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The use of cordyceps-containing products

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Èçäàòåëüñòâî: Aegitas, encoding and publishing house
Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 2021
Ïðîñìîòðû: 140
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The use of cordyceps-containing products Irina Alexandrovna Nedogon Aliya Sapasheva Based on many years of experience in using Fohow products, in this practical book you can understand the causes of diseases, choose a treatment regimen, and learn how to use a bioenergy massager, faradization thermal belts, as well as learn about medical textiles, the system of intellectual sleep and all the new products. The book contains unique results of treatment for all major diseases and prevention of maintaining health and longevity. You can just as easily understand and use what you read for the benefit of yourself, your family and people. È. À. Íåäîãîí, À. È. Ñàïàøåâà The use of cordyceps-containing products © I.A. Nedogon, 2016 © A.I. Sapasheva, 2016 Preface «FOHOW Corporation's cordyceps-containing drugs are XXI century drugs, fast-acting bio-, immuno-, energy stimulant with a restorative effect, even with grade 3–4 cancer, which have no analogues». Doctor of Medical Science, Professor A. Gamperis (Lithuania)     Symposium «New drugs and treatments for chronic and incurable diseases (London, 2012)» Cordyceps-containing products The products of FOHOW Corporation are fundamentally different from the existing ones on the market for cordyceps-containing products: • 100 % natural products – phytocomponents and higher mushrooms; • Prepared according to the recipes of ancient Chinese medicine used only for the Imperial Family; • The Corporation Fohow uses the royal Cordyceps of the genus Sinensis, which is 3 times more effective than Cordyceps Militari used in other companies; • Products are made on the basis of nano-technology, which allows to keep the plant structure alive and high concentration of useful substances. Due to this technology, there is a process restoration and rejuvenation of cells of the human body; • 100 % absorption, without any side effects; • Purposeful action – body cleansing, restoration of energy circulation and balance of Yin-Yang energy in our body, restoration and rejuvenation of all organs and systems at the cells level. The cordyceps-containing products of Fohow Corporation give the following actions on the body: • Regulate all types of metabolism, removes toxins from cells, blood and intestines; • Regenerate damaged vascular endothelium, restoring vascular walls and vascular drainage system; • Recover microcirculation, regulates blood pressure; • Participate in the regeneration of liver cells, pancreas, bone marrow and other organs; • Reduce and eliminates the side effects of traditional medicine, therefore it is widely used in traditional medicine; • Recover the functions of all organs and systems, starting mechanisms of their self-regulation. Traditional Chinese medicine Health issue is currently really relevant all over the world. Symbiosis of Traditional Western Medicine and Traditional Chinese Medicine is now relevant and gives very good results! The doctors realized that only traditional western medicine is no longer able to solve problems of human health of the XXI century. Traditional Western medicine divides the human body into individual organs and heals separate human organs relatively. And the human body is a single whole-body. According to Chinese medicine, the human body is a single power system. There are 12 energy channels (meridians), along which the Yin-Yang energy circulates. Channels have internal and external passage (inside the body and on its surface). External passage represents a conventional line on the surface of the human body. It connects the acupoints located on it (biologically active points). Each channel is responsible for the work a certain internal organ of a human and has its own maximum activity time per day (Appendix 5). If there is a failure in energy movement along the channel, then an energy plug is formed and goes discharge of energy to a parallel channel. All channels are parallel, only few exceptions. For example, parallel channels: liver channel – gallbladder channel; pancreatic channel – stomach channel; channel of the heart – the channel of the small intestine, etc. When you release energy to a parallel channel, it produces excess energy on one channel and deficiency on the other. This leads to disruption of the organs of these channels, namely to chronic diseases. According to Chinese medicine, the cause of disease people is a failure at the energy level, when the balance of «Yin – Yang» energy violates, the energy circulation and its regulation are also disrupted. For example: a person has prolonged stagnation in the gallbladder (cholestasis, cholelithiasis) or the gallbladder was removed, a block was formed on bile duct, then the energy is released to the liver channel, which leads to fibrotic changes in the liver and ultimately develops fatty hepatosis. The next example is duodenal ulcer. Block on the channel of the small intestine is a discharge of energy to the parallel channel of the heart, which leads to arrhythmias, tachycardia, heart failure, heart attack; while the ECG and blood tests of a human show that the cardiovascular system is normal. The cause of these diseases is a failure on energy level. Chapter 1 Complex treatment of chronic diseases Fohow products are smart! You need to understand, trust it and take them systematically! Then it makes Miracles! Fohow products do not only heal and rejuvenate, but also copes with any chronic disease and returns a person to a fulfilling life!»     Author 1.1 Respiratory organs pathology 1. Disorder of mineral metabolism (changes in the mucous membrane of the bronchial tree and the drainage system of the bronchi) leads to a change in the acid-base balance (pH) of the bronchial mucosa, weakening of cellular immunity and the development of pathogenic flora. 2. Cervical insufficiency is pathological changes in the cervical spine (osteochondrosis, osteoporosis).The energy circulation through the immune and endocrine channels changes along with cervical insufficiency, which leads to the development of autoimmune and immunodeficiency states. The defeat of the spine at the level of III–IV vertebrae (centers, responsible for the Bronchopulmonary system) leads to the fact that the lung is not completely expanded from the moment a human is born, therefore bronchopulmonary diseases develop. During the period of autumn and spring exacerbation and disorder of mineral metabolism, osteochondrosis is exacerbated. At the same time, endocrine and immune channels are activated in the cervical spine, the thyroid gland is activated, a chain reaction through the blood is triggered, destruction and gluing of erythrocytes, thrombus formation, blood clotting, tissue hypoxia (oxygen deficiency in the body) increases, smooth muscle spasm begins, «jumps» arterial blood pressure (further – AP) and exacerbate asthmatic and obstructive syndromes of bronchopulmonary diseases and other chronic pulmonary diseases. During this period, you cannot take «Sanbao» Oral Liquid, «Gaoqian» pills. If there are no jumps in arterial blood pressure, then «XueQingFu» capsules can be taken 1 capsule from 11 am to 1 pm, when the heart channel is activated. Thick blood is not an indicator for taking large doses of «XueQingFu» capsules; on the contrary, against the background of vasospasm and thrombosis, it is a risk of stroke and heart attack. Blood can be reanimated with small doses of «Phoenix» Oral Liquid and «Linchzhi» capsules. This union stops autoimmune (self-destructive processes) in the body and normalizes the thyroid gland, recovers microcirculation, and improves vascular elasticity. Pathology of Respiratory Organs Treatment: «Wellness and Rejuvenation» Scheme (Appendix 2). Bronchial asthma is an autoimmune disease associated with impaired energy circulation through the endocrine channel (thyroid gland pathology, cervical insufficiency). Constant spasms of the bronchi, destruction and gluing of erythrocytes, increased blood viscosity, disorder of oxygen delivery to cells. Treatment of Bronchial Asthma is similar to «Thyroid Gland Pathology» Scheme (section 1.9). Cordyceps is recommended for the treatment of bronchopulmonary diseases: • As a natural antibiotic – removes cocci, viruses, protozoa; • Recovers the pH of the bronchial mucosa; • Removes toxins from the blood; • Recovers microcirculation; • Recovers cellular immunity. Linchzhi capsules have anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic action. They have a strong effect on all viruses existing in nature (even the AIDS virus). They recover cellular immunity. Tuberculosis is an immunodeficiency in the human body. Treatment of Tuberculosis (open form and closed form): Resuscitation scheme (Appendix 1). Wear Faradization thermal cervical belt on the arms above the elbow in the back in the evening and at night, go to bed with it, because from 3 o'clock at night, the immune channel, the lung channel, begins to work. Allergic rhinitis. There is an exacerbation in autumn and spring, as a result of exacerbation of cervical osteochondrosis and disorders of mineral metabolism. This is always the «fault» of the neck – cervical insufficiency. It is recommended to wear a cervical belt for 1 hour 3 times a day, the Scheme of «Wellness and Rejuvenation» (Appendix 2), «Phoenix» Oral Liquid 3 ml 3 times a day, capsules «Linchzhi» and «Haicao Gai» 1 capsule 3 times a day before meals are also recommended. Ambulance for allergic rhinitis is «Yang Sheng» energy cream. A very good point on the hand GI 4 is a «snuffbox» between the first and second fingers and the point P7 is 2 cm above the wrist joint on the forearm (lung channel). And you can use «Yang Sheng» energy cream according to «Allergic rhinitis» program (section 1.1), ensure to use the immune points V11 near the spine. Common Cold. Cough. Treatment. If there is no high fever, it is recommended to take «Phoenix» Oral Liquid 3 ml 3 times a day. If the temperature is high, then taking «Phoenix» Oral Liquid according to «Resuscitation» scheme, 2 ml 7 times a day. If a person has high arterial blood pressure, cervical osteochondrosis, then add «Sanqing» Oral Liquid, 3 ml 3 times a day before meals. Capsules «Linchzhi» and «Haicao Gai» are taken 1 capsule 3 times a day. «Liuwei» tea 2 liters a day, 1 glass every hour. Wear a neck belt (immune points will be involved) for 1 hour 3–4 times a day. «Yang Sheng» Energy cream is according to «Common Cold» program (section 3.2). If there is mucous discharge, including allergic one, then use «Yang Sheng» energy cream on point GI4, it is the point of treatment of allergic rhinitis, between the 1st and 2nd fingers of the hand; point P7 is 2 cm above the wrist joint on the forearm (lung channel). The application of energy cream Yang Sheng along the meridians: ENT (ear, nose and throat) diseases, bronchi. 1. Bronchial asthma. Chronic bronchitis Hands: GI 10 – GI 10; Under the collarbone: P1 – P1; Sternum: VC20, VC22 (unpaired points); Back: V11 – V11; Legs: E36 – E36. 2. Common cold. Sinusitis. Adenoids. Tonsillitis. Pharyngitis. Hands: GI 10 – GI 10; Under the collarbone: P1 – P1; Sternum: VC20, VC22 (unpaired points); Back: V11 – V11; Legs: E36 – E36. Face: GI 20 – GI 20. 3. Allergic rhinitis Hands: GI4 – GI4, P10-P10; Back: V11 – V11; Legs: E36 – E36, RP10 – RP 10. 4. Otitis media. Hearing loss. Noise in ears Face: VB 2 – VB 2; Shoulders: VB 21 – VB 21; Legs: RP6 – RP6; RP10 – RP10; F3 – F3; R1 – R1; Back: V23 – V23. 5. Chronic rhinitis Hands: GI4 – GI4; P7 – P7; MC3 – MC3. Spine: V11 – V11. Near the nose: GI 20 – GI 20. 6. Pulmonary tuberculosis Legs: E36-E36, R3-R3 (behind the outer ankle of the foot); Back: V13-V13 (above V15), V23-V23. Respiratory organs pathology Results: 48-year-old woman, Almaty city. Within 5 year, autoimmune thyroiditis, bronchial asthma, chronic bronchitis, COPD, high myopia, bend of the gallbladder, hepatitis of unknown etiology, duodenal ulcer. Treatment: Resuscitation scheme. (Appendix 1). During treatment, the exacerbation was after 3 months of taking drugs in the form of a snuffle and cough. The bronchospasm went away immediately. Currently, the woman is undergoing the 6th month of treatment, the results are positive. She takes «XueQingFu» capsules at 11 o'clock. 1 capsule – at this time the heart channel is working. Tachycardia disappeared, which characteristic of thyroiditis. The action of the capsules «Haicao Gai» and «Linchzhi» brightened the woman's skin. Bilirubin dropped to normal. Woman keeps water regime of 2.5 liters per day. The results are encouraging. 72-year-old woman, Almaty city. I was sick all summer. I took half a bottle of Sanqing Oral Liquid for the night, half a bottle of Phoenix Oral Liquid twice a day, and half a bottle of Sanbao Oral Liquid once a day, capsules Linchzhi and Haicao Gai 1 capsule twice a day, capsules XueQingFu 1 capsule twice a day and tea Liuwei, and wore cervical and lumbar belt. The woman suffers from hypertension and chronic bronchopulmonary disease. All summer I did not stop hurting, and then I was ill with bronchitis, then a cold, raised arterial blood pressure. Appointed Scheme of «Resuscitation» (Appendix 1). «XueQinqFu» capsules canceled, because her cholesterol dropped sharply. Conclusions: large doses of «XueQingFu» capsules dramatically remove cholesterol from the blood, including useful ones. This can lead to failure of the cardiovascular system. Large doses of «Phoenix» Oral Liquid can lead to malfunction of the thyroid gland, exacerbation of diseases joints and malfunction of the endocrine and immune systems. The woman keeps a water regime of 2.5 liters per day. The results are encouraging. 59-year-old woman, Almaty city. An asthmatoid cough with a whistling, spastic cough appeared. On my mother's side, my grandmother died from asthma. After 60 year, my mother had an asthmatoid condition. My son has been asthma since 1 year of age. Conclusions: The state of people often depends on the background radiation, magnetic storms, and ecology. People with heart diseases acutely feel the exacerbation of the thyroid gland, jumps in arterial blood pressure and blood sugar. Due to the activation of the thyroid gland, the woman developed an asthmatoid cough. Treatment: The woman put on a magnetic bracelet, after a few hours she felt that breathing became easier, the whistling and coughing disappeared. Magnetic bracelet and necklace are recommended for people who have problems with blood, «heart patients», «hypertensive patients», asthmatics «with colds, because they strengthen the immune system. 65-year-old man, Almaty city. COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease), bronchial asthma, (underwent hormonal treatment), ulcerative colitis, coronary heart disease. The man was suffocating, could not sleep. Conclusions: Block on two parallel immune channels: the lung and the colon ones. Ulcerative colitis is a blockage in the channel of the large intestine. This often ends with colon cancer and then the formation of metastases in the lungs. Treatment: «Resuscitation» Scheme (Appendix 1), 1st and 2nd months without «XueQingFu» capsules, without «Sanbao» Oral Liquid. «Yang Sheng» Energy cream is according to «Bronchial asthma» program (section 1.1). The man wore a neck belt for 30 minutes – 1 hour 3–4 times a day. From the 3rd month, «XueQingFu» capsules were started from 11 am to 1 pm by 1 capsule. And we changed the dosage of «Phoenix» Oral Liquid 3 ml 3 times a day. We added «Qi Li» drink 1 glass in the morning before breakfast. During the first 2 weeks, they began to reduce the intake of hormones, and soon they stopped completely. After 3 months, the man underwent a routine examination at the hospital, and the doctors were amazed at how his lungs recovered. He has no bronchial obstruction, there was no need drip seasonally prednisone. Good analyses. Ulcerative colitis is gone. Here is such an amazing result! From the 4th month it is recommended to add capsules «Garlic essence» 1 capsule 3 times a day. Taking together with capsules «Linchzhi, Haicao Gai and XueQingFu» from 11 am to 1 pm provide triple effect on blood vessels. The bronchi are well recoverd. We also recommend adding «Sanbao» Oral Liquid. The man has an autoimmune (self-destructive) disease. «Sanbao» Oral Liquid was not recommended earlier, because it could lead to an asthma attack. During the period of seasonal exacerbation, there is a tension of the immune and endocrine systems, therefore, in the acute phase, «Sanbao» Oral Liquid is not recommended. Q & A: 1. Reader's question: COPD. Pain in knees. Cataract. Author's answer: «Ecology plays an important role in human health. Dysfunction of the thyroid gland is severe in Uralsk. After childbirth, an autoimmune (self-destructive) process is triggered, metabolic disorders are severe, because the joints are a consequence: channels of the liver and pancreas pass through the legs. A fracture of the femoral neck is an indicator of stagnation in the gallbladder, the destruction of the joints: hip, knee, and ankle. The problem of cerebral vessels (atherosclerosis) always affects the cerebral circulation. Intracranial pressure rises, although arterial blood pressure is within normal limits. Cataracts are always a pancreas problem (the pancreas is an endocrine channel that is controlled by the thyroid gland). And there is no diabetes mellitus. But your calluses on your feet are one of the signs that you have diabetes. Treatment: The first month according to «Resuscitation» scheme (Appendix 1), because there is a strong slagging, clear atherosclerosis, malfunction in metabolism, started autoimmune (self-destructive) process. COPD is 100 % dysfunction of the thyroid gland against the background of congenital disorders of mineral metabolism, dilatation of the bronchi, namely dilation, accumulation of mucus, sputum, and, if you start now to do BEM, there will be a large release of microbes into the blood, and the tubercle bacillus is sown, and the fungus and the virus, and severe bilateral pneumonia can begin. It will go into the blood, to the kidneys (pyelonephritis), to the heart (myocarditis), and develop against the background of respiratory and heart failure. Therefore, I recommend that you take Fohow products according to «Resuscitation» scheme for two months (Appendix 1). How does the thyroid gland affect the development of COPD? Destroys erythrocytes (there is blood thickening, thrombus formation). Erythrocytes must carry oxygen, and oxygen deficiency develops little of them and an attack of bronchial asthma, bronchial spasm begins and pneumosclerosis occurs, and COPD develops. When working with to acupuncture «Yang Sheng» energy cream according to «Tuberculosis of the lungs» program, the cough quickly disappears and the lung tissue is recoverd. «Common Cold» program recovers the pH of the bronchial mucosa in bronchial asthma, nasopharynx – in sinusitis, tonsillitis. And you will comprehensively resuscitate your body at the cellular level, there will be a cleaning, but not massive, as with BEM. From the third month, when your condition stabilizes, we can carefully begin to do BEM. All problems are in the collar area. And here you can't do without BEM. The main purpose of BEM is to recover the neck and collar area and adjust the channels (meridians). «Yang Sheng» Energy cream in the morning we work according to «General health program» (section 1.14), in the afternoon «Tuberculosis of the lungs» (section 1.1.), «Common Cold» (section 1.1), before dinner «Glomerulonephritis. CPN.» section 1.4). The problem of blood vessels and renal function is reduced and retinopathy develops from here, namely retinal vascular pathology, as in this case. This problem is also related to the kidneys. After dinner, «Exhaustion of the nervous system» (section 1.8), «Hypothyroidism» (section 1.9) and before bedtime, «Sclerosis of cerebral vessels» (section 1.3). And the «Cataract» program (section 1.5) can be done in the evening. Squeeze a drop of cream and rub it with dots on a point as in the diagram. Don't worry that you don't – you will! Wear a Faradization thermal belt over an hour later on the neck, on the Abdomen below – above the navel, on the legs from 9:00 to 10:00 on one leg, from 10 am to 11 am on the other leg is above the ankle of the foot (works well with cataracts) or knee pads at this time. From 11 am to 1 pm, the heart channel (parallel channel of the small intestine) is active. You can wear Faradization thermal cervical belt on your hands. Wear a lumbar belt from 3 pm. Use «Yang Sheng» seat actively, put it under your head (the collar zone is recoverd, cerebral circulation, the blood vessels of the eyes begin to work), they lowered the channel of the liver and gallbladder below the shoulder blades, the kidneys begin to work, put it under the buttocks – it will diure (the urinary channel passes), female organs are treated, you will stimulate the large intestine. Good bowel movement in the morning, swelling will go away quickly. For all women, I recommend at least one Guifei Bao tampon per month. First, the rejuvenation of the female organs. Secondly, it diures well, blood sugar normalizes, recovers the functioning of the kidneys, pancreas and recovers energy along the entire spine, the work of the brain improves, and, most importantly, the work of the thyroid gland is regulated. Those who have joint problems have kidney problems. You wear a lumbar belt and during this time you put on knee pads, or a neck belt in the knee area. If one joint hurts, it is imperative to work out the second joint. From the third month we start working with BEM, apply the «Sclerosis of cerebral vessels» program with acupuncture energy cream «Yang Sheng» (section 1.3). Is your sensitivity reduced? Do it at a frequency of no more than 10 Hz. At first you will not feel, but the work will be powerful. 5–6 procedures, 2 weeks off.» 1.2 Gastrointestinal diseases 1. Disorder of mineral metabolism is a lesion of the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract. Starting from the oral cavity, the cellular immunity of the gastrointestinal mucosa, the pH changes, the level of T-helpers decreases. Disorder of mineral metabolism leads to the development of helicobacter, changes in secretion, pH of the mucous membrane, pathogenic flora, dysbacteriosis develops, which causes stomatitis, gingivitis, esophagitis and gastritis. Congenital disorder of mineral metabolism leads to a generalized decrease in muscle tone and, in particular, to gastrointestinal atony, such as chronic constipation, gastroduodenal reflex, bending of the gallbladder, bile stasis. Changes in the pH of the mucous membrane of the gallbladder and bile stasis lead to the development of pathogenic flora, gallbladder inflammation and stone formation. 2. Cervical insufficiency is pathological changes in the cervical spine, severe by osteochondrosis, osteoporosis, pathology of the III cervical spine, which is responsible for digestion, such as celiac disease, disrupted synthesis of immunoglobulin A, and other serious diseases. Disorder of energy circulation through the endocrine and immune channels leads to the development of autoimmune and immunodeficiency diseases. Treatment of Stomatitis, Gingivitis, Gastritis, Chronic Constipation, unstable bowel movement, duodenitis (abdominal distension): «Wellness and rejuvenation» Scheme (Appendix 2). Treatment of Peptic ulcer: «Resuscitation» Scheme (Appendix 1). Treatment of Pancreatitis: «Resuscitation» Scheme (Appendix 1). Hemorrhoids develops due to a disorder of mineral metabolism and cervical insufficiency, as well as disturbances in the circulation of energy through the urinary canal (runs along the spine), the spleen canal, pancreas and stomach. Hemorrhoids Treatment: «Wellness and Rejuvenation» Scheme (Appendix 2). Treatment of Pathology of the gallbladder (stasis, stones, infection – lamblia, etc.): «Wellness and rejuvenation» Scheme (Appendix 2). Treatment of Liver pathology (hepatitis, infections – echinococcus, etc.): «Wellness and rejuvenation» Scheme (Appendix 2). «Sanqing» Oral Liquid is indispensable in the treatment of gastrointestinal pathology; heals the gastrointestinal mucosa; cleans the intestines from old fecal impurities; cleanses blood and lymph; recovers cellular immunity, helps prevent gastrointestinal cancer. Oral Liquid «Sanqing» dissolves stones in the gallbladder, inhibits the growth and reproduction of the papilloma virus, which causes malignancy of the mucous membrane. Oral Liquid «Sanqing» recovers the energy circulation through the channels: liver, gall bladder, small intestine, pancreas and spleen. «Linchzhi» capsules contain sugar-reducing substances, are effective in the treatment and prevention of diabetes. «Phoenix» Oral Liquid cordyceps recovers the pH of the gastrointestinal mucosa, normalizes the flora of the mucous membrane, the secretion of gastric juice, relieves the gastrointestinal mucosa inflammation (stomatitis, gingivitis, gastritis, duodenitis), and also regenerates liver cells. It removes toxins from blood cells, intestines, protecting the liver, pancreas from intoxication, and «Phoenix» Oral Liquid normalizes all types of metabolism, especially lipid. «Sanbao» Oral Liquid contains mountain ant extract + 80 % cordyceps. It recovers the energy circulation through the pancreas, due to its unique composition (high content of protein, enzymes, polypeptides) recovers the islets of Langerhans, synthesizes insulin. «Sanbao» Oral Liquid has a detrimental effect on all types of viruses, regenerates the liver. Oral Liquid is effective for cirrhosis, hepatitis B and C. The liver is a digestive organ, produces bile, works as a detox – removes toxins, toxins, is an organ of hematopoiesis, increases immunity (synthesizes a protein – immunoglobulin). 1500 reactions occur daily in the liver – this is a whole factory! If the liver is sick, then all organs and systems are affected. One in five deaths from liver failure caused by drug abuse! Mold that grows on food contains aphatoxin, a fungus that causes liver cancer! «Garlic essence» capsules (garlic capsules) are a natural powerful antioxidant, an extract from garlic. Protects human cells from oxidation, which is a powerful prevention of cancer and premature aging. Garlic capsules strengthen the immune system, have a severe anti-inflammatory effect. They also reduce blood sugar and cholesterol, so it is good to take them with severe metabolic disorders, hypertension, diabetes mellitus and vascular atherosclerosis. They improve the function of the genitourinary system. Due to the high content of vitamin C, garlic capsules recover the elasticity of blood vessels, which leads to their rejuvenation. Garlic capsules recover, rejuvenate and strengthen the protective properties of the skin. They also improve the work of the gastrointestinal tract well, especially with reduced function, with constipation, and decreased appetite. Application: It is recommended to take «Garlic essence» capsules after meals, 1 capsule 3 times a day after meals. If there is no strong choleretic effect (belching, heartburn), then the dose can be increased to 3 capsules 3 times a day after meals. Even if there is a choleretic effect, it is recommended to continue taking capsules 1 capsule 3 times a day, because there is a cleaning of the bile ducts and gastrointestinal tract. It is also recommended to take «Garlic essence» capsules in combination with «Sanqing» Oral Liquid, «XueQingFu» capsules, «Fohow Meigui» and «Liuwei» tea according to the «Prevention» Scheme (Section 1.14). Children are recommended to take garlic capsules from 3 year old, 1 capsule once a day. For older children, the dose can be increased by 1 capsule twice a day after breakfast and after dinner. It is especially recommended for children who have undergone hypoxia, because they have cerebral atherosclerosis from birth. Intestinal infection (including Enterovirus infection).Treatment of Intestinal infection is according to «Resuscitation» Scheme (Appendix 1). The basis for the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases is «Liuwei» tea, for the purpose of detoxification, elimination of toxins, restoration of microcirculation, cleansing of the gastrointestinal mucosa, blood restoration. with intestinal infection, viruses are absorbed, thrombus formation in small vessels, microcirculation disorder, cardiovascular system malfunction, damage to internal organs, detoxification of the liver, pancreas, kidneys, intoxication increases and very often leads to fever, there are convulsions, even with fatal the outcome. Therefore, it is recommended for adults to drink 1 glass of Liuwei tea every hour, 2 liters per day. «Phoenix» Oral Liquid is also the basis for the treatment of intestinal infection, because during intestinal infection the mucous membrane of the entire gastrointestinal tract becomes inflamed, ulcers appear, pathogenic flora develops and this promotes fermentation and absorption of microbes, toxins into the bloodstream and an increase in intoxication in the body. «Phoenix» Oral Liquid recovers the pH of the gastrointestinal mucosa, heals it, strengthens the immunity of the gastrointestinal tract very well and works great in the blood: recovers the acid-base balance, microcirculation, recovers the organs of detoxification – liver, kidneys. It is recommended to take 2 ml 7 times a day. «Sanqing» Oral Liquid is like a detox, cleanses the digestive tract, blood and plasma. The dosage is 3 ml 3 times a day, but it is not recommended to increase the dosage. can lead to an overload of the liver, bile duct, which will lead to increased arterial blood pressure, severe vomiting and headaches. «Linchzhi» capsules are like an antiviral drug relieves swelling of inflammation of the gastrointestinal mucosa, and calcium in capsules «Haicao Gai» recovers and heals the gastrointestinal mucosa. Take «Linchzhi and Haicao Gai» capsules together, 1 capsule before each meal. «Fohow Meigui» 1 teaspoon 3 times a day. «Yang Sheng» Energy cream is according to the programs «Vomiting», «Diarrhea», «Dysbacteriosis» (section 1.2). Such prescripttion of Fohow products relieves intestinal infections within 24 hours. «He Tai» (liver drink) is 100 % natural product, which recovers and protects the gastrointestinal mucosa, stops bleeding (gastritis, duodenitis, cholecystitis, pancreatitis, peptic ulcer). The drink completely heals the liver, diseases of the genitourinary tract and gallbladder. The He Tai drink is very good at reducing blood sugar. With cirrhosis of the liver and oncology, the drink works only as a detox, namely removes toxins and toxins. It also reduces intoxication, improves vision (cataracts, glaucoma) through the restoration of the liver and gallbladder. Increases the synthesis of proteins (immunoglobulins), is effective in treating anemia, diseases of immunodeficiency. Use: It is recommended to take 1 sachet of «He Tai» drink before breakfast and before bedtime. It is not recommended for pregnant women and women during lactation, children under 18 year of age. But if the child has hepatitis, then you can take a drink 1/2 or 1/3 of the package by age, 2–3 times a day. Diabetes mellitus is at the energy level according to Eastern medicine, which is always a consequence of a disorder of the energy circulation in the neck. A problem since childhood, circulation through the endocrine channel is disturbed; the thyroid gland and a block on the pancreatic channel are always involved. Diabetes mellitus is accompanied by hypertension, polyarthritis, cardiovascular diseases, cataracts, glaucoma, and with age – hearing loss. The destruction of the thyroid gland leads to blood disease, gluing of platelets, severe atherosclerosis, vasospasm, arterial blood pressure rises. The pancreatic channel regulates water-salt metabolism, therefore, with diabetes mellitus, fluid retention occurs, a tendency to edema and the stone formation, especially in the gallbladder (cholelithiasis is always a disorder of the energy circulation to the anal pancreas). The bile stasis leads to increased intracranial pressure, early development of cerebral atherosclerosis, vasospasm, migraine and persistent hypertension. Along diabetes mellitus, eroded gastritis is always observed. The parallel channel is the stomach channel. There is a problem of intestinal duodenitis (constipation, diarrhea, bloating, ulcerative duodenitis), because the pancreas regulates the functioning of the small intestine, which is involved in diabetes mellitus. The parallel channel in the small intestine is the channel of the heart. Coronary heart diseases, angina pectoris always accompany diabetes mellitus. Along aging, diabetic patients always experience hearing loss, because the small intestine channel passes through the ear, causing sensory hearing loss. Polyarthritis, especially polyarthritis of the legs, is a problem of the stomach channel, pancreas, liver, gallbladder and urinary bladder. The thyroid gland is also involved. There is a destruction of bones (the cause of arthritis); severe destruction of the spine and deposition of salts (osteochondrosis). The vertebral artery is compressed, which also leads to an increase in intracranial and arterial blood pressure. There is also a disorder of circulation in the urinary canal, which runs along the spine. The channels of the stomach, pancreas, and bladder pass through the legs, which is one of the reasons for the development of varicose veins. And one of the causes of leg cramps is impaired circulation in the urinary canal. Cataract always accompanies diabetes mellitus, because a block occurs in the pancreatic channel. A block in the gallbladder channel leads to the development of glaucoma. Blocks in the endocrine channel are often inherited in children. And a child in 2–3 year old unexpectedly reveals insulin-dependent diabetes after the flu, after an infection, especially the nasopharynx. Therefore, when interviewing parents, it turns out that there was diabetes or pancreatitis in relatives or anemia in mothers during pregnancy. Frequent anemia in pregnant women – the mother passed this block to the child, and in the child it manifested itself in the form of insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus. Treatment of Diabetes Mellitus is «Detoxification» Scheme (Appendix 7). Cholelithiasis is a consequence of metabolic disorders, it is always high cholesterol. Thyroid ultrasound is recommended. Woman: hemorrhagic stroke. Treatment in «Fohow», recovery, but enlarged nodes in the thyroid gland. When there are nodes in the thyroid gland, fibrocystic breast changes, fibroids in the uterus, endometriod, prostatitis, adenoma, capsules «XueQingFu» cannot be taken, because it gives powerful blood circulation to the organ and tumor growth. Along with oncology, of course, it is impossible, although the Chinese taught us that they eliminate fibrin plaque, the cancer cell is exposed, the cells of the immune system are able to see the cancer cell and kill it. Cholelithiasis is always a block on the gallbladder channel, energy does not pass through the gallbladder channel; the energy is released to the liver channel. The liver channel is always congested, the liver works with a load and therefore cholesterol is always elevated, which leads to the progression of vascular atherosclerosis, stone formation can increase. And now you work as BEM. There are no contraindications for BEM gallstone disease. What does BEM do? BEM simply triggers regulation, increases blood flow velocity. Why is it dangerous when metabolic disorders are severe? The vessels are imperfect; therefore, increased blood flow can lead to the separation of a thrombus, embolism of small vessels, and a heart attack in any organ. BEM also starts a powerful cleansing – detoxification. So many microbes, viruses, the same cholesterol from the cell come out into the blood, and all this must pass through the detoxification organs: liver, kidneys, intestines. The liver does not work and intoxication with its own toxins may occur, if a person does not take Fohow products and does not drink «Liuwei» tea. Cholesterol rises, arterial blood pressure and gallstones increase. Therefore, BEM is recommended to work at a low frequency of 10 Hz. When a stroke occurs, the vertebral artery is pinched, osteochondrosis is severe, the main load on the carotid artery, which supplies the brain with blood, but it is already clogged and works by 30 %. Therefore, we recommend Treatment according to «Resuscitation» Scheme (Appendix 1), «Phoenix» Oral Liquid in small doses, but often 2 ml 7 times a day, but in no case in half a bottle and a bottle! There will be such a powerful release of cholesterol into the blood that the pressure will raise and, of course, the liver will react and also form stones. «Sanqing» Oral Liquid is a unique drug. We never prescribe «Phoenix» without «Sanqing» to people with severe metabolic disorders. «Phoenix» Oral Liquid starts cleansing, the liver is stressed first of all, and the liver and kidney channels are unregulated. «Sanqing» Oral Liquid works at the energy level, recovers the regulation of energy through the channels of the liver and gallbladder. Those who have the gallbladder canal are not regulated – their legs hurt, along the «stripes» of pain, like a cord runs along the side of the leg, passing the ankle (in people suffering from hypertension in the morning, swollen ankles). The bile duct is active from 11 pm to 1 am and the liver canal is active from 1 am to 3 pm, so in the morning the ankles are swollen. The canal goes through the knee and through the hip joint. «Sanqing» Oral Liquid 3 ml 3 times a day before meals. Those who have a gallbladder problem, often headaches, overloading of the gallbladder leads to early atherosclerosis of the cerebral vessels, spasm of the cerebral vessels and increased intracranial pressure, the development of encephalopathy, and also leads to glaucoma. The gallbladder canal runs through the eyes. We recommend taking capsules «Linchzhi» and «Haicao Gai» three times a capsule before meals. «Linchzhi» capsules have a strong choleretic effect. «Haicao Gai» capsules well recover the mucous membrane of the gallbladder. Cholelithiasis is a congenital metabolic disorder, a weak drainage system of internal organs, including the gallbladder, bending of bile (cholestasis), a change in the pH of the mucous membrane lining the gallbladder, that is, a tendency to cholecystitis, cholangitis, and against this background is the stone formation. Capsules «Linchzhi» + «Haicao Gai» relieve spasm of smooth muscle mass; regulate arterial blood pressure, because cholelithiasis is accompanied by hypertension. We recommend taking «Garlic Essence» capsules after meals. They have a bactericidal, anti-inflammatory effect. Belching of garlic happens while there is stagnation in the bile duct, later it will pass. It is recommended to drink «Liuwei» tea of 1 sachet is brewed for 2 liters of hot water and drunk warm during the day, because it dissolves stones very well, and also recovers the liver and gall bladder well. It is also recommended to take «Boss» tea: we brew 1 bag for 1.5 liters of hot water. We drink in the morning, because it regulates the intestines well, improves metabolism, and prevents the absorption of cholesterol. And in the evening after dinner, a glass of hot «Boss» tea, it relaxes, begins to regulate arterial blood pressure, works great in the vessels, and reduces atherosclerosis of the vessels. Taking Boss tea will make you slimmer and prettier. It is recommended to dry and chew a little before going to bed: you fall asleep well and lose weight. In the morning you get up and see that the muscles have appeared and you are getting younger. «Yang Sheng» energy cream has a quick healing effect on acupoints according to «Cholelithiasis» program (section 1.2). The application of energy cream «Yang Sheng» along the meridians: Gastrointestinal diseases 1. Diabetes mellitus Hands: GI 4 – GI 4; GI 10 – GI 10. Legs: E36 – E36; RP6 – RP6; F3 – F3; R1 – R1. Abdomen: VC6, VC4 unpaired points. Near the spine: V11 – V11; V20 – V20; V23 – V23. 2. Cholelithiasis Legs: E36 – E36; E40 – E40; RP6 – RP 6. Abdomen: VC6, VC4 unpaired points. Near the spine: V11 – V11; V20 – V20; V23 – V23. 3. Abdominal pain (pancreatitis) Spine: T4. Abdomen: VÑ 12. 4. Diarrhea (enteritis) Abdomen: E25 – E25, VC6 unpaired point. Legs: E36 – E36; F3 – F3. Near the spine: V20 – V20. Spine: T4 unpaired point. 5. Constipation (colitis) Abdomen: E25 – E25, E28 – E28. Legs: E36 – E36; RP6 – RP 6. Near the spine: V20 – V20. 6. Vomiting (gastritis) Abdomen: E25 – E25. Legs: E36 – E36; RP6 – RP6. Near the spine: V20 – V20. 7. Peptic ulcer of the gastrointestinal tract Abdomen: VC12, VC6, VC3 unpaired points. Legs: E36 – E36; RP6 – RP 6. Near the spine: V11 – V11; V18 – V18; V20 – V20. 8. Hepatitis Legs: E36 – E36; RP6 – RP6; F3 – F3; VB34 – VB34. Near the spine: V18 – V18; V20 – V20. 9. Hemorrhoids Legs: E36 – E36; RP6 – RP6; V57 – V57. Near the spine: V20 – V20. Spine: T4, T2 – unpaired points. Abdomen: VC6, VC4 – unpaired points. 10. Dysbacteriosis Hands: GI4-GI4; GI10-GI10. Abdomen: VC6; VC12 – unpaired points; E25-E25. Legs: E36-E36; RP6-RP6; V40-V40; V62-V62. Back: V15-V15 (between the shoulder blades); V18-V18 (below the shoulder blades). 11. Bloating Abdomen: VC6, VC4, VC12; Legs: E36-E36, VB34-VB34; Back: V18-V18, V20-V20; Spine: T4. 12. Toothache Hands: GI4-GI4, P7-P7; Face: E5-E5, E6-E6. 13. Food allergies Legs: E36 – E36, RP6 – RP6, RP10 – RP10. Near the spine: V11 – V11; V23 – V23. 14. Colics in the gallbladder, kidneys (the stone has moved) Legs: E36 – E36, F3 – F3, VB34-VB34, RP9 – RP9. Gastrointestinal diseases Results: 28-year-old man, Nur-Sultan city. Painful sensation when inhaling, disrupted chest excursion, hernia in the thoracic spine – T8 – T9 – T10. Ossification of the cartilage of the VIII–IX ribs is in progress. The man was being treated in Germany; they could not make a diagnosis. Question: are there liver and gallbladder problems? Answer: Yes. Since childhood, dyskinesia of the bile ducts. Conclusions: this problem began with intrauterine development. He suffered intrauterine hypoxia, congenital disorder of mineral metabolism + generalized decrease in muscle tone. Hence there was the weak drainage system of the biliary tract. During the period of disorder of mineral metabolism (autumn, late winter), the pH of the gastrointestinal mucosa changes, inflammatory changes in the gallbladder mucosa, which increases the bile stasis. This leads to a disorder of the energy circulation through the bile duct. Vertebrae T8, T9 are the centers responsible for the bile duct. In the course of the problem channel, there are changes in the bones and cartilage. The long process of the disease led to the ossification of the costal cartilage. Treatment: «Wellness and Rejuvenation» Scheme (Appendix 2). 35-year-old man, Taraz city. Fatty hepatosis. Hypertension. Polyarthritis. Conclusions: Fatty hepatosis is preceded by a diffuse change in the liver. And often the main reason is chronic gallbladder congestion or gallstone disease. This young man has problems since childhood – a disorder of mineral metabolism + cervical insufficiency, a problem of the nasopharynx + cholestasis (congenital disturbance of mineral metabolism led to a change in the pH of the nasopharyngeal mucosa and gastrointestinal tract). Conclusions: Against the background of cervical insufficiency, the endocrine channel, the posterior median and urinary canals, which regulate cerebral circulation, are involved. A block on the endocrine channel leads to hormonal disorders, thyroid dysfunction. When the arterial blood pressure «jumps» (hypo- or hyper-), the thyroid gland is always involved, there is a failure in all systems – destruction of red blood cells, thrombus formation, severe atherosclerosis and a tendency to vasospasm. Treatment: «Resuscitation» Scheme (Appendix 1). 50-year-old woman, Almaty city. She has cholelithiasis (3 stones in the gallbladder: 3 cm, 2 cm and 1.5 cm), as well as a cyst in the liver, when she had hepatitis. No hypertension. Treatment «Wellness and rejuvenation» Scheme (Appendix 2). Additionally: «Yang – Sheng» energy cream according to «Cholelithiasis» program (section 1.2). In other words, this scheme looks like this: cleansing, regulation, restoration and maintenance of metabolic processes in the body. Results after 4 months of treatment according to the system: the cyst resolved, ideally clean liver, no diffuse changes in it, clean gall bladder, (all stones came out). The doctor, ultrasound specialist, was amazed with the results of the treatment! 40-year-old woman, Issyk city. Diabetes mellitus type II for 10 year. She lost her daughter and brother. Due to a strong nervous shock, the blood sugar level rose to critical level. Transferred to insulin, for 2 year she took insulin 6 times a day! When she started taking Fohow drugs according to «Resuscitation» Scheme (Appendix 1), her blood sugar dropped sharply. At the end of the first month, she gave up insulin and did not take diabetes medication! She underwent a course of treatment for 4 months. – Blood sugar levels have returned to normal. What a colossal result! Woman's will and faith in «Fohow» products have overcome the disease! Now it is necessary to continue taking products (continuously) throughout the year, but according to a supportive scheme, this is the norm! It is necessary to support metabolic processes and prevent slagging of the body. At the end of summer and winter, a disorder of mineral metabolism and an exacerbation of osteochondrosis begin. At this time, the endocrine channel and the thyroid gland are activated. To avoid a rise in blood sugar levels, it is necessary to return to the «Resuscitation» scheme (Appendix 1): (without «Sanbao» Oral Liquid and «XueQingFu» capsules) – 2 weeks, and then take according to «Wealth and Rejuvenation» Scheme (Appendix 2). 48-year-old man, Almaty city. Diabetes mellitus. The blood sugar level was 27. While taking the drugs according to «Resuscitation» scheme (Appendix 1), the blood sugar level was 7, and after 4 months of taking «Fohow» products it dropped to 4.7. At first the man had «Detoxification» program, then «Resuscitation» program, and then switched to «Recovery» program. The result is amazing! 50-year-old woman, Petropavlovsk city. Liver disease, not definitively diagnosed. She has been taking products for several months. She took «Gaoqian» pills from the first month. Pains appeared in the navel area. She did the tests: in the feces, latent blood is a peptic ulcer in the gastrointestinal tract.Conclusions: It is not recommended to use «Gaoqian» pills for liver disease: they cleanse the blood very well and remove toxins that are processed into the liver, and from a diseased liver, intoxication goes back into the blood. Therefore, in case of liver disease, «Gaoqian» pills are not prescribed. You can start taking them after a few months, when liver function is recoverd. «Gaoqian» pills increase in volume, fill the ulcerative surface, the niche of the gastrointestinal mucosa and can cause bleeding. Therefore, reception is contraindicated with ulcerative diseases. The woman developed a peptic ulcer. «Resuscitation» Scheme (Appendix 1) is assigned. 50-year-old man, Almaty city. Colon polyp is congenital disorder of mineral metabolism, deficiency of vitamins C, D and Ca, serious prognosis. In traditional medicine, surgery is indicated for such diseases. With a polyp of the large intestine, a man is recommended to be treated according to «Wellness and Rejuvenation» Scheme (Appendix 2) and, as a result, complete recovery in a month. 52-year-old man, Almaty city. There are often traces of blood in the bowel movement. The large intestine was examined, nothing was found. Anamnesis: dad has varicose veins, namely a man has a likelihood of hemorrhoids in the anus. Treatment: 2 months according to the «Wellness and Rejuvenation» Scheme (Appendix 2). Additionally: the use of «Yang Sheng» energy cream is according to «Varicose veins» (section 1.3) and «Hemorrhoids» (section 1.2) programs. From the 3rd month – «Recovery» scheme. All symptoms are gone, the man feels great. 50-year-old man, Saratov city. He has been Hepatitis C Since 2001. Treatment is recommended: 1st month according to «Resuscitation» Scheme (Appendix 1), from the 2nd month and throughout the year according to «Wellness and Rejuvenation» Scheme, excluding the use of «Gaoqian» pills. Treatment according to the Scheme «Hepatitis C» 1st month (cell resuscitation) 1. «Sanqing» Oral Liquid 3 ml 3 times (before meals). 2. «Phoenix» Oral Liquid 2 ml every 2 hours 7 times a day. 3. «Liuwei» tea up to 2 liters per day, 1 glass every hour. 4. «Linchzhi» Capsules 1 capsule twice a day, two weeks later, 2 capsules twice a day. 5. «Haicao Gai» Capsules 1 capsule twice a day, two weeks later, 2 capsules twice a day. 6. «Fohow Meigui» 1 teaspoon 3 times a day (before meals). 7. Faradization thermal belts: wear a lumbar belt for 30 minutes – 1 hour 3 times a day; wear a neck belt around the neck for 30 minutes 3 times a day; the cervical belt at night on the calf muscles (from 1 to 3 hours the liver channel work). 8. «Yang Sheng» Energy cream according to «Hepatitis» program (from section 1.2): Legs E 36 – E 36; RP 6 to RP 6; F3 – F3; VB 34 – VB 34. Near the spine V 18 – V 18; V 20 – V 20. 9. «Qi Li» Drink 1 glass before breakfast. 10. «Garlic essence» Capsules 1 capsule 3 times a day after meals. 2nd month (anti-inflammatory treatment) Change dosage: 1. «Phoenix» Oral Liquid 3 ml 3 times a day (before meals). 2. «Linchzhi» Capsules 1 capsule 3 times a day. 3. «Haicao Gai» Capsules 1 capsule 3 times a day. Add: 4. «Sanbao» Oral Liquid at night with 1 ml, up to 3 ml (when the arterial blood pressure rises, cancel it). 5. «XueQingFu» Capsules 1 capsule (from 11 am to 1 pm). 3rd month – within a year (recovery) Change dosage: 1. «Sanqing» Oral Liquid 3 ml (at night). 2. «Phoenix» Oral Liquid 3–5 ml (in the morning). 3. «Sanbao» Oral Liquid 3–5 ml (in the afternoon, evening). Add: 4. BEM at a frequency of 7–8 Hz, 2 weeks off, followed by a frequency of up to 10 Hz, 2 weeks off. 45-year-old woman, Almaty city. She took «Sanqing» Oral Liquid 2 packs and «Fohow Meigui». The woman began to have constipation with blood, could not go to the toilet for several days, the hemorrhoids worsened, began to swell, throws in a fever. And she refused to continue to accept the products. Conclusions: «Sanqing» Oral Liquid worked very well. The Oral Liquid powerfully cleared the gastrointestinal tract, and the fecal debris started. «Sanqing» Oral Liquid also worked well on the spine through which the urinary channel passes (pancreas, stomach), all this was in the acute stage, so the hemorrhoids made themselves felt. The woman has climacteric age – the endocrine channel reacted, it went malfunctioning, began to swell. It is recommended to undergo treatment according to «Resuscitation» Scheme (Appendix 1) in order to cleanse the blood, start regulation, and recover hormonal levels. From the 2nd month, it is recommended to switch to «Wellness and Rejuvenation» scheme for women (Appendix 2). It is good to take «AnShen» pills, 2 pills before dinner, to recover estrogen levels, regulate metabolic processes, digestion, normalize blood sugar and cholesterol levels and recover the psyche. It is recommended to use «Yang Sheng» energy cream according to the programs «Menopause» (section 1.12) and «Hemorrhoids» (section 1.2). It is also recommended to take «Yao People's Bath Complex for Women» and ensure to work through the channels with Faradization thermal belts: stomach, pancreas, small intestine by the hour and the intestines will work great! 50-year-old woman, Almaty city. After taking capsules of «Garlic essence» severe heartburn, blistering rashes from the side of the foot to the knee appeared. Conclusions: From the side of the foot to the knee (stripes) there is a bile duct. Rashes and heartburn showed that the woman was stasis in the gallbladder. The garlic capsules cleared the bile ducts well, the outflow began, and the infection began to come out. Excellent result! It is recommended to continue taking garlic capsules, 1 capsule 3 times a day after meals, and undergo treatment according to «Resuscitation» Scheme (Appendix 1). Woman, Moscow city. A woman has lipomas on her head, 4 removed operationally, 4 more remained. Question: Is BEM prescribed? Answer: Yes! Conclusion: Lipomas are gallbladder problems. BEM is indicated because one of its advantages is the restoration of the drainage system of all internal organs, including gallbladder. That is, doing quantum massage, all parasites and viruses are released from the cell and there is no stasis. It is very effective to apply «Yang Sheng» energy cream before the massage according to «Sclerosis of the cerebral vessels» program (section 1.3). During the massage, do a fixed impact on these points for 2–3 minutes. Treatment regime: Oral Liquids «Sanqing» and «Phoenix» 3 ml 3 times a day before meals. Capsules «Linchzhi» and «Haicao Gai» 1 capsule 2–3 times a day before meals. «Garlic essence» Capsules 1 capsule 2–3 times a day after meals. You should drink «Liuwei» and «Boss» teas. Q & A: 1. The reader's question: «I fell in love with «Gaoqian», I don’t drink other products. I am suffering from dizziness now.» The author's question: «What about the gallbladder?» The reader's answer: «Removed 10 year ago.» The author's answer: «After surgery, a block on the bile duct, spasm vessels of the brain. Long-term cholestasis before surgery led to fibrotic changes in the liver and even to fatty hepatosis. «Gaoqian», like a sponge, absorbs toxins, waste products and leads them to the liver. Your liver is overloaded, unable to cope with detoxification. There is no gallbladder, but the bile ducts are in a liver, and therefore cerebrovascular spasms began. Shown «General health program» and BEM study points «Sclerosis of cerebral vessels», frequency no more than 15. BEM, it is better to do with the help of «Sanqing» Oral Liquid – it regulates circulation in the bile duct, liver, urinary, supports metabolism and improves cerebral circulation. And with tampons – detoxification of female organs, regulates hormonal levels, prevention of microcirculation disorders. 2. The reader's question: «What program do we work with acupuncture for polyps?» The author's answer: «Polyps of the intestines, gallbladder with «Yang Sheng» energy cream, work in the morning «General Health Program» (section 1.14) + unpaired points VC12 and T4, and in the evening before bedtime GI4 – GI4, GI6 – GI6, TR5 – TR5, V13 – V13. It is not recommended to do a BEM massage of the abdomen for polyps, papilloma virus seeding, polyps will grow.» 3. The reader's question: «My gums often bleed and swell. After the start of treatment in the second – third month, the symptoms increased. Why?» The author's answer: «This phenomenon of periodontal disease is a condition of the liver. Therefore, when we start drinking products in the second – third month, the load on the liver and gallbladder is intense, this manifests itself in the form of periodontal disease. First, we have to take «Fohow» products according to the scheme. Secondly, I recommend using the «Yang Sheng» energy cream to acupuncture to connect the «Hepatitis» program (section 1.2). And it is very good, when we brush our teeth, at the end a drop of «Yang Sheng» energy cream – to wipe the gums. It recovers gums very well. It will also help the older generation well. Along with aging, due to chronic periodontal disease, the lower jaw drops, and this can be seen in the facial muscles of the face, the face is aging. Rubbing the gums with cream will prevent periodontal disease and strengthen the muscles of the face. And, of course, I recommend BEM in the face as a treatment for periodontal disease and strengthening the muscles that hold the lower jaw and facial muscles, as well as facial rejuvenation. On the face with BEM, work in courses at a comfortable frequency of up to 7–8 Hz, 2 weeks off. Why overload the skin? This is the same organ, cleansing, detoxification, increased metabolism and blood circulation.» 1.3 Cardiovascular diseases Vessels 1. Disorder of mineral metabolism leads to a decrease in the elasticity of the walls of blood vessels, an increase in their permeability and fragility. 2. Vascular spasm and impaired microcirculation occurs due to disorder of energy circulation through the endocrine channel (cervical insufficiency, the development of autoimmune processes of atherosclerosis). Treatment of Vegeto-vascular dystonia, Raynaud's disease, capillarotoxicosis, varicose veins: Scheme «Wellness and rejuvenation» (Appendix 2). Cordyceps («Phoenix» Oral Liquid, «Sanbao» Oral Liquid) is indispensable for vascular pathology, because recovers their elasticity, regulates the lumen of blood vessels, recovers blood pH, its viscosity and microcirculation. «XueQingFu» Capsules cleanse the walls of blood vessels, dissolve atherosclerotic plaques, blood clots, rejuvenate blood vessels and blood, recover not only blood vessels, but also heart muscles and valves, normalize arterial blood pressure and blood sugar. It is recommended to take 1 capsule when the heart rate is normalized from 11 to 13 o'clock, when the heart channel is activated. An increased heart rate indicates the activity of the thyroid gland. Taking «XueQingFu» capsules increases the blood supply to the thyroid gland and activates the release of hormones, while it is necessary to take into account that the pulse and AP will react. In case of oncology in the uterus, thyroid dysfunction and kidney pathology, it is not recommended to take «XueQingFu» capsules. «Gaoqian» Nutritional pills recover biochemical parameters of blood and its pH, viscosity, microcirculation, eliminate the effects of toxemia. Pills «Gaoqian» for the elderly are recommended to take 1 tablet 2 times a day, because an overflowing bowel can cause the heart to malfunction. Also, early inclusion in the treatment regimen of pills «Gaoqian» for hypertension, diabetes mellitus is fraught with the liver is overloaded. All wastes go back to the blood, cholesterol, sugar, arterial blood pressure rise. It is recommended to add «Gaoqian» pills for the 3 – 4th month of treatment, when «Recovery» is going on, when a person has stable condition. «Haicao Gai» Capsules (liquid calcium) recover the walls of blood vessels (elasticity), the drainage system of blood vessels (submucous layer), prevent thrombus formation, the development of atherosclerosis and varicose veins. «Sanqing» Oral Liquid is indispensable for cardiac pathology, as it recovers the circulation of energy through the channels of the small intestine and heart, cleanses the blood and lymph, recovers water-salt metabolism, and relieves the heart. «Sanqing» Oral Liquid is the prevention of heart attack, ulcerative process in the duodenum, and diseases in the intestines. It is recommended to take 3 ml 3 times a day. «Linchzhi» Capsules recover energy through the heart canal, strengthen the heart muscle, relieve vasospasm, eliminate toxemia, and also block the production of antibodies, arresting autoimmune processes (atherosclerosis, myocardystrophy, etc.). Taking «Linchzhi» and «Haicao Gai» capsules together enhance the effect and complement each other, also reduce the atherosclerosis of large vessels by 40 %. The first month is not recommended to take «XueQingFu» capsules, but it is recommended to take only capsules «Linchzhi» and «Haicao Gai» until the vasospasm passes, until osteochondrosis is regulated and arterial blood pressure is normalized. Heart Disorder of the energy circulation through the heart channel is caused by cervical insufficiency. This is a disorder of the energy circulation through the small intestine (block), while the energy is released to a parallel channel – the channel of the heart. The heart works with a heavy load, which leads to a disruption of rhythm and heart attacks. Conclusions: the main reason for all checks of young people with pain in the heart, repeated heart attacks, cardiac arrhythmias in the presence of normal ECGs and good blood counts is a block on the small intestine canal. Lack of energy in the heart channel leads to heart failure, coronary heart disease (further – CHD), angina pectoris. Treatment of Ñ ardiovascular diseases: «Wellness and Rejuvenation» Scheme (Appendix 2). Additionally: «Energy magnetic bracelet and necklace». «Energy magnetic bracelet and necklace». Electromagnetic waves from a TV, computer, mobile phone, microwave oven, etc. destroy the body at the cellular level. In the brain (pineal gland), a substance is secreted – melatonin. It has an anti-tumor effect that inhibits the growth and development of cancer cells, and electromagnetic waves destroy melatonin. How to protect yourself from electromagnetic waves? For this we recommend «Necklace + bracelet», which contains: Titanium: it does not corrode, collapse and refracts electromagnetic waves, and also has a severe anti-allergic effect and improves blood circulation. Germanium: it is in contact with the body, heats up to 32 degrees and secretes anions that heal our blood, respectively, prevent thrombus formation, and also saturate the blood with oxygen. Efficiency improves, signs of encephalopathy decrease (headaches, insomnia disappear, memory improves). Magnets: It improves blood flow and blood supply to organs, the absorption of nutrients by cells, and also helps to rejuvenate the body. Minerals: (semi-precious minerals) They have an anti-inflammatory effect, improve microcirculation. Conclusions: «Energy magnetic bracelet and necklace» protects against negative electromagnetic waves, improving hemodynamics, blood composition (blood sugar and cholesterol levels decrease), and increasing immunity. Result: Blood condition Before the use of «Energy magnetic bracelet and necklace» Severe thrombus formation and blood thickening. After the use of «Energy magnetic bracelet and necklace»The form of erythrocytes is recoverd – the blood «comes to life». Contraindications: It is not recommended for pregnant women and patients with a pacemaker, as well as children under 12 year old. «Energy stole» is made of special weaving threads. The fabric contains germanium. Infrared rays are emitted, and when the body is heated, anions are released, microcirculation improves, prevents thrombus formation, cholesterol decreases, which is a good prevention of stroke and heart attack. By improving microcirculation, signs of inflammation of the internal organs and the musculoskeletal system disappear. The stole absorbs moisture on the neck, improves blood circulation in the shoulder belt, insomnia and headaches go away. It is radiation protection. You can cover a child with a stole, it will quickly recover energy, normalize body temperature. There is a drawing on the stole that means «Longevity». Hypertension, hypotension is an severe disorder of metabolism, a strong slagging of the body, intoxication, hypoxia (oxygen starvation), vasospasm, and an unbalanced nervous system. 1. Disruption of energy circulation through the endocrine canal (cervical insufficiency) and the pericardial canal (parallel canal), causing vasospasm and changes in the psyche. 2. The thyroid gland, pancreas suffer, autoimmune processes (self-destructive) are severe, leading to damage to the cardiovascular system (aggregation of erythrocytes, atherosclerosis). 3. Disruption of water-salt metabolism is a tendency to edema, to stone formation, osteochondrosis, to a change in the energy circulation through the channels of the liver, gallbladder, kidneys, urinary canal, which leads to persistent hypertension. Treatment of Hypertension, hypotension: «Resuscitation» scheme (Appendix 1). Treatment of hypertension, hypotension is keeping your body clean. To recover impaired metabolism, you need: «Sanqing» Oral Liquid, «Gaoqian» pills, «Haicao Gai» capsules, as well as «Linchzhi» capsules + «Haicao Gai» capsules to prevent vasospasm and maintain microcirculation. Moreover, it is also an anti-stress complex. To overcome hypertension, we first stop taking medications. If the arterial blood pressure has risen, it is recommended to take 2–3 ml per day of «Sanqing» Oral Liquid, 2–3 ml per day of «Phoenix» Oral Liquid, 2 liters of «Liuwei» tea per day, wear a Faradization thermal belt for the neck 3–4 times a day 1 hour each. Along with hypertension, vegetative-vascular dystonia, taking an Oral Liquid «Sanqing» is mandatory 3 times a day, 3 ml before meals, so that regulate the circulation of energy through the channels and recover metabolic processes. Prescription of «Sanqing» Oral Liquid depends on the blocks on the channels: 7 am to 9 am – stomach; 9 am to 11 am – pancreas, spleen; 11 am to 1 pm – the cardiovascular system; 1 pm to 3 pm – small intestine; 5 pm to 7 pm. – kidneys People suffering from hypertension are meteorological; therefore, «Phoenix» Oral Liquid is irreplaceable, restoring the bio field within a few minutes, stabilizing the cell's work, maintaining its pH, as well as the balance of microelements. «Phoenix» Oral Liquid protects against adverse external and internal factors, recovers the elasticity of blood vessels, regulates the lumen of blood vessels, removes toxins, and recovers microcirculation. Edemae. «Gaoqian» pills are very good to take in case of edema, because they normalize all types of metabolism, including protein. Why does edema occur? Because the protein leaves the bloodstream and edema occurs. «Gaoqian» pills are taken to recover metabolism and reduce edema. BUT edema in a person appears from the first days of taking the product against the background of a severe metabolic disorder, especially in people with hypertension and diabetes mellitus. There may be several reasons. On the one hand, the kidneys fail. The kidneys are planted and edema on the legs begins, as a manifestation of chronic renal failure. On the other hand, in older people, the function of the thyroid gland is reduced, and with hyperthyroidism, fluid accumulation begins, and the intercellular space becomes aggravated. At the same time, there is a load on the heart and edema in the legs occurs. In these cases, it is fraught with immediately taking «Gaoqian» pills. It is necessary to understand the causes of edema. It is recommended to take «Gaoqian» pills from 3–4 months of treatment as «Recovery and resorption» line according to «Resuscitation» Scheme (Appendix 1). If it is difficult to determine the cause of edema, it is recommended to take 2 days Furosemide (diuretic tablet) ? -1 tablet in the morning, the edema will go away. Fohow products will regulate filtration, excretion of fluid from the body; the kidneys will begin to work well. The «Yang Sheng» energy cream is also recommended according to the «CRF (chronic renal failure)» program (section 1.4). Lymphostasis is a complex disease. From the point of view of Chinese medicine, this is an imbalance of energies, Yang energy prevails. It is always the thyroid gland that is involved, most often hypothyroidism (a tendency to fluid accumulation), a block in the endocrine canal, a block in the pancreatic canal, which regulates water-salt metabolism and leads to the formation of edema, accumulation of fluid in various cavities: may be in pleural, abdominal, pericardial sac, and a block on the bladder canal, which also regulates water-salt metabolism and promotes fluid retention in the body. Treatment of Lymphostasis 1-st month according to «Resuscitation» Scheme (Appendix 1): adjust all channels, clean the cell, intercellular space, most importantly, regulates the energy circulation through the pancreas, bladder, and endocrine channel. «Sanqing» Oral Liquid 3 ml 3 times a day, «Phoenix» Oral Liquid 2 ml 7 times a day. Capsules «Linchzhi» and «Haicao Gai» 1 capsule 3 times a day, «Fohow Meigui», «Liuwei» tea 1 glass every hour. It is imperative to work with belts along the channels: wear the neck belt for an hour 3 times a day (neck – endocrine channel), also work along the channels of the pancreas, stomach, bladder (Appendix 4). Energy cream «Yang Sheng» is according to the program «Legs edema» (section 1.7). Women are happy to wear medical textiles, because they regulate Yin Yang energy well, painful Yang energy and edema goes away. «Guifei Bao» tampons regulate the endocrine channel and urinary channel well, edema goes away. 2–3 months: according to «Wellness and Rejuvenation» Scheme (Appendix 2) according to the program of treatment of the endocrine system, namely «Sanqing» Oral Liquid 3 ml 3 times a day, «Phoenix» Oral Liquid 3 ml 3 times, capsules «Linchzhi» and «Haicao Gai» 1 capsule 3 times a day, «XueQingFu» capsules 1 capsule from 11 am to 1 pm. (if there are no nodes on the thyroid gland). It is very good to drink «Qi Li», «Liuwei» tea, «Guifei Bao» tampons, also belts along the channels. 4–5 months: according to «Wellness and Rejuvenation» Scheme (Appendix 2) and «Recovery» program, we add «Gaoqian» pills before meals, 2 pills in the morning and afternoon, «Sanbao» in the evening, «Phoenix» in the morning, «Sanqing» 3 ml in the evening, «XueQingFu» capsules once, «Linchzhi» and «Haicao Gai» capsules in the morning and evening, the rest prescriptions are the same. The application of energy cream «Yang Sheng» along the meridians: Cardiovascular pathology 1. Hypertension Neck: VB20 – VB20. Near the spine: V11 – V11 V18 – V18 V20 – V20. Legs: E36 – E36; RP6 – RP6; F3 – F3; R1 – R1. Hands: MC6 – MC6; C7-C7; GI10 – GI10. 2. Hypotension Neck: VB20 – VB20. Shoulders: VB21 – VB21. Sternum: VC20 – unpaired point. Near the spine: V15 – V15 (interscapular region). Hands: MC6 – MC6; TR5 – TR5. 3. Varicose veins Legs: E36 – E36; RP6 – RP6; RP10 – RP10; F3 – F3. Back: V20 – V20; V23 – V23. 4. Anemia Legs: E36 – E36; RP6 – RP 6. Back: V20 – V20; V23- V23. Abdomen: VC6 – unpaired point. 5. Coronary heart disease (CHD) Hands: MC6 – MC6; TR5 – TR5; C7 – C7. Legs: RP6 – RP6; R1 – R1. Back: V15 – V15. 6. Vessels Hands: MC 6 – MC 6; TR 5 – TR 5. Back: V 15 – V 15. 7. Obliterating endarteritis (atherosclerosis) Hands: GI4 – GI4; GI11 – GI11. Legs: RP6 – RP6; RP10 – RP10; F6 – F6; E36 – E36; V40 – V40; V60 – V60 (behind the foot, Achilles tendon). Below the loin: V30 – V30. Sacrum: V34 – V34. 8. Arrhythmia Hands: MC6-MC6, TR5-TR5; Legs: E36-E36, RP6-RP6, R1-R1; Back: V15-V15. 9. Sclerosis of cerebral vessels Neck: VB20-VB20, V10-V10; Shoulders: VB21-VB21; Legs: RP6-RP6, VB39-VB39; Back: V23-V23, V20-V20. 10. Rheumatic heart disease Legs: VB34-VB34, RP9-RP9 (under the knee, inside); Hands: MC6-MC6, C7-C7; Abdomen: VC9 (above the navel, below VC12). 11. Rheumatoid arthritis Legs: E36-E36, RP9-RP9, VB34-VB34; Spine: T14, T12. Cardiovascular pathology Results: 67-year-old woman, Almaty city. Hypertension. Diabetes. Polyarthritis. Overweight. Despite the fact that the woman began to take the following products: «Liuwei» tea + «Fohow Meigui», later adding «Phoenix» Oral Liquid, then «Sanqing» Oral Liquid for the night, still AP increased, constipation was noted for 3–4 days, aggravated polyarthritis, increased blood sugar, increased general weakness. In parallel, the woman was taking medication. Conclusions: Even if you start drinking only tea and arterial blood pressure rises, it means that Cordyceps diagnosed you: «You have a catastrophe with blood vessels! It is necessary to start with cell resuscitation! «Never recommend to a patient with hypertension, and even more on the framework of diabetes mellitus, «Phoenix» Oral Liquid WITHOUT «Sanqing» Oral Liquid. If there is no financial opportunity to buy the entire range of products, then it is better to go through 10 days of detoxification (removal of toxins): «Liuwei» tea 2 liters a day + «Sanqing» Oral Liquid 3 ml 3 times a day (3 times a day, necessarily!). Taking «Sanqing» Oral Liquid in the morning when the morning channels are working: stomach, pancreas; taking at lunch when the channels of the heart and small intestine are working; in the evening, when the kidney channel works + regulation of tone in the vessels. This woman has negative results due to the fact that the cordyceps diagnosed: vessels and blood are suffering! «Phoenix» Oral Liquid began to remove cholesterol from the cells, but the liver of a patient with hypertension due to drugs can no longer cope and all the cholesterol, toxins went back into the blood. Intoxication has grown with its own slags. Blood sugar, cholesterol and arterial blood pressure were increased. The channels that regulate metabolism (liver, gallbladder, pancreas, kidneys, and bladder) were not regulated. Polyarthritis aggravated (the place where these channels pass). Failure went to all systems of the body! It is recommended to take according to Resuscitation scheme (Appendix 1) without fail: «Phoenix» Oral Liquid + «Sanqing» Oral Liquid from the first day. And also a compulsory intake of «Liuwei» tea, 1 glass every hour + wearing a neck belt for 1 hour 3–4 times a day. Some partners are afraid to wear a neck belt when arterial blood pressure rises; however, it perfectly normalizes blood sugar and arterial blood pressure. 68-year-old woman, Ust-Kamenogorsk city. Hypertension. Diabetes. There was stress. By the evening, the pressure rise 200/100, sugar up to 20! She took «Sanqing» Oral Liquid, «Phoenix» Oral Liquid, «Liuwei» tea and put on a neck belt for the night (she insisted, although it is impossible to wear a neck belt at night, only during the day – but here is an emergency). In the morning everything returned to normal, especially arterial blood pressure and blood sugar. She AVOIDED STROKE! 65-year-old woman, Almaty city. Hypertension. Polyarthritis. Overweight. Scheme Resuscitation (Appendix 1) was prescribed – reception for 2 months (cleaning + regulation). The woman refused the drugs immediately. During the rise in arterial blood pressure, she took «Sanqing» Oral Liquid 2 ml + «Liuwei» tea and put on a neck belt. An itchy rash appeared on the skin, but a solid positive! Within 2 months, arterial blood pressure returned to normal, blood sugar levels returned to normal, lost 8 kg, and became skinnier. 63-year-old woman, Almaty city. At the presentation in the office she drank tea «Liuwei». AP has risen. After monitoring there was an autoimmune disease of the thyroid gland was found. There was a severe atherosclerosis of the carotid arteries on the framework of cervical insufficiency. Treatment: «Resuscitation» Scheme (Appendix 1). After 1 month of treating according to the scheme, the woman has a stable, positive dynamics of recovery. 40-year-old woman, Petropavlovsk city. She has been tinnitus since childhood. Bowel problems. Question: Are there any heart problems? Answer: Yes, there was a congenital heart defect. Conclusions: A block on the heart channel leads to a discharge of energy to the small intestine channel. The channel of the small intestine runs through the hearing aid. Therefore, it led to tinnitus and sensory hearing loss. Treatment: «Sanqing» Oral Liquid 3 ml 3 times a day + «Phoenix» Oral Liquid 3 ml 3 times a day + «Linchzhi» capsules 2 capsules twice a day + capsules «Haicao Gai» 2 capsules twice a day… Within a month, the noise disappeared, and the bowels returned to normal condition. 62-year-old man, Shymkent city. He had had coronary heart disease (CHD), angina pectoris, for 7 year. He has developed heart and respiratory failure, accumulation of fluid in the pleural cavity. Question: Was the heart problem preceded by gastrointestinal problems: diarrhea, constipation? Answer: Yes, 10 year ago I was surged for a duodenal ulcer. Conclusions: Discharge to the heart channel due to a block on the thin channel intestines, leads to angina pectoris, coronary heart disease and, as a consequence, to the development of cardiopulmonary insufficiency and to the accumulation of fluid in the pleural cavity. Treatment: Scheme Resuscitation (Appendix 1) is a prescription for 1 month. From the 2nd month: «Wellness and Rejuvenation» Scheme (Appendix 2). ONLY with the normalization of the pulse, take from 11 am to 1 pm. «XueQingFu» capsules 1 capsule once a day + «Linchzhi» capsules 1 capsule once a day + «Haicao Gai» capsules 1 capsule once a day. When normalizing arterial blood pressure, take «Sanbao» Oral Liquid for the night, starting from 1 ml – 2 ml – 3 ml. «Yang Sheng» Energy cream helps to solve the problems of cardiovascular pathology very well according to «Coronary heart disease» program (section 1.3) 85-year-old woman, Ust-Kamenogorsk city is almost «dying» and fainting. There is a problem of cerebral vessels, hypertension, heart disease, diabetes mellitus type II. Her job is a doctor. For a year, she has drunk products according to a supporting scheme: «Sanqing» Oral Liquid 2 ml 3 times a day, «Phoenix» Oral Liquid 2 ml 3 times a day + «Linchzhi» capsules 1 capsule 3 times a day + «Haicao Gai» capsules 1 capsule 3 times a day + «Liuwei» tea + cervical belt + «Guifei Bao» tampons. She has returned to life. Blood sugar and arterial blood pressure are normalized! Now she goes to the theater, take care of her appearance. The results are immediate and stable among older people! 80-year-old woman, Almaty city. She had massive heart attack, never took any medication. Thrombophlebitis. Diabetes mellitus type II. Vegeto-vascular dystonia of the hypertensive type. Cholelithiasis. Doctors refused to perform an operation on the cardio vessels, because the woman had bad checking results. The state of the vessels was in the stage of decompensation. Relatives totally refused from «Fohow» products, gave her obvious drugs. She was almost dead, due to high arterial blood pressure and high blood sugar, she was blue. Not telling to her relatives, she was given a capsule of «XueQingFu» – 1 capsule from 11 am to 1 pm. (without «Liuwei» tea and «Phoenix» Oral Liquid under my responsibility!). Result: a woman in two weeks is already walking around the yard with her husband. AP and the blood sugar level is normal, she gets slimmer, pinker, younger. The result is wonderful! It is recommended to take «XueQingFu» capsules from 11 am to 1 pm, when the heart channel works. And it is better to take with capsules «Linchzhi» and «Haicao Gai». Linchzhi capsules work along the heart channel, regulate vascular tone, normalize arterial blood pressure (this is an ambulance for any emergency), strengthen the heart muscles. And «Haicao Gai» capsules + capsules «Linchzhi» reduce atherosclerosis of large vessels. If you take capsules «XueQingFu» 2 capsules in the morning, this will cause hormonal release, and the vessels will react with an increase in AP. Evening taking of capsules «XueQingFu» leads to an increase in pressure in the vertebral artery and a rise in arterial blood pressure is possible. 62-year-old woman, Mangyshlak city. After discharge from the hospital with angina pectoris, diarrhea has been appeared. Conclusions: A block on the heart channel led to an exacerbation of duodenitis. The development of the ulcerative process in the duodenum and the threat of a heart attack are not excluded. Treatment: «Rejuvenation and wellness» Scheme (Appendix 2). 58-year-old woman, Kokshetau city. She went to the doctor about the pain in the heart. Diagnosis: coronary heart disease. The doctor appointed a medicine dropper. Because of this woman had edema, her stomach was swollen like a «drum», her heart was pressing. Conclusions: Block on the channel of the small intestine, serious problems, up to oncology. Threat of heart attack. Treatment: Scheme Resuscitation (Appendix 1). After taking the products according to the scheme, the woman has a steady positive dynamics of recovery. 50-year-old woman, Petropavlovsk city. She took «Fohow» drugs not according to the system, in large doses, and from the 1st month she drank «XueQingFu» capsules with high arterial blood pressure, she was sick with hypertension and had thyroid disease. Conclusions: Hypertension always needs to be taken drugs according to «Resuscitation» Scheme (Appendix 1), «XueQingFu» capsules from the 1st month are not assigned. From the 1st month, cleaning, regulation is massive, the release of cholesterol, therefore, first of all, it is necessary to recover microcirculation, to activate the channels of the liver, gallbladder, kidneys, which are involved in the process of excretion of toxins, detoxification. In a woman, these channels are not regulated, therefore arterial blood pressure increased. Because the endocrine channel is still involved, the woman has a block on channel of the thyroid gland, although ultrasound and analyzes showed the norm. All this will be adjusted in the first month of treatment according to «Resuscitation» Scheme (Appendix 1). And people themselves decide how to be treated. 80-year-old man. Almaty city, was suffering from hypertension, Coronary heart disease, and Duodenal ulcer. Treatment is according to «Resuscitation» scheme (Appendix 1) without «XueQingFu» capsules. From the 2nd month, treatment was prescribed according to the Scheme Wellness and Rejuvenation (Appendix 2), lifelong taking of «XueQingFu» capsules, «Linchzhi» and «Haicao Gai» capsules together, 1 capsule once a day from 11 am to 1 pm. The Oral Liquid «Sanbao» was prescribed for the night, increasing the dose from 1 ml to 3 ml. A month later, the arterial blood pressure stabilized, the pain in the heart stopped bothering him, and the duodenal ulcer healed. Three months later, the man's biological age became 56 year! The restoration, cleansing and regulation of the man's body took place in one month. He has a sharp rejuvenation of the body after taking the products Fohow! The products not only heal and rejuvenate, but also prolong our life! 60-year-old woman, Ust-Kamenogorsk city, had CHD, heart failure, cardiodstrophy. She has been taking «Fohow» products for 2 months. Conclusions: Along the cardiovascular pathology the question: «How do you take the Oral Liquid «Sanqing»?» Answer: «Once in the evening.» The Oral Liquid «Sanqing» prevents heart attack and treats all heart diseases: angina pectoris, arrhythmia, cardiac extrasystole, coronary heart disease and etc. Why? Because these are two parallel channels. If a block is formed on the small intestine, then the heart suffers, the heart canal is overloaded and cardiovascular diseases occur. Question: «Do you have bowel problems?» Answer: «No bowel problems.» Question: «Are there any problems with the pancreas?» Answer: «I have pancreatitis all my life.» The pancreas regulates the small intestine. And if a woman has pancreatitis, namely a block on the channel of the pancreas, then this affected the small intestine, a block was formed, although she did not mean it, an ulcerative process is underway and the heart has manifested itself. Treatment: according to «Resuscitation» Scheme (Appendix 1) and taking the «Sanqing» Oral Liquid 3 ml three times a day. Also from the 1st month the Oral Liquid XueQingFu was prescribed for 1 capsule from 11 am to 1 pm, because the main AP is normal and there is severe cardio pathology. 60-year-old woman, Almaty city. She was surged for vascular stenting. Severe vascular atherosclerosis, which progressed even more after surgery. A woman on cardio drugs, which, like a vicious circle, destroy the liver. «Detoxification» Scheme is recommended (Appendix 7). 1st month: 1st week «Sanqing» Oral Liquid, 3 ml 3 times a day; 2nd week «Phoenix» Oral Liquid 2 ml 3 times a day, 3rd week, 2 ml 5 times a day and the 4th week, 2 ml 7 times a day, so that the release of cholesterol into the blood is not immediately increased; capsules «Linchzhi» and «Haicao Gai» 1 capsule 3 times a day: 1st taking before breakfast, 2nd taking from 11 am to 1 pm and 3rd prescription before dinner; you can immediately take «XueQingFu» capsules, even if a woman does not suffer from hypertension (a woman has an increase in arterial blood pressure in the morning due to bile stasis in the gallbladder, and in the evening arterial blood pressure is normal) from 11 am to 1 pm to lower cholesterol, regulate arterial blood pressure and cleanse the blood vessels, thin the blood; tea «Liuwei» 2 liters a day, a glass every hour, to relieve the heart, and also kidney function is improved and recoverd, toxins are eliminated (detox), liver function is improved, cholesterol is removed, blood rates improve; «Fohow Meigui» 1 teaspoon 3 times a day; energy cream «Yang Sheng» according to «Cardiovascular system» program (section 1.3): on the hands MC6, TR5, C7, on the back V15, on the legs E36 (restoration of metabolic disorders), RP6, F3, VB34, on the back V20, V23; be sure to wear a neck belt 1 hour 3 times a day. From the 2nd month we add «Qi Li» drink 1 sachet to a glass of water, take it together with «Linchzhi» and «Haicao Gai» capsules. From the 3rd month we add «Sanbao» Oral Liquid for the night, starting from 1 ml to 3 ml; 4th month: «Wellness and Rejuvenation» scheme: «Gaoqian» pills, 2 pills in the morning and afternoon, «Sanqing» Oral Liquid 3 ml before dinner, Oral Liquid Phoenix in the morning 3–5 ml, and in the evening Oral Liquid Sanbao 3–5 ml; capsules «Linchzhi» and «Haicao Gai» 1 capsule from 11 am to 1 pm and before dinner. Women are strongly advised to use «Guifei Bao» tampons from 1 month of treatment according to the following scheme: wear for 3 days, break for 3 days. It is also recommended to sleep on a 3D mattress. Conclusions: After 2 weeks, the woman's cholesterol increased, vascular atherosclerosis progresses, because she does not continue to the treatment: she does not use tampons, does not drink tea, and takes few «Linchzhi» and «Haicao Gai» capsules. Corrected Scheme: it is recommended to take a capsule of «XueQingFu», «Linchzhi», «Haicao Gai» for the 2nd time together, 1 capsule before dinner, and from 11 am to 1 pm o'clock to this «shock prescription» is supplemented with the drink «Qi Li», which also improves the condition of blood vessels and recovers the elasticity of fibers, improves and recovers the functioning of the liver and kidneys. 75-year-old woman, Almaty city. She had a heart attack. Hypertension, insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus. The woman injected insulin 3 times a day. It is recommended to use the products according to «Detoxification» Scheme (Appendix 7). The woman's arterial blood pressure and blood sugar increased. Conclusions: It is recommended to continue taking «Detoxification» Scheme products. Within 2 months, the woman has high arterial blood pressure, the kidneys are overloaded, there are edemae in the legs, tachycardia. And in the evening AP raised even higher. Why did the arterial blood pressure rise in the evening? Because the liver and gallbladder are active and arterial blood pressure rises. The woman stopped taking her «arterial blood pressure» medications. Antioxidants in «Fohow» products are powerful: they thin the blood, regulate vascular tone, and there is no need to take artificial antioxidants. On the framework of high arterial blood pressure, the woman's blood sugar rates were 8–9. The woman began to reduce her daily and evening insulin intake. At night the woman had a crisis. It is recommended to take «XueQingFu» and «Linchzhi» capsules. By the morning, the crisis had passed, the arterial blood pressure decreased, there was a slight tachycardia, the eyes stopped hurting. When the level of cholesterol and blood sugar increases, it is recommended to take «XueQingFu» capsules, but it is not recommended to take the «Sanbao» Oral Liquid. In case of insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus, it is recommended to reduce the intake of insulin within a month and completely abandon it, and then calmly switch to taking the Oral Liquid Sanbao. Because the Oral Liquid Sanbao recovers insulin synthesis. A woman's heart tingles because she had previously suffered a heart attack, but a block remained on the belt channel. The channel is being recoverd, so there is pain. It is recommended to wear the neck belt on the wrist. After wearing such a neck belt, the woman calmed down, the pain passed, she began to sleep well. After a stroke, the leg lost sensitivity, disorder in regulation, the spinal canal did not work, blocks of internal organs: liver, gallbladder, pancreas. And while taking medications, using the «Yang Sheng» energetic cream and Faradization thermal belts, the sensitivity of the leg appeared. And in general, there is a general cleaning of the body. The woman feels well and continues to recover. 50-year-old man, Almaty city. At the age of 45, he suffered a hemorrhagic stroke, he has been lying in a coma for 5 year, does not react to anything. He cannot swallow, the spouse takes care of him, gives food through a nasogastric tube. Treatment: Resuscitation scheme (Appendix 1) + energy cream «Yang Sheng» + Faradization thermal belts. A week later, the man began to sweat a lot, his forehead was red with large sweat drops on. Conclusions: The parasympathetic nervous system is awakening. Several more days have passed, his spouse sent a message: «A nephew came to my husband, sits with him, and my husband's tears flowed from his eyes. Has he really started to hear and react?! This is just a miracle!» Woman, Almaty city. She had a toxic hepatitis for paracetamol and got sick when she was in Turkey. There was an irritable Bowel Syndrome and also the risk of getting a heart attack.Conclusions: The woman has progressing atherosclerosis. Problems of the gastrointestinal mucosa show that there is chronic duodenitis, eroded duodenitis, and an ulcerative process is underway. The heart channel is overloaded. Even an ECG shows that everything is fine with the heart, but a heart attack occurs, namely a block on the channel of the small intestine fails to the parallel channel, and the heart suffers. A woman cannot have hepatitis for paracetamol, there is a viral invasion in Turkey. Hepatitis is a virus. Day or two and that's it, but here is a progressive and obvious lesion of the gastrointestinal mucosa. This is a consequence of an enterovirus infection, therefore intensive treatment is necessary. Treatment: Resuscitation scheme (Appendix 1) + energy cream «Yang Sheng» according to the programs «General Health Program» (Section 1.14), «Hepatitis» (Section 1.2), «CHD. Angina pectoris» (Section 1.3). Considering the danger of a massive heart attack, it is recommended to take «XueQingFu» capsules from 1st month, 1 capsule per day from 11 am to 1 pm, when the heart channel is active. It is recommended to work with BEM to remove the virus from the body, namely for the purpose of detoxification at a frequency of 10 Hz 3–4 procedures to do, a week break to see how he reacts, because there are problems with blood vessels. In this case, it is dangerous to work at a high frequency and often so as not to overload the heart and not increase blood circulation. But BEM massage is definitely recommended to be carried out, precisely as a powerful detoxification in order to stop this whole process. «Boss» tea stops the absorption of cholesterol, which after massage will go into the bloodstream and remove it from the body. It is recommended to infuse 1 sachet for 1.5 liters of hot water. «Boss» tea is drunk hot before breakfast, during the day and after dinner. Fohow will «put a woman on her feet» in 3 months and rejuvenate her for 20 year! 56-year-old Talgat, Almaty city. «He has complained of deteriorating health after a vascular bypass operation. After 6 months of drug treatment: 1. Loss of strength and weakness. 2. Depressive state. 3. Increased heartbeat up to 161 beats/ m with AP upper 86. 4. Burning in the stomach, pain in the pancreas, liver, kidneys. 5. Weight loss from 110 kg before surgery and 75 kg 6 months after. 6. Insomnia. After a month of treatment with the Fohow product according to the Resuscitation Scheme, the following is observed: 1. The pallor and edema of the face disappeared. 2. Appetite improved, gained 4 kg. 3. Sleep improved at 7–8 hours. 4. Upper BP 95 – 105, pulse 70–80. 5. Energy appeared, apathy and depression disappeared. 6. All previously disturbing painful symptoms disappeared. 7. Papillomas on the neck imperceptibly disappeared. 8. Eyesight improved (instilled the Oral Liquid «Sanqing» into the eyes). «Examination revealed a formation in the thyroid gland and a cyst in the kidneys. Treatment according to the Resuscitation Scheme in the Chapter «Treatment of oncological diseases» (without capsules XueQingFu) + by points energy cream «Yang Sheng» and BEM according to the programs «General Health» (section 1.14), «Dysbacteriosis» (section 1.2), «Chronic renal failure «(section 1.4),» Coronary heart disease «(section 1.3),» Depletion of the nervous system «(section 1.8), «Warts» (section 1.6). Q & A: 1. The reader's question: «Is it possible to use acupuncture programs with a pacemaker?» The author's answer: «BEM is not allowed, even Faradization thermal belts are limited, but the energy cream «Yang Sheng» can be used according to the programs of cardiovascular pathology (section 1.3), the nervous system (section 1.8), even it is necessary to use. One of the main programs is «Papilloma virus» (section 1.6), because the papilloma virus is caused by progressive cardiovascular atherosclerosis, high cholesterol, and not all doctors know about it. And people drink pills that have no effect, and senile dementia sets faster. Hypotensive pills prescribed by doctors lead in the future to dementia, up to Alzheimer's disease. Everything is so simple here. Get rid of the papilloma virus, regulate microcirculation, eliminate the cause of atherosclerosis, and recover metabolic processes.» 2. The reader's question: «I am a doctor. I have a 70-year-old male patient from Almaty with a diagnosis of Parkinson's disease. He has taken «Defomin» for 1,5 year. Also he undergoes regular acupuncture and hirudotherapy. There are no improvements yet. Is it possible to achieve any results in improving the condition by taking Fohow products and BEM? Do you have such patients?» The author's answer: «My first result was my mother, 84 year old. Parkinson's disease was gone in two weeks. And now the company has BEM, and we get results much faster! The cause of «Parkinson's disease» is the collar of a new zone, a pinched vertebral artery, increased intracranial pressure, bile stasis, 100 % cholestasis, bend or cholelithiasis. Intracranial pressure increases, early development of cerebral atherosclerosis, encephalopathy develops, the problem of thyroid dysfunction is 100 %, there may be nodes on the thyroid gland. If there are nodes on the thyroid gland, it means this is high cholesterol. This is progressive atherosclerosis, persistent vasospasm and increased arterial blood pressure. Treatment: Cordyceps works in all directions. It is impossible to work with BEM right away, because firstly it is necessary to start microcirculation, prepare for the detoxification of organs: liver, kidneys, intestines. There will be powerful detoxification against the background of BEM and liver overload will lead to an increase in intracranial pressure. Resuscitation scheme (Appendix 1). Also in the morning we drop the Oral Liquid «Sanqing» into the eyes. We wear a Faradization thermal cervical belt for an hour in 2 hours all day. The use of energy cream «Yang Sheng» along with acupuncture according to the program «General health program» (section 1.14) in the morning, according to the program «Exhaustion of the nervous system» (section 1.8) in the afternoon, before bedtime «Sclerosis of cerebral vessels» (section 1.3) in the evening. You should sleep on a healing pillow. I recommend an ultrasound scan. If there are no nodes, cysts and adenomas, from the second month we can start taking capsule XueQingFu 1 capsule from 11 am to 1 pm. DO NOT overtake XueQingFu capsules! Excessive doses, especially in the evening, lead to hormonal disruption, to an increase in pressure in the vertebral artery, to an increase in intracranial pressure. We are in no hurry to prescribe the Oral Liquid Sanbao. It is necessary for the state of the body to stabilize. Due to the oncology, as soon as my mother added the Oral Liquid Sanbao, but she began to have an unstable walk, dizziness, so we removed it from the treatment regimen. If there is a cystic formation, nodes in the thyroid gland, an adenoma, from the end of the second month you can statr BEM – 5 sessions up to 10 Hz, after than a two-week break. If there are no formations, then the frequency can be up to 15 Hz, also 5 procedures, and also a two-week break. It should be soft for blood vessels. The main purpose of BEM is to massage the collar zone. The sensitivity of these people is reduced, they may not feel much, BUT it is impossible to overestimate the Hz! Before BEM, apply acupuncture energy cream according to the program «Sclerosis of cerebral vessels» (section 1.3) + points on the vessels MC6 and TR5. When you reach a stable state, you can add the Oral Liquid «Sanbao» in the evening, starting with 1 ml up to 3 ml.» 3. The reader's question: «Why do we have atrial fibrillation due to the Resuscitation and BEM?» The author's answer: «Any arrhythmia is a block on the channel of the small intestine, the discharge goes to the heart. 1. Expressed metabolic disorders, the gallbladder is overloaded due to the cleaning, and the channel is not regulated and even powerful detoxification due to BEM. There is a discharge of bile and irritation of the small intestine. 2. A center that regulates the energy circulation through the small intestine in the cervical spine. After the BEM, the small intestine reacted and the heart reacted. Conclusions: the woman was diagnosed with a cyst in the thyroid gland. BEM was prescribed not earlier than 3 months at a frequency of up to 10 Hz with 3–4 sessions, 2 weeks off.» 4. The reader's question: «69-year-old man, cardiovascular atherosclerosis, was offered bypass surgery. According to the Resuscitation scheme during 2 months and BEM at a frequency of 15 Hz from the middle of 2nd months, he is admitted to the hospital in intensive care in a pre-infarction state. Why? Before that, there was a fainting, short-term loss of consciousness, during 2 weeks.» The author's answer: According to the Resuscitation scheme, there is an intensified cleaning, the release of cholesterol from the cell, the peak is at 2–3 months of treatment. It is not recommended doing tests during this period – they will always be bad during this period. If the liver does not cope, cholesterol goes back into the bloodstream and sugar and AP levels may rise. Therefore, I definitely recommend doing acupoints and drinking «Liuwei» tea up to 2 liters a day. At this time, BEM was added to the regimen. The load on the liver has increased. After working out the collar zone, there was a restructuring of the work of the small intestine (parallel channel of the liver) and the discharge of energy to the channel of the heart. Heart overload went. BEM boosted the blood circulation and speed of the blood flow. Risk of heart attack! Conclusions: BEM can be done not earlier than 3 months with a stable good condition, at a frequency of 10 Hz with 3–4 procedures, after that 2 weeks off, while the «Recovery» scheme (capsules XueQingFu are recommended to be taken if there are no nodes on the thyroid gland, 1 capsule before lunch along with «Linchzhi» and «Haicao Gai» capsules). Energy cream «Yang Sheng» is used for an acupuncture according to programs «General health program» (section 1.14) + points on the small intestine V C12, T4 in the morning, and «Arrhythmia» (section 1.3) or alternating with the program «Coronary heart disease» (section 1.3) in the afternoon, before dinner «Glomerulonephritis. CRF» alternating with «Hepatitis» and before bedtime «Sclerosis of cerebral vessels» (section 1.3). The man used BEM pads during treatment. It is NOT RECOMMENDED to use BEM PADS on the heart area! It can lead to a pre-infarction condition, as in this case. «P.S. BEM in cardiovascular disease is necessary because all problems in the cervical spine, if there are no decompensation, pacemaker and renal failure. You have to work with BEM intelligently and dosed!» 5. The reader's question: After taking water from the Hydrogen Water Activator, there was tachycardia. The author's answer: Check the gastrointestinal tract, do an endoscopy. The problem of the small intestine mucosa is ulcers, polyps… You have a reaction of the intestinal mucosa, the parallel channel – the heart channel – reacted! Any arrhythmia is a block in the small intestine channel. What a smart product we have! We recommend switching to the Resuscitation scheme for 1 month in the Chapter «Oncology» (Chapter 2) + energy cream «Yang Sheng» according to the program «Depletion of the nervous system» (section 1.8). We would like to draw your attention! Anyone who has high cholesterol, problems of the cardiovascular system, also suffered a stroke and heart attack, I recommend everyone to undergo an ultrasound of the thyroid gland. The cause of cysts, nodes, which doctors do not pay special attention to, is high cholesterol. How do you act if you have a vascular stroke? You start drinking cardiovascular medications. And in our company, these are «XueQingFu» capsules, a powerful drug that recovers the entire cardiovascular system. When taking «XueQingFu» capsules, the nodes become malignant, and thyroid cancer occurs. People have repeatedly turned to me, they took first a scheme for cardiovascular pathology and included «XueQingFu» capsules, and then it turned to thyroid cancer. Even if there is hypertension and formations, I do not recommend taking «XueQingFu» capsules, otherwise there is a direct road to an oncologist. In his last speech, the Japanese Minister of Health said: «Thyroid cancer has dropped dramatically. All patients with high cholesterol, problems of the cardiovascular system, nervous system are examined by ultrasound of the thyroid gland. And if the dysfunction of the thyroid gland, formation is confirmed, then the tactics are completely different, namely we do not prescribe vascular preparations.» Also in Fohow the scheme of treatment without capsules XueQingFu. BEM is prescribed NOT earlier than the 3rd month and very carefully at a frequency of 7–8 Hz, but not more than 10 Hz with 3–4 procedures, 2 weeks off. BEM is used to recover the collar area. The cause of all cardiovascular problems, hormonal disorders is the neck-collar zone. And before BEM, apply acupuncture points with «Yang – Sheng» energy cream according to the program «Sclerosis of cerebral vessels» (section 1.3) + vascular points MC6 and TR5. You will not have jumps in arterial blood pressure, also the energy will rise. If there are no stable arterial blood pressure changes, from the third month we add the Oral Liquid «Sanbao» as a recovery line. People with cardiovascular disease have been drinking drugs for year that affect the liver. The liver doesn't work due to drugs, in addition, powerful detoxification after BEM. Cholesterol will go into the bloodstream, arterial blood pressure and sugar levels will rise. Cholesterol raises up and atherosclerosis progresses and can be hospitalized, even in a pre-infarction state. The heart is overloaded, and chest pains begin which is angina pectoris. On the other hand, we stimulated the endocrine channel with BEM, which is also located in the cervical-collar zone, while the thyroid gland has vasospasm, the destruction of red blood cells occurs and thrombosis progresses. With BEM, you stimulated the endocrine channel and thyroid dysfunction began, and everything in the complex led to the fact that cholesterol progresses, atherosclerosis progresses, and the person ends up in intensive care. To avoid this, be very careful about your health and take «Fohow» products competently: for the first two months, the «Resuscitation» scheme (Appendix 1), from the third month we add BEM at a low frequency and the Oral Liquid «Sanbao». 1.4 Urogenital system Kidneys All renal pathology is a consequence of a congenital disorder of mineral metabolism, while the mucous membrane of the pyelocaliceal system (further – PCS) is affected, which leads to impaired renal function (filtration, excretion). The pH of the mucous membrane changes, conditions are created for the development pathogenic flora and inflammatory changes. Treatment of the Urogenital System: Scheme Wellness and Rejuvenation (Appendix 2). Treatment of Chronic Renal Pathology with Renal Insufficiency: Scheme Resuscitation (Appendix 1). If a person takes hormones, then the dose of hormones must be gradually reduced over the course of a month, starting from the evening intake: 1 week – ? pills, 2 weeks – ? pills, 3 weeks – ? pills – 4 weeks – we exclude evening intake. We do the same with daytime and morning receptions. Renal pathology is a chronic disease accompanied by nephroptosis (congenital disorder of mineral metabolism, due to intrauterine hypoxia, leads to a generalized decrease in muscle tone, weakness of the musculo-ligamentous apparatus of the kidneys), therefore, urine must be constantly sanitized and the mucous membrane of the PÑS and the drainage system of the kidneys must be constantly recovered. Cordyceps (Oral Liquid «Phoenix», Oral Liquid «Sanbao») + «Linchzhi» capsules recover energy circulation through the renal channel. Cordyceps is a natural antibiotic that eliminates toxemia, recovers the mucous membrane, the pH of the mucous membrane of the PCS, namely improves kidney function. It is effective in renal failure. «Haicao Gai» capsules are the restoration of disturbed mineral metabolism, namely restoration of the mucous membrane of the PCS and the drainage system. It also helps prevent kidney cancer, polyps, cysts in the kidneys are a consequence of congenital disorders of mineral metabolism against the background of hormonal disruption, and this is pre-oncology. Glomerulonephritis is a vascular lesion of the kidneys; frequent symptoms begin with back pain and an unreasonable increase in arterial blood pressure. Glomerulonephritis is an autoimmune disease with vascular damage to the kidneys and the development of renal failure. Reason: violation of mineral metabolism + violation of circulation through the endocrine channel (cervical insufficiency) and the development of an autoimmune process + impaired energy circulation through the renal channel. GlomerulonephritisTreatment: 1st Month «Detoxification» Scheme (Appendix 7), excluding the «XueQingFu», «Sanbao» capsules. From the 1st month it is compulsory to treat with cervical and lumbar belts and aroma patches according to the program «Glomerulonephritis». From the 2nd month we switch to the Resuscitation Scheme (Appendix 1), lasting two months, with the exclusion of the Sanbao and XueQingFu capsules. From the 4th month we switch to an anti-inflammatory treatment regimen, with the exclusion of «XueQingFu» and «Sanbao» capsules, «Gaoqian» pills, instead take Oral Liquids «Sanqing», Phoenix 3 ml 3 times a day, capsules «Linchzhi», «Haicao Gai», «Garlic essence» 1 capsule 3 times a day, «Liuwei» tea, «Fohow Meigui», energy cream «Yang – Sheng» and work with Faradization thermal belts. When treating Glomerulonephritis, people usually take the hormone «Prednisolone», therefore, when treating according to the Scheme, it is recommended to gradually reduce the intake of hormones. It is recommended that continuous treatment according to the Scheme, the use of «Yang Sheng» energy cream according to the Glomerulonephritis program (section 1.4) and wearing Faradization thermal belts, which will recover the full functioning of the kidneys. The application of energy cream «Yang Sheng» along the meridians: Urogenital pathology 1. Pyelonephritis Hands: GI4 – GI4; GI10 – GI 10. Legs: E36 – E36; RP6 – RP6; R1 – R1. Abdomen: VC6, VC3 – unpaired points. Near the spine: V11 – V11; V23 – V23. 2. Cystitis Abdomen: E28-E28; VC6, VC3 – unpaired points. 3. Urinary incontinence (enuresis) Legs: E36 – E36; RP6 – RP6; RP10 – RP10; R1 – R1. Abdomen: E28 – E28; VC3 is an unpaired point. Back: V23 – V23. Spine: T4 – unpaired point. 4. Renal colic Legs: E36 – E36; RP9 – RP9; VB34 – VB 34; F3 – F3. 5. Glomerulonephritis. CRF (chronic renal failure). Systemic lupus erythematosus. Back: T4; – unpaired point; V23-V23. Abdomen: VC3 – unpaired point; VB25 – VB25 – point of intersection anterior axillary line and costal arch (gallbladder channel). Legs: R1-R1 – on the foot (kidney channel); R3-R3 – behind the outer ankle of the foot. Urogenital pathology Results: 52-year-old man, Almaty city. Three cysts on the kidneys. Treatment was prescribed according to 2nd Scheme Resuscitation (Appendix 1). But the man took «Fohow» products not according to the scheme, without the «Phoenix» Oral Liquid. He took the «Sanbao» Oral Liquid, «XueQingFu» capsules, «Linchzhi» capsules. He was disturbed by the kidney pressure from taking «Liuwei» tea. Conclusions: «Liuwei» tea is indispensable in the treatment of renal pathology. It recovers the PCS, recovers filtration, excretion, and treats chronic renal pathology. It is tea that diagnoses and reveals ¹ 1 kidney problems! As long as there is renal pressure and kidney cysts, the Oral Liquid Sanbao cannot be taken! The product must be taken correctly! Kidney disease is a chronic process, it is nephroptosis (prolapse of the kidneys, weakness of the muscles that hold the kidney), congenital disorder of mineral metabolism (muscle weakness and the PCS is involved, the pH of the PCS mucosa is disturbed, filtration, excretion, chronic renal failure develops). This is the basis of the treatment, that is the Oral Liquid Phoenix as a natural antibiotic, as a drug that recovers pH of the mucosa, recovers kidney function. Therefore, it is recommended to take the «Phoenix» Oral Liquid continuously throughout the year. Until renal pressure stabilizes, take 3 ml of «Phoenix» Oral Liquid 3 times a day continuously. After the renal pressure has stabilized, take the «Phoenix» Oral Liquid in the morning and afternoon to dissolve the cysts, without stopping, as a natural antibiotic, and take the «Sanbao» Oral Liquid in the evening. The drugs dissolve the cysts, and the «XueQingFu» capsules increase the blood flow and the cysts do not dissolve. It is not recommended to take «XueQingFu» capsules in the presence of cysts! Since initially, the «XueQingFu» capsules were taken by a man to treat hypertension. But it is necessary to understand the cause of hypertension. It is the renal pressure of the cyst (transformations, especially on the thyroid gland, in the uterus, in the kidneys: cysts are always pre-oncology, they can give rise to cysts and malignancy). The basis of kidney treatment is the restoration of microcirculation (there are no large vessels in the kidneys), so it is recommended to take the «Phoenix» Oral Liquid continuously. Capsules «Linchzhi» and «Haicao Gai» will regulate arterial blood pressure, relieve vasospasm, reduce atherosclerosis, and also regulate the work of the kidney channel. During the renal pressure, «Linchzhi» and «Haicao Gai» capsules should be taken 3 times a day. In such situations in women, it is recommended to use «Guifei Bao» tampons. Wear a cervical belt on the calf muscles of the legs from 3 pm to 5 pm, as well as from 5 pm to 7 pm, when the kidney channel is working. Energy cream «Yang Sheng» according to the «Hypertension» program (section 1.3). It is necessary to take the «recovery line» of «Gaoqian» pills in the morning and afternoon, since they dissolve cysts very well, 2 pills after lunch for people with asthenic physique, 2 pills before lunch for overweight people, from the 4th month. In the evening, you take the Oral Liquid «Sanqing». Take the «Phoenix» Oral Liquid in the morning and afternoon, the «Sanbao» Oral Liquid in the evening, «Linchzhi» and «Haicao Gai» capsules, 1 capsule in the morning and in the evening, continue drinking «Liuwei «tea 2 liters per day, and «XueQingFu» capsules are not recommended. 67-year-old woman, Talgar city. Hypertension. There is a stand. Fatty hypatosis, cholestasis, shriveled kidney, only one kidney functioned. The woman purchased this book and began to take cordyceps-containing Fohow preparations on her own according to the Resuscitation Scheme (Appendix 1). After two months of taking the drugs, the woman felt good. On the 3rd month, when she added the Oral Liquid Sanbao for the night and the intake of the Oral Liquid Phoenix changed by 3 ml 3 times a day, she began to jump in arterial blood pressure, pain in the area of the wrinkled kidney and areas of the liver in the right hypochondrium. The woman did an ultrasound. The doctor stated: «You don't have a shriveled kidney! Your kidney is fully functioning and your liver is cleansed, there is no fatty hypatosis!» Conclusions: due to the overwork of the liver and kidneys, the woman went through jumps in arterial blood pressure. And they canceled her intake of the «Sanbao» Oral Liquid. We must approach each Scheme individually. If there is a period of liver and kidney overload, AP will increase, especially in a «hypertensive» with experience. Therefore, the Oral Liquid Sanbao is not recommended to take while the AP is jumping. It is recommended to continue the Treatment Scheme with «Phoenix» Oral Liquid, «Sanqing» Oral Liquid 3 ml 3 times a day, «Linchzhi» capsules, «Haicao Gai», «Garlic essence» 1 capsule 3 times a day, one of the ways of treatment is recommended to be done from 11 am to 1 pm together with the 1 capsule of XueQingFu and drink it with Qi Li. And the result is a 5-times effect of improving the work of the cardiovascular system. There is stabilization, a prolonged severe effect of rejuvenation. Excellent result! Q & A: The reader's question: «Can BEM be used during hemodialysis?» The author's answer: «It is possible, but from the third month! Two months scheme Resuscitation (Appendix 1) + energy cream «Yang Sheng» doing acupuncture according to programs «General health program» (section 1.14) in the morning, «Glomerulonephritis» (section 1.4) in the evening. In the third month, we switch to a 3-times intake of the Oral Liquid Phoenix, the rest of the scheme is the same. And we begin to use BEM every other day at a frequency of 5–6 Hz, point by point after applying the «Yang Sheng» energy cream according to the «Glomerulonephritis» program (section 1.4), 2 weeks off. You stay on this scheme all year long (without the» Sanbao» Oral Liquid)!» 1.5 Eyes Myopia, astigmatism is a consequence of a congenital disorder mineral metabolism. It is weakness of the muscles that hold the eyeball. Cataract, glaucoma is a consequence of a severe metabolic disorder + cervical insufficiency. Question: «Do you have one medication for glaucoma?» Answer: Fohow is not a symptomatic treatment, but a systemic one. Glaucoma is a complex disease which is always hypertension, polyarthritis (necessarily coxitis), cholelithiasis, diabetes mellitus or pancreatitis, osteochondrosis, spinal hernia. And this is all because of hormonal disruption – fibroids, mastopathy, cysts. Along with glaucoma (increased intraocular pressure), a block is formed on the bile duct (cholelithiasis, cholestasis), the energy circulation along the bile duct is disturbed, destruction along the passage of the channel occurs – polyarthritis of the legs, eyes, cerebral vessels (early atherosclerosis of the cerebral vessels). The thyroid gland is always involved (cervical insufficiency), there is an imbalance in all channels – a severe metabolic disorder, blood and blood vessels are especially affected. Cataract is a block on the pancreatic channel (diabetes mellitus, pancreatitis). The development mechanism is the same. The thyroid gland is always involved (cervical insufficiency), metabolic disorders, vascular damage are severe. Severe cervical osteochondrosis, respectively, the vertebral artery is pinched, the nutrition of the eyes is impaired. The cervical spine contains centers that regulate vision. Cataracts are very common in children. Question: Do you have diabetes mellitus, pancreatitis among your relatives? – Answer: Yes! (mom, dad, grandmother, grandfather have them). Therefore, the treatment of these diseases is complex. After eye surgery treatment it is recommended to continue with «Fohow» medications, as there was an emergency signal: «There is a fire in your body! We need urgent measures! « Treatment of Myopia, astigmatism, cataract, glaucoma: Scheme Resuscitation (Appendix 1). Optional: Smart-massager for eyes, Smart-massager for the neck. «Smart-massager for eyes». There is a «yellow spot» in the structure of the eye it plays a major role for vision. Macular dystrophy leads to eye fatigue, dilated eye capillaries, itching, photophobia, bags under the eyes, up to loss of vision. Now this problem is often encountered among young people, because the eyes are constantly exposed to the damaging effects of electromagnetic rays from computers, mobile phones, etc. «Smart-massager for eyes» is healthy eyes and prevention of vascular eye diseases. It emits magnetic waves – «rays of life», which have acupuncture effects on 20 points located around the eyes. This stimulates blood supply, improves nutrition of the retina, lens, stops macular degeneration. The tone of the muscular-ligamentous apparatus that holds the eyeball improves (treats myopia, astigmatism). Functions of «Smart-massager for eyes»: • Therapeutic effect; • Cosmetic effect (removes pouches, circles under eyes, wrinkles around eyes); • Eye protection and prevention of serious eye diseases; • Relieves headaches, stops dizziness. «Smart Massager for Eyes» is not recommended for menacing conditions: hypertensive crisis, recent stroke, progressive cataract. It is recommended to use it for 10 minutes 2–3 times a day. Children can use it from 10 year old. The application of energy cream «Yang Sheng» along the meridians: Pathology of eyes 1. Astigmatism. Myopia. Improved vision. Temple: VB3 – VB 3. Shoulders: VB21 – VB 21. Spine: T14, T12 – unpaired points. Back: V11 – V11; V18 – V18. Hands: GI10 – GI 10. 2. Ptosis (drooping of the eyelid). Face: VB14 – VB14 (above the eyebrow). Legs: E36 – E36; RP 6 – RP 6. Spine: T14, T12 – unpaired points. 3. Glaucoma Hands: MC6 – MC6; GI4 – GI4; TR5 – TR5. Legs: E36 – E36; F3 – F3. Back: T14 – unpaired point; V11 – V11. Skull base: VB20 – VB 20. Shoulders: VB21 – VB 21. Eyes: E1 – E1; V1 – V1. 4. Cataract Hands: MC6 – MC6; TR5 – TR 5. Legs: E36 – E36; RP6 – RP6; F3 – F3. Spine: V11 – V11. Shoulders: VB20 – VB 20. 5. Myopia Hands: GI11-GI11. Temple: VB3-VB3. Shoulders: VB21-VB21. Back: V13-V13; V18-V18. Pathology of eyes Results: 58-year-old woman, Almaty city. She started using a smart-massager for eyes. She got the result after a few days of use. A small-point rash appeared near the eye, like a mosquito bite. Conclusions: Cleaning is in progress, the infection leaves the eye. Smart massager is very good to recommend for children with chalazion, barley, has anti-inflammatory effect, and improves vision. Children should take once a day, adults 3 times a day. 70-year-old woman, Almaty city. Autoimmune disease of the thyroid gland, optic nerve atrophy, ptosis (drooping of the upper eyelid), vegetative-vascular dystonia, in the morning a woman wakes up with an arterial pressure of 200/100, and in the daytime drops sharply 70/40, and taking «Fohow» products, she began to use smart-massager for the eyes. The woman says: «I'm saving myself with a smart massager!» A woman puts on a smart massager in the morning, AP stabilizes, her eyes improve, ptosis is gone. Using a smart massager in the morning is an eye treatment, an improvement in cerebral circulation, and arterial blood pressure stabilization. 5-year-old, Petropavlovsk city, had ptosis (drooping of the eyelid), intracranial pressure from birth. Conclusions: Ptosis is an injury to the cervical spine, the spinal cord is affected. Intracranial pressure is a consequence of cervical insufficiency. Treatment Scheme «Resuscitation (for children)» (Appendix 3): Oral Liquids Phoenix and «Sanqing» 2 ml twice a day, capsules «Linchzhi» and «Haicao Gai» 1 capsule twice a day, energy cream «Yang Sheng» according to the program «Ptosis» (section 1.5), and the obligatory wearing of a neck belt. An amazing result for the boy is that his eyes opened! Q & A: 1. The reader’s question: «My glaucoma is progressing. Today I went to the doctor again: the eye pressure was 22 in each eye and the drops were changed again (it used to be 18–19). And the eye field has changed dramatically over the year. What do you recommend? I don’t know what has changed for me, that all of a sudden the deterioration, so as There were no changes during 15 year before.» The author's answer: «You are taking the wrong product and the BEM frequency is too high for you. You are fond of capsules XueQingFu. The problem in the spine is severe, so it is better to cancel the reception, because «XueQingFu» capsules increase the pressure of the vertebral artery and increase intraocular pressure. Excessive doses of Oral Liquids also increase intraocular pressure. If you get used take high BEM frequencies, it also increases eye pressure too. Treatment: Scheme Resuscitation (Appendix 1) to regulate microcirculation and drip a drop of the Oral Liquid «Sanqing» into the eyes in the morning and the Oral Liquid Phoenix in the afternoon. Since the Oral Liquid Phoenix gives a tingling sensation, you can make a mixture of the Oral Liquid Phoenix and «Liuwei» tea with 1:1 proportion, and bury it in the eyes. Apply very well with energy cream «Yang Sheng» acupuncture according to the «Glaucoma» program (section 1.5) and sit with a smart massager for eyes. It recovers vision very quickly. I recommend BEM at a low frequency, the main thing is to work out the collar zone. The center which responsible for the eyes is the neck, so I recommend wearing a Faradization thermal neck belt for 30 minutes 3–4 times a day.» 2. The reader’s question: Retinal detachment. The author's answer: The reason for retinal detachment is increased intraocular pressure, cholelithiasis, bile stasis, brain vascular problem. Treatment «Glaucoma» according to the Resuscitation Scheme Appendix 1 + energy cream «Yang Sheng» acupunctures according to the programs «Glaucoma» (section 1.5), «Cholelithiasis» (section 1.2) (in the evening), and «Sclerosis of cerebral vessels» (1.3) (at night). 1.6 Skin Unclean skin Various pathological reactions of the skin are a consequence of a disorder of mineral metabolism, when the immunity and pH of the skin change + concomitant changes in the gastrointestinal mucosa. Unclean Skin Treatment: «Wellness and Rejuvenation» Scheme (Appendix 2). Outwardly: wipe the face with «Liuwei» tea, and then apply the «Aloe» gel. Autoimmune skin diseases are eczema, psoriasis, neurodermatitis, and vitiligo. This is a serious skin pathology caused by cervical insufficiency, and thyroid pathology as a result of metabolic disorders. There are many causes of psoriasis, but this disease comes from childhood. It is necessary to understand how the pregnancy of this person's mother proceeded. This is always a cause-and-effect disease: intrauterine hypoxia, a consequence of poor ecology (block on the endocrine canal), hormonal disorders possible in the mother, education, hypertension, diabetes. These blocks are inherited very often. In psoriasis, the thyroid gland is always involved, these are metabolic disorders in the liver, gallbladder, pancreas, kidneys, namely all channels are unbalanced. This is a problem of the skin, expressed in the corresponding external manifestations. Needs to be treated metabolic processes and one of the main reasons are blocks in the endocrine canal and the thyroid gland. Sometimes it happens that the level of hormones is normal, an ultrasound scan shows that everything is fine with the thyroid gland, but there is a block on the endocrine canal and one of the reasons is a problem cervical osteochondrosis, the center responsible for the circulation of energy through the endocrine channel, and the immune channel is always involved – this is the neck. Therefore, it is necessary to start the treatment of psoriasis with wearing a cervical belt 3–4 times a day for 1 hour, so as the center responsible for the skin is also the neck. It is recommended the Oral Liquid «Sanqing» 3 ml 3 times a day; it will not only cleanse the blood, plasma, but also regulate the channels at the energy level: liver, gallbladder, pancreas, stomach; osteochondrosis leaves. Oral Liquid regulates and recovers the circulation of energy in the spine and urinary canal. Oral Liquid Phoenix is a «doctor» who will gradually solve the problem of psoriasis, because psoriasis is a complex disease, multifaceted and must be treated in stages. But since there is a metabolic disorder (there is a lot of cholesterol in the cells), taking the Oral Liquid «Phoenix» is gradual according to the «Resuscitation» Scheme (Appendix 1), in small doses of 2 ml. every 2 hours. and the result is very good, because microcirculation is recoverd, blood is purified. «Linchzhi» and «Haicao Gai» capsules are taken together, because reduce atherosclerosis of large vessels. It is recommended to take 1 capsule 3 times a day before meals. «Linchzhi» capsules block autoimmune processes, regulate the thyroid gland, relieve allergic processes in the body. «Haicao Gai» capsules recover skin, mucous membranes, bones, and therefore together with «Linchzhi» give amazing results. «Fohow Meigui» is used for 1 tsp 3 times daily before meals. To stimulate the intestines to prevent slagging. If there was dysbacteriosis before, then it can increase in the first two months (in bacterial crops and staphylococcus, and streptococcus, etc.), due to increased blood cleansing, because everything goes through the intestines. «Fohow Meigui» and the Oral Liquid «Sanqing», as «cleaners», will reduce the unpleasant phenomenon of bloating. Aroma plasters or energy cream «Yang Sheng» according to the program «Psoriasis» (section 1.6) give very good results. Also, women are advised to use «Guifei Bao» tampons in order to recover and maintain hormonal levels. And tampons are very good at regulating digestion and restoring the energy circulation along the spine. It is recommended to drink «Liuwei» tea at 2 liters a day, 1 glass every hour. It is very good to drink «Qi Li» drink – it recovers elastic fibers, the skin rejuvenates. From the 2nd month you should start the Oral Liquid «Phoenix» 3 ml 3 times a day. It is recommended to connect the reception of «XueQingFu» capsules together with the «Linchzhi» and «Haicao Gai» capsules, 1 capsule from 11 am to 1 pm, when the heart channel works. There is a triple effect on the vessels. We leave the rest as in the 1st month. From the 3rd month you should add the Oral Liquid Phoenix once 3 ml in the morning before meals and we add the evening intake of the Oral Liquid Sanbao, gradually increasing the dosage so that there is no aggravation, because a powerful Oral Liquid, starting from 1 ml, then 2 ml and up to 3 ml. First two months Oral Liquid Sanbao is not recommended, because firstly, it is necessary to regulate the thyroid gland, recover the level of hormones. Prescribing the Oral Liquid «Sanbao» or «Gaoqian» pills early it could cause the thyroid gland to malfunction and psoriasis may reappear. During treatment, the skin will first «bloom», the rash will intensify, then peeling will begin, and then the skin will be renewed. From the 3rd month, there is a recovery and a sharp rejuvenation of the body. It is recommended to add «Gaoqian» pills, 2 pills each morning and afternoon, depending on weight: if there is an overweight, take pills before meals, if body weight is normal or deficient, take after meals. It is recommended to take «Gaoqian» tablets in the morning and daytime, but not in the evening, since «Gaoqian» will collect all the dirt (microbes, cholesterol, etc.) from the blood and it can return to the bloodstream if the intestines did not work, and even body weight may increase, heart failure may occur. Intestines and heart are two parallel channels. If you take «Fohow» products in the complex, psoriasis disappears in 2–3 months. Treatment of Eczema, psoriasis, neurodermatitis, vitiligo: «Wellness and rejuvenation» (Appendix 2). The application of aromatic plaster or energy cream «Yang Sheng» along the meridians: Unclean skin 1. Skin allergy Legs: E36 – E36; RP6 – RP6; RP10 – RP10. Near the spine: V11 – V11; V23 – V23. 2. Furunculosis Hands: GI4 – GI4. Legs: E36 – E36; V40 – V40; V62 – V62. Between the shoulder blades: V15 – V15. 3. Streptoderma Neck: VB20 – VB20. Hands: GI10 – GI10. Legs: V40 – V40. Spine: T14 – unpaired point. 4. Psoriasis Spine: T14, T12 – unpaired points. Near the spine: V11 – V11; V15 – V15; V20 – V20. Legs: E36 – E36; RP6 – RP6; F3 – F3. 5. Eczema Hands: GI10 – GI10; C7 – C7. Legs: E36 – E36; RP10 – RP10. 6. Neurodermatitis Hands: GI10 – GI10; C7 – C7. Legs: E36 – E36; RP6 – RP6; RP9 – RP9; VB39 – VB39. 7. Unclean skin Hands: GI4-GI4; GI10-GI10. Abdomen: VC6; VC12 – unpaired points; E25-E25. Legs: E36-E36; RP6-RP6; V40-V40; V62-V62. Back: V15-V15 (between the shoulder blades); V18-V18 (below the shoulder blades). 8. Diabetic skin (cyanosis, edema, trophic ulcers) Hands: GI4-GI4; GI10-GI10. Legs: E36 – E36; RP10 – RP10; V40 – V40; V62 – V62. Spine: T14, T4 – unpaired points. Back: V11 – V11; V15 – V15; V20 – V20; V23 – V23. Abdomen: VC6; VC4. Neck: VB20 – VB20. 9. Warts (Papilloma Virus) Hands: GI4-GI4; GI6-GI6 (at the wrist); TR5-TR5. Back: V13-V13 (above V15). 10. Erysipelas Hands: GI4-GI4, GI10-GI10. Legs: E36-E36, RP6-RP6, V40-V40, V62-V62, Back: T4, T14, V11-V11, V15-V15, V20-V20, V23-V23 Abdomen: VC4, VC6, VC12. At the base of the skull: VÂ20-VÂ20. Unclean skin Results: 67-year-old woman, Almaty city. Vitiligo arose 10 year ago after severe stress: her husband's cheating. When the woman came to the office of «Fohow», she shared with the author with the most painful situation with her husband: «Everyone envied us. We were a beautiful, happy couple, and now, living in the same house, we even sleep in different rooms. «The author carefully listened to the woman and prescribed treatment: the 1st month according to the «Resuscitation» Scheme (Appendix 1), from the 2nd month according to the «Wellness and Rejuvenation» Scheme (Appendix 2). Already in the 2nd week of treatment, dramatic changes in the skin began. After 2 months, the author met a blooming woman with beautiful skin. The author asked: «Can I congratulate you?» The woman replied, «Yes. My husband loves me so much!» «Fohow» products do not only heal, but also rejuvenate the soul! 18-year-old girl, Almaty city. Psoriasis. First of all, the cause of psoriasis is a problem in the thyroid gland, severe metabolic disorders, congenital disorders of mineral metabolism, when the skin and mucous membranes are affected. This is a block on the endocrine and immune channels. Everything is passed down from generation to generation. Initially, this will be an unhealthy heritage. The girl did not give birth, the big question is how the pregnancy will proceed and will she be able to get pregnant at all? Therefore, it is necessary to solve not only the issue of psoriasis, but also women's problems, it is necessary to recover the endocrine system. Treatment: 2 months according to the «Resuscitation» Scheme (Appendix 1). Additionally, energy cream is for acupoints according to the program «Psoriasis» (section 1.6). From the 3rd month is according to the Scheme «Wellness and rejuvenation» (Appendix 2). The girl has problems since childhood in the cervical spine, therefore, it is recommended to wear a Faradization thermal cervical belt. The unfavorable ecology of the place of residence had its effect in utero, there was a complication in childbirth, and everything, like a snowball, manifested itself in adolescence in the form of psoriasis. «My name is Irina, Aktobe city, I am 46 year old, and I want to share my result. My husband had an injury, a ruptured biceps, he underwent surgery. The postoperative suture looked terrible, they were afraid that a scar would remain. There was severe itching, redness and dropsy, which the surgeon cut off, and we got still wet wounds that did not heal. I began to treat the seam with «Aloe» gel, and pour «Linchzhi» powder on the wounds and covered it with parchment paper. The next day, the wounds tightened straight up, became smaller and crusted. In just a week, the wounds healed without even leaving scars. And from the terrible seam there was only a thin strip! In the same way, we healed a calcaneal bedsore from our 88 year old grandmother! Thanks to the mentor for the miracle of products that recover our body and give us strength, energy and great mood! Your book helps our family to become healthy!» Q & A: 1. The reader's question: «I have unclean skin. How can I quickly remove inflammation from my face?» The author's answer: «While taking «Fohow» products, add BEM at a frequency not exceeding 15 Hz + «Yang Sheng» energy cream acupuncture according to the «Dysbacteriosis» program (section 1.2). A sign of dysbacteriosis is unclean skin; this is a problem (especially in adolescents). By doing acupuncture according to the program, you will get a very fast necessary result! I recommend doing this program on a fasten stomach before eating.» 1.7 Musculoskeletal system Osteochondrosis is the deposition of salts in the spine. Along the centers of all organs are located in the spinal column. The pathology of organs leads to the destruction of the corresponding vertebrae, which are osteoporosis and osteochondrosis. Cervical osteochondrosis is the cause of the development of cervical insufficiency, which leads to compression of the vertebral arteries, malnutrition of the brain, atherosclerosis of the vessels of the brain, encephalopathy and the development of intracranial pressure. Treatment of Osteochondrosis, osteoporosis: Scheme «Wellness and rejuvenation» (Appendix 2). Optional: Smart-massager for the neck. Arthritis is a disorder of all types of metabolism (primarily mineral) + cervical insufficiency, the development of an autoimmune process, immunodeficiency states, impaired energy circulation through the channels: liver, gallbladder, pancreas, kidneys, urinary canal. Treatment of Arthritis: «Wellness and Rejuvenation» scheme (Appendix 2). We would like to draw your attention! Joint problems are arthritis, when arthrosis is already developing (joint immobility) – this is a consequence, and the reason is that the circulation of energy through the channels is disturbed, a strong metabolic disorder. The problem of leg joints is blockages in the canal of the liver, gallbladder, pancreas, and kidneys, bladder, which runs along the spine and leads to destruction of the spine (ostechondrosis) and also affects the change in the articular surface. In this case, the thyroid gland is always involved. Where there is a violation of the circulation of energy through the channels, there is a problem of some particular organ, for example, biliary problems – this means a violation of circulation through the bile canal, etc., namely, there is a destruction of bones, strong osteoporosis. Destruction of articular surfaces already when the thyroid gland is involved, which begins to show aggressiveness, releasing antibodies that destroy its own articular surfaces. They make a replacement for an artificial prosthesis, the reason does not go away. Therefore, pain remains, there is also a disorder of circulation through the channels and severe osteoporosis. How to be? Exactly «Fohow» medications fundamentally solve the problems of diseased joints. First of all, this is a unique «regulation system» created by academician Tang Yu Zhi. The system of regulation is headed by cordyceps: Oral Liquid «Phoenix», Oral Liquid «Sanqing» and tampons «Guifei Bao», capsules «Linchzhi», namely what works according to «regulation» and the Oral Liquid «Sanbao», which refers to the «restoring» line. But the Oral Liquid «Sanbao» cannot be recommended at once for arthritis. It is necessary to adjust the channels, recover regulation, relieve inflammation and adjust the work of the thyroid gland, the level of hormones of the endocrine system, to stop antibodies. Treatment depends on what kind of disease the person came with. If a person has hypertension, diabetes mellitus, polyarthritis, then treatment according to the «Detoxification» Scheme (Appendix 7), and work for the cell, regulate the channels; eliminate the cause of the disease. And if a person who has already taken «Fohow» products, while arthritis «flourishes», especially in the autumn, then the treatment for two months is also according to the «Resuscitation» Scheme (Appendix 1), until the pain and inflammation go away. Then taking medications are according to the «restorative» program. And from the 3rd month of the «restoring line», including the «Gaoqian» pills (taken in the morning and afternoon and evening), it is necessary to take the Oral Liquid «Sanqing» so that additional blocks do not appear on other channels (on the bile channel) due to insufficient cleaning and regulation; Oral Liquid «Phoenix» take in the morning and in the afternoon, 3 ml, and the Oral Liquid «Sanbao» to take in the evening from 1 ml to 5 ml; capsules «Linchzhi» and «Haicao Gai» 1 capsule 3 times a day; drink «Qi Li» (it is possible from the 2nd month) 1 glass in the morning before breakfast as a powerful antioxidant that stops the destruction processes, removes inflammation, and will enhance the effect of other drugs. Oral Liquid «Phoenix» is as a natural antibiotic removing signs of inflammation, recovers microcirculation, pain and swelling go away. Oral Liquid, as a powerful regulator and «conductor of our entire energy system», will diagnose and reveal blocks on the channels, namely find the cause of arthritis, etc. Oral Liquid «Phoenix» very well relieves the inflammatory process of the thyroid gland, regulates the level hormones. Take 3 ml 3 times a day. Oral Liquid «Sanqing» is a powerful regulator. It regulates the morning channels (pancreas, stomach), afternoon channels (heart channel, small intestine), evening channels (kidney, bladder). Oral Liquid «Sanqing» will cleanse the blood and plasma, regulate the digestive tract, recover digestion, and as a result, the cause of arthritis will go away at the energy level. When we take «Sanqing» only in the evening and only in the morning Oral Liquid «Phoenix», regulation is disturbed, there is an overload of the liver, gallbladder, which leads to destruction of the hip, knee, ankle joints, increased blood pressure, deterioration and growth of eye diseases (cataract, glaucoma), etc. Take 3 ml 3 once a day. Êîíåö îçíàêîìèòåëüíîãî ôðàãìåíòà. Òåêñò ïðåäîñòàâëåí ÎÎÎ «ËèòÐåñ». Ïðî÷èòàéòå ýòó êíèãó öåëèêîì, êóïèâ ïîëíóþ ëåãàëüíóþ âåðñèþ (https://www.litres.ru/pages/biblio_book/?art=64734487&lfrom=688855901) íà ËèòÐåñ. Áåçîïàñíî îïëàòèòü êíèãó ìîæíî áàíêîâñêîé êàðòîé Visa, MasterCard, Maestro, ñî ñ÷åòà ìîáèëüíîãî òåëåôîíà, ñ ïëàòåæíîãî òåðìèíàëà, â ñàëîíå ÌÒÑ èëè Ñâÿçíîé, ÷åðåç PayPal, WebMoney, ßíäåêñ.Äåíüãè, QIWI Êîøåëåê, áîíóñíûìè êàðòàìè èëè äðóãèì óäîáíûì Âàì ñïîñîáîì.
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