Художник рисовал портрет с Натуры – кокетливой и ветреной особы с богатой, колоритною фигурой! Ее увековечить в красках чтобы, он говорил: «Присядьте. Спинку – прямо! А руки положите на колени!» И восклицал: «Божественно!». И рьяно за кисть хватался снова юный гений. Она со всем лукаво соглашалась - сидела, опустив притворно долу глаза свои, обду

Keywords in Subversive Film / Media Aesthetics

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Keywords offers a conversational journey through the overlying terrains of politically engaged art and artistically engaged politics, combining a major statement on subversive aesthetics, a survey of radical film strategies, and a lexicon of over a thousand terms and concepts. No other book combines an ambitious essay on radical politics and aesthetics in film with a lexicon of terms and ideas, many of which are new and innovative Creates and illustrates over a thousand terms and concept, drawing its examples from a wide range of media Provides a broad timespan, covering the very ancient (Ramayana, Aristotle) to the most current (digital mashups, memes) Uniquely discusses the areas of film, television and the internet within one book No other book combines an ambitious essay on radical politics and aesthetics in film with a lexicon of terms and ideas, many of which are new and innovative

Цена:8198.31 руб.
Язык:   Английский
Просмотры:   175

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