments can not detect the presence of a foreign body? – None of these devices yet, my son! – What do we do, Alexei? – Search! – Krazimova he patted on the back, adding – Ultrasonic technique is the only thing that we can try. Come with me! On the way into the body of physiotherapy Garin said that he was assigned a room on the third floor of a residential building there that he will be able to stay until the completion of the surveys. At that Leonid said: Here at the cross- Dima, Elsa eduardovny, well, remember, you were baptized with her Dima is a free tiny room, I could live there. You know, Leon, as you will be more comfortable, and arrive. And with Elsa Eduardovna we have developed on this basis are strong and friendly relations. We’re kind of like family now. – Thank you, Alexey! Soon they came to a physiotherapy body, which was located next to a residential hostel for patients given a room where Krazimovu. Inside, they were greeted in a white lab coat and invited to the office for examination. In the office in the middle of a spacious room with large windows, almost the entire wall, stood a massive aid in the form of round and long metal construction with automatic retractable table. – Take off your clothes to shorts and go here on this table of this unit on the belly. – Ordered the lab – We look for aliens! – With an ironic smirk said not without biting humor lab. Leonid followed his instructions. Silently undressed and lay down on his stomach on a white enamel surface cool table. Handles place, please along the torso, head to the side! – Recommended laboratory. Leonid could not resist and asked: – On which side to turn his head left or right? – And in kindergarten, how you were taught to obey all that said, educator, or you can come up with something different? – Caustically remarked laboratory. Leonid decided not to anger Proud technician, who sat at the control unit, and began to press buttons, carefully looking at the computer monitor. The machine started working electric motors, making a muffled metallic noise. The table slowly crawled, taking Leonidas in roundness design. Next to the laboratory on a chair and sat General was watching TV and laboratory manipulations. When the table is pushed completely into the unit, laboratory launched reverse Leonid table and began to slowly move out of the hole scanning unit. – Well, there is something or not? – Impatient, fidgeting in his chair, the technician said Garin. Laboratory assistant general angrily glared at her gray piercing eyes, a moment in silence looking at him inquisitively. The body of Leonid half of the unit seemed to have when he finally spoke: – And you, Comrade General, rather than try to be clever, I myself should be a sin scanned. Anna undress and to place this patient! – How are you talking to me, son? – Calmly, without which promises nothing good for general laboratory began to speak. – Excuse me, Comrade General! But you know, the work brought to a nervous attack! – And what you, the young, so enraged? – From the generals called again! Of Political called two! Of the General Staff called three! From the… – You think you’re the only one – the general did not resist, wailing broke the technician – Do you know how much calling me about it, I already had my phone shut off! – I sympathize with you! – Not without an ironic smirk replied laboratory. – You better tell me how you dignify that? Lieutenant Alexander Filimonov medical service! – Somewhere I heard that name I do not remember where, but it was also spun on my lips. You know, in Russia, such as names, like dirt on our roads! – Well, you wicked boy, I mean the lieutenant of medical service! – I wear? – Asked the technician slezshy of Leonid nominated a table. – And what is the lieutenant Filimonov say? – Ironically smiling, looking at the laboratory, the general said. – Get dressed! – Sighed lieutenant of medical service, and you, Comrade General, coat off and on the table instead of Col. Krazimova! – This is what else, I even think you’re ordering? – Insolent eyes glaring laboratory, almost in a raised voice a loud commanding voice replied the general. Yeah I do not, but I have with paper of Staff of the Space Forces! – Anna show! Why did not I know about this? – It says that for purposes of secrecy from aliens! – Smiling maliciously, filed a laboratory blank sheet of Staff with a letter addressed to him by the medical service of the rehabilitation center. Garin took the letter and began to read. Yes, the technician was right there and so exactly that means. Garin realized that he no longer perceived as a host of areas of space exploration, once treated him like this: «Really it is necessary to write a resignation?» – He thought ruefully, as in hearing, he added, – Come and Explore me, lieutenant of medical service, Filimonov! Leonid had already dressed, and stood to the side, curiously watching the actions of general. Garin rose heavily and began to take off his clothes. Then, barely hoisted his fat body on the table and took up a position as to lay it Krazimov. After the procedure, a general, dressed, said: Well, out with it lieutenant, what have we? – You have found two implants on the forehead, in the so- called the third eye and one in his right ear, on the ear lobe. – That dirty dog, that was a good review, then to the side and straight! A Colonel Krazimova implant on the left hand near the wrist, there are usually wrist watches. – Prepare me a report on the study and pass them by hand to me. To give information about it, who else, forbid! If any of the higher command would insist that link to me, tell me that General Garin has forbidden me to divulge information, call him! Got it! – Yes, Comrade Lieutenant General, there is! – Well, that’s ladnenko! – A satisfied voice, the general said, and drew Leonid output. They took to the air. Here in Kazakhstan has stormed spring. On the first warm proklyunulis wildly blooming poppies and bright flowers of cranes, including roadside greenery. Swollen buds on the trees and the smell of spring, the distant fires with a fine aromatic odor faint smell of kebabs here. Well, what do you say to that? – Asked anxiously General. – I would say that it’s a bluff! – With a straight answer, Leonid. – How so? – Garin wondered – Senior staff officers will bluff, is that it? – I would not say that this staff officers! – Leonid quietly uttered. Until Garinova word began to reach his companion. – You know, you’re right! Guest can come up with anything and any voices speaking on behalf of all principality and fabricate any piece of paper, like this letter. Of course! – Leonid agreed. – And then I thought I clash, to demand an explanation! – I knew right away that it was a bluff, but did not want to speak for the poor fellow laboratory technicians! – Leon, are you now removed the stone from my soul, you have no idea! Let’s go to my place, I got in the office has a concealed brandy, so drink after such a thistle! All right, Alexey! – Krazimov agreed, thinking: «To Aunt Elsa, as seen today, do not get me!» In the familiar general’s office, Garin, a conspiratorial wink, Leonid, closed the door to the inner castle and went to the safe, standing at the window near the desk. Garin tschatelno curtain window curtains and opened the safe. There was a bottle of good French brandy and two faceted glass. He rattled put brandy on his desk, he sat down on the green felt table. Then picked up your office phone: – Hello, Mary, have today there is nobody there except the lieutenant of medical service. When he comes, call me. Clear! – Having waited for a break, obviously Mary confirmed that she understood the order, Garin evil hung up on the spot. Phone rang hysterically from the blow, and there was silence in the room. The general, without getting off the table, unscrewed the cap and poured brandy to the top of the glasses: Well, son, let our dreams for all the good and wonderful! – They clinked glasses. Tilting brandy, drank big gulps as drinking moonshine, and not partake sustained by all the rules of compounding, a sophisticated drink small sips and drink before savoring his mouth, sniffing the fragrant smells of fields, grape vines, oak barrels and the most grapes coming of beverage. Garin, drained his glass, got down from the table and returned to the safe. Digging there, got sliced sausage Moscow in a vacuum bag, cut the packaging with a penknife and having spread the newspaper «Komsomolskaya Pravda», put it on the packaging: – Help yourself! – Thank you! – Leonid took a piece of sausage biting drunk. Garin filled the glasses again. They drank again. Garin grunt on an old man, wiping his mouth with a handkerchief, said: – Well, that seems to come to mind in order to meditate and you can! So here’s what I think! All the same, those that are listening to us, and hide anything from them you can not, then we say openly! – We will, getting drunk, chimed Leonid! – First of all, we need to get rid of the implants! – Get rid of! – Leonid assented, is not really knowing what was going on, as he almost did not use alcohol, and drunk after two glasses of forty- degree drink it fairly razvezlo. Suddenly the phone rang: – Yes! – Blurted out loudly into the phone Garin – Now I will open, Let him come! – He again got down from the table and walked over to the gait of a solid cabinet doors. Double- clicking the lock, which stuck keys, opened the door and let the lieutenant Filimonov. – Let me enter, Comrade Lieutenant General! – Blurted out, Lieutenant, only slightly crossed the threshold of the office. – Cleared! Well, what have you written all as it should be? – That’s right! – He opened his daddy for official papers and filed printed on the official letterhead of the conclusion of the rehabilitation center. Garin carefully read the document, and then put it on the table, next to the unfinished bottle of «Bourbon». He took the bottle and poured into a glass of brandy: – On, drink to the health of your superiors! Filimonov, mash his feet, took a gulp brandy and drained his glass to the bottom. – Thank you! Let me go! – Go! – Garin closed the door behind him, and went back to the table. Leonidas at that time, was sitting in a chair, his head was lying in his arms, and hands on the desk of general. – There was a weakling, our hero Russia, Colonel Krazimov! – With these words, the general poured the remnants of the bottle contents into a glass and drank it down to the bottom… Chapter 4 Leonid woke up in my dorm room on the third floor of a residential building. He had long recalled how he ended up here and where it is now. Suddenly, a cell phone rang. Called General Garin: – Krazimov listens to you, Comrade General! – Do you feel like it, eh? – A loud voice asked Alexei. – Normally, potashnivaet lightly! – Near the entrance is a refrigerator out there, at the door, see if there is alcohol, I’ll fly and come to me! I’ll be waiting! – Yes, Comrade Lieutenant General, and undergo treatment to you! – Do it! – The tube broke off, it sounded short beeps… Leonid osolovelo, looked toward the door, to the left there in the corner was a small refrigerator. From this turn his head, suddenly someone invisible was the hammer a nail in the head. In his temples pounding instantly, rolled to his throat choking lump, threatening to break out. Leonid heaved himself out of bed, stepped in the lead- footed slippers. Nausea, ready to explosive volcanic eruption, wave was rolled with a bang, treacherously the approaches to the throat. He quickly ran to the sink, dropping his sneakers on the run with his left foot. And just before he could reach, like all eaten and drunk yesterday, a fountain splashed into the sink, making it easier to state accompanied to this unbearable headache and bruised. Having dealt with the eruptions, Leonid lifted his heavy head and looked in the mirror. There he saw a strange type, with a shaggy head of hair sticking out in all directions hair. Blearily gray with tired eyes with heavy bags under his eyes and a brazen, arrogant and looked at him, Leonidas. Still not quite sober, Leonid wanted to ask this type: «You’re who?» – But, recollecting himself, he realized that it was he who looks at himself in the mirror. From his appearance, he came to. Thoughts instantly sobered up and began to stand in a logical chain. He suddenly remembered to visit Elsa Eduardovna and pass transfer cooked Anya. He grabbed his head with both hands. Pain again reminded of itself, growing with the new juggernaut, arousing discomfort in the throat. He suddenly remembered the call Alexei. Overcoming the renewed pain in his head, he came out of the bathroom and opened the fridge. There’s a door on the shelf was a bottle of murky liquid plugged stump of a head of corn. He picked it up, took an impromptu jam. From the bottle hit the sickening smell of strong brew. Overcoming nausea and disgust, Leonid attached to the neck of his mouth, and trying not to breathe, two swallows. Liquid hot wave stealthily through the esophagus, wonderfully dragged behind a sickening the gathering in his throat com, somewhere down the stomach and headache miraculously was speeding. Objects in the room and began to play purchased clarity paints wallpaper on the walls. Leonid, smiled, stood a little, not moving, getting used to a normal state, then stuffed cabbage heads bottle and put it in place. And it boldly and clearly began to think about their primary business. He picked up his cell phone, dialed the home number: – Yes! – I heard the voice of the native Ani – You do not call that I vyzvanivaet you all night, not sleeping! Why do not you answer the phone, because it’s a mobile phone, it is always with you! – Anna, forgive me for God’s sake! We yesterday with Alexei Alexeyevich a little drunk and I could not call you! – He does not drink! – Anya did not calm down, – You, where roamed? – Sobbing, asked his wife to upset feelings. – I’m sorry! You can ask Alexei. He will confirm! – Do not doubt, ask! – Short tones in the receiver was notified that the conversation is over. – So! – Said Leonid himself – one thing done! Now we have to somehow pay a visit to his aunt Elsa. Before he could finish, the phone rang: – Yes, I’m listening! – It Garin! Well, like my son, are you?! – Thank you for your prayers! – Well, that’s ladnenko! Now let’s get ready kA and me! – Yes! Comrade General! – All you thirty minutes! – And short tones on the handset. Leonid, dropping the robe, went into the bathroom. Twenty minutes later, fresh and cheerful, he is already out of the room… The general stood next to the table his secretary. The girl was in the form of the captain of the Space Forces of the Russian Federation, and her name was Mary Zarudnaya. Garin gave her his orders: – I will be out all day. So, Mary, will not receive. You, as always, commit all urgent matters and report back to me tomorrow as usual. Clear! – Yes, Comrade General! – Well, that’s ladnenko! At this time the reception came Leonid. – Let me enter, Comrade General? – Here you go, Leon, come on! Actually why not pass! We’re going with you now! – He turned to Masha Zarudny: – You understand, Captain? – Yes, Comrade General! – Straightened to attention, snapped the captain of all the rules of the Armed Forces. – Take Action! – Yes! He went out into the hallway from the reception, he was succeeded by Leonid. – We’ll go to our lieutenant of medical service Filimonov. He warned and is waiting for us. Will retrieve the implants. Along the avenues through which they passed, the right and the left have already made their way tulips. Their fresh green shoots here and there raspustivshiesya buds blush, eye pleasing, competing with red poppies. In physical therapy they met Lieutenant, in a white coat: – Good morning, Comrade Lieutenant General! – Come on, officialdom! – Stopped him Garin – You better tell where we’re at this time? – It would be necessary again, so to speak for the purity of the experiment! – What do you mean? – Alert the general. – And then, Comrade Lieutenant General, is that no one knows where, and that the two of you had that night! – Well, if medicine insists that let repeat! They were again ultrasound scanning. At this time, there were no changes, and new implant was observed. – I congratulate you! – Could not restrain himself from saying lieutenant – on you is nothing new. – Well, then, what’s next? Next, sit down here on the chair and, with you, Comrade General, and let’s start! – Putting on rubber gloves and rattling instruments on a glass shelf on wheels, which in turn have been placed on a sterile cloth after a sterile cabinet. When everything was finished manipulation, lieutenant with a syringe with a dose of pain medication went to the General: – Comrade General, tell me, what is your tolerance for anesthesia? – Positive! Well, then, let your forehead. – Lieutenant made a shot in the place of the forthcoming operation, – We must wait a little. Implant under the skin near here just do not get it would be difficult. Leonid he sat for another chair, and placed his left hand on the table, behind which was the workplace of lieutenant. By doing Krazimovu anesthesia began operations in general. Baggage patients with a good hour, which resulted in lessons and thrown on the enamel surface of the medical sudochki three triangular objects that look like tiny metal oskolochki. Implants are in the form of miniature pyramids the size of a pellet from a hunting cartridge and were all similar in form of execution. Their graceful and pointed to the right edge of artificial origin. Alexei carefully considered the lessons implants through a magnifying glass while saying: Well, I must! When it was inserted in me and how I did not notice and did not know about it! Yes, Leon, we really are dealing with a serious opponent who not only sees and hears us, but our thoughts and reads. And in general makes us all he wants. – He paused for a moment, and again with the new one considering implants, then grimacing in disgust, he added, – disgusting myself feel experimental cattle, do not you, comrades? Lieutenant Krazimov and silent, stood silent and bewildered. Garin and Krazimov were in deep thought to the residence of Lieutenant General. The two- storey building stood in the back of the park, reached by alley, lined with tall poplars, begin to dissolve your kidney. Spring breeze, filled with invigorating scents inspired hope and faith in themselves and in the best of times, which will come anyway, I wanted to believe them. They were met by captain Mary Zarudnaya: Comrade Lieutenant- General … – Garin stopped her: – That’s what my daughter, I now do not take action, as I told you! – Yes! They proceeded to the already familiar office. Garin took out a new bottle of brandy, began to fill thick glasses. «Where is he taking this cognac?» – Leonid thought. – Come on, Leon took a sip lastly a drink! – And do not wait for Leonidas, he drank to the bottom of his brandy. – Alexei lastly at what you have in mind? Yes, the one that is here now with these implants, I certainly will trample the army. – With sadness in his voice began to speak compassionately General. Leonid realized that the general waiting comforting words which he shall speak Leonid. – Alexei, and I think that our business is not quite so bad. – How so? – In the voice of General flashed hope. – The fact is that in the material world in which we live, this highly developed civilization, no miracles! Everything is subject to the laws of the material world. It may be that we have and some do not own, but the fact that it is so I do not doubt for a minute. So we can conclude that this fact brings us together, it is time. – Leonid slowly put down his glass filled with green felt table at the General. – Secondly, if the stranger could read our minds, then the hell, I’m sorry, hell, he would take us to implant these implants? – With these words the general’s eyes glistened: – So it turns out that we can not be afraid of these implants is not that we are listening to say anything? It turns out, that is! – So it’s a different matter and put things on its head. We then there is no need at all to hide our thoughts and reasoning, and indeed openly talking about our projects. – With the exception of one! – Well, tell me! – Except for the fact that none of those present did not have these implants implanted themselves and their did not have nowhere in the room or in the air or near places where the discussion is conducted our secrets and secret projects. Well, you, Leon done, you literally pulled me out of retirement, I was about to serve. – Garin was kindled spirit, corked bottle of brandy and put back in the safe. – We are still with you Alexei povoyuem. – Tomorrow I will write a report to the Academic Council of the problem, and then together we will decide what action can be taken on the problem. That’s it, my friend, for decades to ignore their presence. As the saying goes until roasted cock in ass Russian guy does not bite man does not scratch his! Yes, it’s true! But you also know that the presence of the higher ones in general and in academic circles close to the government, is not it? – Did son, and ignored, arguing that they do not interfere in our affairs, ignoring the fact that the company is mass kidnappings of them. Ignoring the fact that the interference is inexcusable in our airspace and in the airspace of other countries, other facts and other interventions. And now these implants here! – He looked at a glass filled with Leonidas, untouched by them. Picked it up and threw it in the water dispenser in the bathroom that was graceful for having driven there from the door of the cabinet. When the general returned from Leonid told his wife on his cell phone, which insisted to speak with Alexei Alexeyevich. – Anya asks you to want to talk about! – Leonid gave smarfon general. – A, Anna, hello, darling! How’s my godson is faring? Excellent! – He paused, listening to what Anya says – Yes, he’s here in my office. And yesterday we had a few drinks, well, Anushka since you forgive him, I promise! – General made another pause – then said – well I let go of it! – Ending the conversation, he handed over to Leonid up, saying this: – Asked me to tell you to finally went to Elsa Edwardovna, promise! – His laughing eyes and a kind smile, decorated with full and round face general. – Yes, Comrade General, perform! From General Leonid came out fresh and brisk pace, heading to the hostel for a gift Elsa Edwardovna. After earning her mobile phone, soon heard her voice: – Yes! I’m listening! – It’s Leonid! Hello Aunt Elsa! – Yes! Hello, Lenichka! Anya called me yesterday, asking about you! – I’ve brought you something from Anya. Well, why? I’ve only got here so full, nowhere to go! – Elsa Eduardovna, there is such a thing, well, how would you test Anya rents. – And, of course, a different matter! – Mind dawned a bit of free time and I have finally been able to visit you. If you can, then I’ll come back tomorrow morning. Yes, yes, of course, when you Lenichka wish. I’ll be waiting. – Well then, see you tomorrow! – See you tomorrow, Lenichka! Leonid, ending the conversation was already on the steps of the hostel. He walked into the lobby and quickly rose to his third floor. Entered the room and, left, at last, for a single, long look in the mirror in the bathroom. From yesterday’s overly drunk face was gray, rumpled, nestled wrinkles that ran from the corners of his eyes and fanned fleeing at the temples. Mieszko sagging triangle pointing downwards, his eyes bleary look splashes missing eye- «What a mess! – He thought – It is necessary to wash your hair and get a good sleep!» He undressed and got under the jet of warm shower, gently lifting his bandaged left hand, trying not to let water soaked bandage flies away from the body spray. Soaping his right hand, the hair on his head, he washed the foam shower, then the right hand ter head. Having washed, felt relieved, as if a stone had fallen from his shoulders. He was easy and relaxed. He put on his robe, came out of the bathroom and climbed into bed under the covers, instantly fell asleep. Wall clock at that time showed 19- 00… Chapter 5 The air spring breeze blew. On the 25th of April, when Leonid flew home to birthday Dima, after seven days. Today has come May 1, the last month of spring and the day of solidarity of all workers around the world, as in the great and mighty Soviet Union used to be called this wonderful celebration of spring. But today, it was an ordinary spring day. Green young leaves are already on the trees of the park adjacent to the rehabilitation center. And the sun has had time to warm the air. Birds on poplar trees and sang all the voices, nesting and romping in their nests. Everywhere seething life and noise and clamor of birds voices was heard all over the place and in the open window of the room where still sleeping Leonid. When a ray of sunlight fell not his bed and face, Leonid frowned and opened his eyes. The clock was already 8- 00. «Wow, he thought» – he never slept so «late», always get up at seven in the morning sometimes six. Charging, shower room, dining room. This schedule has been led in the service and he tried to stick to this today. And now, with the dining room, he walked with his weighty leather briefcase in hand to Elsa Edwardovna. It was ten in the morning. The sun was shining spring- friendly and happy, and breathing in the fresh scent of spring, crisp and tight springy step he walked up to the gate house in which lived Aunt Elsa. Heart skipped a beat in bondage, when he looked at the house next door, where it once lived Anya. It seemed that she’s come out of the house, such as the young and beautiful in its self- consciously innocent feminine girl’s pristine beauty, cling to it elastic chest and nipples will plunge into a riot of sensual bliss and infinite desire to kiss her heavenly features. Infinitely inhale the scent of her hair and love, love, love this and not the earth the beauty of his only girl born on the planet Earth. He wanted to searing pain to her home, so cherished and so far now. After all, it’s only been seven days of his release, he had every right to have legal seventeen days. And pressing the bell at the front door of the house Auntie Elsa, he decided that after a visit to her, try to negotiate with Garinovym to continue his vacation. And again, like the first time, stir in the window curtain. But, this time, Elsa Eduardovna opened the door and let in a guest house. At Elsa eduardovny he did not stay long. POGOST with half an hour and citing urgent business, Leonid was walking along the highway fast and springy step towards the rehabilitation center. On the way, he dialed number Garinova. – Yes! Garin on the phone! – Alexei is Krazimov, hello! Yes, hello, I listen to you, Leon! – I have seventeen more days of vacation! Can it get? – I think I can! I was just preparing a report about all this. The Academic Council will proc before make a decision. You look and seventeen days of your holiday and end. So that after the holidays, waiting for the service! – Thank you, Alexey! – Give my godson! – Be sure to pass. I want to say that I have all things with you, I can go to the hostel. Well, if it’s all right, I’ll tell the commandant that you are not urgent and turndown of the case, so that the act, fly home. By the way after thirty minutes the helicopter flies off our service to the airport, hurry up. If you need emergency care will be there, dial me! – Thank you! – Good luck! – And short tones on the handset. On the highway at breakneck speed towards raced taxi cab driver is clearly in a hurry. Leonid realized that it is a gift of fate and, without hesitation, went out into the street with his hands up, they say, zdayus and that’s it. The taxi driver started beeping incessantly and pulled up at the feet of Leonidas. White as the wall in anger, the cab driver jumped out of the car, cursing swearing, lashed out at Leonidas, as his worst enemy: – You do that and re so tired of life, you’re kind of a goat! – Leonid quietly listened to all this by saying: – I urgently need for our launch site. – I am deeply nachhat where you need it, I know that I urgently need to call, and if I am because of you heathens pluck the challenge, then you will not find life honey, okay! – Leonid and raised an eyebrow: – My helicopter will fly over twenty- five minutes! If you do not help me, then I will lose my day. – Yes, I do not care what day you lose! – Well, be a man – do not give up, Leonid – one hundred dollars be enough? Since then, we had to start! Sit down! – Instantly agreed to the taxi driver if possible, good pay… Board techniques already closed the door MI- 6, when the taxi pulled up to the machine. The technician reluctantly opened the door: – We have a complete set of service loads. You get nowhere! – Leonid advance another entrance to the helicopter dialed the number of General Garinova: – Wait, take the phone! – Leonid gave his technique smarfon. He reluctantly picked up, put it to his ear, and then disappeared into the cabin of the helicopter, the screws which are gaining momentum, getting ready to lift the machine into the air. Tech did not have a moment, and then he appeared in the doorway, red as a lobster, started down the ladder addl. According to him, Leonid climbed into the cabin: – Uh, kind, and the phone? – The side of the technician slowly, pulled the ladder into the cabin, hooked it right at the wall, slammed the door. At this time, Leonid watched a round glass window of the taxi drove off the fence helicopter launch pad. The noise of helicopter blades grew with each passing moment. Finally technician aboard deigned to pay attention to the passenger, who was sitting on a plywood box, among the piles of cargo. – Here’s your phone, take! – Over the noise of running engines, said aloud techniques – And that Lt. Gen. Garin your relative? – Somehow ingratiating, or enviously asked techniques. Leonid not found an answer as soon as a: – Colleague! – A technician looked up in surprise Leonidas. Then timidly looked down and mumbled, – Sorry for the service! Yes, that really there, serve yet! – Indulgently humorous said Leonid board technology, which is the whole flight did not take his eyes off his passenger who is not so well prisluzhil, apparently assuming that it is a general, but from Moscow, which kind of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Russia. Since Leonid was dressed in civilian, then the insignia on it was not. In Moscow, Leonid arrived late at night. He specifically called and reported his arrival. And when in the morning at the apartment door bell rang Krazimovyh, Anya barely opened his sleepy eyes and walked to the front door, carefully looking at the sight stekoltse. Then, in the excitement of shaking hands, quickly became a pick locks, and more in a moment they stood, arms around each other in the hallway apartment. Broke away from the kiss, Anya looked around in surprise and her husband, noticing the bandage on his left hand, exclaimed: – What’s that? – A real gangster shot! – Half- jokingly half seriously, he said. Anna glanced suspiciously at the bandage: – It’s time to change, look how stained bandage! Bint was really dirty with a dirty cover, which was nestled in the cargo cabin of the helicopter, and two sites was black with soot. – It’s a way of Trivia! – Go to the bathroom, and I will prepare the dressing and peroxide! Having washed, refreshed and cheerful Leonid came out of the bathroom. Anya immediately seated man on a chair at the kitchen table and began to gently unwind the bandage on his arm. After making a few skeins of brown stain appeared gore, which is clearly permeated several layers of bandage until his hands. After removing the bandage, Anya looked up in surprise at the Leonid: – Are you kidding me? Yes? Leonid carefully examined his hand, traces the wound was not there. – Anne, you would not believe, that from this place the implant was removed! Just the day before yesterday! And today, the cut was gone! Anya subsided, surprised and cautiously looked at the place on the hand, which pointed Leonid: – That’s what I believe! What a fool I am, or what? It can not be, I’m talking to you as a doctor! In general, on the forehead and ear lobes removed from the entire two implants! – I will not believe until you give him a call. Well, Anna, well, tell me, why would I lie to you? Yeah do not why. I’m sorry, Leon, I just perenervnichala because of your silence and believe still can not, you’re already at home with me! You know, Anna, went to bed! – Come on, dear! – Trying not to make a noise that would not wake the baby, they quietly snuck past the child’s room into the bedroom, and finally left alone with yourself, with your love and rough delight the senses… Lt. Gen. Garin in the Academic Council, which was held in the hall of the Academy of Sciences in Moscow, the platform gave a report on the intervention of the controlling Mankind advanced civilizations. The Council was held in the utmost secrecy, and all that happened there, did not have the right to be publicized. – Dear representatives of science. We obtained a unique material supporting the intervention highly developed creatures of the universe in our study … – he said, showing a record flight of Colonel Krazimova in anomalous zone, how and why adjustments have been made in controlling the trajectory of the flight of an advanced civilization. Showed footage of the ship Leonid dialogue with the guest. And demonstrated implants seized their body and his Leonidas, by which aliens control not only the thoughts of the people but are constant surveillance of their activities, for research in particular. And ended his speech with the words: – Dear Council, due to the extremely dangerous development experiments with torsion fields, as a consequence of the emergence of an unpredictable chain reaction absorption of space matter, I highly recommend it to freeze the direction of science and more to these experiments for any reason not to go back! – He was done, came down from the podium and took his seat. The room fell silent. Took the floor Academician Glushko Peter S.: – I can say my father and theoretician of this trend, strongly protest against the collapse of studies and experiments with torsion fields. Let me remind you that we were given the torsion fields, is the transmission of a signal anywhere in the universe instantaneously. For example, the radio signal from the surface of the moon comes in ten minutes, of course, you, dear Council know about it, using the torsion fields, the signal reaches the surface instantly. Yes, all our robots on planets of the solar system are controlled and transmit images from other planets using the torsion signal. In addition, we have a strong protection against the spread of contagion. And in the conclusion of his brief protest officially declare that it is my duty and continue to insist on this research and experimentation… Universal suffrage, seven to six, decided to continue the study, achieving better materialization of space objects gone there. This decision was made by Garin again, trying to protest and call on High Council of reason and end of the study. But the Council has not listened to him. Then he made a last attempt: – Dear tip if you think that these barbaric experiments should continue, then I, as an honest man I want to ask Dear Board to accept my resignation. To which a unanimous vote of the Academic Council expressed the view that against the dismissal of the doctor of physical and mathematical sciences, professor of the Academy of Sciences, General Lieutenant Space Armed Forces of the Russian Federation Alexei Garinova not mind. Now everything depended on the general, he will submit his resignation, the resignation will take place, for this is the will of the Council of Scientists. Do not give, will work on, but in the direction against which he so strongly advocated. The Academic Council also adopted a decision on the intervention Inna advanced civilizations in the affairs of the earth. That issue was simply ignored by the Council, and only suggested that this trend will remain on the conscience let enthusiast amateurs, serious science which does not take seriously. Depressed and frustrated feelings, the general left the Council. From the Academy he went 23- 00 in the evening and in the police car, which highlighted the Academy of Sciences of each of the 13 members of the Academic Council, went to the house where they lived Krazimovy. There would have waited for him, and Peter Leonid Sobinov, what news will bring with them a general… The car was the streets of Moscow, among the glittering lights of windows, night clubs and cafes. Moscow at that late hour was still awake, still seething life, strolling the sidewalks were filled with young people. From everywhere came the sound of pop music and incendiary rock. Protorchala in traffic broken half an hour, the car finally pulled away to direct the flow of vehicles and, after about twenty minutes, drove to the house where lived on the twelfth floor Krazimovy. – You can go! – Throwing the driver out of the car Garin. – Comrade General, and tomorrow, what are your orders? – Sticking his head, shouted after the driver. – By six in the morning at the entrance! – Turning in half- turned, posted Krazimov – You are now no longer needed! Thank you for your service! – And disappeared into the stairwell. The driver slammed into the hearts of the car door, muttering: – I could, and to get some sleep, so no to six in the morning! And, I would say that was stuck in a traffic jam, in which case! – Volga and utility, making a circle, turning, drove off home. Concierge, seeing the military generals in clothes, stood up in his box at attention, like a former military retired, then, embarrassed, sat down in his place. The general smiled warmly and walked to the elevator. The general smiled warmly and approached the elevator. When Garinov phoned the Krazimov’s’ apartment, it was 23 hours and 50 minutes. Anya opened to him. – Good evening, Anna! – The General entered and kissed the woman on the cheek, – And where our friends! – He asked anxiously. The kitchen- sitting, waiting for you. Well, let’s go to them! – Rattling awards, he took off his jacket and hung it on a coat hanger locker, then took off his shoes and put on, bedroom slippers, then he and Anna went to the kitchen. Sobinov Krazimov met him standing in the hands of the general was a bag with gifts, which he put on the kitchen table and shook hands with them one by one. – Tired of waiting, pigeons, me? – Pulling out of the plastic bag three bottles of French cognac «Napoleon,» he said. Then took the teddy bear and gave Ana: – It’s godson, from his godfather’s dad! – Anya confused, took a bear, she said, blushing: – Dima will be happy! In my childhood, I had exactly the same! – Smiling with his kind smile, he said, Ana, and, turning to Leonid and Peter – Talk with us will be a long and informative, I fear that the whole night until the morning! Well, Alexey, your prayers! – Nods to the cognac, spoke Sobinov. Leonid too hurried to insert the word: – And what, after all, everything flows and changes in the world, other than a good drink! – It’s you, is not it, noticed! – Garin said approvingly. Then the conversation intervened Anya: – You still make me their boozer that Anna and I will be doing? Do not worry, Anna, is a noble drink, the drink of kings, a good thirty excerpts from their own cellars grandson general who fought once in the squadron «Normandy Niemen», during the Second World War. – Garin joked. In Sobinov broke in: – Anna, Anna promised to come tomorrow. Oh, it’s great, we had planned to Peredelkino a week to call, to live there with the baby. Yes, of course! – Said Leonid – It’s all there and the food and the wait staff. – And most importantly, spring and air. Forest fresh and clean. Baby and we will splendid! – She said, clutching a bear to her chest, went to bed. Left alone in the kitchen, the general took the floor: – I, in turn, invite you to his villa generals. Here at Moscow we have generals your town has. There, we will not disturb anybody and we’ll figure out what to do next. – Until General said Leonid took out of the fridge appetizer that consisted of red caviar, cutting the Moscow sausage, salted delicacies Anya and pulled out of the oven steaming in a roasted chicken grilled baked potato cooked in a special recipe of Elsa Eduardovna. The kitchen is immediately filled with fabulously delicious flavors of gourmet food. Garin was uncork and pour the brandy. This time on the table were of crystal stemware wedding gift Elsa Eduardovna, and good aging cognac sparkled in their patches of sunlight, absorbed once the vine and now generously bestowing his heat in the drink people. When Garinov was filled with the third glass, the general picked it up: – My dear colleagues, close friends! Then came this black day in my biography! – Sobinov Krazimov warily listened to his confession, not being afraid to ask a pertinent question, as soon as their eyes were focused attention – so let’s keep going together, and out of difficult situations, as it was with us in the past, so it should be in the future! Clinking glasses, crystal ringing sound cheerful further affirm their bonds of male friendship. – Alexei – with a curious look Leonid began to ask – we wait, however, that there was and how it ended? – Filling the glasses of a new portion of cognac finally put the question squarely, Leonid. A completed sad! The Council is not in any want to stop experimenting! Even my resignation, which I threatened them, did not help! – He drained his glass in one gulp, ate pickled cucumber and caviar spoon. – What they do not understand what threatens their stubbornness for the planet as a whole? – Expressed in the hearts of Leonid. Well, this time went alignment – intervened Sobinov, which until this moment listened and said nothing – then it seems to me that the guests have long settled on Earth and that they probably have a base here. – I do not, how many do not doubt it! – Said Garin – But here’s the thing, according to the laws of space ethics referenced Carlos Allende, they were just watching, and any interference in our affairs, it is forbidden that same ethic. – If a situation arises and Humanity will simply destroy yourself, do not be interference? – Said Peter. Yes, they do not care for humanity, like the fact that it is in their world does! – In the hearts of Garin said. – How so? – Peter did not let up. Leonid silence filled the glasses, without interfering with the conversation. This so- called Space Ethics prohibits any interference, as I understood from the conversation Carlos only the consequences of carrying a direct threat affecting directly on the highly Civilization, they eliminate. And what kind of help or assistance, or expressed only in the toss us ideas for new scientific discoveries or trends in science. – Garin said. – I thought he just said that the war and the various cataclysms on Earth stimulate progress and development. – Added Krazimov. From this we can conclude that we cannot expect help from! With only house we are doomed to shovel shit from our sump pit! – Summed up the general, clinking glasses filled a glass with friends… Men sat in the kitchen to 4. o’clock in the morning. Drinking the last glass of brandy, Garin said: – My friends, it’s nice to have a reliable and strong rear. And the rear of this is you, my dear! – His eyes filled with sentimental tears of emotion. And these words, and from these sentimental tears, and from disastrous situation in the kitchen all my heart was warm and comfortable, as is the case with reliable and faithful companions, with whom, and will not burn in the fire and water do not drown. Well, it’s time to sleep! – Garin finished gatherings. At that Leonid replied: – Alexei Anya a bed for you in the living room on the couch. Petro will you sleep on the couch, there is also the bed. – And went back to their places. Leonid still remained in the kitchen, cleared the table unfinished bottle of brandy in the fridge, two empty packed in a plastic bag. Washed the dishes and wiped the table with a damp cloth, and only then went to bed with his wife in the bedroom. Chapter 6 General woke up first. On the wall clock was exactly 7:00 in the morning. In shorts and a T- shirt, he sneaked into the bathroom and there is a long dabbled in the shower. Then, refreshed and cheerful into the living room. Sobinov still sleeping on a folding chair. Garin looked at him. And quietly, so as not to wake anyone, went to the balcony. The sun was shining, the light flooding the towers of the Kremlin, be visible here, and Red Square, the cordon police patrol. Moscow was preparing for a military parade in honor of Victory Day. On this festive day in May on May 9, the sun in some special warmed by its rays Bridge Red Square, the tender leaves of blossoming buds on the trees Garden Ring and soul festively- minded people. At the bottom, where looked Garin, the company car is still did not have: – Here’s a tomboy! – Somehow not angry, cursed by paternal General. Again he quietly made his way into the room, took out his cell phone from cover leather trousers hanging on his belt, and went back to the balcony. The driver felt sleepy ringing cell phone, which was lying on the cabinet next to the bed: – Hello! – In the tube the voice of General: – Vasily, where are you? – At the driver did not hesitate to blurt out: – ’m Stuck in a traffic jam! – Something your plug lasts indefinitely? – So after a holiday, all overlapped around! – There is nothing to solder in my brain, you have a special permit, for it can even Red Square during the parade go by! Immediately, get out of bed and to me, if you do not want to lose your job! I’ll give you thirty minutes! – Yes, Comrade General! – Nervously blurted out the driver. He listened for a minute short beeps in the tube, finally waking up. Then, quickly, on the military, jumped out of bed and, without washing, got dressed. – You, where at this hour? – Sleepily, stretching in bed, awakened by his wife asked. On- call, you have to be! Again, you come, when those traits? – She growled, turning on the right side. – Yes! I come! And where I can find a job, and to permit, and facilities, are you still reproach? – Grumbling, he hurried out of the apartment. In the car, on the go Vasily took out the glove box and a battery- powered electric shaver started shaving. At the crossroads of his stopped patrol first: – Your documents? The driver showed a pass. The policeman was carefully considered little red book with solid red seals, then brought her back and gave the command. Two employees discovered the passage. Volga followed further. Exactly thirty minutes later the car drove up to the entrance of the house, where there was a flat Krazimov… After giving the driver acceleration, Garin dialed control dacha economy. In the tube, hoarse voice of the manager: Mayor Eremenko listening! – Welcome, Comrade Major! Happy holiday! This is Lieutenant General Garin! I have a summer house number twenty- three. Prepare. I will stay five days with me two of my co- worker! Are there any questions? – Pausing General listened. – Oh no! – Major blurted out – you just congratulations on the Victory! And immediately give an indication that all was as it should be prepared. Bed time, two fridges… – he started to list all that fond of the General booze and snacks, and rest in the country. But Garin has not listened to it: «It’s time to wake up the team» – he thought about his friends, he entered the room. He put on his pants, shirt, then walked over to Peter and patted him on the cheek: – A? What! – Peter opened his eyes. Saw a general – Comrade General, where I? – Do not worry, you’re in good hands! – Jokingly replied Garin. Peter realized where he was and friendly laughter filled the room. At this time in the bedroom doorway seemed Leonid. – Congratulations, my friends! – His sallow face, an expression of suffering from a hangover. – Immediately to the kitchen! Commanded the general. All three of them, he found himself in the kitchen, looked at each other in surprise. There’s a glass on the kitchen table was a brandy. This Garin poured the remains of cognac in a crystal wine glasses, when everyone was still asleep: – For Victory! – They had a drink together. Leonid felt like alcohol syndrome and nausea, somewhere failed and disappeared. Well, comrades, – began to speak Garin – all about all, thirty minutes! The parade will look on the big plasma torch in my country house! All – looking for order in the wrist watch commander, ordered, – the time has gone! The guests began to gather. The general was already ready to go: – Leon, tell Anna that I will take away for five days, that’s an order! – Garin and headed for the door – I’ll wait in the car! All right, we will, as soon as possible! – Leonid answered for himself and for Peter, who at that time was taking a shower in the bathroom. – Leon! – From the bedroom he heard a sleepy voice Ani – You’ve already got? Yes, dear! – Leonid returned to the bedroom and told his wife that he would be in the country Garinov. At that Anya said with Dima and Anna Sobinova they will live on their departmental dacha in Peredelkino… Machine, rustling tires, raced outside Moscow highway in the direction of the village general’s Cottages. The village has arisen recently. As conceived by senior officers of the Armed Forces, this corner of privacy for the generals was a must. Since the conditions of developed capitalism, when the senior army officers to see the luxurious mansions wealthy nouveau riche, to be honest, thoughts begin to go to the citizen. And each of them is not present and think: «And after all, I could put together and more than one million militaries if I do not!» This confusion and hesitation in the minds of the generals decided to put an end once and for all. The State Duma was forced into the budget funds for the construction of a holiday village. And the luxurious mansions were built in the pine forest, near the old bed of the Moscow River, filled with clean and clear water. In this small town, surrounded by three- meter fence and guarded day and night, was laid asphalt road. And now the service for senior executives Army could seem somewhat honey. Has to want to serve, and patriotism have regained its former strength of spirit… The mansion at number 23 was isolated and Major General Garinov for meritorious service to the Fatherland as a sign of a successful space exploration together with awarding him the next rank. Taking advantage of his position, is not Major General and Lieutenant General Garin insisted on separating cottages and Russian hero Colonel Krazimov, which was done only Krazimov dacha in Peredelkino was allocated the number 10. At his country house newly baked Lt. Gen. been rare. His frightening loneliness. Being alone with him, his soul began to creep into the sad and painful thoughts about the lost son and his wife departed early. It was becoming unbearable loneliness and stay for a day or two of his dacha three, he interrupted the holiday and returned to Baikonur to his place of service, where for a current affairs forgotten by the tragedy that fell to his lot. The situation is different now. He and his young friend’s colleagues. You can relax and consult on the future of his destiny, life expectancy in retirement. Actually this, he invited and Krazimova and Sobinova to him. Mansion No. 23 was built in the latest Western fashion. The architecture of the building was borrowed from the American colleague’s generals who had their own public house, with a difference only in the fact that the Russian military retirement giving back to the state. On the contrary, our American colleagues, remained lifelong use. The mansion at number 23 was shielded high fence painted in dark brown color. Metal gates with automatic opening system, led to the territory of the mansion and opened the entrance to a spacious courtyard with a garden and a lawn near the house. Under the house has a garage and a stone wall, lined with granite boulders wine cellar with a whole collection of different varieties of wine, cognac and champagne bottles with the refined. In the wine cellar you can go down a metal spiral staircase waging of a spacious living room with fireplace. This space and the interior was similar to the cottage garden Krazimov. The same bar, desk and shelves crammed with expensive drinks, reflected in the mirrored wall. When guests came into the living room fireplace is blazing, next to the mat lay a bunch of oak firewood. – Here is my refuge! – Widely spreading his hands, said Garin – Let’s go, I’ll show you where those who will live! He led the friends to the second floor sweeping staircase, where there were three bedrooms. Little room, however, were small, with double beds, clean cleaned with fresh linen bed. All three went out the door into the hallway as playgrounds, topped with a window, under which was a leather sofa. On this site, a kind of corner you can read the rest, smoke a cigar, who liked to smoke, or watch interesting programs on TV, which stood in a corner under a palm tree that was growing in a decorative ceramic pot. Bedroom Garinov was twice bedrooms guests and had a balcony. That’s the whole layout of house, except for a small closet in the hallway, where they were carefully placed accessories for fishing. In the living room by the fireplace still standing bookcases with books, in lonely hours Garin loved to read, and on the coffee table that stood by the cabinet, record questions that should be addressed at the service. In the living room, except for the coffee table, next to the bookcase has been set yet, and a table with a computer connected to the Internet, standing next to a red telephone on your desk governmental communications. After inspection of the premises, guests gathered in the living room. Nuka- and see what Major Eremenko us here prepared! – Garin went behind the bar and pulled out of the fridge- liter jar marinated meat for barbecue. Picking up the jar over his head, said: – And here is the barbecue! Come, Let us now! Skewers were in the bag near the refrigerator. When everyone went out into the yard, there are smoked BBQ, standing next to a table with a clean oilcloth on it. – Nuka, friends, help! Sobinov engaged barbecue, Garin Leonid steel string kebabs under the cheerful chirping of birds of spring, but in May the warm breeze. For these classes found their driver, who had already put the Volga River in the garage: – Alexei h can already you do not need? – He asked shyly. Yes, Vasily, you cannot worry about, just five days! – Thank you, Comrade General! – Not at all, and with the holiday, you! – And you! – The driver said, and withdrew. Parade begins at ten zero, now nine- thirty! – Putting kebabs with strung on skewers with meat on grill, said Garin – and have time to cook kebabs and drink for the Victory Day in our World «Capital»! Victory Day observed all three, as it should. And watched the parade on a wide screen plasma torch hanging on the wall above the fireplace. And they talk revolved around family issues and relationships, such as why Sobinova still do not have children. Do the Krazimov to have another child, and why Elsa Eduardovna not want to leave the children in Germany and many other things, carefully avoiding talk of resignation Garinov. Was broadcast on the plasma torch is a concert of the Kremlin Palace, wall clock showed 23 hours and 30 minutes, and all sleepy, as impacted almost sleepless night. It was decided to get a good sleep. And friends, in turn, went to the shower and went from room to room. Garin has not been able to sleep. His tormented by the question about the upcoming retirement. What will happen to him, with his pupils, the problem of torsion fields, threatening its unpredictability and recklessness of the Academic Council. Imperceptibly came a dream, and he is not feeling as strong sleep healthy sleep is not an old man of sixty- two- year… Through the open window of the bedroom where, sprawled on the bed, still asleep sweet dream Krazimov, flew titmouse. It fluttered to the wooden headboard and knocked on wood beak back, then loudly chanted: Civic! Chive- hic! – And flew in the window towards a radiant spring sunshine. Leonid opened his eyes. Groping found on the clothes cabinet wristwatch and saw the time. It was already 11:00 am. Realizing that for so long was asleep on his feet and went out into the corridor. In the bedroom Sobinova was not. There was no Garinov. This puzzled him. Scratched his head and waving his hand in confusion, went into the bathroom to take a shower. At this time the head of yesterday drunk alcohol does not hurt. On the contrary there was a feeling of cheerfulness and tidal forces. Leonid, standing under a shower, concluded that the clean air pine trees went in his favor, and that his wife and son would be helpful to rest in Peredelkino. While he talked like that, and getting out of the shower in the house heard voices. This Garin and Sobinov returned from a fishing trip with three weighty carp. Fish tails beat and grabbed the air, alternately opening their mouths. Êîíåö îçíàêîìèòåëüíîãî ôðàãìåíòà. Òåêñò ïðåäîñòàâëåí ÎÎÎ «ËèòÐåñ». Ïðî÷èòàéòå ýòó êíèãó öåëèêîì, êóïèâ ïîëíóþ ëåãàëüíóþ âåðñèþ (https://www.litres.ru/pages/biblio_book/?art=64697747&lfrom=688855901) íà ËèòÐåñ. 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