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5LBs in 5 Days: The Juice Detox Diet

5LBs in 5 Days: The Juice Detox Diet Jason Vale Lose at least 5lbs in 5 days with Jason Vale’s newest, easiest and most effective juicing programme ever. Jason Vale aka The Juice Master – and the man responsible for turning around the lives (and diets) of celebrities and top athletes from around the world – has designed a brand new programme to reshape and reinvigorate your body in just 5 days. Lose the weight you’ve always dreamed of without restricting what you can eat or drink at the weekend. The culmination of over a decade’s worth of research, 5lbs in 5 Days is a new and fresh approach to juicing and the ultimate guide to kickstarting rapid and healthy weight loss, boosting your energy levels and motivation, and maintaining optimum health. Follow Jason’s plan and you’ll lose at least 5lbs in 5 days (the average is actually 7lbs) and be recharged on both a physical and a mental level. Packed full of juicy recipes and tips for getting started, it’s simple to start and straightforward to follow. Start juicing today! When it comes to juicing for health and well-being there’s only one man for the job, the undisputed king of juicing Jason Vale! He will literally change your life! Alesha Dixon Cover (#u1ad63c9c-24ab-57df-9e61-763f8fde4624) Title Page (#u539bdfb3-2e83-5131-91e0-07deee35453d) Epigraph (#u2c557b03-6a79-533d-aa97-9478a93ea472) Foreword 1 Let’s Cut to the Juicy Chase! 2 Prepare to Be Inspired 3 Detox Is a Myth 4 What About All the Sugar? 5 What About the Fibre? 6 You’ll Only Gain It All Back Again 7 Mind over Fatter! 8 Top Ten Tips for Juicy Success 9 Exercise Your Right to Be Thin! 10 Super After-Burn 30/30 – Rapid Weight-Loss Exercise Programme 11 The Step-by-Step Guide to the 5-Day Plan 12 The Shopping List 13 The Juicy Recipes – All the Juices 14 Your Juicy Journal 15 The Low-H.I. Way of Life 16 The Law of Four – Four Simple Rules For Life ... No Matter What You Eat! 17 Be Limitless and Make Your Life Extraordinary 18 Inspired for Life! 19 The Q & A Section Other books by Jason Vale Copyright About the Publisher (#u36702c83-2d7f-594b-ab4f-fcb84a72377c) I am a full-time general practitioner (family doctor) from Bridgend in South Wales, UK. I am 43, a wife and mother of three, and the only child of a PE teacher and a welder. I was fortunate that my mum was into healthy eating even in the 1970s when it didn't really exist. We didn't own a chip pan or a deep fat fryer. Mum knew fizzy drinks were bad for us, so when the Corona Van came round the houses once a week the man knew not to bother knocking on our door. I had a better than average start in life, I think. That didn't stop me eating my fair share of fast food and takeaways as a student, not to mention the hundreds of chicken-and mushroom-flavoured Pot Noodles I must have consumed over a five-year medical course. (I have done five London Marathons since then to make up for it.) I have been practising medicine for over 20 years. During this time I have seen the population of my country expand, literally. Hand in hand with the obesity epidemic come inevitable illnesses such as type 2 diabetes, high cholesterol, raised blood pressure, heart disease, stroke, arthritis and chronic pain, and other difficulties including low self-esteem, depression and relationship breakdown – the list goes on. Often now, it is slim people who turn heads, not just because they may be more attractive to the eye, but because we’re all gradually getting fatter. I find myself wondering how these people manage to stay slim. Some are lucky enough to have personal trainers or the time to spend hours in the gym. A few are lucky enough to have inherited good skinny genes (pardon the pun). Or perhaps they have discovered Jason Vale? I hope Jason will forgive me for referring to him as a discovery, but, as most memorable discoveries are usually found by accident, I think it applies. Jason’s books are easy to read, but like any good author they leave you wanting more. As soon as I finished the aforementioned pink book I strayed back to Amazon to look at his other publications. 7lbs in 7 Days immediately caught my eye, as it would for anyone who (like me) had 7lbs or more to lose. My next dilemma was how to not regain the half stone that I had just so easily and enjoyably lost. Never fear, Turbo-charge Your Life in 14 Days was next, followed by Slim for Life to consolidate everything. That was my journey to becoming fitter, healthier and slimmer. Since then I continue to re-read bits of the books and I have recommended all of Jason’s titles to many of my patients. The juicing community is growing in an exponential manner, evidenced by the UK-wide shortage of juicers this summer. My neighbours are juicing (and shrinking). My friends ask me: ‘are you still juicing?’ It’s a weird thing to ask; of course I am, juice is my fix. I can’t leave it alone and I was desperate to read this new book of Jason’s and try out the new 5-day programme! I have so much more I could say about Jason Vale, Juicy Oasis and the amazing, life-changing results I have witnessed first-hand, but my remit was to write a foreword, not a book. I don’t look at this as an endorsement of Jason Vale’s ideas – I personally subscribe to them out of choice and I have given you a snippet of my journey. You all have a choice. I hope you chose what is right for you. Dr Justine Dawkins, GP After dropping 9 pounds in 5 days I know to incorporate a juice a day to get more than my 5 a day! Bronagh Waugh(actress on Hollyoaks) I’ve lost 10 lbs… Esterina 9lb lost in 5 days! I found it easier to do than 7lbs in 7 days Katie Down 7.5lbs after 5in5! Jo Day 5 (of 5lbs in 5 days) and I’ve lost a whopping 7lbs Natalie Hubby and I completed 5lbs in 5 days this week and lost 29lbs between us! Rachael (#u36702c83-2d7f-594b-ab4f-fcb84a72377c) (#u36702c83-2d7f-594b-ab4f-fcb84a72377c) If you are reading this book, the chances are that unless you have picked it up for research, you are looking to improve your health in some way. Given the title, it is probably also safe to say that you wouldn’t mind dropping a few pounds ... or maybe five, maybe even ten. And also that you’d like to drop that excess weight in super-fast time. Chances are you are looking for a programme that can achieve rapid weight loss, while at the same time providing a follow-on system to make sure you keep the weight off for good. If this is you, then, as corny as it sounds, you’ve picked up the right book. I have been writing about juicing for weight loss and optimum health for the past 15 years and everything I have done up until now has lead me to this – the most effective rapid healthy weight-loss ‘juice detox’ to date. This is not an easy feat, due to the incredible success of this book’s predecessor. My previous book, 7lbs in 7 Days: Super Juice Diet, was released in 2006 and went straight to number 1 of all books on Amazon, not simply in its category, but of every other book available. On play.com it even knocked The Da Vinci Code from the number 1 slot (which, as you can imagine, is not something I mention very often ... well, you know). Even as I write this page, the app is number 1 in ‘food and drink’ on iTunes (Jamie Oliver is number 2) and the book is number 1 in its category on Amazon (it’s been there for eight years). It has gone on to sell well over a million copies and has been translated into many other languages. Many celebrities were reported to have done the 7-Day Juice Master Diet, including Katie Price, Sarah Jessica Parker, Drew Barrymore, Jennifer Aniston, Alesha Dixon, Samantha Womack, Sarah Harding, Linda Barker, Kerry Katona, Natasha Hamilton, Beverley Knight and Scott Mills … the list goes on and on. I’m not entirely sure if all the celebs that have been reported to have done the plan actually did, but it gives you a sense of the kind of buzz the book created. What the 7-day juice only plan showed above all else was just how much the body will naturally heal if given the right tools and the right environment to do so. It is safe to say that I’ve seen just about every common lifestyle disease either improve, or be completely eradicated, with the use of freshly extracted juice and a very well-thought-through plan. What was even more incredible was to see these common health conditions improve so dramatically and so quickly. In the space of just seven days on the fresh juice only programme, some lifelong health issues disappeared completely. I have not only been spreading the ‘juice revolution’ for years, I have been on the journey myself. I have worn the fat and unhealthy T-shirt. I used to be 15 stone 2lb (96kg) (I’m only 5ft 7.1in) and was covered from head to toe in a severe skin condition called psoriasis; I had bad asthma (using the asthma pump up to 14 times a day), extremely bad hay fever (to the point where I couldn’t function) and larger breasts than the average woman (not a good look for a dude). I also used to smoke between two and three packets of cigarettes a day and was a heavy alcohol drinker. I cut out the rubbish, started to juice and the weight just fell off – effortlessly. My asthma vanished and my skin completely cleared up. This is what inspired me to want to start the Juice Revolution and ‘Juice the World’, a mission I am still focusing on today. I also stopped smoking and, as I write this, at 44 years of age, I can honestly say I feel better today than I did when I was 24. Nothing comes close to the healthy but extremely rapid weight-loss ability of a well-thought-through juicing programme. When I say I have seen it all, I mean I have seen it all. I have seen cholesterol levels drop from 8 points to 5 in that short time with no drug therapy whatsoever. I have seen asthma improve to the extent where people have not only reduced their medication, but stopped using it altogether ... in just seven days. I have even seen someone at my retreat with type 1 diabetes reduce their medication by 75 per cent within just the first five days of juicing. I have seen IBS, arthritis, eczema, Crohn’s, endometriosis, high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes and even ulcerative colitis symptoms completely vanish with a juicing programme. I have seen skin glow and energy levels go through the roof, cravings for junk disappear and, of course, and what for some will be the most important aspect, some utterly ridiculous weight-loss results – and I do mean ridiculous. I received one email where a guy dropped 19lbs in a week – in one week! (I’ll share that later in this book). I got a message from Lord Harris of London no less (it’s not every day you get a mail from a Lord); he’d read the book and dropped 42lbs in just three months; his cholesterol also went from the ‘danger of getting heart disease’ zone to ‘perfect’. One person dropped over 200lbs by introducing fresh juice into their lives. Another read the book and within three months of juicing her endometriosis, which she had suffered from for eight years and which had been a factor in several miscarriages, vanished! She had tried all kinds of drugs for many years and nothing helped. I saw my own health be completely transformed because of fresh juicing too. The average drop was 7lbs for women and 10lbs for men. The vast majority of these people not only kept the initial weight off, but went on to achieve their ideal body weight because juicing became a way of life. Whether it’s from the emails or videos people have sent in, from hearing first-hand accounts on my health retreats, or in my own life, I have seen some miraculous changes in both health and weight loss which happen in a very short space of time. And if we cut to the chase, isn’t that what we are all looking for? A simple, highly effective, healthy, but moreover, rapid way to drop weight so we can get lean, be thin, wear what the hell we want and feel amazing? We want our skin to glow, our hair to shine and our stomach to be flat! We want to turn years into months, months into weeks and weeks into days – don’t we? We don’t want to lose weight ‘gradually’ and to ‘be patient’ – we want results and we want them yesterday! This is why I am always looking to condense success, as I say. As in, I am always looking for a way to achieve the same level of success in a shorter period of time. I also constantly look for ways to make that success even easier and more enjoyable. This is precisely what I have done with 5lbs in 5 days: The Juice Detox Diet. If there were any challenges with the 7lbs in 7 days: Super Juice Diet, it was the fact it was over a seven-day period and included the weekend. Weekends tend to be an extremely precious time for many people and the last thing many wanted to do was to miss out on meals or evenings out with friends and family. I wanted to develop a powerful juice and unique fitness programme that gave the same level of success, but in just five days; I wanted to give people their weekends back. I also wanted to develop a simple follow-on plan which would enable people to reach their ultimate dream health and weight and keep it off. 5lbs in 5 Days: The Juice Detox Diet does exactly that. People who have followed it to the letter drop an average of 7lbs, the same as the seven-day plan; many people who have done the programme have lost an incredible 10lbs in five days. Dramatic losses such as this will only happen if you follow the five-day juice and Super After-burn exercise programme to the letter. I will cover this later in the book, but it needs addressing now as well, for whenever I mention such dramatic weight losses in such short periods of time, many people start with the predictable mantra that ‘it’s not healthy to lose so much so quickly’. In fact, the number of people I hear saying that ‘it’s not healthy to lose more than 2lbs a week’ is a joke. You might know some of them; you may even be one of them if you are reading this for research, but did you know there is no scientific evidence whatsoever to show that it’s unhealthy to lose more than 2lbs a week? It’s like the ‘you must drink 2 litres of water a day’ mantra – it’s a myth that has been perpetuated for years, but which no one has challenged or questioned. There is an old saying that if you tell a lie long enough, strong enough and hard enough, then even the person who started the lie ends up believing it. This has been the case with this utter nonsense about it being unhealthy, and some doctors and medics would even go as far as to say dangerous, to lose more than 2lbs a week. Nope, not joking, they use the word ‘dangerous’! Now going to fight in a war-torn part of the world for your country is dangerous, or putting your head in a hot oven, but drinking the juice contained within vegetables that is specifically designed to feed every cell of the human body is clearly not. I say clearly not, but we are in a world where some highly intelligent doctors and ‘experts’ cannot see this clearly and continue to preach the ‘don’t lose more than 2lb a week’ mantra because they believe it to be ‘dangerous’. As I said, I will cover this later in the book but for now all you need to know is if you hear anyone saying that living on freshly extracted juice for five days and dropping 5–10lbs in that short space of time is dangerous, please know it’s total and utter nonsense. All you actually need to know is that if you have excess weight to lose, it works. Not only does it work but it works 100 per cent of the time for 100 per cent of the people. I know this because it’s been tried and tested over and over again and, as mentioned, this five-day plan – if done to the letter – can be just as effective as the seven-day one. All you have to do is follow these three simple instructions. If you do, success is yours every single time. Before you start the programme you need to read the whole book, with the exception of: ‘The Rough After Plan’ (#litres_trial_promo); ‘The Low-H.I. Way of Life’ (#litres_trial_promo); ‘The Law of Four’ (#litres_trial_promo); and ‘Be Limitless and Make Your Life Extraordinary’ (#litres_trial_promo). You need to read everything else. This includes the Q & A section (#litres_trial_promo). This programme has been carefully thought through in terms of both nutrition and effectiveness; please do not veer away from it. If you want the results it has to offer, follow the exact recipe laid out and you will get the same results as everyone else. On day 5 read the following chapters: ‘The Rough After Plan’ (#litres_trial_promo); ‘The Low-H.I. Way of Life’ (#litres_trial_promo); ‘The Law of Four’ (#litres_trial_promo); and ‘Be Limitless and Make Your Life Extraordinary’ (#litres_trial_promo). Make a note of this now! You are welcome to read these chapters before you start the programme, but you need to re-read them on Day 5 too. What you need to do after the five days is just as important as the five days themselves, so do not miss this instruction. Those chapters will make more sense to you on Day 5 as you’ll feel very differently by then, both mentally and physically. This is because any withdrawal from refined sugars, fats and caffeine, would have subsided, leaving you free to really take on board the after plan. Follow these three simple instructions and in just five days you will feel a way, I’d lay money on, you haven’t done in years. Yes, you’ll lose weight – 5lbs and then some, more like 7lbs to be fair and for some 10lbs – but it’s how your mind is going to feel that will surprise you most. The most common feedback I get is people saying they had no idea just how much weight would also be lifted from their mind. What many refer to as ‘Brain Fog’ or ‘Fussy Thinking’ seems to completely lift; people say they are just sharper. When the blood that circulates through your brain is loaded with the vital key nutrients required to feed the cells, and it’s not dealing with refined sugars, fats, alcohol and other rubbish, your head becomes clear and you start being totally on top of your game. Do not underestimate what can be achieved when you feel both mentally and physically fired up. Every single aspect of your life changes for the better. My ultimate aim for this book is not for you to simply juice yourself up for five days, drop some weight and feel good for the party. No. My aim is for you to see, but more importantly, feel such a difference in yourself that you are compelled to adopt a juicy fitness lifestyle for life. Yes the title is 5lbs in 5 Days but I am hoping that’s a sprat to catch a mackerel. In other words, I am hoping it doesn’t just lure you in, but catches you fully. For most people there’s often much bigger fish to fry than a quick 5lbs and, if you are like most people, you will be so recharged at the end of five days that this will act as a catalyst to much bigger changes on the weight loss and health front. So you may well feel you’ll be doing it simply to fit into that little black dress (or skinny jeans) but, chances are, you’ll never grow out of them again. I don’t know much about anything else, but I do know juicing and I do know the importance of the right frame of mind. Because of this, and in order for this programme to be easy, I have advised you to read the book first. Please do not skip ahead and just start. You need the right mental preparation or the chances are you will fail. The reason I believe 7lbs in 7 Days has been so successful, and my theory is backed up by tens of thousands of testimonials, is because of the first instruction: read the book. As I’m sure you know, the vast majority of books of this nature never actually get read. In the UK, we buy more recipe books than any other European country, yet at the same time we buy twice as many takeaways. We are very good at buying books, but reading them and, moreover, acting on them, is an entirely different matter. I do know that my style of writing isn’t for everyone. I often say I write books but I am in no way an author in the true sense of the word. I am not here to win any literary awards, but simply to do one thing and one thing alone: provide you with relevant information which I hope will inspire you to want to do the programme in order to experience the results it has to offer. Once you experience those results it will inspire you to want to eat well and move your body on a daily basis and thus create lifelong change. The key is to get you to do the programme in the first place and I will use capitals, over-use exclamation marks and repeat the same points over and over again to make sure this is a book you will act upon! (There you see, an instant overuse of an exclamation mark, proving I am a man of my word.) We live in a super-fast world and the temptation to skip the reading and just get on with the programme is a strong one. The challenge with that is you can start unprepared and fall at the first fence. The one advantage of the way I write is you will fly through this book in no time at all. (One of the most frustrating things about writing books is just how stupidly quickly they are read in comparison to how long they take to write!) You will find that you’ll rattle through this book in no time at all. It will take less than one day to read the whole book (for some just a couple of hours) and it makes a huge difference when you do. It is the difference between starting fully prepared and going in blind. I have only given three instructions; adhere to all of them and you’ll not only get through it, you’ll enjoy the process too. For those who feel they need or want a little extra help, I also have a 5lbs in 5 Days app, which can be a very useful additional tool. For the cynics out there, I am more than aware that seems like an advert, but the full programme is all here in this book (the app is completely optional and you don’t need it to complete the programme). I’m simply mentioning it at the start because many people have told me it made the difference between total success and a fridge full of mouldy fruit and veg! This is what I love about technology; you have instant access to videos on your smartphone, tablet or phablet, meaning you effectively have a coach in your pocket in times of need. The app also has an intro video, five full coaching videos (one for each day), ten recipe videos and a final video explaining exactly what to do after the plan so you don’t undo all of your good work. Once again, you have everything you need in this book, but the app may help for those who like a bit of coaching each day as well as visually seeing how to make all the recipes. For some people I know this will be a simple ‘drop a few pounds before the party’ thing, but having done this for years, I am more than aware that for many this is hopefully the final thing that will kick-start them to the land of the slim, trim and healthy. This is why I make no apologies for suggesting the app as a tool to help. Anything that helps anyone to actually complete this programme in order to move them from where they are to where they want, or often, need to be on the health front, is worth mentioning. I have been doing whatever I can to convince people of the incredible health and weight-loss powers of freshly extracted juice for over a decade now, but no matter what scientific evidence I present or nutritional facts about the unique juice contained within the fibres of fruits and vegetables, nothing – and I do mean nothing – inspires people to jump on the juicing lifestyle more than others who have been there and got the truly remarkable results. Nothing motivates more than hearing of someone who, in such a short space of time, has lost huge amounts of weight or had significant changes to their mental and physical health. Nothing also inspires more to start a programme of this nature than hearing stories of people who not only lost a significant amount of weight in super-fast time, but also went on to reach their ideal weight and kept that weight off. The stories you are about to read are one hundred per cent genuine and unsolicited; not one has been doctored or exaggerated in anyway. When looking for letters and emails to give as examples of the successes people have on this programme, it was almost impossible to choose. I have thousands to choose from! Some of you may be aware that I released a taster version of the e-book in March 2013. It was available for just one week coinciding with our annual Global Juice Detox and resulted in thousands of downloads, and thousands of emails, Facebook messages and testimonials, a few of which you will see here. I have just spent the last few hours reading through them, and I’m now questioning why I am writing the rest of the book. There are two points to the first part of the book: 1 to get you inspired; and 2 to make you realize just how easy it can be. We’ll get to the making it easy part later. Once you start to read the following testimonials you will be champing at the bit to get started. Please, please make a point of reading the stories, and also my comments below them, as the combination dispels many of the common myths about juicing. If you have tried any of my juice programmes before then I doubt the following stories will actually come as a surprise, but if this is your first outing into my juicy world, then... (#u36702c83-2d7f-594b-ab4f-fcb84a72377c) (#u36702c83-2d7f-594b-ab4f-fcb84a72377c) OMGoodness! I've lost 11 pounds ...YES, 11 pounds! I feel awesome. My blood sugars are great, I'm sleeping better than in years, my joint aches are gone. Janice Not only did Janice drop 11lbs in just five days, but she also got her blood sugar levels in check. This, according to many experts, is impossible on a juice programme due to the apparent high concentration of sugars in the juice. I will cover this later in the book, but not all sugars are equal and freshly extracted juice is extremely good at balancing blood sugar, contrary to popular belief. This woman is also sleeping better, her joint aches are gone and she’s a happy camper. This has all been achieved, let’s not forget, in just five days. We need to understand that these results aren’t simply down to the juice, but rather to the unique combination of the absence of any rubbish coming into the body while at the same time it’s being flooded by nature’s finest in liquid form. As I will repeat and repeat throughout this whole book: remove the toxicity and replace the nutrient deficiencies and you give your body a genuine chance to heal. I have tried to lose weight for almost 10 years now. All I'd read about was low fat, low carb, high protein diet approaches ... that was the supposed magic formula for weight-loss ... never worked for me. I knew the first day in this was going to work. I'm down 10lbs and will stay the course until I lose another 15. I’m 100 per cent confident it will happen. I feel great; my skin is better than ever, I sleep so well. Margaret Dropped 10lbs, feeling great, skin better than ever and sleeping well. I would say that one of the most common emails I get is about sleep. We should never underestimate just how much a lack of sleep can affect every aspect of our life and if you do suffer from insomnia, do the programme – it will change your world. Feeling tired is normal, well I thought it was, until I tried the 5lb in 5 days! When people say they sleep better whilst juicing you just wouldn't believe how fantastic this really is and waking up totally invigorated with the cloud/brain fog totally lifted as if a ray of light was shining on your mind and literally on your head. Amazing. Losing 7lbs was a minor, but lovely, little extra. Plus I had my [personal best] running a 5k while on juice and significant [personal best] at that. Forgot to mention how great and clean I felt on the inside too! Andrea I am hoping this programme will smash many nutritional myths; none more so than the notion that we need crazy amounts of food before and after we exercise. I personally ran the New York and London Marathons on nothing but fresh juice. I also take part in the Great North Run (the largest half marathon in the world) each year and again I run this on juice. The first time I ever did my seven-day juice programme I ran a half marathon on Day 6, in my fastest time ever. On our retreats we do anything from two to five hours’ worth of exercise a day, while consuming nothing but fresh juice. Day 6 of the 5-day plan and I am pretty stunned at the results: 11lbs lost. It's bloomin' amazing. To think I didn't want to juice before because I thought that juice was fattening. I just needed educating! I am going straight on to do the 5-2-5 plan. Mimi I mentioned at the start of this book that the vast majority of people drop far more than the 5lbs in five days advertised, and here is another example of that. For many it would take a couple of months to achieve the same results on a conventional ‘calorie-controlled’ diet. Not only has this programme effectively turned months into weeks, or into just five days to be accurate, but also it has inspired this lady to want to experience more of the same. I will explain what the 5-2-5 extension plan is all about later (and no, it’s not the 5/2 diet!), but what these five days do more than anything else is give you that fire inside again. You will also notice that this woman was under the same misunderstanding which many currently have: that juice is fattening. This is once again based on the misleading information put forward by many dieticians and doctors that ‘all sugars are the same and therefore juices will make you fat’. THIS IS SIMPLY NOT TRUE, as this email and thousands like it illustrate. I have lost 5lbs and 2in off my waist and that is with only exercising 5 times. I feel lighter and cleaner on the inside. Pain from my osteoarthritis and fibromyalgia is nearly gone. Rosacea is cleared, whites of eyes are brighter and a nice natural colour to my lips … No going back. Lynette Osteoarthritis and fibromyalgia nearly gone and rosacea cleared in just five days. I am not suggesting for one second that this is some kind of miracle cure for all disease, or that if you have these conditions you will get the same results, but this is the type of thing that is happening all over the world as we speak. This ‘detox/diet’ is not simply about rapid healthy weight loss, but a way to give the body a chance to heal naturally. Adult acne now GONE. Happy days! We had to travel to the USA for 5 days a week or so ago and without a juicer and staying at a hotel and hospital (for our son) the food choice was awful ... So the acne started coming back. But since being home almost a week it's gone again. Juicing is the way… Denise I used to be covered in psoriasis; I also had bad eczema and am more than fully aware of what it’s like to live with a skin condition. My psoriasis covered my neck and face and it’s no picnic living with that, I know. I personally managed to clear my skin by removing all the rubbish in my diet and putting in what nature intended in juice form. My skin took a while to clear as psoriasis is a bugger to shift, but here we have a case where this person’s acne went in just five days. I don’t wish to give any false hope to those with this condition, but this is pretty incredible and once again shows the healing power of the body once it’s given the chance and the right tools to work with. Not only am I down 7.5 pounds but I feel fantastic! My mental clarity and patience has improved so much… And the BEST part is I quit smoking! I quit cold turkey when I started [juicing] … and haven't looked back since. I was so preoccupied juicing that I didn't even think about smoking. Shannon Another person down over 7lbs in just five days; once again illustrating the ‘condense success’ nature of this programme. Clearly the biggest side benefit this person had wasn’t the weight loss, but the fact they stopped smoking! This isn’t the first time I have heard this either; I have had many letters over the years claiming the same. If you do smoke, please don’t necessarily expect this to happen to you, but as nicotine only takes three days to leave the body and the actual withdrawal is no more powerful than that of caffeine, why not kick the cigarettes into touch for the next five days and see what happens after that? 10.5lbs down… Yeowwww! To celebrate my clearer skin, better mood and bags of energy I had a banana berry crunch! Yum. Even my hubby and work colleagues noticed a change in me; think the word glow was used! Caroline Clearer skin, better mood, glowing inside and out, and down over 10lbs in just five days. Not bad, methinks. Lost 7lbs this week on the 5-day juice programme. In total, 41lbs gone since I started back [9 months ago], just a pound off 3 stone. Dropped 3 dress sizes, skin looks amazing, and it’s so great to be a size 12 again… Joeli Later in the book I will strip away all of the usual false arguments against juice diets, one of which is that once you finish the diet you will simply gain all the weight again. Many medical professionals claim it is not a sustainable way to long-term weight loss. This email is just one of thousands I have that says otherwise. Well I feel like I've accomplished a lot this week: I lost 11lbs in 5 days! A lot of people said I'd didn't have it to lose when I mentioned that I was doing it, but obviously I did! (I am 6ft and reasonably slim). I did the 7 in 7 in January and lost 9lbs, but I exceeded that this week! I teach Pilates over 45 hrs week and have inspired a lot of my clients to try juicing! I love that juicing keeps me focusing on what I put in my body. Christina This lady did the 7lbs programme in January and dropped 9lbs in seven days; this time she lost a massive 11lbs in just five days. This is why I developed this programme. By removing one juice a day and adding in my SAB training (coming later) she condensed success and managed better results in fewer days, plus she got his weekend back! I weighed myself last Tuesday night and was 19st 11lb (277lbs). This morning, 18st 5lbs. Yep 1st 5lb. (19lbs). WOW. That took me 6 weeks on my last diet! I cannot believe in 4lbs time I will be the lightest I have been in about 15/16 years. Greg This man dropped 19lbs on the seven-day juice programme. I wanted to add his story to this book to illustrate a very important point. Clearly this man didn’t lose 19lbs of fat, but he is 19lbs lighter than he was a week ago. All the body is ever looking to do is heal. By removing the junk coming in and replacing it with only the pure ‘live’ nutrient-filled juice contained within nature’s fruits and vegetables, the body can go into healing mode. This man was 277lbs; his body was not designed to be that weight, and was always looking for an opportunity to ‘detoxify’ itself. This is why in such a short period of time he had such dramatic weight loss. The body was finally given a chance to let go of unwanted crap, and did just that. The weight loss was clearly not all fat, but it wasn’t muscle either; it was the body doing whatever it can to remove the ‘danger’ to its very survival. When all the junk coming in was removed, the liver, kidneys, lungs and bowel could finally get to work and do what they are always looking to do; remove the rubbish and heal the body. The removal of junk leaves the organs open to do their job and the juices can get on with helping the healing process by providing key nutrients. It also took this man over six weeks to achieve the same level of weight loss last time. As I mentioned at the beginning, I’m all about ‘condensed success’ and turning months into weeks – this is exactly what happened here. My first experience of a juice detox and I am totally hooked; I lost ten pounds and feel fantastic, calmer, no more sugar cravings, am craving healthier foods, slept better, more energy and can’t wait for my next juice … It has transformed my life. Thank you so much. Rebecca This email represents thousands of similar ones with the same message. It is not simply about the initial weight loss (although 10lbs is not to be sneezed at!) but how your cravings change at the end. ‘...No more sugar cravings, am craving healthier foods...’ – isn’t that the Holy Grail? Isn’t that what we ultimately want, to change our cravings for junk into actually wanting healthy food? I get this more than anything else, and what you think you will be craving at the end of the juice detox is not what you actually crave. This lady also reported she felt fantastic, had more energy and was sleeping better. I feel alive! Shadows under my eyes are gone, athletes’ foot clearing up, more energy and a clear head. Just come back from my first gym session in 6 years. I’ve lost about 7lb and my body fat has gone done to 22 per cent. Hannah This is also extremely common: dark circles or shadows under the eyes disappearing. Dark circles under the eyes can be a sign of tiredness, lack of sleep, fatigue, stress or lack of fresh air. On the other hand, it can also indicate a more serious illness, and is connected with heart, kidneys, thyroid gland or meta-bolic illnesses. But for this juicer, the shadows under her eyes are completely gone – how come? Because, as I will constantly repeat, the body just wants to heal! Please also notice that her athletes’ foot is also clearing up. The reason I wanted to point this out is because many people think juice feeds yeast and therefore should be avoided by anyone with Candida or conditions like athletes’ foot. This is not the case with the freshly extracted fruit and vegetable juices in this programme. Day 8 and I am so chuffed as have lost 11lbs and 2in from my waist and hips! The weight loss is great but I am so, so very pleased that my health has improved. Not so much chest pain because of the angina, my BP is normal and stable, my GFR count is rising, I am breathing better and easier, my joints are not so swollen, and I am not suffering as much with the fibromyalgia... Lynne Where do we start? Tremendous weight loss, improved angina, blood pressure normal, GFR rate up (that’s Glomerular filtration rate, which is the best estimate of kidney function), she’s breathing better (the freshly extracted apple juice is wonderful for that), joints not as swollen and not suffering as much with her fibromyalgia. Once again so many apparent ‘different’ ailments improving all at the same time, One disease – one solution! I didn’t do this for weight loss as was only 8st 4lb. Although I have lost 3lb the most important thing is that before doing this I hadn’t been able to kneel down for over a year as my knees were swollen with arthritis! Seven days on nutrient-filled juice and the swelling has gone and I can now kneel down. Woo hoo, over a year of pain and swelling GONE! Emma This woman wasn’t able to kneel down for over a year as her knees were swollen with arthritis and in one week on the juice the swelling has gone and she can kneel. Remove the rubbish, replace the nutrients and you change the internal environment so the body can heal ... naturally. I’ve cleared up my eczema on my hands to the point where I no longer feel the need to have long sleeves. We both have more energy, life seems clearer, I’m calmer, sleep better, happier, more confident, the list goes on ... in terms of weight loss ... I lost 9 pound and hubby lost 10 pound. Donna I am more than aware of what it feels like not to wear short sleeves and always having to cover up due to a skin problem. To clear it to the point where this lady feels she can now be free to wear what she wants in just one week is truly spectacular. I am not suggesting this would happen to everyone with eczema, but it did for her. Not only did her skin improve, both her and her husband reported having more energy and feeling that life seems clearer; they’re calmer, sleep better and feel more confident. This is all within a week! 9lbs lost, 6 inches down, and body fat lowered by 3 per cent on day 8! Sleeping great, skin feels better ... I couldn’t achieve this in a year, so to do it in a week is amazing! Melissa That’s 3 per cent reduction in body fat, which is quite remarkable in a week, and flies in the face of what many believe is possible. Over the years I have received hundreds of emails reporting similar or better fat percentage reductions; one person even said they had stripped their body fat by 5 per cent ... in a week. Well 9.9lbs for me and 8.8lbs for Marc! Woweeeee. What’s more, my depression has lifted! I have been depressed for nearly four years, but it has left the building! I’m sleeping better, my hubby doesn’t snore anymore! We are converted! I’ve got my life back. Siobhan You cannot heal selectively, which is why everything seems to get better on both a physical and mental level. I think the nutrients found in good quality fruits and vegetables are the key to giving the brain, as well as the body, what it ultimately needs for optimum health. Wow, the end of an incredible week. Can’t wait for my juice tomorrow morning :-) Skin feels great, lost inches all over, hair soft, asthma better, IBS gone! Clare Skin great, lost inches, hair soft, asthma better and IBS gone; ‘one disease – one solution’ in action once again. Are you starting to notice a pattern here? Are you starting to see that the health possibilities go way beyond dropping a few pounds? I wish to make this clear to those sceptics (as there are many out there) – I haven’t received a dozen or two of these testimonials. I’ve received tens of thousands of them, all reporting incredible positive health changes in exceptionally short periods of time. There are simply too many to be dismissed as just anecdotal evidence. What became very clear to me early on when the letters and emails started flooding in was just how many apparent ‘different’ ailments and diseases improved at the same time. The medical profession’s focus tends to be on ‘a pill for every ill’ philosophy and they try to treat each ailment or disease separately with different pills. What appears to be obvious to me now, is that when you remove all of the rubbish coming in and flood the body with the right nutrients to address any vitamin, mineral or other nutrient deficiencies, everything has a chance to heal. I didn’t take a specific juice to treat my asthma, eczema, hay fever, psoriasis or obesity; I simply removed all of the rubbish coming in and flooded my body with the finest nutrients in the most bio-available form – fresh juice. I also wish to point out at this stage that I am all for intelligent, and often much needed, short-term, and at rare times, long-term medical intervention. I also don’t believe that every single disease will be cured or made better by a fresh juice. However, the vast majority of common lifestyle diseases, the ones we are popping pills like they are going out of fashion for, do indeed get better when you treat with fresh natural juices. This ‘one disease – one solution’ hypothesis is not simply based on my own experience. It is based on the tens of thousands of testimonials I’ve had over the years and from what I have personally seen at my retreats for years. I am convinced that if you remove all the rubbish coming into the body and address all of the nutritional deficiencies, the vast majority of lifestyle diseases will either improve dramatically or go away completely. This is an intelligent hunch based on 15 years’ worth of research. I put this ‘hunch’ to the test in my Super Juice Me! documentary: a group of people with over 22 apparent diseases living on nothing but juice for 28 days. Trust me, it makes interesting viewing – and the results will blow your mind! I am hoping in time it will start to affect the way the medical profession approach healing and disease. I think this is still a long way off, unfortunately. But, the more people start shouting from the rooftops about how great they feel after getting rid of all the rubbish going into their body, while flooding their system with the finest plant nutrients through fresh juice, the more they will have to sit up and take notice. Luckily, it is not lost on all in the medical profession and things are starting to change. More and more are understanding that nature’s finest nutrient-packed liquid fuel contains something often way beyond any human or scientific understanding. More and more people in the medical profession are no longer relying on the ‘evidence’ produced by the pharmaceutical reps, who bombard them with the latest drug that can cure obesity as well as just about every common ailment. They are using common sense and starting to believe in the power of plant-based foods and the body’s ability to naturally heal itself. I am not anti-doctor; a doctor has even written the foreword for this book, but I am anti certain doctors and certain dieticians who, despite what thousands are reporting, still close their minds to any plant-based ‘food as medicine’ approach to healing. The good news is though, it’s not all doctors and the message is slowly filtering through: Hi Jason, I'm a GP, for my sins, and have been following your programmes for the last 2 months, prompted by a serious illness in January that left me unable to eat anything except juices and smoothies. I've lost over 2 stone (28lbs) in that time and am now telling patients about it. It's working for me whereas in the past other diets (rather than changes in lifestyle, as this is) have not … I think this is something that is realistic and that people can do. I've never eaten as much fruit and vegin my life, and am enjoying it and also am full on it. My type 1 diabetes control is improving… On a professional note, people far prefer to take a tablet (which is easy) than do something hard like totally change their lifestyle. I will continue to advocate you to patients and colleagues – I know I'm only one GP amongst thousands but every little helps I guess. Kate And yes, every little does help, as people tend to listen to what a doctor has to say on the subject of nutrition. You may feel that’s an intelligent thing to do, but it’s worth knowing that the average doctor in the UK spends just three to six hours of their six years of training studying nutrition. No, I am not kidding. The good news is you don’t need to spend years studying the fundamentals of nutrition in order to know what to do to have a slim, trim, energy-driven, ailment-free body. I have been studying health and nutrition for over 15 years and I have realized one thing more than any other: the more I study the less I know. What I mean is, we have so overcomplicated the issue of health and disease we have missed the simplicity of it. We have missed just how stupidly straightforward the answer to health can be. Do you remember when you were a kid and fell and cut your knee, what was the advice? ‘Leave it alone and it will heal itself.’ And that is all we need to do – give the body the right environment to be in a position to heal itself. (#u36702c83-2d7f-594b-ab4f-fcb84a72377c) By now you should be itching to get started – PLEASE DON’T! There are a few things that need addressing first to make sure you are fully armed for anything that comes your way. The last thing you want to do is buy a load of fruit and veg to find it making its own way out of the fridge later in the week! You don’t want to start something and then fail and you are far less likely to fail if you are equipped with the right mental tools before you start. To be honest, it seems insane that I even need to cover the following points, but after doing this for years, I know that unless I do people who don’t know any better will try and scare you off doing the programme. What you will hear (and you may even be asking these questions to yourself as you read this book) are things like, ‘What about all the sugar in the juices?’, ‘Where will you get your fibre?’, ‘Where will you get your protein?’, ‘Won’t you just gain the weight back again?’, and so on. All of these questions will be covered in this part of the book, but as I write this very sentence, as if by fate, I have just seen a famous UK TV doctor talking about my juice diets! (Yes, how weird!)He was banging on with the usual rhetoric, such as ‘it’s unhealthy’, ‘it can be dangerous’ and so on (which is all nonsense and which I will cover soon), but he also once again made a bold statement that I cannot ignore and one which I have heard many people in the medical profession level at me before… (#u36702c83-2d7f-594b-ab4f-fcb84a72377c) (#u36702c83-2d7f-594b-ab4f-fcb84a72377c) The TV doc’s exact words were: Complete myth, there is no such thing as detox; it’s absolute rubbish. You have three perfectly good organs, your liver and two kidneys, which do all the detoxing you need… Technically, our TV doc has a point – the body does indeed detoxify itself with the help of its perfectly good organs designed to do precisely that. I am also fully aware that fresh juice doesn’t detox the body per se; only the body, essentially, detoxs the body. However, there are two fundamental points our TV doc, and many others, are missing when it comes to the word ‘detox’. Firstly, just because the body wants and is designed to do certain things naturally, it doesn’t mean it’s always in the position to do so. Take breathing for example; the body naturally wants to breathe; its very survival depends on it. However, if someone were to put their hands around your neck and start to lightly squeeze, or if you were caught up in a house fire, the body would have much greater difficulty doing what it naturally, and desperately, wants to do. Equally, if a person constantly puts more toxicity (refined sugars, fats, salts, alcohol, nicotine, etc.) into the body than it can detoxify (or eliminate if you will) efficiently, then it will struggle doing what it naturally was designed, and is desperate, to do. If, as the TV doc suggests: ‘...you have three perfectly good organs, your liver and two kidneys, which do all the detoxing you need…’ then, by that rationale, there is no need to stop smoking, curb heavy drinking, or cut down on junk food for that matter, as the body will do all the detoxing for you. It is more than clear that our detoxifying organs cannot always cope with the amount of toxicity coming in and they are not capable of doing all the detoxifying for us if overburdened. If they did, then no matter what we put in we would all be slim and healthy for life, and people like my beautiful mother wouldn’t have passed away so prematurely from stage 4 lung cancer due to the toxic nature of tobacco; her lungs would have simply detoxed it out. The more rubbish you pile into your body in the absence of live high-water content nutrient-rich foods and drinks, the more the organs have difficulty coping. Stop putting in the rubbish and, then yes, the body will indeed detoxify itself. So I agree that the body is essentially the only thing which technically detoxifies the body. I also agree that juicing per se does not detoxify the body. However, by eliminating all the toxic rubbish from one’s diet and supplying the system with freshly extracted juices, the body will then be free to do what it naturally wants and needs to do every minute of every day – detoxify! Secondly, the vast majority of people will be doing this five-day juice-only detox to lose weight and kick-start a healthy lifestyle. They don’t think the juices will act in place of their perfectly good detoxing organs such as the liver and kidneys and nor do they think that is what the word means. And this is perhaps the biggest point to be made here. The vast majority of people use and understand the word ‘detox’ to mean They understand it to be a set period of time where they abstain from things such as caffeine, refined sugars, refined fats, alcohol and so on. Who honestly ever really thinks that ‘juice detox’ means anything other than that? Well, apart from some doctors and scientists of course, but here in ‘normal world’ the meaning on the ground has changed and they need to catch up. This book is entitled 5lbs in 5 Days: The Juice Detox Diet, not because of my lack of understanding of how the body actually works, but rather because 99.99 per cent of people who pick it up know exactly what that means. They won’t think juices detoxify the body, but rather that they will have a period of time without certain foods and drinks while drinking nothing but juice. The meaning of some words change over time anyway, and sometimes if used enough in a certain way, end up meaning the complete opposite of what the actual definition is. Take the word ‘bad’, for example. I grew up in a place called Peckham in southeast London where if you said a certain piece of music or a film or even an item of clothing was ‘bad’; it actually meant it was ‘good’. It is now widely understood that if someone refers to certain things as ‘bad’ they actually mean ‘good’. Clearly it’s not the actual meaning of bad in the dictionary, but it has changed and that’s just how it is. If something is really good some people now refer to it as ‘sick’, but anybody using this term doesn’t actually believe for a millisecond that an item of clothing can projectile vomit! So if you get anyone saying: ‘Detox is a myth’, please tell them to stop being so flipping pedantic, as they are more than fully aware of what you and I mean by the word. Having said that, I have just looked up the Oxford English Dictionary’s definition of ‘detox’ and it appears it is indeed what we all believe it to be rather than what the TV doc suggests. detox informal noun, Pronunciation: [mass noun]. a process or period of time in which one abstains from or rids the body of toxic or unhealthy substances. This is exactly what this programme is: a period of time, five days to be exact, where ‘one abstains from or rids the body of toxic or unhealthy substances’. Where’s the confusion? And moreover what is the problem with calling it a ‘detox’ when that is exactly what it is? If ‘Detox is a myth’, as the TV doc stated on national television, then perhaps it should be removed from the Oxford English Dictionary? Once you’ve addressed the fact that ‘detox diet’ is indeed a perfectly reasonable phrase for this five-day programme, you’ll have another couple of big guns to contend with from the juice sceptics out there. Please also remember you are not simply dealing with genuine sceptics either, but also with friends and family members who may not overly want you get slim and healthy while they aren’t doing so! That sounds terrible, but it’s the way of the world. After all, if your next-door neighbour renovates their house and makes it look amazing, in order to make your house look good you have a couple of choices. You can either make an effort to renovate your house too, or you can blow their house up! Many people who feel they cannot make a change in this area for whatever reason will, consciously or sub-consciously, do anything to prevent you from ‘doing your house up’, so to speak. This is why they will often attack what you are doing; it’s simply in order to prevent you from doing it so your house stays in the same condition as theirs. If you make your house look amazing it only brings attention to how bad theirs is. Fear, of course, is the most common approach used by both genuine juice sceptics, and the many friends who don’t want your house to improve. This is why many say, ‘it’s dangerous’ and why you will hear the following arguments. I am adding these to the book for one reason alone, to arm you with the right information so you are not scared away from doing this programme. How anyone can think that drinking freshly extracted vegetable and fruit juice for just five days is in any way, shape or form harmful is one of life’s great mysteries. However, somehow they can be convincing and many people don’t try this on for size because they listen to the nonsense without questioning it. You can live on water for five days and all would be OK, so the fears are completely unfounded, but let’s debunk them anyway before we start. I have heard the first one for over 15 years, and it’s one of the first things people argue when talking about juice detox diets. (#ulink_ab8a0013-4d09-52c6-abc6-1b0e9a692c74) (#ulink_ab8a0013-4d09-52c6-abc6-1b0e9a692c74) And the sugar in fizzy drinks is not the same as the sugar in a freshly extracted apple juice! You may feel this doesn’t need covering. You may feel that it’s obvious that the white refined nutrient-stripped sugar found in a doughnut and a fizzy drink is clearly not the same as the unrefined vitamin, mineral and soluble fibre-rich ‘sugar’ found in an apple and the fresh juice extracted from it. But ever since the late Dr Robert Atkins’ famous ‘don’t eat carbs whatever you do or you’ll explode’ diet (I believe this is better known as a high-protein diet) and all the subsequent copies of pretty much exactly the same theme since then, such as the Dukan diet, it appears our rational thinking has taken a holiday. My mother always taught me, ‘the problem with common sense is that it isn’t that common’, and I fear where the subject of sugar is concerned, for many, it’s disappeared completely. Most people are so over-read in the area of diet and nutrition that often they don’t stop to use their common sense; they simply believe what they read and preach it as gospel. This is why I don’t want you to simply buy what I am saying either; always have an open mind and if something makes rational sense to you, then apply it; if not – don’t. But don’t simply go along with a school of thought simply because it was written or told to you by a doctor or dietician, or because it’s been ‘scientifically proven’. Often we don't need science, but our own intuition and common sense. Somehow, Atkins and co managed to convince millions of people that bacon and eggs in a frying pan are better for us than an apple – a legacy that still remains to this day. But what does your genuine intuition tell you? Over 92 per cent of the planet is made of water (72 per cent of its surface), over 70 per cent of our bodies are made of it and without it no life on earth would exist. Its importance, I feel, is undisputed. Every single fruit and vegetable designed for human consumption is made up of over 80 per cent pure organic rich water; many fruits and vegetables contain over 90 per cent. This water is designed to transport the essential nutrients within plant food to every cell in the body, while at the same time this essential water helps to flush out any rubbish. We have over 30 feet worth of intestinal tract, designed specifically for high-water-content foods. This water is not only essential for transporting key nutrients and helping to flush the body of toxicity, it also enriches the skin. In my opinion, there are many down sides on the health front to things like the Atkins Diet, but none more so than that gaunt look. You know, that look of total dehydration, like a withered plant that you just want to water. We’re not meant to be stick thin, we’re not meant to avoid water-rich foods and we are most certainly not meant to avoid the sugar found in nature’s finest life-giving fruits and vegetables! How we have reached the stage where people honestly believe an apple is worse for their health than fried bacon is beyond me, but we have and that is why I’m having to write this chapter. The belief that the sugars in fruit and vegetable juices are the same as those in a can of fizzy drink are so strong now that I feel I really must put this to bed. I will do this not through ‘science’ but with an often-unused foolproof method – intuition and common sense. With this in mind let me ask you a question. If you were a genuine sugar addict and you had a mother of a sugar craving, would an organic apple cut it for you? Would an apple hit those sugar craving buttons for you? Would you leave the house to go hunting for your apple fix? NO! Why? Because: If it were, we would have Easter eggs made of fruit and children and adults would be just as happy, but they wouldn't be, because in the same way an apple wouldn't satisfy a smoker’s need for nicotine, an apple wouldn't satisfy a sugar addict’s desire for refined sugars! It’s refined sugars and refined fats that are the biggest cause of preventable lifestyle diseases in the western world and without question they are the biggest cause of the seemingly unstoppable obesity epidemic. It is not the unrefined vitamin, mineral and soluble fibre-rich juice found at the heart of all nature’s finest foods. This is why you could have a fridge entirely full of fruit and vegetables and the average sugar addict would still say, ‘where’s the food?’ Unless there is refined sugar or refined fat in the mix, they feel as though what’s in the fridge just won’t cut it. Their eyes will scan everywhere for bread, chips, crisps, chocolate, fizzy drinks, muffins, waffles, biscuits, etc. In other words, anything Êîíåö îçíàêîìèòåëüíîãî ôðàãìåíòà. Òåêñò ïðåäîñòàâëåí ÎÎÎ «ËèòÐåñ». Ïðî÷èòàéòå ýòó êíèãó öåëèêîì, êóïèâ ïîëíóþ ëåãàëüíóþ âåðñèþ (https://www.litres.ru/jason-vale/5lbs-in-5-days-the-juice-detox-diet/?lfrom=688855901) íà ËèòÐåñ. Áåçîïàñíî îïëàòèòü êíèãó ìîæíî áàíêîâñêîé êàðòîé Visa, MasterCard, Maestro, ñî ñ÷åòà ìîáèëüíîãî òåëåôîíà, ñ ïëàòåæíîãî òåðìèíàëà, â ñàëîíå ÌÒÑ èëè Ñâÿçíîé, ÷åðåç PayPal, WebMoney, ßíäåêñ.Äåíüãè, QIWI Êîøåëåê, áîíóñíûìè êàðòàìè èëè äðóãèì óäîáíûì Âàì ñïîñîáîì.
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