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still silence. poems. volume I

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Ñêà÷àòü îçíàêîìèòåëüíûé ôðàãìåíò
still silence. poems. volume I cyril ioutsen A collection of short poems in the style of modern haiku and senryu. Volume I comprises impressions upon nature and cityscapes. still silence poems. volume I cyril ioutsen Dark again. Over trees — a nightfall. Beneath — the starry skies. Looking at the silence of things we cannot hear. Listening to the silence of things we cannot see. Photograph anna lenina © cyril ioutsen, 2021 © anna lenina, photos, 2021 ISBN 978-5-0053-2048-3 (ò. 1) ISBN 978-5-0053-2049-0 Created with Ridero smart publishing system Poems “abandoned railway…” abandoned railway still going somewhere “abating storm…” abating storm leftover rain abandoned on the grass “         above…” above the summit the sun keeps rising “above the sea…” above the sea the seagulls carry the rain “         absorbed…” absorbed in a daydream a young frog alone by the leaf “across the fog…” across the fog silence drifts to the forest “adjusting…” adjusting a pebble on a beach looks out of place “after dark…” after dark returning with a catch of moonlight “after dusk…” after dusk darkness goes too “after the rain…” after the rain too much sky on the streets “after rainfall…” after rainfall flooded by sunlight “after the snowfall…” after the snowfall left on the ground the clouds “all of the sky…” all of the sky in a tiny pond still summer “alone…” alone among others forest trees “already gone…” already gone before I saw it a perfect view “         always…” always summer far away somewhere “ancient ruins…” ancient ruins outlasting them modern garbage “another spring…” another spring or perhaps the last one again “as if never…” as if never before and yet again autumn “at cliff edge…” at cliff edge a butterfly and me it goes farther “         at dusk…” at dusk colors fading one by one… wary to be seen? “at the edge…” at the edge of the leaf the snail is lost “at the window…” at the window on the dry side of the rainstorm “autumn…” autumn afterglow of spring “autumn…” autumn at last so soon “autumn…” autumn forest bright shades of decay “autumn…” autumn the last leaf falls and then another “autumn…” autumn seeing it for what it is “autumn forest…” autumn forest and beyond all there is “autumn rain…” autumn rain sound of drops still in the air “an autumn leaf…” an autumn leaf in my mailbox some message “         awaiting…” awaiting the dusk the snow lingers still winter “awash with…” awash with the sound of waves waterfront “         Bach…” Bach by the pond frogs wait for the cue “back and forth…” back and forth on a forest floor restless shadows “balance…” balance nightfall moonrise “bare branches…” bare branches few leaves free to share dark skies with stars “Beethoven…” Beethoven in the storm thunderclap steps in for timpani “between stars…” between stars and beyond looks the same “         beyond…” beyond the silence beyond still silence “a bird…” a bird a tree sharing solitude “birds in the sky…” birds in the sky never lost in thought “birdsong…” birdsong leaving no echo “bitter cold…” bitter cold a sentinel for a pine an old raven “         bizarre…” bizarre when up close fire in the fog “         bonfire…” bonfire in its midst a shape of something “both black…” both black and white the snow in the dark “a breeze…” a breeze a breath a breadth dreaming of a beach “briefly…” briefly before sunrise silence “bright sun…” bright sun city shadows almost dark “brightest of all…” brightest of all on a forest floor a beer can “budding flower…” budding flower without a thought sweet fragrance “burning leaves…” burning leaves smell of autumn on my clothes “bus stop…” bus stop rainstorm arrives first “a butterfly…” a butterfly a blossom almost one “by the fire…” by the fire under the stars fiery sunrise “a canvas of time…” a canvas of time brush strokes sunrise bit by bit “change of season…” change of season never the same and yet again “children’s…” children’s voices playing on the grass tree shadows “city fog…” city fog no more skyscrapers “city into sky…” city into sky starry night without end “city park…” city park a lamp post among trees “         city park…” city park my ringtone a bird answers “city stars…” city stars below more than above “clear water…” clear water all the junk I can see “         cliff edge…” cliff edge beyond the sea falling stars “cold autumn…” cold autumn the leaves trembling in the wind “the color of fire…” the color of fire in the dark of night embers in the storm fireflies “colors into…” colors into shapes into shadows is darkness “cooling…” cooling in the heat birdsong “         coolness…” coolness in the air nothing else across the dark meadow “countless…” countless stars and one lamp dimming them all “country road…” country road a dog growls when I stare “crescent moon…” crescent moon wondering about the rest of it “crickets…” crickets fall silent the night remains “crossroads…” crossroads everywhere evening one way sunset “a crow…” a crow in the sky trapped in a poem “crusted snow…” crusted snow the crow the tree one shadow “dancing…” dancing to a tune I cannot hear still the snow “dark again…” dark again over trees a nightfall “dark night…” dark night deep inside emptiness “         dark skyline…” dark skyline dark clouds sunset in-between “darkness…” darkness between the stars night sky “dawn…” dawn mist takes shape “         dawn…” dawn one bird is all “dawn…” dawn stars into mist “dawn and dusk…” dawn and dusk late spring early fall nearly the same yet not quite “daybreak…” daybreak amidst the echoes stillness “daylight and dew…” daylight and dew luminous within the spider’s web “deep breath…” deep breath trying to inhale the forest “deep down…” deep down for the day dawn stars “deep winter…” deep winter frozen still the sounds “descending…” descending shade by shade winter sunset “         a desert…” a desert above my head starry skies “different…” different yet not so much twilight and rain “disentangling…” disentangling from the night the raven “distance…” distance specters dim in the rain “distant…” distant smoke its scent much closer “distant…” distant voices the night quieter “         downcast…” downcast from heavens a broken kite “dragonfly…” dragonfly at its back the field “dreaming of snow…” dreaming of snow arrested in flight a lone raven “drowned…” drowned in rain a brook is now a river “dusk…” dusk down the road dances the leaf “         each moon…” each moon same wind from somewhere “each morning…” each morning the same city the new sky “eclipsed…” eclipsed the sun sunflower “embraced…” embraced by the wind old willow “embracing…” embracing the wood it burns the fire “empty…” empty street not even empty enough “empty forest…” empty forest full of light wind echoes as if distant waterfall “empty sky…” empty sky more empty with stars “the end of it…” the end of it like all things autumn “endless meadow…” endless meadow skylark’s song everywhere “enhancing…” enhancing the bloom sun beams rain drops butterflies “         entangled…” entangled in the branches crescent moon “exploring…” exploring the leaves the wind “fading light…” fading light everything fades too “fallen leaves…” fallen leaves heavy with summer long gone “fallen leaves…” fallen leaves the tree and I are at peace “far away…” far away headlights close by the stars “         far from…” far from its tree scarlet leaf “         fireflies…” fireflies snowflakes how come they never meet? “         the first…” the first on his last journey autumn leaf “         flatlands…” flatlands looking sharp grass spears “flourishing…” flourishing with frost winter window Êîíåö îçíàêîìèòåëüíîãî ôðàãìåíòà. 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