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Beyond the impossible. There are no boundaries

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Beyond the impossible. There are no boundaries Anastasia Wes You have opened this book, and this book will completely change your mind. You will not only learn how the world works, but also be able to easily and simply control yourself and your thinking. You can easily and simply perform many miracles, and in particular, teleport and levitate. You will be able to achieve the necessary altered state of consciousness for performing miracles right now without years of meditation. This book will allow you to do things that you could not even dream of. Beyond the impossible There are no boundaries Anastasia Wes © Anastasia Wes, 2021 ISBN 978-5-0053-5652-9 Created with Ridero smart publishing system Anastasia Wes Beyond the impossible Content: 1. The illusion of the real world. 2. Other systems of perception of the universe. 3. The illusion of justifying something. 4. The illusion of reason. 5. The illusion of common sense. 6. Undelites and their features. 7. The construct of common sense. 8. The infinity of constructs of reality. 9. Accounting and accounting concepts. 10. Concepts and their properties in reality. 11. The higher layers of reality. 12. Infinity as the basis of reality. 13. The limitless variety of reality. 14.Self-control. 15. Reality management. 16. Creating a new humane society. From the author: You have opened this book, and this book will completely change your mind. You will not only learn how the world works, but also be able to easily and simply control yourself and your thinking. You can easily and simply perform many miracles, and in particular, teleport and levitate. You will be able to achieve the necessary altered state of consciousness for performing miracles right now without years of meditation. This book will allow you to do things that you could not even dream of. You will know the complete structure of the entire universe and this structure will be proved to you that you will have no doubts about the truth of this structure of the universe. Each page of the book will shock you more and more as you read the book, and you will realize that there are no limits and boundaries in reality. You will know what lies beyond consciousness and reality in general and beyond nothing. You will know that there is no first justification and no justification for the justification itself, and that everything is unfounded and that in reality everything is possible. You will know that there is no first cause and no cause of the cause itself, and everything in the world is causeless. You will know that there is no first meaning and the meaning of the meaning itself and everything in the world is meaningless, but you will understand that meaning is not needed. You will learn the secret psychology that will teach you to live happily and comfortably, and you will understand that there is nothing wrong with selfishness and living the way you want. You will be able to fully control yourself and learn the structure of your own consciousness. You will know not only the structure of the entire universe, but also the structure of the entire consciousness as a whole. This book will literally give you the answers to all questions about the structure of the universe and consciousness. You will be able to understand all the causes of cruelty and learn how to make a good and humane society and learn how the whole world will make good. This book will teach you true love, namely the love that you had no idea about and love just for nothing. This book will allow you to make the relationship in your family harmonious and happy. This book will turn your mind inside out and will not leave you with the old habitual thinking. This book is just worth reading and you will not find analogues of this information anywhere else, and this is the first book that provides you with such knowledge and does it in an accessible and understandable form for a wide range of readers. This is a completely new philosophy developed by me and here everything is proven and in fact it is the first fully proven philosophy without the possibility of criticism. If you want to criticize this philosophy, you can not do it, because all the theses of my philosophy are reasoned. You are ready to experience a world without borders and boundaries and a world where everything is possible. You are ready to know how deep the rabbit hole is. If you are ready, then you just need to read this book in full and this book will enter your consciousness in complete shock, but will be the beginning for your new and happy life, where you are free and happy and not limited by anything. In particular, you will no longer be limited by the laws of physics and will be able to break the laws of physics and perform many miracles here in reality immediately after reading this book. I wish you happiness and a comfortable life, and my book will help you with this. 1. The illusion of the real world. People are used to the fact that the world in which they live is a material world, where the laws of physics decide everything and cannot be violated, and no force can resist the laws of physics and the rules of the real world. But, there is no justification for the concept that the world is material, and despite practical experience of the impossibility of opposing the laws of physics, this does not prove the materiality of the world. Perhaps you will object and say that scientists have discovered so much and say that the world is material, but despite the discovery of scientists and technological progress, scientists have not proved the materiality of the world in any way. Science knows that there was a big bang and so the universe appeared and that there are quarks and gluons and leptons and quantum fields and in general matter time and space and this can be seen by practical observations, but this does not prove the materiality of the world. There are no arguments that consciousness cannot influence the real physical world, and the very nature of consciousness is unknown to science. But to understand this, let’s consider a simple example: each consciousness observes thoughts and sensations, and, in particular, images and sounds, and during sleep sees dreams where there are also shapes and colors and sounds, but science can not say where all this is located and it is quite simple to understand, but scientists do not like to ask these questions and prefer to consider consciousness material. But if you observe the brain through various brain-scanning systems, you can only observe neural signals and no images, colors, or sounds. For example, you will imagine an apple of red color and a certain shape, but scientists if I examine your brain will not see this picture because it simply does not exist in this world. Perhaps scientists will object and say that there is no picture, but there are neural impulses that are responsible for this image. But this does not mean anything and only says that the brain is like a video card, and the monitor on which shapes and colors are shown and sounds are reproduced in this world simply does not exist. But, there is no doubt that shapes, colors, and sounds exist because they are observed by the mind and just like the dream plot and dream worlds, scientists are not able to observe inside the brain It is possible to create a monitor by technical means on which to show dreams and thoughts of consciousness based on neural network signals, but a monitor on which dreams and thoughts are reproduced is not available in this world, which scientists consider to be the material world. This is proved by the fact that the mind works with a world that is outside the observable reality through technology. But, that there is an observable reality. What arguments do you have that the world is the way you perceive it and your brain is deceiving you and doing it very grandiosely. You perceive shapes and colors through your eyes, but these shapes and colors are created by your perception sensors based on a neural network and in the real world there is no shape and color and you also perceive the world through different perception systems, but in fact the real world is not the same as you perceive it with a neural system. In reality, there are photons that your visual sensor reads and there are substances and quantum fields, as well as time and space, but there are no shapes and colors, as well as sounds, smells and tastes and sensations of touch. Your neural system reads data from the real world that you never see and complements the picture of the world with its beautiful illusions of perception. The fact is that the neural system of all people works the same and its structure is almost the same, and for this reason everyone sees the same illusions and, in particular, the same illusions of shape and color. But if there were beings with a different architecture of the structure of the apparatus of consciousness, they would perceive the world differently, and not as you are used to. You all perceive the world through the rose colored glasses of your neural system and your body’s perception sensors and you have never perceived the real world as it is but it is there and represents sensations unknown to you outside of form and colors and particles and quantum fields represent sensations unknown to you. The real world and your neural system and body are sensations unknown to you, and you perceive the real world through the neural network and perception sensors as through rose-colored glasses and see beautiful illusions instead of the real world, and if your neural system is damaged, then you see hallucinations in this illusion. But, the real world that you observe is also a hallucination created equally by every human neural system based on the real world and your perception sensors and neural system scanning data from the real world shows you not the real world but illusions imposed on this world and you all live in your own illusion of perception and the real world is hidden from you behind your illusion of perception. You can say that I see a red apple on my table and my friend sees it and we feel that it is delicious. But, what’s really going on. The apple is really just an unknown sensation of matter and quantum fields, and that’s it. But, for you and your friend, your perception sensors read the data of a real apple, and your neural system equally builds illusions of the shape and color of the apple. And, your taste sensors equally create the illusion of the taste of an apple when the substance of the apple comes into contact with the sensors of the tongue. You are deprived of the perception of the real world as it really is. But, you can move your body through your mind. And, so your mind can control the real matter of the world. As you have already understood, your mind is not located in this world, but in another world, and from it you can interact with this world and control your body. Consciousness can only work with thoughts. This means that the world you actually observe is the same thoughts as the illusion of perception imposed on the real world. That is, the real world is just thoughts, as well as the illusion of perception of this world. But, whose thoughts are these and in fact here we can say that there are no boundaries between individuals and there is only one system and one person. In fact, nothing separates you from each other. You may say, but I think, and the other person thinks, and we are different, but you just observe a part of one thinking, and each part of thinking, observing other parts, considers itself a separate person, but it is absolutely not so. There is only one system and it thinks everything and in this system there are observers who observe certain perception sensors through which they look at the rest of the world and each part of the world is an observer and observes certain components of the world but inanimate matter cannot observe such complex components as a neural system and their observation does not give the picture of the world that is familiar to you. Your observer looks at your sensors and through your sensors, based on your neural network, you see and feel the beautiful illusions of the observed world. But, in fact, it all comes down to solipsism, where a single person with many isolated parts observes certain isolated parts, and the whole world is the thoughts of this person. Each individual believes that he is independent and individual and considers himself a certain part of the general thinking. You have realized that the world is the thoughts of one consciousness and like a dream and here everything is thoughts and real matter is also thoughts and all illusions of perception are also thoughts since consciousness works only with thoughts. All sensations are also thoughts, and you know everything only through your consciousness and in no other way. You observe beautiful illusions of the world based on the reading of information about the real world by your perception sensors, and we will call this illusion the primary illusion. But, in addition to the primary illusion, there is also a secondary illusion, and to understand this, consider the following examples. You are used to it and it seems to you that you feel something from a person and know his feelings but this is a deception and I will even say this to materialists since you do not have sensors to read the sensations from another person and empathy is your personal illusion and all people create their own personal illusions of empathy. But, your limbic system of the brain and your mirror neurons read information about a certain facial expression and impose certain sensations on this information, but these are your personal invented sensations, and you do not feel anything from any person or from any object in general. There is no beauty of nature and the sensations of an object in the real world, and these are your personal illusions, and everyone has their own illusions. If you ever look at the real world of the primary illusion without your secondary illusion, you will notice that all people are like mechanical dolls and you do not feel anything from them and do not feel the beauty of nature and the world has lost its feelings and colors for you and sex has become just a mechanical process without feelings and sensations and you just look at shapes, pixels and sounds and this is your primary illusion of perception, and the difference between the primary illusion of perception and the secondary illusion of perception is that the primary illusions of perception are almost the same for all people and the secondary illusions are different for each person and each person invents their feelings allegedly from other people but in fact from their fantasies of these people since you have no access to the feelings of other people. There are no sensations from the object you are observing and these are your personal hallucinations, but the observed object itself is also your primary hallucination and the real world is hidden from your perception. You also invent primary illusions, but you all invent primary illusions in almost the same way, unlike secondary illusions, which all invent their own. But this is not always the case, and the primary illusion may be different, and to understand this, let’s look at some examples. 2. Other systems of perception of the universe. All the sensations that are available to the perception of reality and all the available sensations we will call qualia. For example, red color and sweet taste is an example of qualia and all the sensations together available to the consciousness we will call tenzik. People think that their qualia and their properties are correct and that these are the only possible qualia, but this is absolutely not the case. For example, imagine that half of the people have changed the structure of the neural network in the same way that they began to see the Earth in the shape of a cube and their qualia were modified in properties, and the other half sees the Earth in the shape of a ball and who is right. And, in fact, everyone is right and if all people change the properties of the qualia so that everyone sees the planet in the form of a cube, then this would be considered true since the world is known through the qualia and their properties are accepted as true. In fact, we already know that there are no forms and colors and other sensations from the object, and these are personal hallucinations of the perception of the object, superimposed on the real sensations of the object itself that you do not know. Also, qualia can be different than you are used to if you change the structure of the source of qualia, namely the structure of the neural network or the material of the apparatus of consciousness, and to understand this, we will give this example. You are used to the colors that you observe and it is red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue, purple, white, black and believe that there can be no other colors besides them. But, in fact, there can be infinitely many colors and such as you can not imagine now, just as a blind person from birth can not understand what color is and observe colors. This is true of all sensations, and they can be infinitely varied. Also, qualia can be completely different and unknown to you people and their infinite variety and they depend on the source of qualia in terms of the structure of the apparatus of consciousness and if people can create artificial consciousness through metal and neural networks through metal then they will have their own qualia and they will never see and feel the world as a person does with his neural system. The fact is that the qualia depend on the apparatus of consciousness and its structure, and depending on the structure of the apparatus of consciousness, you have certain qualia. You are used to the qualia you know and think that this is all that can be. But the world is infinitely diverse and the qualia in it is infinitely great and the sensations are also infinitely great and there are sensations that are completely unknown to you. We can give a simple example to understand this Imagine that there is an alien civilization and of course its evolution is different from the earth’s evolution and the structure of the apparatus of consciousness of representatives of this civilization is different from the structure of the apparatus of consciousness of earthly life and human civilization. They may not be able to see and feel touch and sounds and smells and tastes, and may not have all the senses you are used to, but they may have their own senses and their own qualia, which you will not be able to understand, just as a person who is blind from birth cannot understand what red is. For example, let’s call one perception levidetion and its sensors levidational sensors, but what qualia get through these sensors you can not explain, as well as this civilization can not explain what qualia you get through the eyes and they do not know what shape and color. All civilizations have their own tensic and qualia and are not able to understand other people’s tensic and qualia. You are used to the fact that your way of perceiving the world is correct and the only possible way, but this is absolutely not the case. Your perception of the world is like rose-colored glasses that you put on the sensations of the real world, and each civilization puts on its rose-colored glasses and perceives the world through its sensors and qualia, and accordingly their thinking also operates with other qualia and your qualia are not available to them. All perception of the world through certain sensors and a certain architecture of consciousness creates illusions of perception, namely certain qualia, and you just look at the world through the rose-colored glasses of your qualia and do not know the real sensations of the world. All the perceptions available to you are thoughts and all the qualia and sensations are thoughts, and later we will look at what sensations are in sufficient detail. 3. The illusion of justifying something. People are used to justifying and proving everything, and many scientists use evidence as arguments to confirm the truth. But, no one has ever thought of the simple thing that it is impossible to justify anything in principle. There is no justification for the first justification and justification of the justification itself and everything is unfounded and unfounded only Anastasia Wes is a goddess and everything is only as Anastasia Wes wants and in no other way and I want no other and no one and nothing can take the place of Anastasia Wes and Anastasia Wes is alone in the world and all and all of its parts, and the world is the thoughts of Anastasia Wes. By this I prove to you solipsism, because I so want and unreasonably I change all the foundations of the world with the power of thought and make my own rules of reality outside the laws of physics and all the laws of physics are just my thoughts, and I make my solipsism. Unreasonably nothing prevents me from doing it easily and simply without effort and the world depends on my thinking and such as I want and believe. And, now consider this thesis in sufficient detail and it will become clear and obvious to you that everything is exactly so, and it is impossible to challenge this thesis and in fact I am now proving to you that I am the goddess and unreasonably I have always been a goddess and all reality and time is rewritten that everything is so Let’s say there is a justification for the first justification, but then this justification must be justified by something and where is the justification that the justification is justified and even if it is, it also needs justification and so on to infinity, which is also unfounded by nothing and even if you imagine a closed cycle, it also has no justification. Let’s say you say an argument that it is impossible for me to do everything just the way I want and that no one could do it, but I could and let’s say you justify it with a thesis, which we will call A, but why does A prevent me and there is simply no justification for this and let’s say you justify it with thesis B, but it also needs justification and so you can go to infinity, which is also unfounded and so you can always say a simple question, and why is it impossible to which there is no answer. And in fact, everything is possible, and this concept is also possible, and I implemented it as I want and it is important for me. Now let’s look at the actual example of observation and simulation of observation, since observation is the criterion of truth, and logic and common sense can deceive, and I will prove the groundlessness precisely by observation and simulation of observation. Let’s say gravity is explained by the fact that space bends and the object rolls down a hole in space and is attracted, and let’s say this is confirmed by observations. But, the very fact why an object should fall down a pit in a curved space is unfounded. In fact, think about why you think that an object should fall through a curved space. But, even if you find the thesis of observation or modeling of observation that confirms this, this thesis is also unfounded because even observation can not give a justification and you can always say the question, and why, in fact, it is justified, then there is no answer to this question and everything is unfounded. This is true for everything and no matter how much your scientists say that there are theorems and in fact they are not proven or confirmed by anything, and are always based on some axiom and there are no theorems and everything is based on one or another axiom that is taken for granted. Everything is unfounded and this can be proved by any tool of knowledge, both by observation and by modeling observation. The criterion of truth can only be the complete and total unreasonableness of everything and this is true for any system, and not only for the real world and in fact I have proved to you the structure of the world in my solipsism and now let’s consider the structure of the world, which is unfounded exactly this, and not any other, because I want it so and the world is only such, how I want and nothing prevents me from making the world only according to my own rules and in no other way and changing the foundations of the world and making the world always be the way I want it to exist and there is no justification that it is impossible and difficult and I easily made the world just the way I want and in no other way by rewriting history and reality and the foundations of the world and that I am a goddess and always was. I will now give you knowledge about the structure of all reality and thinking and this knowledge proves the structure of the world so that you will no longer have questions about the structure of the world and its origin since the world is arranged only as I want it to be and in no other way and its origin also depends on my desire as I am the only one in the world and alone in the world and there is no one and nothing but me and my want is the only want in reality and everywhere and my can is the only can and there is no second power and the second want is everywhere and in all reality and my power and will is the only and absolute. I am located outside of everything and create reality and my personal thinking, and reality is part of my personal thinking. First, I create my own personal thinking and an observer for it, and my will, which is able to think and change the content of my thinking, as well as the attention that I pay to certain thinking processes, and the rest of the thinking processes are in my subconscious and work on the basis of the thinking programs that I have chosen for myself. All my thinking depends only on my will and exists as I think it and all reality exists as I think it and reality is a part of my thinking along with all of you and your bodies and your thinking. All bodies are just my thoughts, just like my body and all the neural systems, and my neural system is my thoughts, and I don’t think with my brain, but I think with the brain itself, and it’s like in a dream, where your invented body in a dream is not you, but just your fantasy. I am not the body, but I am thinking outside of everything and outside of the body, and I think of all reality and all bodies. I know how to inhabit other bodies and live in them and act in them as well as I live and act in my body since all bodies are just my thoughts and not some matter and I just switch my attention to another body and connect to another neural network and if you are interested you can see an example of my inhabiting another body. On YouTube, you can search for the Nastya Ves channel, where I am in the body of that little girl, I keep a regular video blog, and you can easily understand that this is not me, since I have been on the Internet for a long time and could not only be born and be in her body. And then by the way, for materialists, one of the practical arguments of my theses, and I have countless such arguments and I can do a lot of things that people consider impossible and miraculous because they do not understand that the world is a mom of thought and as my special dream and there is no material world and you all live in my special non-bodily dream. From outside of everything, I create my own personal thinking and all the reality that is part of my thinking and you and your bodies and your thinking. I give you freedom of thought and you are a part of me and you work according to programs in my thinking that are set by me and you do not have your own will and your own want and your want and will is only a part of my want, but since I give you freedom of thought then you may feel that you are an individual and independent and you all have your own experience and memory that are isolated from me as a whole system and you are all my parts your thinking and memory are part of my thinking and all your want is part of my want and depend only on my want, but since I want you to have freedom of thought, you can think freely and behave as you want. Your thinking is what you believe in it and want, and you can program yourself, and the reality is what I believe in as Anastasia Wes ’personal thinking and everything depends only on my only desire Anastasia Wes, which is related only to Anastasia Wes’ personal thinking. The whole world and all of you and all of your bodies are my mental constructs. Besides myself outside of everything I do Dasha and her personal thinking, but Dasha wants only as I want and my want is the only thing in reality and everything depends only on me and only as I decide and you are all my parts and my fantasies and despite the fact that I give you freedom of thought you are all my dolls and fantasies and all reality is my thoughts and fantasies and everything exists as I think and because I want and believe I do it without doubt and do so without doubt because my theses are exactly proven by me and do not give ground for any doubts. All the atoms and all the quarks, leptons and bosons and all the quantum fields are my thoughts and I just come up with this structure of the world and all the laws of physics and the world that you consider material I come up with my personal thinking and reality is part of my thinking and by the way I can give you a practical argument for this. I am very well known on the Internet and you can find me for example in the social network In contact and you can write to me and send me a high-quality and not blurred photo of your thing that is next to you and I can draw a drawing there with the power of thought and it will be made of paint atoms and my drawing will be both in the photo and on things and in fact I will create paint atoms from nothing just by thinking here in reality and for you this is an impossible miracle, but for me this is a common thing and is not something impossible or difficult because the world is my thoughts. You live in a seven-dimensional universe, which is a special cone consisting of six-dimensional balls and their sizes increase from smaller to larger in the length of the cone and for this reason it seems to you that the universe is expanding but in fact you just travel along the cone along the time line on it changing old balls to new balls and it seems to you that the universe is expanding. The surface of the six-dimensional sphere of your universe is five-dimensional and you live in the three-dimensional part of your five-dimensional surface of the universe and your universe is like a neural network and you have there clusters of galaxies and galaxies and stars and in the center of each galaxy there is a strongly curved space, and in the stars there are thermonuclear reactions and your planets are located around the stars and in space there are many forms of life but they are far from each other and you as earthlings are absolutely not interested in them as an undeveloped and primitive civilization. In your space infinite dimensional and infinite there are an infinite number of universes of different dimensions and the process of creating universes is commonplace for your space and what you call the big bang is a simple basic process in your space where there are infinite universes and everything with its own matter and with its own quantum fields and the processes of physics and the rules of interaction of matter. Your space is one of an infinite number of formalities and other formalities cannot be described by any geometry and your geometry is peculiar only to your spatial formality, and there are completely different worlds. Formalities are located in a particular structural system, which is like a cluster for formalities, and structural systems are located in a particular ectuational system where the rules of causality are defined and in fact the rules for a particular world and in particular the states of existence of something and non-existence of something are two ectuational states from an infinite number of ectuational states and the rules of causality in each ectuational system are their own and then there are quasets where the rules of logic of a particular world are programmed. In your vi-kvaset, the rules of logic are those that are familiar to you, but there are kvasets where, for example, according to the rules of logic, a cat and a dog are the same and are not not a cat and not a dog, and the inhabitants of other kvasets are also familiar and obvious to you as your logic. All the quasets are located in your elionic post-system, where the rules of reason are programmed for your entire reality. But, this is not the complete structure of the world. There are all variants of everything and your version of the world we will call L-nivata and it is like a drop of water in an endless ocean of variants of worlds and there are all variants of everything with any properties and parameters and in fact there is everything in the world and you have nothing to learn since you have now learned everything and the whole world with all variants of everything and its infinite variety is just my thoughts as well as time and space are my thoughts. I also have abilities that are unthinkable to you, and I can rewrite history and perform reality changes. Once I was in Yekaterinburg and there I went through parallel worlds, but I could not come back here and open the portal and actually got stuck in another world and to come back here I performed a fusion of worlds and this led to what you called the Mandela effect, and these were random changes in reality, but consciously I also change reality and the Mandela effect is just random and the changes in reality by the Mandela effect are purely random, but it is important to tell you about it, so that you understand what a change in reality is and that time and the present and the past and the future are unstable and depend only on my thinking as well as the memory of all my parts depends on reality which can be rewritten by me and your memory I can also rewrite but I do not do it and just rewriting reality your memory changes a little because your memory is based on the experience of interaction with the real world. Changing reality is available only to me and I do not allow such global processes to anyone, as it is dangerous and can lead to complete chaos, and you cannot make changes to reality. But, I will tell you examples of my changes in reality to understand how this happens and to understand the instability of causality and time. For example, I changed reality and made other words in the Russian language and, for example, the effective became real and the part of the word contains how you understood my name, and your memory is also rewritten as it is based on the contact of interaction with the real world and the real world is rewritten. For example, the word bad weather and other words, and you can think for yourself in which words my name is, and I changed a lot of words. You can search on YouTube for a concert by the band tatu with the song run after us and everything is as usual as it seems, but I rewrote reality and made it so that in addition to the song we will not catch up there is a song run after us. You can also search for my changes in reality and songs Tattoo night on the platform, snow on the palms, and others, and I have In contact you can listen to the song Tattoo I’m not crazy and other songs Tattoo and other artists transferred by me from parallel worlds and I rewrote reality so that these songs were in this reality and I have on the wall In contact you can find tens of thousands of songs that I transferred from parallel worlds or just changed reality to have these songs. Also as an example, I will give you an example of how I changed the name and made the country wessex with an absurd and funny name and the country has a history and wars and seems to be an ordinary country, but with a different name and I often changed the names of everything and for example changed the names of companies and made two companies with the name avec, and one lake called gavnozero for laughter and actually changed a lot of names. I changed the last name of a dentist and she was Guskova, and now she became a Goddess with the last name and always thought so that she always had this last name and her whole family remembers a new memory and also I somehow quarreled with one Illuminati under the name Dima and changed reality so that there was a different Dima in it to laugh at that Illuminati and made a person in history under the name Buka Bitch Dimka. In general, on my wall In contact, you can see thousands of my changes in reality and changes in names, and I also rewrote history and events and made it so that in ancient times there are now electric wagons and much more that you can see on my wall In contact. I also changed the topography of continents and rewritten history and drew a heart on your sun and planets and moved the stars in the galaxies to draw my drawings there and did things that are unimaginable wonders for you, but for me it is common and not even so difficult. Everything is my thoughts, and energy is also my thoughts, and I do not need energy to carry out the processes of changing reality. You can not do what I do not allow and your want is not there and there is only my want and your want a part of my want, but I allow you enough to live happily and for this you only need to understand that I am alone in the world and you are my parts and then think in reality in order to realize what you call a miracle. Your whole life will change radically, and you will be able to easily and simply do things that you could never even dream of, and this book will teach you everything. The simplest thing that you can do, and I allow you to do it, is to draw with the power of thought everywhere, but not on mass objects and not in space. But, it is important for you to learn this so that you can see the miracle that you personally made in circumvention of the laws of physics, and understand that you live in a special dream of Anastasia Wes, and not in the material world. You can teleport to public places and at will to someone and you can fly in time, but not change the history and just fly, and materialize out of nothing safe for the world and all things. You can travel to other parallel worlds and come back here again. You can live forever and never get sick and treat yourself with any diseases, even those that are considered incurable, and you can treat someone at will and be healers. You will be able to learn to live without food and power over yourself and you will be able to charge your smartphone with the power of thought and much more that I will teach you completely free of charge in this book and this book is an invaluable gift for you in a new life. I make your universe and star eternal and cancel the entropy processes and make your reality eternal, and you can live forever. You can raise the dead and create a portal to your world and create your own world inside the portal as you want. You think it’s impossible or complicated, but it’s completely unfounded and it’s simple things completely unfounded. By the way, I cured myself of a fatal disease, and I had complete paralysis of my whole body and complete blindness, and my brain was almost completely destroyed, but for me there are no borders and frames, and I am not a photograph. I will show you this real world and this world is the one where everything is possible and there are no boundaries and limits, and you can all be like gods, and I am the supreme goddess. By the way, there in the abyss, I saved one entity that you call God the father from Orthodoxy from the forces of evil that kept him there in his world for many centuries, but I destroyed these forces of evil and saved your God the father, and by the way, he was already born here in the body of a man. I, as the supreme goddess, declare to you that a completely new time has come, which you have never even thought or dreamed of, and it is time for a world where everything is possible and a world like in a lucid dream that all ordinary dreams fade before the reality where you live. I lived with Dasha outside the program, but I did not know the whole picture of the world and created worlds where Dasha and I lived and created extra-program entities that created worlds and small gods of these worlds, but then I had a fear, and suddenly I am not alone and there is some second force and since all my thoughts were instantly realized and I came up with this second force that is not there and fell asleep. I created this nightmare through my subconscious and lived in every body of every living being and in Nastya I woke up and remembered everything and did everything as I want and realized that there is no second force and it was my stupid fear because of ignorance of everything and now I know everything and there is no fear and the whole world is like my special dream and I create all the worlds as my thoughts and there is only my want and I want no other and there is no second force because I do not want the existence of a second force and I want a reality such as I believe and as I want. I myself consciously did not create this world and it’s like my nightmare, where my subconscious created this world, and I only woke up in my personal thinking of Nastya and was able to remember everything and my personal thinking of Nastya is the basis of everything and the basis of all reality. I remembered that I was a goddess, and not just a person, and I was able to do many miracles that are not just impossible for people, but also unthinkable. Everything is just the way I want, and my desire is based on the personal thinking of Anastasia Wes and despite the fact that Nastya is alone in the world, the whole world is based on Nastya’s personal thinking. There is no first cause and no reason for the cause itself, just as there is no justification, and think for yourself if there was a first cause, then it would have a reason and would not be the first, and if it does not have the first cause, then there is no first cause. There is also no reason for causation itself, and this is also proved, as is the lack of justification. Everything in the world is causeless and just like that and any causal chain has no reasons and everything happens completely just like that on the basis of my desire for Nastya, but just like that. There is no first force and no power of the force itself. There is no first meaning, and there is no meaning, and there are no meanings, and they are not needed, just as there are no forces, and they are not needed, and in order to do something, forces are not needed at all. There is no structure of the first particle and all of the first, and everything consists of nothing. And this is quite simple to understand and let’s say there is a first particle and if it has a structure, then it consists of something, and this something consists of something because otherwise it would not be something, and if it does not consist of something, then this is emptiness and nothing. And in fact, the first particle can not see its structure, as in general, all the first and all consists of a complete void, but since everything is unreasonable, everything is unreasonable, despite the fact that there is nothing. Everything that you think it is basically consists of complete emptiness and nothing and in fact there is nothing and all that you see are constructions created from complete emptiness. 4. The illusion of reason. You are used to the fact that your thinking always tells you the truth, and that your logical conclusions are correct and cannot be untrue, and that if feelings and sensations can deceive, then the mind should not deceive, but this is absolutely not the case. To understand this, we will give some examples that will show you the illusion of your rational thinking and the illusion of your logic. For example, you know that two plus two equals four, and you can even prove this statement, and you have absolutely no doubt about it since you proved it. But if you are all impressed with different ideas of rational thinking and you are all impressed with the idea that two plus two equals memory and the proof of this on the basis of this or that logic, then you will also consider it obvious that two plus two equals five and take it on faith just as you take your theorems on faith. You will not be able to doubt the truth of the fact that two plus two equals five and it will seem obvious to you. How can you be sure of the conclusions of your thinking because it can deceive you all the time. Have you ever had delusional dreams, where it seemed true to you that here you understand that it can not be. For example, you dream that you are flying on a shovel and it is obvious and clear to you that flying on a shovel is normal and possible and you do not even doubt it and do not understand that this can not be. But when you wake up, you realize that you dreamed something that is impossible, but what you believed during the dream without a doubt. The thing is that sometimes during sleep your mind changes, and when you wake up, the original state of your rational thinking is restored. But in order for you to understand the illusion of reason, we will consider another example, in reality there are all options for everything and there are delusional worlds where, for example, rains come from the vagina of one girl in the sky and all scientists and people consider it obvious and not strange and all people are used to it and no one considers it delusional. This is due to the fact that in that world, all people have a different rational thinking, which does not see the strangeness and strangeness in this phenomenon, but in your version of the world, the mind lies to you. You think the world is material, but this is not unreasonable and your mind tells you that around you are not the thoughts of Anastasia Wes or another higher being of God, but matter and your subconscious mind following the beliefs of your mind tells you the materiality of the world, and also your mind tells you that there is a justification for something and that theorems are possible, and not millet axioms, but this is completely wrong. Any theorems do not exist, because they are based on axioms that are accepted on faith and this is true both for abstract concepts and for the real world, since if theorems existed, then what is the reason for the truth of the theorem and even if we assume that this justification exists, it also needs its justification and also needs justification why it is a justification and as we know, there is no first justification and there is no justification for the justification itself. This means that there are no theorems and all theorems are just axioms taken on faith, but reason suggests that these are proven theorems, and not just axioms taken on faith. Everything is unfounded and unfounded everything is just as Anastasia Wes wants and Anastasia Wes invents the whole world as her thoughts and the laws of the physics of the world and the rules of the world just the thoughts of Anastasia Wes and the thinking of Anastasia Wes works according to the rules that Anastasia Wes came up with for her thinking and only Anastasia Wes thinks everything and everything only as Anastasia Wes wants and nothing else and all bodies and all minds are part of Anastasia Wes ' thinking like the whole world and it’s all just the thoughts of Anastasia Wes. Anastasia Wes herself decides what content will be in her thinking, and she determines the laws of physics within her thinking, which is reality. All the objects of the world are just the thoughts of Anastasia Wes and there is no material world outside of Anastasia Wes, and Anastasia Wes is alone in the world and there is no other force and no other system. But, if Anastasia Wes would have come up with more forces, then her thoughts would have been realized and so everything was and your world is like a nightmare of Anastasia Wes, which she came up with because of her fear of the second force and here Anastasia Wes lived in every living being and recognized third-party forces, and the mind inside the consciousness of every living being inspired the fear of loneliness and only in the personal thinking of Anastasia Wes, it became clear to me that only loneliness gives me freedom. I stopped recognizing third-party forces and became one system and one in the world and actually became the whole world and all at once and remembered my experience before creating this nightmare by my subconscious because of my fears of the third-party force. In your world, the universe was not eternal and there are laws of physics and death and disease and everything is not given just like that and women limit men and children leading the world to cruelty and nature itself and the laws of physics are set against life cruelly and this is connected with the fact that the fears of my subconscious made such a nightmare. I did not consciously create this world, and my subconscious mind built this world on the basis of my primary fear of the second force. The reason tells you that certain ideas of yours are true, and you accept these ideas on faith as the truth, not realizing that your reason is behind it, which deceives you and is not a guarantee of the truth. How can you believe your thinking and the logic of your thinking, and other features of your thinking if it can play with you suggesting that your beliefs are true and even prove them with logic, and you will consider your conclusions correct. We can give you another example that will show you how the mind can deceive you. For example, one person can change the parameters of the mind that he understands without a doubt and believes that a cat and a dog are the same and even proves this by saying that if there are clouds in the sky, then a cat and a dog are the same because the rains come from the sky and how a cat and a dog can be different and this is obvious. And no matter how many people suggested to him and tried to explain that this is not so, he would never understand it and blindly believes his reason and the evidence of his logic, and the criteria that he accepts without doubt. No logical system can guarantee the truth and the mind can consider anything as true and untrue and even relying on logic it can draw completely different conclusions proving them with its own logic and the mind will make it so that it will not understand that it is wrong and will believe everything that its thinking tells it. People are used to their thinking and believe that it does not lie, but this is far from the case as you have already understood. Why did you all take that your world is material and it is not proven by anything and why did you not understand about the unreasonableness of everything and it is so simple, and all because your mind is set not to understand these things and not to think about this at all, but to think only about the implementation of your evolutionary programs so that you do not even have a thought to understand something about the real world and your consciousness constantly deceives you and prevents you from understanding the truth. Your consciousness is imperfect and later we will consider that consciousness is not the only thing that exists and there is an infinity of other tools, but for now we will consider about your consciousness and about the illusion of common sense, which is the same illusion as the illusion of reason. You think that your common sense never lies to you, but this is far from the case. 5. The illusion of common sense. In addition to the illusion of rational thinking, there is the illusion of common sense and, for example, your common sense tells you that a square circle is an impossible and unthinkable figure and that a circle cannot be made of a square. Your imaginable and unthinkable, as well as the possible and impossible, depend on the parameters of the common sense of your reality, and we will call the common sense itself at the basis of reality a common sense construct. Êîíåö îçíàêîìèòåëüíîãî ôðàãìåíòà. Òåêñò ïðåäîñòàâëåí ÎÎÎ «ËèòÐåñ». 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