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craquelures. poems, volume II

Öåíà:100.00 ðóá.
Ïðîñìîòðû: 6
Ñêà÷àòü îçíàêîìèòåëüíûé ôðàãìåíò
craquelures. poems, volume II cyril ioutsen A collection of short poems in the style of modern haiku and senryu. Volume II reflects upon abstract issues and human affairs. craquelures poems, volume II cyril ioutsen they ask why haiku I say why not there has always been spring Photograph anna lenina © cyril ioutsen, 2021 © anna lenina, photos, 2021 ISBN 978-5-0053-2054-4 (ò. 2) ISBN 978-5-0053-2049-0 Created with Ridero smart publishing system I “after the concert…” after the concert a symphony of ringtones “after the music…” after the music silence is still catching up “always cheerful…” always cheerful bank manager another loan “another death…” another death a dried flower on a grave “another year…” another year they call it new “art & craft…” art & craft the line in a poem gets fixed “         ashes…” ashes to the wind to be everywhere “at the end…” at the end at peace at last “at the start…” at the start sorrow at the end regret floating world “at a station…” at a station a lone train – yet full “autumn…” autumn things that come to mind “back from…” back from the burnt the ashes “         between…” between then and now always “between trains…” between trains neither has arrived yet “birthday…” birthday present in email “blackout…” blackout only sounds “bookstore…” bookstore one book warm to the touch “border…” border nothing but the sign “burning history…” burning history newspapers in a fireplace “         bus drives on…” bus drives on another afternoon left in the past “but a gap…” but a gap between dreams yet huge “calendar…” calendar thinning as days add up “a calendar…” a calendar all the days that might never come “candlelight…” candlelight and flowers both smell over-sweet “cat in the mirror…” cat in the mirror calm knowing it is still there “childhood…” childhood fragments collectibles on eBay “choices…” choices nowhere to go but somewhere “city life…” city life early bus late passengers “the clock ticking…” the clock ticking the sunrise away what if it stopped “cold fireplace…” cold fireplace in the ashes idea for a poem “computer crash…” computer crash without a sound on its part “connecting cities…” connecting cities the road cuts the forest in half “counting…” counting raindrops so many ways to be wrong “a crack…” a crack in the wall closed by cobweb “         crossroads…” crossroads yet another way to somewhere else “crumpled…” crumpled pillow remains of a dream “curious…” curious made-up stories mostly set in the past “dark…” dark and darker with lights on “day and dream…” day and dream in-between something else “dead…” dead fresh flowers “deadline done…” deadline done breaking dawn breaking down “different…” different in twilight same poem “different books…” different books not so different on a bookshelf “discarded…” discarded gift-wraps no longer festive “         a distant…” a distant memory up close an old photograph “dog days…” dog days all the same for the dogs “dried flower…” dried flower in a book untold story “         a duet…” a duet inside the piano outside the rain “each stone…” each stone with a name graveyard “the edge…” the edge of the map the road goes on “endless rooftops…” endless rooftops so many yet only one home “eulogy…” eulogy heartfelt words that have to be said “eyes…” eyes closed things seem closer “falling dusk…” falling dusk fading clock keeps ticking nonetheless “         familiar…” familiar scent its absence clearer each time “family…” family funeral reunion “family album…” family album blank pages in the middle “fed by…” fed by poems the fire “finally…” finally enough moonlight to make a haiku “first up…” first up then old growing “         flying…” flying first class outside same view “         freight train…” freight train losing the count of the carriages “         full…” full of ideas trash bin “game of chess…” game of chess side by side the victorious the vanquished “Grandpa’s…” Grandpa’s photographs strangers everyone “         graveyard…” graveyard in a book an old album “growing older…” growing older the days seem shorter “guiding light…” guiding light a cigarette tip in the dark “haiku…” haiku full-time lockdown “haiku manual…” haiku manual 300+ pages about 3 lines “hard to tell…” hard to tell them apart this world reflection in a mirror “hard words…” hard words soft paper makes them no less hard “         heavy mist…” heavy mist blurred edges blurred words “hospital…” hospital outside the life “in a crowd…” in a crowd lingering echoes of glances “in a few…” in a few strokes silence “in a library…” in a library the silence of voices “in the park…” in the park a bench that is always vacant is occupied “in the space…” in the space between words more words “insomnia…” insomnia too slow too soon “just taking…” just taking the edge off another glass “leaving behind…” leaving behind or letting go difference exaggerated “loneliness…” loneliness when you talk to yourself when you don’t listen “lost…” lost in a park in thoughts “loud music…” loud music less silence within “a love…” a love letter a lovely paper crane “melting the ice…” melting the ice spring thaw peace talks “mid-life crisis…” mid-life crisis why not call it half-life? “a minute of silence…” a minute of silence but really about forty-two seconds “modern art gallery…” modern art gallery evacuation plan rather ancient “a moment…” a moment an infinity in a few lines “morning bus…” morning bus uneven pace of the streets “morning chill…” morning chill street musician warms up “never…” never enough time to do nothing “new…” new home old smells “new teeth…” new teeth quite a bite dentist’s bill “         news again…” news again but there’s also spring “         night bus…” night bus looking outside seeing oneself “night sky…” night sky on tiptoes better to see “         nighttime…” nighttime from the window still inside “no words…” no words to say of it silence “odd physics…” odd physics the darker the louder “         old grave…” old grave fresh flowers made of plastic “old painting…” old painting not enough craquelures “old photos…” old photos belonging to me now someone’s memories “optimistic…” optimistic worse than yesterday better than tomorrow “         order…” order each object randomly in its place “page after page…” page after page the time goes at book’s pace “paradox…” paradox before the next time another “passage of time…” passage of time fewer people that never visit “         the pathways…” the pathways we never take where they lead when we go back “         paused…” paused to check the time and missed the train “peace conference…” peace conference everyone looking for casus belli “peaceful summer…” peaceful summer despite the war somewhere “a petal…” a petal in a cup an idea “a progress…” a progress each step more sure of less “quite telling…” quite telling birthday gift still unwrapped next birthday “rainstorm…” rainstorm music off to listen “         rainy day…” rainy day drought news from somewhere “         reasons…” reasons to leave it reasons to keep it anything “road gridlock…” road gridlock our thoughts and the traffic “same route…” same route yesterday through today’s streets “self-education…” self-education to the museum to make selfies “a short bio…” a short bio a hyphen between dates “snowstorm…” snowstorm airport full lockdown “so many…” so many people so much solitude “some hopes…” some hopes not unfounded sunrise again “somehow…” somehow more pretty girls around summer “sometimes…” sometimes nothing is all there is “spontaneity…” spontaneity haiku moment revised later “spring at last…” spring at last hospital room still white “stardust…” stardust on paper a poem “         still…” still wet rainstorm watercolor “still forward…” still forward the clock in the mirror “stillness…” stillness not quite right with no sounds at all “strangers…” strangers on a train no secrets “street noise…” street noise louder when the light is off “streetlamps…” streetlamps halos above our heads “subway…” subway the trains and violin “suggestive…” suggestive blank page blank stare “sumi-e painting…” sumi-e painting hidden colors within black and white “         sundial…” sundial does it work for the moon? “         sunrise…” sunrise a wallpaper on a screen “supermarket…” supermarket home-made food discount “         surely…” surely an oxymoron silent loudspeakers “symbiosis…” symbiosis a live cat a plastic mouse “symmetry…” symmetry no one gets what one would give “teacup empty…” teacup empty but for the tea late evening “         team work…” team work arguing about collaboration “tempting…” tempting a view from above a long way down “things done…” things done time left for regret “the time…” the time it takes to earn luxury watch “time being…” time being all the time Êîíåö îçíàêîìèòåëüíîãî ôðàãìåíòà. 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