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Classics of a fantasy

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Classics of a fantasy A. Belyaev A novel on the topic of interplanetary communications most informative and scientific… of Course, perhaps the best, but, however, until his.The threshold of the world revolution. A specialist in “jet engines”, is faced with a difficult choice: the military leadership of the capitalist countries requires him to take part in the development of weapons of mass destruction. At the same time, a group of rich and aristocrats offers Zander to lead the construction of the “starship”… Classics of a fantasy A. Belyaev © A. Belyaev, 2019 ISBN 978-5-0050-0883-1 Created with Ridero smart publishing system JUMP TO NOWHERE PART ONE JOINT-STOCK COMPANY OF RESCUERS Chapter 1 THE BIG KNOWLEDGE CAN BE THE CAUSE OF THE BIG TROUBLES Zander sharply removed the drawing, got up because of a table, walked on to office. Took out a violin from a case and played. Long, slender fingers easily and vozdushno danced on a signature stamp. But a melody which took the violinist from the tool, was not cheerful at all. “The chief is excited with something! – Vinkler thought, listening from next rooms to improvisation. – From! How many bitterness! As the violin complains!.” The complaint turned into indignation, in a violent protest. Sounds accrued, got stronger and suddenly broke not resolved chord. “Resolutely, to Zander there was something unusual!” – again thought Vinkler, drawing a drawing pen a curve. From an office the fast paces of Zander muffled by a carpet were heard. – Vinkler, fall here! Zander sat already at a desk when Vinkler entered. – You sit down. Vinkler took seat against Zander. Minute they silently looked the friend on the friend, as if tried to read something new in the familiar for a long time person. On the left cheek of Zander the slight scar – an old trace was designated student’s rapier; a face of the engineer Zander, a face of the artist with big, pensive eyes, it was more pale than usual. – Vinkler, how many years we work together? – Twelve years, mister Zander. – Yes, twelve. Term is considerable… You were the good assistant, Vinkler, my right hand, my friend… – I did not die yet, mister Zander… Zander frowned: – We have to leave. Vinkler hasty lowered a hand in a pocket, took out a tube, filled it tobacco, lit. – It why., so unexpectedly? – I leave. For a long time I leave the homeland, perhaps forever. – “Mohicans”? – shortly Vinkler asked. – Yes, they… You believe that I am threatened by an imprisonment, Vinkler? Worse. Much worse. They came not with a sword, and with gifts. – “Be afraid of Greeks, the gifts bringing”, – Vinkler nodded. – And what gifts are? – They are ready to forget graciously about my dirty blood, – with bitterness Zander told. – To return me department, it is good to pay my work. – From means., military department? – You guessed, Vinkler. They offered me – you understand what means, when they offer? – to work in military department… Stratospheric the bombing rockets operated on radio. You heard about them? In many regions of the country constructions for firing are already built by such rockets. From these points several minutes it is possible to destroy Paris, Brussels, Prague, Warsaw hail of explosive and gas rockets. But to them it it is not enough. They need the “shells without guns” flying for thousands of kilometers. Not only London, Rome, Naples, Madrid, Moscow, Leningrad, but even New York, Washington – targets for their new tools of destruction. Capitals, the industrial cities, ports, airfields of neighboring states are destroyed in several minutes together with all people. To smother children, to tear to parts bodies of fathers and mothers – for the sake of what? – here what they offer me, Vinkler. Whether my teacher Tsiolkovsky thought of it whether I dreamed of it, having devoted the life to jet engines, rockets, a zvezdoplavaniye?. For nervousness on a high forehead of Zander small drops of sweat acted. – And what you answered them? Zander shrugged shoulders: – If I told them “no”, it is easy to present consequences. If I would tell “I will think”, at best I would appear now under arrest… – And you told “yes”? – To have an opportunity to run immediately. Today I depart in Switzerland. I ask you, Vinkler to collect my papers, drawings. Folder number two – “Pikkolo Rocket”, number seven, number nine… – And with it as? – Vinkler asked, having nodded on drawings of the rocket. – Apparently, in any way, – Zander answered. – You know lord Blotton? For it weeds in a stratosphere on the rocket – only the next hobby athlete. And it already begins to cool down to this business. Several days to that back he cabled that he will arrive today, and, as you can see, him no. And monetary affairs of sir Henry are, apparently, not in brilliant state. By the way, they to me already put by sight mine “strange communication” with foreigner. Vinkler puffed a tube. – And what you will do in Switzerland? – To play a violin and to fall in a reverie, – gloomily smiled Zander. – I have abroad small savings. – And when you will live them? To play a violin, collecting alms on to the yards? “Give to professor Zander, the engineer with a world name, one centime, kind citizens…” Picture, worthy our time. Zander crackled slender fingers. His head was hung below and below under weight of these words. – Well to do, Vinkler? – quietly he asked. – Something should be thought up, mister Zander. Whole world the day before revolution, he prepares for war. Now everywhere look at rockets only from the military point of view. – Vinkler released several puffs and continued: – In Switzerland there are many tourists. Tourists go by cars. Cars demand repair. We will open repair shop. – We?. Who? – Yes we: you and I. A surname of Zander – not for a sign repair workshop. I will open it on the name. “Vinkler and Co”. At me is on you will accept one sensible fellow – Hans. You will continue the scientific works, I – to help you and Hans. And we will perfectly live. “Repair cars, bicycles and kerosene kitchens” is, of course, not so poetically, as your star sonatas, but is more practical. – Vinkler, – Zander with emotion told, rising and stretching hand, – friends are learned in misfortune. Your loving kindness… Vinkler strong shook hands Zander and, smiling, interrupted his outpourings: – Heart and other internals is perfect at anything here, mister Zander. Me only calculation, though not personal directs character. I believe, this explanation is enough that you in any degrees did not consider themselves obliged? In a lobby the call was distributed. Vinkler left, and in a minute on a threshold of an office high appeared the slender person of years of thirty in a gray road suit. – It is possible to enter? – Sir Henry! – Zander exclaimed. – I am glad to see you. – Hello, dear Zander. Forgive for a late visit. Affairs detained. And all affairs eventually come down to money. – It laughed: – Money! Fuel of all engines of the world, without excluding also warm. Without money and to stars not to rise, isn’t that so, dear Zander? Gestures and Blotton’s movements were easy and free. He conveniently took seat in chair, crossed the legs, took out tortoise from a side pocket cigarette case with the platinum monogram and a crown, with dexterity of the conjurer threw it from a hand in a hand, took out a thin Egyptian cigarette and lit. Spicy tobacco smoke mixed up with aroma of the strong French spirits. Blotton brought with himself the atmosphere of carelessness of the spoiled child. – Exult, Zander. I brought to you a good portion of fuel. I and not knew that the way to stars lies through an altar. – What altar? Blotton laughed again, but did not answer a question. – I think, we will have now means to finish the first stratospheric rocket. Zander’s face turned pink. – I am very glad. But we will build it not here. Today at dawn I I depart to Switzerland. – Did not get on with “Mohicans”? – Zander nodded. – Switzerland?. It, perhaps, better. There to you will work more quietly. I will give you the check on the Lyons credit. Report the address. At five in the morning I depart to London. And how your work moved? Zander developed the drawing and began to explain. Blotton absent-mindedly listened several minutes, pretending what understands, thanked Zander, left the check, told several latest sports news and left. Zander called Vinkler and showed him the check. – Obviously, lord Blotton managed to receive money under the bride, — told, smiling, Vinkler. – How it “under the bride”? – Recently in Taymsa it was printed about lord Blotton’s engagement with Ellen Hinton. Ms. Ellen is the niece and the only heir millionaire lady Hinton. Probably, to Blotton allotted the wide credit. – And so why he said that the way to stars lies through altar! – Zander remembered. – Well, so far we can do without repair shop. It will replace to us sports vanity of Blotton. It is better for those. Leave, mister Zander. Now at us work will begin to boil. If only… – What? – If only you managed to get out safely. At you the plan is ready departure? Is not present? It is necessary to help you. And they were inclined over the map of the country which was once their homeland. Chapter 2 THE READER GETS ACQUAINTED WITH VENERABLE SOCIETY OF THE LADY HINTON, AND ALSO IS CONVINCED THAT THE CLEVER PERSON AND ON COAST OF THE THAMES CAN FIND THE PLACER – Whether everything is given? A benedictine for the bishop? Sherribrendi for sir Henry? White wine? Cheese? Cake? And honey? His Eminence loves honey – food hermits. There is no honey? – Lady Hinton called. The girl, the red-cheeked Scotswoman in a gray dress, with white entered starched apron and in a white lacy headdress, from under which locks of a thick nutbrown hair were beaten out. In Mary’s hand was crystal vase with honey. – You forgot to put honey again, Mary? Mary silently put a vase and silently came to a table. Hinton carried out it by eyes and translated a look on a pale face of the niece. – Why you cut hair, Ellen? The girl touched slender white fingers with long bright pink nails the ashy hair falling to cheeks equal waves waves, and silently told: – Sir Henry… – Certainly! – with displeasure the old lady said. – Give me “air” also take the book. Lady Hinton embroidered five months with silk and gold flowers and cherubs on “air” for an altar of church in which prior was the bishop Iov Weller is a confessor the lady, her old friend and the adviser. – What time is it now? – Five minutes to five. – Read, Ellen. The niece opened at random Dickens’s volume: – “Then they only feel in a happy state the friendly association and mutual goodwill which is source of the most true, pure pleasure…” – In the Hyde park again, apparently, a meeting, – interrupted reading lady Hinton, listening. Shook the head and heaved so a deep sigh that it the breast which is stirred up under a lilac silk dress touched double chin. After this lady Hinton fiercely thrust a needle in an eye of the cherub and deeply thought. How many years it wages war, hopeless war over time! At first against each new pound of weight of a fat body, against everyone new wrinkle on a face – not without reason she endured three husbands and collected in the strong hands three states, – and then against that new that interfered in political, public and private life, up to these “modern short-haired hair and indecent suits” Ellen. Lady Hinton considered the Golden Age kind old England of times the Queen Victoria to whom the lady was a little similar and which tried to imitate. The old mansion in West End, against the Hyde park, lady Hinton turned into fortress – “my house – my fortress”, – in which wanted to sit out from time pressure. The twentieth century had to come to an end on threshold. Here everything, beginning from heavy furniture and finishing vital way and etiquette, was antiquated and pradedovsky times. Lady Hinton even did not open tightly the closed double glazing in the summer and forced to lower heavy curtains on windows not to see crowd the excited people passing in the Hyde park – the favourite place for meetings. But voices and songs, rumble, and sometimes and dry crash of shots got through thick walls. At its canneries – inheritance the second husband – workers striked, and it had to conduct unpleasant talk with the managing director. To its Fife-au-shreds a political talk was are expelled as a sign of bad form. And nevertheless it is frequent behind these ceremonious tea drinking political debates erupted. Time has come, time conducted the correct siege of the mansion which took cover for lattice, under old chestnuts and elms. Time rushed a street rumble, the concerning talk, terrible news. Neither old servants, nor thick walls, nor double glazing, nor curtains did not save from time impact. At lady Hinton the real mania of prosecution began. And time was a persecutor, the enemy, the murderer… – Read, Ellen. But it was not necessary to continue reading. Hours slowly, deafly, as if blows them reached from a far tower, punched five. In the doorway silently the old footman in a gray livery with braids appeared. Deaf aged voice respectfully reported: – Doctor Mr. Teker. Lady Hinton frowned. On Thursdays – put Fife-au-shred – house the doctor had to be at four hours forty five minutes to end evening visit before arrival of guests. Today the doctor was late for whole fifteen minutes. – Ask. Because of a door the close-cut head with turning gray seemed temples, then also all figure of the doctor – in black carefully promoted, tightly the clasped frock coat. A frock coat instead of traditional evening tuxedo! Lady Hinton forgave such violation of etiquette Tekera only because he was “the person of other circle”, besides the foreigner, fine doctor, “victim and refugee of time”. In the homeland he did not get on with “spirit modern times” which was given for there “true spirit ancient”. Teker’s face was confused and joyful and uneasy. About ostentatious confidence it passed space from a door to a tronopodobny chair, welcomed lady Hinton respectful bow and it is careful as fragile jewelry, took a thick hand of the patient to probe pulse. – Said to me that doctors differ in punctuality, and German in features! – viscously lady Hinton told. – . Sixty six., sixty seven… – the Ticker counted blows pulse, looking at a second hand of the pocket watch – Pulse normal. Forgive, the lady. House circumstances detained me. My wife., it was resolved from a burden. Boy. – And Teker’s eyes flashed joy. – I congratulate, – lady Hinton silently told. – The doctor accepted? At your wife, so there were two doctors. And at me the attack was nearly played liver… Medical ethics, however, always for me were unclear. The ticker shifted from one foot to the other. Internally he was enraged, but constrained itself, having remembered the newborn: new duties of the father, new responsibility… Having set the patient several questions, Teker wanted to leave. But at the lady Hinton already was on call women’s revenge. – I hope, the doctor, you will not refuse to remain to Fife-au-shred? My old friends will gather, – she told with a smile hospitable hostesses. The ticker shortly sighed, bowed and took seat on a chair with such look, as if it was the hot brazier. There came silence. To interrupt a burdensome pause, the captive of artful hospitality started talking: – I read in the newspaper: somehow at the London economic school acted famous writer. He addressed listeners with such speech: “Many of the young people sitting here will be killed, others are suffocated gases, the third will die of hunger. World accident approaches. The civilization perishes, and there is no exit. It is necessary unless to construct an ark like Noyev…” Lady Hinton omitted embroidery on knees. She turned pale, eyes sparkled anger. – Spare nerves of your patient, Mr. Teker! The servant entered: – His Excellency baron Marshal de Terlonzh and his excellency commerce adviser Mr. Stormer. Displeasure was replaced on a face of lady Hinton by a habitual mask courtesies. Marshal de Terlonzh, the French banker with shadowy past entered, the title of the baron which profited in the war and bought. To it was under fifty, but it looked a perfect wreck. Together with it appeared broad-shouldered, the strong old man with a red face of the butcher. The baron ïðîêîâûëÿë to a chair, kissed a hand of the hostess and, strongly stammering, told: – Allow, e-e-e., to present my kkompanion and Mr. friend St… St… St… – Stormer! – the fat man banged, stretching to the shuddered hostess the spread wide thick fingers. – His Eminence bishop! – the footman announced. The bishop Iov Weller, the stout, healthy man with thoroughbred entered ruddy face. His radiant eyes and juicy lips smiled. After the bishop professor of philosophy Shnirer seemed. It puzzly looked round around as if got at the wrong door, smiled as the child who learned familiar faces and, having given both hands, went to the lady Hinton. After mutual greetings all took seat at a tea table. At this moment at an entrance the beep of the car cried. Lady Hinton discontentedly frowned – “after all is!.” – and Ellen slightly reddened. She learned beep blottonovsky car. In two minutes lord Henry Blotton already entered a drawing room, in black tuxedo, fashionable vest and tie, sparkling a monocle. It was scented, it is perfectly shaved. – I was not late? Hello, aunt! – so he called lady Hinton, which had the remote relative. As soon as all took seat at a table, the lady started talking on a favourite subject about degradation of morals, dissoluteness of youth, modern books, “which it is impossible to give in hands to the well-educated girl”, about lack of due respect for authorities and seniors. – Tell, dear baron, – she addressed the banker, – I heard, you came to us to extort the English gold? You want to shoal our gold pool? The face of the banker warped. – Õü., õü., õü… I am for this purpose too low-power pump, the lady. TT., the same success I could shoal the Atlantic Ocean. Lady Hinton reluctantly received “it the upstart”, but was with it it is kind at insistance of the legal adviser and managing affairs Smiggers who ran large business with the banker. Did not forget lady Hinton as the hospitable hostess, and the old philosopher. – And where your charming daughter, Mr. Shnirer? – And? What? – professor as if wakening from a dream asked. – Amelie? Yes. At a football match! What? Soccer! And? – It plunged into the again usual contemplate state. – It is a pity, – lady Hinton stretched though she in soul was glad: it preferred men’s society, besides in Amelie’s behavior a lot of things shocked her. – Doctor Teker told me terrible things, – it continued, addressing already all and darting a sidelong glance at Teker, – how ours the famous writer predicted death of a civilization. Really it perhaps? The ticker was on thorns. He thought of the wife, of the newborn and every minute tried to rise, take the leave and leave, but did not decide to make it. Shnirer, having heard about the favourite subject, unexpectedly turned from contemplate Buddha in the ardent speaker. – Death of a civilization! – he exclaimed, having sparkled eyes, and continued, increasing tone: – Yes, the civilization perishes! She is doomed, and she is ruined by the car, it iron monster. The owner of land becomes the slave to the car. It forces us, one and all whether we know and whether we want it or not to go till its ways. Without restraint the rushing chariot drags for itself prostrate the winner, until he dies… Human beings, so carefully raised these wild and dangerous animals, woke up and found in an environment of the new race of iron monsters dominating over them… Shnirer did not speak any more, and cried out, shaking by the wrinkled fist: – It is necessary to bridle even stronger science, to detain rationalization, to clamp the equipment, to suffocate invention, differently death of a civilization and our death are inevitable… Still a cup of tea, more strong if you allow, — unexpectedly it finished. Ellen silently spilled tea, imperceptibly glancing at the groom. But that was interested in liqueurs more, strenuously adding the bishop whose face shone light of terrestrial pleasures. – WW., ffva., are right, professor, – objected the banker, – it is necessary to the technician to keep in a strong bridle. But civilizations threaten not only ìàøøø., cars. There are animals more dangerous, artful and ruthless… – Communists! – lady Hinton exclaimed. Precisely December cold blew softly in August. The society which gathered for table, it was stirred up. All started talking at once, having forgotten about ethics. Faces were poured by hatred, rage and fear. The word was pronounced. General disease, which undermined all, saddened, joy of life poisoned, sang dreadful dreams, it was called… Everyone hurried to facilitate the soul, to pour out what overflowed long ago heart. Spoke differently, but about same: about damned communists, destroyers of culture and civilization, fanatics. Here was in total: and revolutions in three states, and “nationalization of women”, and Komintern, both dumping, and destruction of temples, and hunger… Never before society of lady Hinton was so unanimously, so sincerely in expression of feelings and thoughts. Never at a table sounded so harmoniously the symphony of hatred and bodily fear before close revolution. “Red animals” – unless not they threaten to take away everything from lady Hinton: title, power, situation, wealth? Their propagandists decompose Christ’s herd and threaten with God’s desolation to temples, starvation to the bishop Iov Weller. And the philosopher Shnirer – that other, except boundless hatred, he could to feed “for patrons of the equipment and enthusiasts of industrialization, forced to serve themselves cars which the teeths tear human beings also threaten to crush the gear wheels modern culture”! . When nervousness settled a little, lady Hinton seized conversation. – I offered two hundred thousand pounds on fight against them recently, but it, of course, is not enough. Each of us has to understand that it is better now, while the getting is good, voluntarily to refuse a part of the property, than to lose everything. – I read about “Noah’s Ark” and I believe that the writer quite in due time raises a question of great importance, – Henry told, reeling up on a finger a ribbon with a monocle. – When in a number of the countries revolution wins, won, the truth resisting, quit the stage and as extreme means, rescue in flight look for. But where to run? Whether is quite the safe countries on the globe? It is time to think of it. – Do not accept my words, – the baron told, – for premature defeatism, panic, disbelief in a victory. With risen we will be to fight all measures to the death. But success seems to me problematic. Already now we are anxious with in what business to place ours capitals, where big guarantee of their safety. However can come the moment – and it is rather, than it seems to much, – when it is necessary to think already not so much about the capitals, how many about to. – And people will rush about here and there, as in the house embraced flame, – in Shnirere the prophet recovered again. – From the country to the country will be to run they and everywhere will meet an all-devouring flame, a pernicious flame, unrestrained and inevitable, as destiny. Also will not save from him the guard, iron lattices of fencings, thick walls. Everything will die. Everything will turn in ashes. And we will die. – And, having passed to shrill shout again, Shnirer finished – And who is guilty? Cars! Proletarians! They! Still cup to tea, more strong if you allow. – Strikes began, revolution will finish, – the banker brought a remark. – Yes this bowl will pass us! – the bishop exclaimed and, having instantly made pious expression, crossed. – Here really it is time to think about some., an ark in which with the God’s help could take refuge righteous persons – color of our civilization and culture. Whether not merciful the Lord put some idea this, how in times Noyev? – To construct such “Titanic” – “ark” of modern scale, equipped with the latest technology? – ironically Henry asked. — And further? Where you on it will go? To the southern seas? To uninhabited to the island mislaid in the ocean and not plotted even? Nonsense, there are no “white spots” on the world map any more. There are no almost such islands. And if also is, they will be found soon. Construction of “ark” and its departure will not be able to pass unnoticed. Will find for us, will overtake and will crush as worms, together with “ark”. Where, at last, a guarantee that it will manage to be completed? There came silence. – Really there is no exit? – lady Hinton asked. – Why is not present? There is a solution, and quite good as it seems to me, – it is quiet Henry answered. – Here you, mister professor of philosophy, scolded to the technician, and from the point of view you, of course, are right. But the same equipment can give for us and an exit to open a way to rescue. We will force the equipment to render to us this last service, and then I have nothing against if it is it is destroyed, to your pleasure, professor. All pricked up the ears, listening. The henry happy with the had effect, made a pause and slowly continued: – “Ark” can save not all belonging to our class and to circle, and only small group of the electees… “Magics to escape yes will escape” – so, apparently, the milord is told in the writing? So, “ark” can and it has to be constructed. But “ark” of absolutely special grade which carried away us far away from this rebellious planet – well, at least for a while, so far danger will not be eliminated. Or otherwise., forever… Listeners disappointedly leaned back on backs of chairs, and the bishop, Henry as dexterous maneuver who apprehended words to distract the general attention from gloomy thoughts, threw off a fast mask, began to shine and good-natured burst out laughing: – Perfectly! The ark floating on waves of the radio ocean! Excellently! – Yes, on waves of the radio ocean, – Henry seriously answered. – It could come to mind only to Henry! – respectable exclaimed the lady not flatter for it tone. – Least of all in my head, the aunt. I admit, I understand a little in to the equipment. But you, misters, know that recently I pay a tribute to interest in stratospheric flights together with my friend the engineer, large theorist of a zvezdoplavaniye and talented designer Leo Zander. I just from it… And if you knew about its works, it achievements… – But same chimera! – Imagination! – And how we will breathe there? – And what to eat? Air? – We will stiffen from world cold which will destroy us also soon and it is right as it will make communism. – He wants to send us to the sky prematurely! – And you depart? Exclamations, jokes, laughter were heard. – The lady and gentlemen, – Henry was not appeased, – your questions and exclamations testify only to full yours, to put it mildly ignorance of a subject. I claim that if you… But did not listen to it. The nervous tension found a way out. Society cheered up. Even Shnirer left the gloomy concentration and opened that in this world, except strong tea and terrible cars, exist still amazingly pleasant liquids concluded in graceful small bottles, and the bishop reddened more than ordinary and laughed more loudly, than it was necessary to it at its dignity. Lady Hinton was happy and already graciously glanced at Henry, it is free or involuntarily rendered her service. – Let’s not be, misters to think of gloomy things, – she told. – God it is mercy, our people are reasonable, the power in reliable hands, and to us, I hope, it is not necessary to resort to the air ships and to look for rescue in similar flight. Why you will not taste this liqueur, the baron? Henry was angry by a failure of promotion of a zvezdoplavaniye. He expected to receive several checks for continuation of experiences Zander. Lady Hinton seemed she managed what as to the skillful captain, already to bring the ship out of a strip of the most severe storm, and suddenly flew new: Stormer who was silent all evening zagromykhat by the thunderous voice: – And I assure you, the sir, – addressed he Blotton, – that in the southern seas there will be not one ten more unopened islands. I well know Silent ocean. In its southeast part, far from main ocean roads, and now still it is possible to find a silent shelter, – the island which is not put on one card… But… I am a businessman, the businessman not inclined to panic and to hysterics. Silly, however, to close eyes to reality. We live on a volcano. Yes. We with devilish (Hinton shuddered) speed fly in abyss. I will not list the latest events, they are known to all. It is necessary to be ready to the worst. Yes. – Everyone it “yes” rattled as thunderclap. – I speak not about a silly pose a rack. The baron is right. It is necessary to fight and at the same time to prepare ways of retreat, so far we did not tie hands and there are capitals. To construct the huge motor ship. Such “Noah’s Ark” of three hundred meters and with the displacement of eighty five – hundred thousand tons. So mechanized that it was possible to manage the minimum quantity crew – from young people of exclusive classes. Any the proletarian, because all of them are obvious or our secret enemies. Yes. How many wars, revolutions will last? Four-five years? We will be able to take food on six, for eight years. Not to mention an opportunity replenishments of stocks fishing and hunting on lonely islands. And we let’s sit out. We will be able to keep thus the life if not the capitals. I offer, without postponing, to organize the company for constructions of “Noah’s Ark”. Needless to say that members of this the companies will be only chosen and all case will be processed in the most strict to secret. My project does not exclude yours, the sir, – turned Stormer to To Blotton, having filled on him the red face with goggle rachy eyes. – He agrees: to open our floating island our enemies nevertheless will be able. In a zvezdoplavaniye I, unfortunately, understand nothing. But if it it is feasible why don’t we prepare as a last resort and to to the last jump – from Earth to abysses of the sky? You will not refuse courtesy, the sir to acquaint me with your inventor? If he convinces me that a zvezdoplavaniye not a chimera, I am the first I will bring a share. – Ffva you fverit Nneuzheli in a zvezdoplavaniye and hkhgotova to fvlozhit ôâ it business to., to., capital? – Marshal Stormera when they asked came back from lady Hinton. – I trust! Yes! – Stormer bellowed. – Both of us are businessmen, the baron, and with you I can frankly speak, – it continued more quietly. – I trust in the zvezdoplavaniye is as firm, as in a placer on the Thames. Yes. Listen. If the Thames proceeded for thousands of kilometers from London, in to the exotic country, thousands would believe in a placer on the Thames. You remember mine “silver mines” in New Zealand or I wash “the Australian oil”? I acquired on them millions, and they existed only in imagination shareholders. Now you understand, as on the Thames can be gold scatterings which will enrich us? The car began to shake as if flew on the timbered bridge. Driver looked back. It Mr. Stormer laughed. – Situation really extremely serious, – was continued by it more quietly and more quietly. – What we endure, you know. In three countries already communists dominate. Every day brings news of new suicides. Whether long ago Smith, Milton., behind them Skarfas, now Ñèääîíñ, Abbington… Real epidemic. The most terrible crises happened and earlier, but committed a suicide the few. Why? People trusted: behind crisis again there will come the prosperity era. There is no this belief now. Who was ruined — it was ruined forever. Unless I am not right? – Fff… – Such is situation and such is mood. Revolutions and ruin, inevitable as death, guard all of us. Inevitable death. Stormer made a pause to recover the breath. – The person despaired. Was overstrung. It was exhausted. The person already stretches hand to the revolver. And this minute to it our agent comes and speaks: “We can save you. We will provide you a silent shelter where will not reach your enemies and where you will be able in a circle of people close to you, surrounded habitual comfort to live your life. Yes, it will cost to you millions. But what these millions will cost tomorrow? Tomorrow you can to wake up the poor, and you will intercept the retreat all, to flight, rescue…” Whether will be much such which will refuse our offer? To to example, lady Hinton. Quite ripened fruit. Two-three more already close political crash, and from this rich person fall down in our hands pounds sterling without account. We will build “Noah’s Ark”. We will be to build a starprobe vehicle, tens of starprobe vehicles, without caring for that at all, they will depart or not. We will be at the head of business and to move huge means. Conspiracy simplifies the reporting. It is necessary at all not to have commercial intuition not to estimate all advantage of it enterprises. I hope, now you quite understood what means to open placer on the Thames? Marshal de Terlonzh for nervousness long puffed, sniffed and, at last squeezed out from itself: – E-e-e., ffva are absolutely right! So new was born in foggy London evening in darkness of a limousine the joint-stock company fastened with short strong handshake. Chapter 3 ABOUT ADVANTAGE OF THE EQUATOR Hans Finger was by the cabin window. His curling fair hair and face burned in the sun. He whistled a cheerful march, beating time and a leg and hand. Finger experienced delight of the first flight on the stratoplena. “Life – devilishly interesting movie when time and events fly as this ñòðàòîïëàí…” Hans all accelerated a march. If it was possible to start up the movie of life even quicker! To strike time in a nape so that all hour hands were started turning quicker second, detachable leaves calendars fell down as autumn leaves during a storm, and the sun a comet would rush on a sky… Hans suddenly reeled, hit the head against a wall and screamed. Or it also, like a certain utopian hero, received a gift to work wonders?. The sun as soccerball, described an arch in the sky and was behind a frame windows. Hans rubbed a nape, took seat in an easy chair and laughed. “Well of course, it ñòðàòîïëàí the abrupt bend made. Yes, changing time on the third speed, it is necessary to keep more strong”. Hans thought. Elections, strikes, street demonstrations. Hans kept up everywhere: scattered illegal leaves from a roof, filled with them abonent books in boxes of payphones, managed “Mohicans” near by to do, as well as hundreds of his companions, antigovernmental inscriptions on walls of houses and on the passing vans, collected the chronicle for underground newspapers, let children’s spheres with leaflets, set up at night red banners on spikes churches, sold theatrical programs, putting in them leaflets, invented tens of ways of propaganda, ran away from prosecution, disappeared, changed clothes; even it zagrimirovyvatsya and again threw out such pieces, from which enemies turned green, workers laughed and political raged caliphs… Vinkler’s call. Organization of escape of Zander. A smart suit “under Englishman”. Soft compartment. To the Swiss border – on a car. Boundary strip. Night, storm… Searches of companions to which at Vinkler was letter. Wandering… A crossing through the river. Alarm. Firefight… Switzerland. Mountains in the neighborhood of the Alps. The small house – a chalet – among unction, larches, Alpine cedars. Snow. Tasty mountain frosty the air which is given to drink by a needles smell. Work in a workshop. Production of model starprobe vehicle according to drawings. Study. War with integrals and differentials. In leisure hours – skis, excursions on the mountains… Blotton’s arrival with big news. Order of a big passenger starprobe vehicle. Blotton’s departure, Zander and Vinkler in some unknown Stormer-city… New duties are assigned to Hans: purchase and reception high-quality staly Europe in the different cities and America. Continuous trips. It is interesting. But… “purchasing agent” – such work not in Hans’s taste. It sends desperate letters to Vinkler. At last Vinkler “took pity” on him. Arrived to Europe personally to make some purchases and to capture with itself Hans. And now they fly in this mysterious Stormer-city. Also Blotton flies. He will make the first rise in a stratosphere on the single rocket. He did not want this honor to concede to nobody. Hans looks out of the window. The sky at this height of gray and flaky color. Sun it is dazzling is white. And what becomes below? Concave dark blue board of the ocean. On it it is dazzling a bright circle – reflection of a solar disk. Magnificent, wonderful flight! Terrible jump! From west banks Europe on the southwest, through the Atlantic Ocean, to South America. Stratoplan crossed all its continent from edge to edge over a river basin Amazons, passed through the Andes, made a wide semicircle over the coast The Pacific Ocean and now goes to the same Andes from the southwest. Here they are seen hardly noticeable zazubrinka on the horizon… – Óô! – Hans zasvistat a march again. – What did you rassvistetsya there? – Vinkler from the next cabin speaks. – Very well we fly! – Hans answers, going to Vinkler. – On the airplane so would not whistle! – Vinkler speaks. He sits at little table also considers something in the notebook, puffing unseparable tube. – I only in water am not able to whistle, – Hans answered. – And in the airplane — as much as necessary. – The same effect that in water: stops the engine. – It is right, – Hans agreed. – Here it is absolutely silent. As if you fly on balloon. Even explosions are not heard. – Quicker than a sound we fly, because and it is not heard. Four hundred. We slow down the course also we decrease. Height is only fifteen kilometers. – But here temperature has to be much lower, than on the Earth’s surface, the speed of a sound decreases with decrease temperatures… Vinkler nodded in the affirmative. – . reaching at zero three hundred thirty two meters per second. Now probably the motor is switched already off. – And what ceiling? – Twenty – twenty two kilometers. It is the most favorable height if not to chase record speed. – Mosquito take-off. Two hundred – three hundred kilometers – all right! Five hundred – six hundred is the real height! – the voice of the third was heard passenger. Smoking the Egyptian sigarette, Henry Blotton approached Vinkler’s chair. The lord was dressed in warm light brown sports overalls though in to such “prozodezhda” there was no need: cabin of a stratoplan it was well heated by electricity and supplied with clean air. In it it was warm, cozy, with comfort, as in a compartment of the pullman car. – Aeroplanny champions of height, certainly, pottered about in dust on to comparison with us. For all these “saunders-Valkyries”, “pharman-sou-pergoliafov”, “yunkers” twelve – fifteen thousand meters were already almost extreme height. Researchers of a stratosphere rose higher. But they rose on balloons. And recently in Taymsa I read… Blotton rode out the favourite fad and began a never-ending conversation about height records, about rivals who can challenge its monasteries, about chances of a victory of the same champions, as it. – You will go to an interplanetary travel and at once will beat all the rivals, – Vinkler told. Blotton did not understand a sneer. – Yes, but., I am afraid that about it it will not be printed in Taymsa and my rivals just do not learn about a new record, – melancholically answered it. Stratoplan decreased and reduced speed. Mountains on the horizon grew, dark color of the sky turned pale, turned blue, stars, as one by one died away on dawn. Far below, at a foot of mountains as the bright green ocean, spread violent tropical vegetation. – The Andes – the South American continuation of the Cordilleras, – Vinkler told. — Behind them the desert lowland, and further – the Rocky Mountains the republics Ecuador. – Surprisingly! It is difficult to get used to it. What speed, what victory over space! – Finger exclaimed and once again Endured all flight. Europe – as if the big card. On the right – the Azores, at the left — the Cape Verde Islands, hardly distinguishable even in the strongest sea field-glass, South America… The basin of Amazon with its inflows similar on tree branches… A semicircle of “atmospheric braking” over the Great ocean and again coast of South America, already western. – Yes, quite good way of studying of geography. It is better our school books and maps, – Henry told. – But speed turtle. Other business — space flight! – Space flight! Turtle speed! – in Blotton’s tone continued Vinkler. – That twelve mean some – eighteen kilometers in second of space flight in comparison at least with thirty kilometers flight of Earth? And star fogs! Some of them fly from huge speed. – ? – Blotton asked. – About one thousand kilometers per second – usual average speed. But there are also exceptions. According to the latest data, a fog Big Dipper number twenty four flies with a speed of eleven thousand seven hundred kilometers per second, Lev number one – nearly twenty thousand kilometers. – Yes, such speed is pleasant to me. But do not laugh, kind Vinkler. I understand in such things a little, but our friend Leo Zander said to me that when we have radioactive energy down to a science, it will be possible to reach also velocity of light. – Alas, even with velocity of light you should fly to the next stars four years and four months. To other sun stars, which we we consider our “neighbors” in world space, – ten – fifteen years. Some tens of stars are from us on such close distance. To the others it should fly hundreds and thousands of years. You the immense desert within months, years, decades would surround. Any concept about time will disappear. – What star, next to the Sun? – Blotton asked. – Alpha Tsentavra. In total about forty trillion kilometers. – Four over a year – are not much. Having kept silent, lord Henry returned to terrestrial affairs: – And why, actually, for start this is chosen wild, desert place? – Just because it wild, desert, unsociable. Such is desire shareholders of your wild society “Noah’s Ark”. Conspiracy. – But there is a lot of desert places on the globe, to take at least Youzhny pole. There nobody would prevent us, even efficient reporters. Why exactly here? I would like to know, than the choice was defined. – On it there were the, and important, the bases, – seriously answered Vinkler. – Exactly there are optimum conditions for take-off. You probably know that to the rocket at take-off from Earth it is necessary to break through a double armor: atmospheres and terrestrial inclinations. The greatest inclination exists on poles, the smallest – on the equator as Earth is a little flattened to poles. Besides on poles the smallest, and on the equator the greatest centrifugal effect. Therefore an inclination armor on the equator minimum. – And what difference in weight? – On the equator the body weighs on the one two-hundredth share less, than on pole. – Only? – disappointedly Blotton told. – Yes, only. Thanks to centrifugal effect and “inflation” of terrestrial sphere at the equator of a body weigh on half-percent less here, than at poles. As though really it is a little. But for the rocket important even it reduction of weight: it gives noticeable economy in a fuel reserve. So weight half-percent – not so small size in our enterprise. – Well, equator. He agrees. But why this place on the equator? – To answer also this question, we should talk already about other armor – atmospheric. Air which we approximately do not notice, represents almost absolute obstacle for quickly moving bodies. The quicker the movement, the is more resistance. At very big speeds resistance of air is almost also big, as well as resistance solid body, – the real steel armor. This not only figurative expression. Meteors – the stones which are on a silver platter – move from space speed; crashing into the atmosphere, meteors more small, being heated because of air resistance, evaporate, being besieged òîí÷àéøåþ by dust. Here with what obstacle it is necessary to deal in our flight. Zhyulvernovskiye the heroes who were taking off from the gun in a shell would have to in the first the moment of a shot to break in flat cake against a shell bottom. To avoid this sad fate, we will increase the speed of our rocket gradually. We have to choose such place on the globe where the atmospheric armor has the smallest thickness. Relative density of air depends on pressure, temperature, humidity, and all it, in turn, from height above sea level. Than higher over level the seas, an armor of the atmosphere are thinner than subjects, it is easier for that to punch, therefore it and that should be spent for it fuel less. At the height of six density of air is approximately already twice less than kilometers, than at the level seas. Now, I hope, it is clear to you that it is more favorable to the interplanetary ship to start in total from perhaps higher place, with some mountain surfaces? So what is is necessary for us? The equator and the greatest height on it. Take the globe, and, turning it, you will see what mountain areas crosses the equator. Islands of Sumatra and Borneo and South American The Cordilleras – the Andes. Islands gorist. There are heights more than four thousands of meters. It is possible that Sumatra and Borneo will become rocket airfields future regular interplanetary travel, as well as Andes. But on these islands., it is too crowded: oil, coal, tropical spices and fruit and other tempting things attracted the capital and people there, and islands became colonies of a number of powers. Besides Sumatra and Borneo are rather far from those factories and the plants at which parts of the rocket are produced. Transfer would cost much. Therefore, there are Andes. Here everything that to us, is more faithful to you, is necessary: equator, high mountains, deficiency, off road terrain, desert, solitude. Quite also the area topography approaches. Flight will be directed on an inclined plane in twelve degrees on the East, that is in the same direction, in what also the globe rotates. It to use “free” additional speed of rotation of Earth to add this speed to speed rockets. As you can see if skillfully to undertake, then and rotation of Earth is possible to make the ally. Between the Andes and the Rocky Mountains the valley lies. There, where the Andes break to this valley, it is convenient to arrange the platform for running start rockets. Having gained speed, the rocket “will break” from break to leave Earth. Well, now all “why” are resolved? Blotton nodded: – I thank you, everything is clear. Do not complain about me for my dullness: to me it was not necessary to be engaged in these lofty matters. – However we were so chattered that nearly missed landing, – told Vinkler. – Already Stormer-city – the purpose of our travel is seen. On any case be fastened to a chair by belts. Startodr here not quite it is equipped. Finger silently executed this council, but Blotton, being fastened, carelessly told with a type of the skilled person. – Overcaution! Chapter 4 AS IT IS POSSIBLE TO CONTAIN A LOT OF THINGS IN SMALL Today last day… Ellen drops on the earth of several broken roses and does not notice it. The aunt ordered to get ready for a trip. “You can select things weight on centner, and gram more, – she told. – You can take everything that it is pleasant to you also that you consider it necessary”. Ellen entered the country lock of lady Hinton from a garden on wide to white stone ladder. Family crests over doors with cut from gray stone lions were corroded winds and rains of four centuries. Four hundred years sharp-toothed, oskalenny mouths of animals protected rest of the lock. And now it is necessary to leave all to the mercy of fate if only to save themselves… Winter garden. Fountains in marble reservoirs murmur, birds chirp. Artificial grottoes, small falls among greens. Palm trees, cactuses vsevozmozhneyshy types. The most valuable collection of orchids collected by her grandfather in that time when orchids became fashionable in England and for rare copies paid gold heaps. Some fancy copies of these exotic flowers had the history. To receive them, courageous hunters behind orchids went to the wild woods of the Central Africa and Southern America, battled against savages, animals, died of fever, stings dragon. Some of them were burned on fires, eaten by cannibals, died of the poisoned arrows. When this watered with blood extraordinary, as if brought from other planet, plants appeared in the capital Great Britain, on them new hunting – hunting capital began the aristocrats-snobs trying to catch any price in the collection the most original and beautiful flowers. Her grandfather then bought up the best copies, came to admire its collection from different countries. How many works and money were cost by this winter garden! Behind a garden the art gallery began. Entrances and exits protect terrible knights from whom there was only a brilliant cover. They not will lift heavy swords in protection of the lock, will not cross copies for honor of ladies of the heart… Hall of easel painting. Reysdal, Rosetti, Flemings, Dutches, Spaniards, Italians. Whether not to take what from this room? Some peace Dutch landscape?. No! In the dining room – hills of ancient porcelain, crystal, Venetian color glass. Unless it is possible to take these fragile things in the rocket? Library. Books are hated it. By!. Narrow dark corridors Ellen passed to wardrobe rooms. Here smelled of naphthalene. Cases contained the whole history of a suit. Ellen removed doors and looked inside. Silk, velvet, heavy brocade, gold sewing, pearls… And what sizes! As if wore these dresses the died-out breed of giants. Ellen reached own clothes, where the dresses sewed for it by the best tailors were stored. To take, to be can, this gray silk dress? Or this black, output? Ball – steel color? To what? Evening receptions, theaters… All this “there” it is not necessary… Many hours she wandered about the house. Took one thing in hand and, forgetting about to it, mechanically put back, went further. It turned out as a result that she loves nothing and it is not tied to anything. Ellen has no lovely, expensive things. But why then she so dreamed about inheritance? In what business? She could not understand it. With bitterness she entered the room of lady Hinton. The aunt sat at a desk mahogany and, as the usurer accepting gold in a mortgage weighed diamonds on pharmaceutical scales. For Ellen it was day of revelations. Having found the aunt behind this occupation, Ellen suddenly felt that she hates her and despises. These feelings long ago were concealed in her soul and now emerged on a surface. – Selected? – lady Hinton asked. – Selected nothing, – the girl answered and took seat behind the aunt at fireplace. – Why? – Because I do not know what to select. – You do not know? – I do not know! – with extraordinary sharpness Ellen answered. – Any thing does not interest me, does not stop my attention. – Choose as I choose. To Earth we still will return when passes general madness, I firmly trust in it. But what we leave here it is necessary to consider lost. However, I disposed to hide some jewelry. In cellars of the lock there are hiding places about which nobody not suspects. There are storerooms in which it is possible to immure something. Something it will be dug in a garden, something will be lowered in a well. But unless on servants it is possible to rely? Means, it is necessary to count only that we can to take with itself. The centner is after all much if to choose efficiently. It is necessary to take the smallest by the size and weight of a thing and the most expensive. Watch how I arrive. – And lady Hinton showed a chubby hand on a heap the values lying before it on a table. – I have no your abilities, – noticed Ellen. – Study. From dresses, linen at least selected something? – Henry says that it is only excess freight. In Stormer-city special suits for the rocket are produced. There it will be so warm, that to put on an excess dress it would be just unhygienic. – Hygienists! Tell Henry that I will refuse flight if they are to walk there in indecent suits. Take several dresses, it is more linen, hat, galoshes, umbrella. – And galoshes, umbrella, what for? – They are going to land us on some comet… – To the planet, aunt. – Do not interrupt. And if there the rain is or slush? – Henry advises winter suits to take. It is possible that it is necessary to us to land on the planet with a frigid climate. – Let do not land on such. Can choose become warmer. I do not take out cold weather. – Today this question will be discussed still. – You reminded me. Whether rooms for guests are prepared? How many the person is expected? – Person twenty. I already disposed. – And lunch? – Everything is ready, the aunt. Now there was not such time to receive guests. But it was also not standard practice. In the country lock of lady Hinton had to gather some participants of the forthcoming flight, to discuss very important questions. So far it was not still precisely solved on what the planet the crew of “ark” will land. On this congress expected arrival several most visible astronomers. Well paid them for consultation and for silence. Except the closest participants of flight, nobody has to know about “ark”. It would seem what can be urgency in astronomy where time it is estimated in billions of years where everything from the terrestrial point of view is firm? Steadily planets move on the orbits, steadily follow the in the ways periodically appearing comets… Or astronomers waited for one of such rare guests, like Galley’s comet, or were trapped full solar eclipse?. No, not comets and solar eclipses absorbed them time. They were really extremely busy. Astronomy – science about the far sky – it was very close to some terrestrial affairs. Great mathematicians, experts on heavenly mechanics, they were mobilized for work on superartillery and superaircraft. “The last Mohicans” capitalism feverishly prepared for war, preparing for the opponent “surprises” in the form of rocket shells, military stratoplan, superlong-range guns and other. And scientists jealously carried out charged to them especially scientific business… But, working for those who were executed by animal rage and thirst of fight and destructions, scientists could not refuse the last service and that who wanted to run from fight. And, having bargained, they accepted favorable offer. That minute when lady Hinton was engaged in weighing of the family values, the philosopher Shnirer also sat in the office for scales, but its scales were big, and it weighed not on carats, and on tens of kilograms. On a table before it heaps of philosophical books lay. It the library weighed not one centner. These books are so heavy! He decided to take the best of them. From ancient philosophers Platon – it is unconditional, Aristotle — under doubt. From new – certainly Kant, Schopenhauer, Spengler, Bergson. But as this old man Kant weighs much! Perhaps, not to take them? No, they will be necessary “there”. Shnirer worked methodically, as always. At first made a marking “the specific philosophical weight” of each philosopher, then noted the “physical” weight of the book also accurately wrote down on the sheet of paper. The door of an office was slightly opened, someone glanced through a crack. – You do not work, the father? – asked Amelie, entering the room. Amelie never entered to the father when that was busy. It were hours religious rites. The daughter of the philosopher was excited, her cheeks burned flush. Shnirer looked at the daughter over points and asked briefly: – Sport? – This time not. I saw Otto. The lieutenant Otto Ernst was Amelie’s groom. – Well and that? – Shnirer asked, weighing Descartes. – We with it had a conversation… – As I see, very hot. – Yes. I suggested it to take part in flight. He answered that with its parties it would be desertion. He told: “I have to remain here, to win or die!” Otto convinced me to remain with him. Descartes’s small volume trembled in Shnirer’s hand. – Well, and that you answered? – he asked, trying to hide alarm. – I answered it that I will follow you, the father. Shnirer frowned, to hide joy: – So. And Otto? – Otto speaks, as you have no need to fly… And all these books you you want to take with yourself? Whether you gather, the father to give lectures on philosophies to Martians or inhabitants of Venus? – If they exist and are rather developed for this purpose, then why to them and not to get acquainted with philosophers of Earth? – Shnirer answered. – And to fly to me it is necessary. And it for my part not desertion and not cowardice. On me the holy duty lies – to keep wisdom of Earth. True philosophy, thousand-year heritage of human culture. To all this, – he specified on books, – terrible danger threatens. Who knows what treasures of a thought were killed in fire at the fire of the Alexandria library? And now approaches world fire. If communism wins, I think, these barbarians will burn everything philosophical books, except books of the philosophers, – Shnirer was lop-sided on fireplace. – The mankind will run wild and eventually will die: the car will exterminate it. Around the world – understand, in all solar system, in all space! — treasures of the human genius will remain only in our “ark”. If we are not fated to return to Earth, we will land on some planet. We will put the basis to new mankind, true culture – without cars, without infection of materialistic philosophy, without policy and without workers questions. – Shnirer became straight and became similar to the bible prophet. — There, on new Earth, – it continued, having raised a finger up, – will be necessary these books. They will become our tables of the covenant. And I will teach people to the truth. Shnirer, this room scientist not capable to direct actions, all served the class till last days. However, at this philosopher were the scores with capitalism – cars. But also consisted in that originality of its philosophy that he tried to resolve a circle quadrature about capitalism without the equipment and machines. Generated by hopeless contradictions, its philosophy was quite confused, but it used success because carried out the social order of “Mohicans” and promised some “exit” from the deadlock. Shnirer looked at himself nearly as on the Messiah, designed to save capitalism from a loop and to remove it in promised country of cloudless eternal prosperity. He seriously considered itself the keeper of wisdom of Earth, that is that philosophy which is necessary was for an ideological justification and the statement of its class. And this to the idea it served selflessly. Only for the sake of it he decided to go in this extraordinary risky travel. Only for the sake of it it – passionate the opponent of cars – decided to resort to the help of the car, to send himself to it the order to entrust it the “precious for mankind” life. To escape from the car by car. He deeply and painfully felt it contradiction, but did not see other exit. – And if we return to Earth? – Ives this case needs to keep books in the reliable place. And that can be more reliable than “ark”? “They” can destroy books before your Otto and his colleagues will destroy “them”. And I will return to Earth of its treasure. I will bring these tables of wisdom from the sky and I will hand them to people as Moisey. I I will educate the saddened human consciousness this! – It solemnly lifted up a small volume of own philosophical treatise about malignancy materialism. – I have to keep myself for mankind! – solemnly he finished and already usual tone asked: – You kept within? – Still not. I go to gather, – Amelie told. She kissed the father in cheek, passed to the room, opened a trunk and one minute threw there volleyball, several tennis balls and rackets, two guns, cartridges, bathing and sports suits, Hawaiian guitar, small road toilet bag, two dresses, linen, the camera with a stock of films — the word, everything that it took, going to ordinary “travel” — to the resort. *** The bishop Iov Weller got ready for a trip too. It should fly on unknown planet. With this thought he, could reconcile in any way yet to accustom. Once on Saturday he peacefully sat, having gone deep into drawing up the Sunday sermon, in the cozy apartment where lived two tens years when the housekeeper reported that some person wants to see it. Thinking that he is invited for execution of an occasional office, he told that the visitor was let in. The little restless person entered: – I have honor to be presented. I am Henry Pinch. Representative of joint-stock societies “Noah’s Ark” and personal secretary of the chairman of the board of Mr. Samuel Stormer. – This charitable society? – the bishop asked. He already forgot about conversation in salon of lady Hinton. – Not absolutely, – Pinch answered, taking seat in a chair and fidgeting in it. — Though in some way it is possible to call it and charitable. Rescue people from terrible death – whether this not good cause? You need to fly, the sir bishop, as soon as possible. – Where to fly? – Weller asked. – On the sky. The bishop was involuntarily removed to a chair back. That it, ridiculous joke or ravings of a madman? – I not absolutely understand you. – I believed that you are rather prepared for this offer, — Pinch answered, continuing to fidget in a chair. – Lady Hinton spoke… The bishop remembered everything. But really it is serious?. – I do not intend to fly on the sky! Perfect it intends! – the bishop told such tone as if to it suggested to die. – To me to fly? Agree, that it does not even match my dignity. Ïèí÷ shrugged shoulders: – I believe that it will not drop the advantage of your dignity. As there were precedents… The prophet Ilya, for example, made flight to the sky. Righteous person, prophet. On that time the prophet’s rank, I believe, meant not it is less, than now the bishop. – Yes, but., there was a God’s pleasure… – And this pleasure of lady Hinton. – I very much respect lady Hinton. This is the best sheep in my herd. But it at me not one. I cannot leave the flock on eating up predatory to wolves. – And if the flock leaves you?. The bishop sighed: – I agree with you. Temples are visited less. But, as it is told in the writing, “where one or two are brought together in my name, there and I in the middle of them”. – In “ark” there will be twenty people. And when we will land on some planet, to Mars or Venus, you will undertake a role the apostle, announcing Christ’s doctrine to Martians or educating light Gospel of inhabitants of Venus. Think only, you the first which will be with the sermon of Christianity on other planets of solar system! And to be can, god elects you for this mission. – The almighty Lord, if finds necessary, can make it and other in the way. But we will not concern so important theological questions, — the bishop answered. – Well, – continued Pinch, – it is admissible, you will refuse to fly, despite insistent desire of lady Hinton who does not think of flight without you. “The doctor is spiritual, – she says, – it is so necessary, as well as the doctor corporal. Who will give to me advice, to direct “and a virtue path? Who will make a ceremony of a wedding of lady Ellen with lord Henry Blotton? Who will christen the been born children who will bury me if I die?” Let’s say you will not obey these arguments and will remain. What waits for you here? Perhaps, martyr death… – I am ready to accept a martyr’s crown, – the bishop told, raising eyes to to the sky. – But “yes this bowl will pass me”, – he whispered about himself. – To remain on Earth, especially in your dignity, – Pinch was not appeased, — extremely dangerously. In the country a tense situation. It is already the day before revolutions, there is nothing to close eyes to it. – Ïèí÷, having slid off on edge chairs, continued by confidential tone: – Lady Hinton received the most reliable news from the highest spheres that falling of the power is expected any day. We not in forces to fight. It is impossible to hesitate. The bishop felt that sweat covers his forehead and cold runs on to wide back. – I am ready to everything, – he told. Ïèí÷ took the leave and left. The thought of missionary activity occupied the bishop. He did not trust in existence of Martians, but on the new planet it would be among terrestrial settlers the real father – Christ’s deputy. And unless without Christianities, in general without religion it is possible to support a social order, which provided also to it and his “sheep”, similar ladies Hinton, them privileged position? But not only this “a high mission of the apostle” forced it to decide to participate in flight. The bishop was frightened quickly the developing events there is not less Shnirer and others. If revolution will win, at its dignity it is necessary to it. Especially. perhaps, these it was not necessary to tell sermons… And the prayer made by it about the fastest death of communism? It even, speak, was with corresponding with comments it is printed in their newspapers… No, to run, run… And it with diligence began to select books of spiritual contents from the enough big library. He put on a table already several big books when phone cracked. – Forgive for concern. Hallo! Yes! It again I, Pinch. I forgot to warn you that if you decide to fly, hurry up to select things, what you will find necessary to take with yourself, but it is no more than hundred kilograms. Such is the order of our chief engineer. In “ark” everything is weighed to the last gram. The bishop with disappointment hung up. It is no more than a centner. What complication! Except books, it is necessary to take it is a lot of other things. He thought of the habits. Iov Weller loved it is good to eat. What will feed in “ark” with? It will be necessary on everyone to take a case with itself something for emergency. Even more the bishop loved and appreciated thin wines and expensive liqueurs. They need absolutely to be taken. With the stomach he did not get on as well as his best “sheep” – lady Hinton. To it it was necessary to resort to laxatives, mainly to mineral to waters. It is necessary to take at least a box of Zaltsbrunnen. The bishop with despondency looked at the books which are spread out on a table and standing on shelves. They one, probably, weigh more than a centner. It is necessary to select the most necessary. The bishop called the housekeeper, ordered it to bring from the storeroom bottles, banks of canned food, cookies boxes, banks with the oil condensed milk also forced all this to weigh at itself. The housekeeper began to cry: really the bishop considers her the thief? But at heart she was delighted: the person who as she overheard, decided to depart, having thrown everything on a destiny arbitrariness, would not begin to be engaged in economic trifles. The hill with books on an episcopal table gradually thawed. At first it put aside commentators and interpreters of the writing, then decided that it is possible to do without history of ecumenical councils. Several tasty things and warm jerseys forced to remove back on the book shelf of also some Holy Fathers. Was already long after midnight when the bishop at last finished selection. The voluminous chest was full. On the top pocket lay Bible of the edition of the British bible society, and small breviary. Apostles – those did also without it… *** Dexterous agents of “Society of rescue from danger” hired all new and new investors clients, gold flowed a wide stream in pockets businessmen who had no objection to earn additionally and on rescue. Collecting went to the road in the different ends of the world. *** …There is such hour at dawn when the city polusmezhat tired for put eyes. Show-windows and wide windows of cafe, a window which reflect die away only gloss of streetlights. The movement of cars calms down. In this hour on the city with speed limit long rushed narrow brilliant limousine. It went to the building of the Central bank where treasures of the largest capitalists were stored. In a limousine sat, having leaned back on a seatback, Marshal de Terlonzh, squeezing a small suitcase of yellow skin in hands. The king of the exchange, obviously, waited in this inopportune for bank operations hour. The car did not manage to approach to the bank building as silently its side door opened. Marshal quickly went out of the car, almost ran space to a door and sliped in a lobby. Bald, the representative, stout man from the rest of curls on the head and humpbacked respectfully met by a nose the banker and said in low tones: – I ask you. And they went along a long corridor accompanied by armed watchmen. They went down under the earth. The way went through the hugest fortress, which was constructed ever by the person. Any Pharaoh would not think up such unapproachable crypt in the depth of pyramids what these arches were bank, lit throughout strong opaque electric lamps. By the hoist engine they went down on two floors and appeared before massive steel door. Such door banks ñ÷èòàâ usually sufficient protection of the hidden treasure. Here it was only the beginning of fortress. Behind a door the small tunnel began. The tunnel came to an end steel tower. The tower closed the tunnel, and the third floor of the cellar had an appearance of huge the arch which is held down by reinforced concrete walls four and a half thick meter. – This tower weighs fourteen tons, – the guide explained, – and it is set in motion by the special electric mechanism. The elevator lowered night visitors to the most first floor. Here began the whole labyrinth of halls, the courses, confidential boxes in the walls disguised storerooms. Steps of travelers were given in empty halls by a repeated echo. In one of halls gold, gemstones, important documents – all was stored stolen for years it was accumulated in these safes. There was an underground lake above. If it was only required, water lakes could be flooded all basement floor. This most unapproachable fortress in the world is not built, and dug in whole granite on which there is a city. Five years that were required to finish rocky works. Armies of burglars could use all the life on penetration in fortress without any hope for success. And certainly, not against burglars all these exclusive measures were undertaken: if enemy will occupy the city, it, naturally, will direct to gold. Applying most modern means for blasting fortresses, it should work it is a lot of months . According to instructions of the associate director of bank the watchman opened a steel door, the leader to the small reinforced concrete room which walls were filled fireproof boxes. Marshal opened one of them own key, having picked up the figures which are previously located in a corresponding way on the rotating ring. Guides showed such bashfulness as if the banker was a girl, going to bathe: as soon as it undertook the suitcase, they departed for a door also staid all the time there while the banker took out the treasures and moved them to a fireproof case. It were diamonds and ingots such sizes what were not seen even by lady Hinton. In each of them was fortune. Having finished this operation, the banker closed a case, thanked the satellites also left bank. But on it its efforts did not end. Being going to leave Earth, it cared more that will remain on Earth, than about unusual baggage. The banker did not trust even the superfortress. It ideally protects from thieves? Well. From enemy attack? Perfectly. But whether it can to protect from revolution?. Attack of enemies on the city not so disturbed the banker, as revolution and fear to lose the riches frightened. No walls and underground hiding places will save then treasure of bankers. And he decided to hide the most valuable that it had, in two places. He had to make one more trip with the authorized representative, the friend Ribot on whom he relied, as on itself (himself), to Andorra, small republic close to Spain. This republic has only four hundred twenty five square kilometers of the area and six villages of the population. Surrounded from all directions with unapproachable mountains, having only one good road through the Spanish border, this the remote corner of Europe was chosen long ago by Marshal. Several years ago he bought the abandoned site in Andorra lands in the deserted area, near the Pyrenean mountains. Here, in the gorge, the large share of richness of the March la was secretly buried. Iron chests were deeply dug in different places and are filled up with stones. If at least one such treasure remains, the banker will be able upon return on The earth to begin business again. By then, according to the baron, revolution will be suppressed. A lot of money for bribery of bank was necessary to spend Marshalya workers, that large withdrawal did not appear in books and at all not it would be revealed before flying away of the banker. Marshal de Terlinzh could fly quietly. *** Collecting to the road brought the greatest trouble upon Semuel Stormer. But to us it is necessary to tell before several words about that way which brought in “Noah’s Ark” of the new participant who quickly seized all threads managements of “Joint-stock company” and the chairman who moved forward on a post boards. It possessed also an initiative of creation of the whole squadron “arks” for rescue of capitalists of the other countries. Semuel Stormer was once one of the richest people, the member eighty five joint-stock companies, chairman of sixty others and away, and so forth. Said about it that it “keeps half of Europe in waistcoat pocket’. Stormer’s power was present ‘the state in state”. More than fifteen million people in the different countries were supplied with Stormer’s companies gas, electricity, coal. Welfare of millions of small shares holders was in his hands. – The most difficult was to extract the first million, – ordinary spoke Stormer to reporters, telling a story of the wealth, – to get the rest was already easy. Production of actions was system of this easy getting. But crisis broke also this colossus. Operation of the typographical machine making all new and new actions and military orders did not save either Stormer, or his fellows, and only on some time removed their final death. And Stormer decided, what is the best of all, having hidden solid cash, to disappear, depart “on heaven”. It unexpectedly like interest to., to a classical antiquity also went through Paris to Athens to study ancient art of Greece. “Incidentally” Greece was not connected by the extradition treaty of criminals. Flight of Stormer and his brother caused noise in the country. Government demanded Stormer’s delivery from Greece. It was arrested and forwarded in prison – in the camera arranged better than any salon aristocratic hotels. However for other morning when Stormer still stretched in a bed, to to it the chief of prison and the Athenian lawyer, in most entered the camera refined expressions apologized for the happened misunderstanding and declared that it is free. He was obliged by it to the Greek millionaire, invested the capital in Stormer’s enterprises. But Stormer did not forget a lesson. It grasped the idea of “Noah’s Ark”. It the scent said to him that on this business it is possible to profit. Unless one Stormer is in a stalemate? And it with energy inherent in it undertook affairs of “Noah’s Ark”, at once having put them in a big way and in that time actively preparing for final elimination come in the deadlock put. Induced to leave Earth it not only danger the coming revolution. Revolution bore to it crash. Any day could to emerge on a surface dark affairs, briberies, forgeries and even something it is worse what at best threatened Stormer with full bankruptcy. But that bankruptcy if direct threatened his life danger? To leave Earth was for it the best outcome. Stormer decided to set fire to the palace before flying away and to dramatize own death in a flame. Thus many will be destroyed the documents compromising him, and the case of it is dismissed for it “death”. Everything was prepared for it. Stormer should have held on by all means before time, having kept visibility of prosperity. Therefore he could not withdraw from addresses as Marshal, considerable part of the gold reserves. And still he prepared a weighty suitcase. But he did not want to leave to its Earth. He considered the earth insufficiently safe place since danger of revolution became a reality. And he asked Zander whether it is impossible to make at least part of the rocket of him gold. Zander explained that it is impossible. Gold is even softer than silver. It melts at one thousand sixty two degrees Celsius whereas iron – at one thousand five hundred. The surface of the rocket at flight through the atmosphere is exposed to strong heating. – We risk to burn down in our gold rocket or to be flattened out at to landing. The strongest refractory grades are necessary for a cover of the rocket special steel. Stormer was disappointed and is even offended. For the first time it was necessary to it to hear that gold is put below steel. – Well, and on internal hand-made articles? – It is possible, though is unprofitable: gold too massivno, increases dead freight. On gazo-and water pipes, perhaps, it is possible to use this metal if you insist. – On the sewerage, can be? – being indignant with such profanation “golden calf”, Stormer asked. – And at least and for bathrooms, – Zander quietly answered. – In the sky other quotation of values. Also settled upon that: in “Noah’s Ark” of a pipe and some details the equipment will be made of gold. Chapter 5 THE CITY WHICH IS NOT MARKED ON ONE MAP AND NOT SIMILAR TO OTHER CITIES OF THE WORLD Stratoplan tilted. For a moment Finger saw the mountain platform and on it Stormer-city. This city had an extraordinary appearance. On the central square was the huge horseshoe attached to the earth by the rounded-off part. Any the cathedral in the world, any skyscraper could not be made even to it on height. Around a horseshoe not less strange constructions settled down. The spherical buildings, huge cylinders which are lying on one side or standing on the basis. One sphere was glass and as it seemed to Finger, rotated. Another – absolutely black. The lying cylinder, or “tank”, had a surface half black, opaque, half brilliant, as if silver. The strange roundabouts, planked footway hanging in flashed air, railway lines. At the next moment ñòðàòîïëàí it was leveled, the platform failed. Finger extended a neck to look down. – You admire an amusement park? – Vinkler with a smile asked. The second small list, and Hans saw one-storey pine houses, for them – two-storeyed long standard barracks, further away – tents. Crossing all city, there was an embankment, hollow rising in the direction break. On the very brink of the city factory cases and pipes were seen, from who were brought down by Narrow-gage railway smoke diversely cut the city. Trucks scurried about. The embankment blackened the people who were pottering about as if ants. Along an embankment long trunks of excavators turned. “Really here the amusement park is arranged?” – Finger, but not wanted to ask was in time. Stratoplan sharply came in the land, sat down on the earth, jumped up, swept and unexpectedly abruptly stopped. – Arrived, – Hans told. Travelers quickly put on in fur coats and caps. The hermetic door of a stratoplan opened. Pakhnulo frosty air K the stratoplan suited the bystry tripping gait the tolstenky person in to fur-coat. It was the commercial director Collins. – You arrived for ten minutes earlier, – he told, greeting. – I heard an infernal crash of your stratoplan and hurried here. You are wounded, the sir? You have on a forehead blood. – Trifles, – Blotton answered. – Medical assistance is not required Idle time bruise about a door. And here if you feed me with a good beefsteak, I will be to you he is very grateful. It is hungry so as if did not eat days, and meanwhile before flying away I have densely breakfast. – Not without reason the theory of relativity claims that it than quicker moves the body, the more slowly for it proceeds time, – with a smile told Collins. – I think, now sir Henry Blotton will prefer a hot grog and beefsteak of the theory of relativity, – Vinkler noticed. – How is Mr. Zander? – Blotton asked. – It was caused on a meeting has to return to lady Hinton On soon, — Collins Blotton and Collins answered send forward. Vinkler and Finger – on some distance from them. – I will show you our dwelling, – Vinkler told. – I think, you it will be most convenient to be located in the room near me. – Certainly, – Finger answered. They went down the street Stormer-city, supporting each other. In the city still did not manage to take care of improvement. Sidewalks were not, packed snow became covered by an ice crust, and people quite often fell. It was the city which all life was adapted for implementation of one grandiose idea. Cold mountain air was filled with a rumble, noise, shouts, beeps. Deafly excavators roared, small electric locomotives had sharply something in common, busy scurrying about on a narrow-gage railway, squealed on trolley curves On the ground shadows from cars of the suspended road crept. From time to time booming blows shook air – tore rocks. Monophonically sang sawmills. Smelled of sulfur, the petrol reek of alcohol. Somewhere pneumatic cracked punchers the guttural multilingual speech of workers was heard Everywhere. They scurried about on streets in all directions, transferring on weight shoulders, filled the city with din and the movement. On this mountain platform as if centuries and the people met. The electric and steam shovels made on to state-of-the-art technology, and the biped “pack animals” moving weights, as at the time of the Egyptian Pharaohs. “Muscular force here, obviously, is cheaper and more favorable, than cars”, — Finger thought, looking narrowly at workers. Who was not only here! Both yellow-faced Chinese, and Blacks, and chocolate Malayans, and bronze Hindus. Also white faces met, most often it were foremen. Despite the snow covering city streets, and cold, sharp mountain wind, workers were dressed easily. At many through shirts appeared through body. – Real International! – Finger told. – Yes, poverty International, – Vinkler answered. – All of them are bought for pennies are also contracted by agents of society for several years. People agreed to any conditions, if only to avoid starvation, unemployment, and still met the worst of slavery here. From there are ways retreats are cut off. Unapproachable snow mountains, snow snow-storms, abysses, deserted, naked deserts protect this hungry ëþä better any watchmen. The few from them are solved on escape and almost all pay for it the life. Strikes here ruthlessly are suppressed, though flash again. Finger vaguely lowed something. Vinkler has a look at him, patted shoulder and continued: – I see, you are covered already by an itch of the propagandist. Yes, here grateful the soil, it is also necessary to put not enough work that all this powder the cellar blew up. But, – it continued significantly, – endurance, Hans, and patience are so necessary for the revolutionary, as well as bravery. In total in the time. Here and our housing. They entered the small house put from crude logs of mountain pines. Walls of the room of Vinkler were covered with plywood sheets. In a corner stood iron furnace. Two tables – lunch and working with phone and a lamp on it is mute, couple of chairs, a bed, a washstand and a small locker made all situation. A color carpet on a wall at a bed and a skin of a bear on a floor brightened up this just arranged room a little. – So you were not tired? – No, he is not tired, – Finger answered, undressing. – I would like somewhat quicker to get acquainted with the city and… – To learn the latest news? Vinkler took out an electric tile, cans from a locker, bread, plates also began to manage. – And so, listen. Now in Stormer-city it is constructed the first big rocket calculated on twenty people. Behind it have to to follow others. And finally to convince men of little faith, the hesitating, indecisive rich men, the small rocket is already constructed Pikkolo in which one person can be located. Trial flight in presence of “shareholders” Blotton will make – he wants to concede to nobody this honor. For this purpose it also arrived here. The lord cannot refuse in rash bravery, characteristic of the bourgeois champion. Rocket will make small take-off, will rise over a stratosphere – new laurels in rekordsmensky wreath of the lord – will also go down on the surface of the Great ocean, where we will also catch it. A lot of things depend on success of this first flight. Intensity of a gold stream can increase considerably if Blotton will appear after flight live and safe before kings of the exchange. – And you, Vinkler, trust in a possibility of rescue of capitalist tops in such unusual way? – Let will do some flying. – And., you promote it? – Not only that itself I promote, but also attracted you to “partnership in a crime against revolution”. Yes, yes. You will not only work on building, but also you will depart together with me and lords whom you are so fairly you hate, – certainly if only flight takes place. Hans, do not get excited. Listen to me quietly. I well know that you want to tell. We could upset all this music, certainly, very easily. We could cause a revolt, could blow up the rocket before most take-off. But what would be benefited by us from it? The idea we would not kill. Flight all could take place, but already in other place, without us. And it would be much worse. A starprobe vehicle – a dangerous toy. It can be used not only for shameful flight, but also for approach. Eventually we we are not down on to all plans of leaders of this business. And that they mean to use a starprobe vehicle and for a throwing of bombs in critical the moment of the last decisive battles, it is not subject to doubt. It already becomes in colonies – during war and at suppression of revolts. No, much more safely is also more practical if we with you on the rocket are. In the necessary moment we will always manage to appropriate whom follows. – If everything is and can be coming us more interesting and considerable work, than service of the capitalists trying to get away, that… – Isn’t that so, fascinating task? – Vinkler killed it. – But you should work, work hard terribly. All these starprobe vehicles., let they build them… After the world revolution all will get to us, isn’t that so? So why to us to exterminate rockets now? No, we will build them, to build for ourselves. Superfast means of communication will gain the huge and daily value. Will be necessary to us stratoplana first of all, and over time and starprobe vehicles. There now and it is ready. To pork I will make still fried eggs. You eat, be sated, gain strength. Hans with appetite of the young, healthy and got hungry man began to absorb both pork, and fried eggs, and beans in a tomato. Vinkler, tenderly smiling, watched it. – Whether Zander knows about the true purposes to which he serves now? – asked Finger, having satisfied the first hunger. – How to tell! Time “Noah’s Ark” does not pursue the military aims, for the naive pacifist engineer Zander of it is enough. And in everything the rest he is interested in affairs of shareholders a little. Society gave it an opportunity and huge appliances to develop work in such scales of which he could not dream. It for it the main thing. And he can really make a lot of things. Zander – talented theorist, magnificent designer and extremely modest person.”I only pupil of the great teacher Tsiolkovsky. It lit a flame, I only I support him until the dream of mankind is fulfilled” – so he speaks about himself. I would tell that Zander though he now and “out of politicians”, perhaps, belongs to that best part technical the intellectuals which can work well together not bad with us as it worked well together once it in the east. Here therefore we with you also helped Zander to run. Well, it is full? We go, I will show you an amusement park. – Here did not think in any way what in Stormer-city exists even amusement park! Perhaps, there is also a cinema, cabaret, taverns and these… “red lamps”? – How the businessman will do without these institutions? Device pumpings out of a salary from pockets of workers works here excellently. But only amusement park here special… And, unlike other entertainments, even free. It has great success in the local population. And, it is necessary to tell, deserves that. It is very amusing and very instructive. Not I will mystify you more. Amusement park not entertaining attractions, and real city laboratory. In this laboratory those conditions in which there will be participants are artificially created flight on rockets – from start to the finish. Here influence of these is studied conditions: accelerations and delays of flight, increase in gravity, zero gravity and so on. Unfortunately, I am too busy that to accompany you. But you also will understand everything. Here to you “entrance the ticket” in an amusement park. According to this admission all will show you and all will explain. Chapter 6 ABOUT HEAVENLY SCIENTISTS WHO SERVE TERRESTRIAL CASES, AND OF THAT LI NA NEEDS TO VENUS UMBRELLAS AND GALOSHES Members of Spaseniye joint-stock company, future participants of flight on to the first rocket, gathered in a country mansion of lady Hinton that to discuss important questions of the forthcoming travel. At a preliminary meeting scientists did not come to the full agreement. The general meeting was organized in the hall of ancestors. If severely looking from dark canvases proud knights could listen, they, likely, jumped out from the gilded frames also escaped, – about such wild, improbable for them things it was told here. Guests sat at the long oval table laid by a white cloth Elizabeth’s times. An ancient tea service with gold stains on blue background, color candles in bronze high candlesticks, roses in vases, gilded biscuit barrels decorated a table. As statues, stood at an entrance severe footmen in gray liveries. – It is given the floor to professor sir Abraham Kinbruk! – loudly Stormer who undertook duties of the chairman unusual announced meetings. The English astronomer, yet not the old, stout man similar in the tail-coat suit on the diplomat, slowly rose, softly smiled and threw a meeting an inquisitive look. For any audience, since the international astronomical congresses and finishing aristocratic salons, at it prepared different styles and methods of a statement material. “It is necessary to be at loss for words on ears, – laughing, he said in a circle friends. – Not any word will get into the ear aggravated by diamond earrings”. – Lady and gentlemen! – there began Kinbruk and made a pause, once again checking mood of audience. – Responsibility of the task assigned on us, forces to be especially careful. I frankly have to tell, that our scientific knowledge about whether there can be a person on others planets, are very incomplete, limited. My scientific colleagues assume, that in solar system there are two planets available for human existence, is Mars and Venus. Alas, I cannot to divide with them this confidence. In comparison with our Earth the planet Mars receives twice less light and heat. If you landed on Mars, that Sun would seem to you rather small disk. The Martian day would seem you twilight of Earth. You would suffer from cold weather. Perhaps, you would pine from thirst because on Mars it is not enough waters. In eternal cold you would wander about fruitless sandy deserts continents and to hollows of the dried-up seas. However, I doubt that wandered .You just would choke with a lack of oxygen. It there very much it is not enough. If you want to present even more clearly living conditions on Mars, I will bring to you such example. The highest of the mountain tops, known on Earth, Everest rises by eight thousand eight hundred eighty two meters. Ours the English climbers, the best in the world, could reach only height eight thousand six hundred four meters. Any expedition did not reach to tops. Ice-covered steep slopes of mountains, furious mountain wind, a frost – everything was it is overcome. But people receded before a lack of oxygen. They choked. With the lowered atmosphere pressure blood went from ears. Everyone the movement was torture. As the person at height of two Everestov – has to feel on to height of sixteen kilometers above sea level? Such mountains do not exist on Earth. But tried to rise by similar height in open gondolas stratosphere balloons. Brave aero navigators perished from suffocation already at height to ten – twelve kilometers. On Mars air is as rarefied, as over The earth at the height of sixteen kilometers. And there it is also cold. Even still more cold. At disembarkation to Mars you would be expected by really terrible destiny. – I do not fly to Mars! – resolutely lady Hinton told. – There is Venus, – the astronomer continued. – Venus is located closer to To the sun, than Earth. But on Venus, milords and the lady, absolutely not oxygen… – It still needs to be proved! – the second astronomer noticed, without lifting heads. – To my respectable colleague professor Dzhilber it will be provided an opportunity to state the theories, – Kinbruk continued, having flashed points in party of the opponent. – I claim: on the basis of the last scientific data, are not found in the atmosphere of Venus also an oxygen trace. Anything, who would dare to land on Venus, the destiny of a mouse under glass waits cap from which air is extorted. – Incorrect comparison. Even if on Venus there is also no oxygen, air there nevertheless is, – Dzhilber did not restrain again. – Ives that and in other case an outcome one – death from suffocation, – objected Kinburk. Lady Hinton removed a cup. – I do not fly also to Venus. – So. And other planets? – Stormer asked. – About them out of the question. On Mercury you alive would burn down from heats, other planets, on the contrary, are too cold; they are too far from Sun, heat source. – In a word, we have no place to land? – Stormer asked. – Yes. In all solar system, in the whole Universe one Earth it is adapted for human life. – What will quite be coordinated with the Scripture! – the bishop exclaimed. – In the Bible it is told that the Lord created Earth for dwelling the person, and the Sun, the Moon and stars for lighting of Earth. I cannot to assume that life could exist on other planets that on them reasonable beings lived. It would bring chaos in all our religious representations. Really god created not one Adam, but tens and hundreds of thousands on different planets? And whether there was a fall on one To the earth or and on other planets? And whether it was necessary to a God’s window to reincarnate, descend repeatedly in an image of the person on different planets to die and revive to expiate an original sin? Absurdity! Heresy! If even on other planet we could also exist that it is impossible whether we have the right to leave Earth? It is told in the Writing: “The earth of an esa and to the earth of an otydesha”. To the earth, but not to some Mars! Ours ashes have to be based in our earth! – I will not treat anywhere! – lady Hinton declared. Stormer impatiently fidgeted on a chair. This speech of the bishop could harmfully to affect affairs of the company. Still professor Kinbruk spoiled business by the performance. Who could expect such dirty trick? Once he paid! And here still the bishop with the inappropriate sermon… – You terminated, professor Kinbruk? It is given the floor to professor To Dzhilber! Dzhilber raised the face inclined over a table. Gray-haired, old, with a big nose, the drooped moustaches and young people, derisive eyes, the astronomer Dzhilber started talking unexpectedly thin voice. “Chirps as a canary!” – Amelie thought. – “Platon to me the friend, but the truth is dearer!” – there began Dzhilber with Latin proverbs. – At all my respect for the colleague, dear professor To Kinbruk, I have to tell that he is not right. And it is not right twice. He spoke about care, responsibility. We, scientists, have to have one responsibility – before the truth. Care and courage – it is eternal the conflicting sisters. But they are reconciled by strict mother – need. Not whether professor Kinbruk believes that modern climate of Earth very much promotes health and longevity of the ladies who gathered here and gentlemen? Whether it finds that the terrestrial atmosphere now is more favorable, than the atmosphere of Venus? Where the respectable society which gathered at this table, risks to choke rather? As you can see, when will come need, care forces to be courageous, forces to go on risk. But whether this risk is so high? Professor Kinbruk very much exaggerated. I I do not dare to polemize with lord bishop. It, of course, is right that to the Lord many efforts would increase if also other worlds were are manned. But we and have enough efforts, and we will speak so far only about them. Stormer breathed a sigh of relief. – Yes, I claim that Mr. Kinbruk exaggerated and sinned against the truth. My respectable colleague missed one very important circumstance – atmosphere density on planets. Our atmosphere reflects more than a half of sunbeams in heavenly space. Mars almost everything reflects them. Therefore temperature of Mars is much lower terrestrial, what is confirmed by the last measurements and a certain size polar ices of Mars. The atmosphere on Venus almost all beams of the Sun rejects in heavenly space. Therefore temperature of Venus only is a little higher, than on Earth. On Mars it is cold. But also on Earth is cold places. Remember at least as saved once Byrd on Youzhny pole. Saving groups made the way on catarpillars in ices Antarctic at a frost in seventy one degrees. It is more, than in to stratosphere. And anything. Were not afraid of a frost – saved lives. Oxygen on Mars it is not enough. Without habit will breathe more difficult. But professor Kinbruk did not tell about one – as losses of an organism will be considerably there it is less. Because bodies weigh almost three times less there, than on Earth. Mr. Pinch will easily lift one hand of the boss, respectable there Mr. Stormer. You will feel extraordinary ease in the body. During the walking, a raising of weights muscle work will be facilitated three times. And means, and the need for oxygen will be less. For me is not subject to doubt that on Mars there is vegetation. Means, can be and animals and people, though, perhaps, and not similar to terrestrial. – What they can be? – Amelie became interested. – Hypothetically, proceeding from a planet environment, I can take on courage to represent to you the Martian. As living beings test on Mars “burden of Earth” three times smaller, it is possible that they have also growth three times bigger. For the same reason and their muscles can to be considerable smaller. Their legs and hands are thinner. Lack of oxygen has to cause increase in volume of a thorax. Even at us on Earth, as showed measurements, at inhabitants of high mountains the thorax is wider, than at inhabitants of valleys. Mars is more ancient than Earth. Inhabitants of Mars therefore have to possess more developed brain, and consequently, and the large volume of the head. The lack of light has to cause increase in organs of vision. And at us some deep-water fishes possess huge eyes. A sound in the rarefied air extended worse. This circumstance causes development of auditory organs. – High, thin, with a barrel-shaped breast, the big head, huge eyes and ears… Ôè! – Amelie exclaimed. – Everything in the world is conditional, Ms.! – Dzhilber answered. – Believe, as you, even you, – it gallantly added, – it is probable, will not cause delight at Martian Apollo. Yes! There is one more advantage of life on Mars, which will be estimated especially by women. Year is almost twice longer there, than on To the earth. And, having lived forty terrestrial years on the Martian account, you can on to tell conscience that to you only twenty. – And I will look twenty-year-old or forty-year-old? – Here I find it difficult to tell it to you. I am afraid to upset, but I think that forty-year-old. Though, maybe, and vital processes will proceed there in a slowed-up way. – I believe that on Mars it is not so bad. A little coldishly… – But it is possible to live. – Ellen! You laid a fur coat? – lady Hinton interrupted. – And Martians will not kill us? – again asked Amelie. Lady Hinton already glanced at it with displeasure. – Will not kill. The biggest – will be put in the museum as rare copies, – with a smile Dzhilber answered. – As for Venus, – it continued, – I already told that: there not such conditions, as on Earth. But climate, perhaps, not really pleasant. Not I know whether fall by the Martian Adam, but on Venus was made people, likely, strongly made angry god. – Why you so think? – the bishop became interested. – John Milton assures of the poem “The Lost and Returned Paradise” lips of an angel that the axis of our Earth before Adam’s fall stood perpendicularly to the plane of a terrestrial ecliptic and on Earth was all the year round identical spring climate. The terrestrial axis was inclined in punishment for fall of the first person, and climate of Earth worsened. And as inclination of an axis of Venus bigger, than a terrestrial axis, it is necessary to make conclusion that venerianets even more made angry god, than our primogenitors. Venerable professor Kinbruk claims that on Venus it is perfect there is no oxygen, and approves it on the ground that spectral the analysis of traces of oxygen it is not revealed. It is incorrect. Physicist The Michigan university by Artur Adel it was established that concentration of carbon dioxide in only one upper atmosphere Venus it is enormous in comparison with terrestrial. If there is a carbonic acid, then there has to be also an oxygen. Venus has to be similar to a huge greenhouse, and life on Venus, maybe, accepts especially violent and intensive the forms surpassing what we have on Earth. – And animals on Venus are? – asked Pinch. – If there is an oxygen, moisture, warmly, then why not to be also an animal? – What water on Venus? – the bishop asked. Dzhilber crafty smiled: – It depending on for what needs. In old times the father Kirkher was interested whether water on Venus for commission of a ceremony is good baptisms. Unfortunately, I cannot answer this question to you in the affirmative. In all other relations, I believe, water nothing not differs from terrestrial. – I do not agree with my dear colleague, – without having asked permission at the chairman, Kinbruk began to say. Stormer tried to stop it, but the scientist did not stop. Fortunately, in the heat of a dispute Kinbruk forgot about audience also began to pour the terminology clear to nobody, except devoted. Between scientists the dispute erupted. Zander listening already with impatience interfered: – I would ask to give us rather your resolutory data. Venus, Mars or neither that nor other planet? – Whether and everything is equal to you? – Stormer who did not get used that asked somebody interfered with conducting a meeting. – By no means not all the same, – Zander answered. – If we fly to Venus, the minimum initial speed of flight of the rocket has to be eleven whole the four tenth kilometer per second; if to Mars – eleven whole six tenth. Flight to Mars occupies not less than hundred ninety two days, to Venus – ninety seven. All calculations depending on it change. – But I did not tell about the third opportunity, – Dzhilber told, – about opportunities., anywhere not to land. If you really managed to establish that circulation of substances about which told me dear Leo Zander, and to these you would provide yourself food on vaguely long term, it would be the best exit. You could install in the rocket both climate of Riviera, and lighting according to your desire, even in each cabin different – to tastes of inhabitants. You could make attempt to land on the planet and to depart from there if life on it is unsuitable. In a word, you would be masters of the situation and would not depend more on Earth and sky. This offer, probably, was pleasant to all. Zander grinned and asked words. Stormer strictly looked at him and solemnly proclaimed: – It is given the floor to the engineer Zander. – All this discussion, – there began the engineer, – with my point of view, it seems overdue. You are going to fly in the most near future. You hurry me with flying away. You hurry me with completion of work. What would be if I would design the rocket suitable for flight to Venus, and to me would be the task to fly to Mars or to soar in space without landing is given! It is impossible to remake the rocket, it would be necessary to build new. – But you put several types of the rocket? – From a bookmark before construction not one month proceeds. In ready or almost in finished form there is only one. And if you want to fly, on it it is also necessary to make a trip. Stormer flushed. – In other words, – he told, – you, without us resolved an issue about route and in compliance with it constructed the rocket? – Anyhow I could arrive? Really you believe that I expected at this meeting to meet something new to me? All mentioned I was forced to study questions in the most attentive way still to first drawing of the rocket. All latest astronomical literature, all last achievements of astronomy. At last, your task – to be guided to Venus. – If so, then I do not understand why it was necessary to invite us, — Kinbruk quite sharply told. – Well, at least to tell future participants of flight some data on astronomy, – with a smile were told by Zander. And not only for this purpose. I cannot assume all responsibility. As if we are circumspect were, whatever precautionary measures undertook, our travel after all is risky. Stormer angrily began to patter fingers on a table. That for tactless person this Zander! It is good still that it is not heard by other participants joint-stock company. It would frighten off them. At the word “risk” of lady Hinton and Ellen made the involuntary movement. Zander noticed it and immediately hurried to calm women. – And trips in the train are accompanied by risk, – he noticed. – Not I think that flight in the rocket represented big risk. But in a case landings to the planet us, of course, expect many surprises. And I am very much he is grateful to professor Kinbruk who informed you in advance about some inconveniences existing on the specified planets. In astronomical questions your authority will be believed, certainly, more, than me. – But where you land us, devil take it? Forgive, the milady, for involuntary exclamation, – Stormer told. All waited with breathless attention that Zander will tell. – Anywhere. I believe that to us it is the more favorable and safest exactly anywhere not to land. – O… a ryzhok in anything? – Marshal with bitter irony which not asked understood. – And therefore I also tried to create such interplanetary ship, on which there could be a circulation of substances. The rocket will have greenhouse in five hundred meters of length which has to give us necessary for food vegetable products and oxygen for breath. – To eat one wild strawberry? – asked Amelie. – I agree. – For fans to eat more densely we will take products of month on rub, on five. If I manage to carry out completely the invention, which I finish now, perhaps, these one three-months terrestrial stocks, apart from a greenhouse, will be enough for us at least for two-three ten terrestrial years. – You believe that you in the rocket to us will be sufficient for saturation homeopathic doses? – I am not going to cut off a ration on one gram. – Then, so you are going to repeat an evangelical miracle of saturation five thousand people five fishes and three bread? – Yes, if you want, a miracle. – But in what it consists? – In “extending” time in the rocket as rubber. While in the rocket there will pass days, on Earth – months and, perhaps, years. Round eyes of Stormer left orbits. That would be the last straw, that Zander went balmy from mind! – You, it seems., a little bit… – Went crazy? – Zander facilitated Stormer’s task. – I understand Mr. Zander, – Dzhilber told, rubbing the forehead. — Means to slow down a current of time really exists. It means – to accelerate the movement. But, Mr. Zander, to create such difference between a current of time on Earth and in the rocket, are necessary speeds close to velocity of light. Zander nodded. – I do not claim that I will manage to solve this problem, but, it seems to me, I am close to its decision, – he told. – Radiant energy? Radio waves? Intratomic energy? – threw Zander’s questions. – It is a secret so far, – he answered. – And if I manage to seize really huge speeds, then we will be able to visit even not on one planet and personally to be convinced whether life is possible on them. – Still! – Kinbruk exclaimed, derisively smiling. – Flying with velocity of light, you in one and a half seconds would fly by by the Moon, and eight with a half of minutes would be enough for you to reach the Sun. – Really, – Dzhilber started talking, – if you flew with speed a little smaller, than the velocity of light, that time in the rocket it would be slowed down in comparison with terrestrial. So far on our rocket will pass near years, on Earth there can pass ten or even hundred years. The conversation quickened. Except astronomers and Zander, nobody understood how time flow quicker, more slowly, but a thought extremely can interested all. Just imagine, so it is possible in some way to operate also terrestrial time, forcing it to flow quicker, more slowly. – When I return to Earth in one or two months, I will find my Otto the decrepit old man, and itself I will remain it is also young, isn’t that so, mister Zander? – And if terrestrial affairs develop adversely, we could put the basis on some planet to new mankind, – Shnirer told, the staying all evening in silence. – To create a new civilization, without cars, without the equipment. “Hundred years in two years! – Stormer thought. – During this time long ago will die all my envious persons, enemies and judges, and case of me will decay in archives vessels. Perfectly, devil take it! And if all this dies, we will slow down flight – we will accelerate a current of time not too to lag behind terrestrial affairs, also we will return to Earth to the most favorable to us the moment”. – I would prefer to return to Earth and to find there triumphing “Mohicans”, – he told. – But if, over expectation, it was necessary to us to land on some planet, it would be very clever to us to undertake for organization of this newest mankind. I offer such project. We will take with ourselves in the rocket, so to speak, all quintessence of necessary practical knowledge. In the most compressed look we will state all necessary knowledge: mathematics, astronomy, medicine, biology, botany, geography… – I am afraid that terrestrial botany, the zoology and geography are not enough there will be useful, – Dzhilber told. – On other planets you should create other botany and geography. – So, I suggest to capture with myself all “earth salt” in compact look, – Stormer continued. – Experts could order to make such abstracts, to everyone in the area and to print books the most small print on the thinnest, but strong paper or to take microbooks. I gave botany, geography for example. I think, however, as terrestrial botany, geography, history will not be superfluous. Unless to immigrants to Venus it will not be interesting to know about Earth But I pass to most important parts mine of the project. New mankind on the new earth, certainly, so it has to be divided into classes, as well as on our planet. But division it has to be sharper. People of our circle have to borrow there dominant position Descendants of any servants, mechanics and other service personnel which we will take with ourselves have to become our slaves We will create a caste “wise”, “devoted”, slaves have to to be illiterate, dark people. And we will rule over them therefore that without our knowledge they will be helpless and powerless Only we one let’s know how to build houses, cars… – Cars? Again cars? And there cars? – Shnirer screamed. – You want to ruin new mankind? To transfer this infection, this plague to new earth? Cars is a damnation of a Satan which finished terrestrial mankind before a real crash! By no means, not under any circumstances I not I will agree to this madness! Classes can remain – they are even necessary. Only slavery could provide leisure, necessary for reflections to philosophers of antiquity. Let there will be slavery, but the slavery softened patriarchal relations. Life close to the nature! Natural economy! Any cities! We, Germans, in the person of unnaturally expanded communities of Berlin created the tool which destroyed the state when it the tool – Berlin – fell into hands of extremists, that is antigosudarstvenno the adjusted people at large. Any factories and plants! Any cities! Farms, meadows, herdboys, streamlets… Philosophy of contemplation and morals… – Christian! – the bishop inserted. – Yes, Christian, – the philosopher agreed. – It is very convenient for us. And, you know, I would leave these terrestrial stories, geography on Earth. We would create a modern history – about the highest beings, nisshedshy from “sky” on earth. We would have an authority of divinity. We will be wisely and graciously to operate our slaves. They will graze our herds, to cultivate ours vineyards and on Sundays together with us to praise us and to supreme. Peaceful life on a nature bosom. Any working questions, strikes, revolutions! Golden Age! Paradise on the earth! – And – any banks, commercial affairs? Etto., boringly! – told Marshal. – Without commerce life does not make sense. But we will bring this the amendment, the baron, – Stormer told, addressing Marshal, – and I hope that dear professor Shnirer will agree to this compromise. Private property, I hope, you do not deny, mister Shnirer? And if is private property… Between bankers and the philosopher the dispute erupted. Nobody noticed how Zander rose and left gallery of ancestors. Destiny of the future social the device on the new earth had no relation to rocket flight. Besides all these logomachies, in his opinion, were alien anything practical sense. Chapter 7 HANS STUDIES LUNA-PARK Hans left Vinkler’s house and went to a huge horseshoe. It it was visible from everywhere. Finger walked on the ice-covered road and thought: “The horseshoe is similar to a tuning fork. Yes, it is not lower than the Eiffel Tower, can to be above. The fork scratching clouds…” The dense cloud closed a horseshoe half. “Three hundred meters… The horseshoe costs on the mountain which has not less five-six thousand meters of height above sea level. Quite good tower. But for what is it built? Vinkler did not explain. I will try to guess… Maupassant once complained that the Eiffel Tower pressed his brain of the platitude. At that time it was, of course, a worthless construction. It built as “nail” of the World Parisian Fair. And still, if Maupassant was an engineer, he would like respect and respect to D’Eiffel to tower. For those times it was miracle of construction art. On To the Eiffel Tower astronomical and meteorological laboratories, physical office and powerful radio station. Possibly, and the horseshoe is created for the similar scientific purposes. Clouds slowly floated on the West. The top of a horseshoe was accurately drawn on the clear blue sky. Having thrown the head up, Hans sharp-sightedly peered in horseshoe, but suddenly stumbled and fell. Someone’s laughter, guttural, melodious dialect. Hans was faced by Indians in the blankets full of holes thrown on half-naked body. Hans smiled. Indians smiled in reply, having bared white teeth. Indians showed a hand on top of a horseshoe and on ice under legs. Yes, yes. Hans stood gaping. With consciousness of the fault nodded and rose. Indians passed and several words, possibly shouted following warning about something. Four Blacks carried by a huge log on shoulders. “Mechanization!” – Hans grumbled. It stepped aside and, having leaned to to wall of the timbered lodge smelling of a fresh pine directed again eyes on horseshoe top. The ends of forks were connected thin as thread, platform. Over it there passed antenna wires. “Well certainly, it is meteorological observatory and radio station. For flight it is necessary to study atmospheric conditions of Stormer-city…” Suddenly Hans saw the black point falling down. It moved with most tops, along a strip, without separating from it. “Here it that! It appears, a horseshoe not only radio – and a meteorological station, but also laboratory for test of the falling bodies”. The black point reached to the bottom, got on a curve, flew on to it, from dispersal flew up on the second strip of a horseshoe, rose up, departed down, again up and so continued to shake as a pendulum “with damped oscillations”. When at last the point stopped in the middle curves, Hans saw that it is a trolley. Perhaps, there, inside there are people. It is good to rock on such swing! Yes it and it is necessary. Weeds on the rocket – too take-off and falling. Take-off from Earth in “sky”, falling from “sky” on the planet… “Yes, we have to study influence zero gravity on an organism…” Hans already almost ran to a horseshoe. But it all still was far. He saw how the cabin left the person and almost run went to office which was occupied by Collins. Having been out of breath, Hans ran up to the massive concrete basis of a horseshoe. The trolley already crept up as an elevator cabin. Hans Wsbezhal on a planked footway on concrete platform also examined a horseshoe curve. Couple of rails. Radius curves – fifteen meters. If height is three hundred meters, then take-off and falling have to proceed the whole fifteen seconds. Not bad. But, devil take! With a height of three hundred meters curve radius fifteen are the overload because of centrifugal force on a curve in forty turns out time. Will flatten out, perhaps… Under the platform rang out, roared, and Hans saw how one strip huge horseshoe drives off from another. Radius of a curve increased to sixty meters. “That is another matter. Now the overload will be all in ten times. Approximately the same that is tested by us when sliding sledge with abrupt hill”. Again rumble and noise of motors of a construction. Radius was reduced to twenty meters. “If only to me not to be late to roll down with this flight…” Hans hurried to enter the building over which elevator cables lasted. Showed to the metis in a cervine jacket the blue ticket. The metis nodded and silently waved hand towards an elevator cabin. Hans entered, the cabin trembled, and rise began. Hans as if rose in the balloon. Before it” opened again weigh Stormer-city. Soon because of the ridge the ocean seemed. On the North, the East and the South the Andes were piled up. The elevator stopped. Hans left a cabin on the open area. Faugh! Here is even colder. And what furious wind! But eagle outlook. On to the wide platform which from below seemed the thread connecting “legs” huge tuning fork, anemometers, barometers were installed a weather vane, thermometers… Wind burns down the person. It is rather to the box! The fat man meets. Nods head, as to the old acquaintance. Vinkler already warned by phone. Of course, it is possible to examine and go down. In the middle of the room there is a trolley above the hatch, ready to falling. Door it is open. Hans looks inside, enters: the door behind it slams. Here is warmer. On a ceiling – an electric bulb. There are no windows. A floor is covered linoleum. The wall at a door is forced by boxes in which are located experimental animals, birds, insects. The same boxes stand at a wall at the left. At a wall opposite to a door – scales. To the fourth wall it is attached hammock. Near a hammock stand three the deep convenient screwed on a floor chairs with belts, as by planes, in a corner – spring scales the person designs, on an iron core – the dial with the arrow noting change of weight. “Scales are spring, – Hans notes. – It is clear: cups of ordinary scales will not change the situation, whatever freight lay on one and another to cup as both bodies equally lose the weight. Only spring scales can note loss of weight when falling”. In a deep chair the fat, hardly holding in it person sat with the shining bald head. It was faced by the high well-fad shaven doctor. The bald fat man panted and looked at the doctor the scared eyes as the patient waiting for operation. Finger greeted the doctor and showed the blue ticket. – You allow me to take part in experience? – Finger asked. – Please! – the doctor answered and continued to convince the fat man of full safety and harmlessness of flight. – You will lay down on a hammock, so to you will be more conveniently. I will sit down near you in a chair and I will watch your pulse and blood pressure. About is not present, at all not to warn any danger. Just we will make various scientific observations, that then to draw from them the conclusions. We generalize scientific observations and we transfer them to the chief engineer who considers everything for the technical calculations and designs: what acceleration is admissible at flying away, what most expedient ways of protection from pushes and so forth. – Means, pushes are possible? Perhaps, and very strong? – scaredly the fat man asked. – It is no more, than in the tram, – his doctor hurried to calm. At Finger’s help the doctor laid the fat man in a hammock and strongly tied him heavy body belts. Hans took seat in a chair, having fastened belts and askance looking at the neighbor. The fat man puffed, was nervous, muttered something. Doctor also fastened itself belts to a chair and undertook the lever. – Prepare! We fly. – No! Stop! I do not want! – the fat man began to yell. But was already late. Hans felt how at him heart fades. Unprecedented ease spread on all body. Hans raised a hand. the slightest effort as if it did not lift, and lowered a hand. Even it is even easier. Because, lowering a hand, nevertheless it is necessary to strain muscles. As in water. No, as in weightless air if also the body became air. Second flew after a second… The doctor felt the fat man’s pulse. Hans listened to to beating of the heart. It is a little as though slowed down, and generally all in order. It is a pity that there is no window… The arrow of a big stop watch approached to to fifteen. – Now there will be a curve. Keep more strong! – the doctor warned. And suddenly the body began as if with lead to be poured. From legs to a back, to the head. Became heavy so that it was difficult to breathe. Hands, legs are held down. It is impossible to raise the heads. The fat man cries out… But here lead pours out from bodies. Moment of the normal state. And again seconds of zero gravity. The trolley goes down from the second strip, and again invisible weight presses body and breast. Unpleasant feeling! It is good that with each scope “pendulum” these feelings last less and weaken. Here and end. Stop. Stopped. The fat man hoarsely swears. On his forehead cold sweat acted. The door of a cabin opens. The doctor hurries to untie the fat man. That is enraged so what cannot speak, only stares and does such terrible grimaces as if wants to eat the doctor alive. A bomb takes off from a door. Near a cabin Blacks and Indians crowded. The fat man amused them. Fresh air returned it a speech power, and he shouted, swore, comically swung hands. The color audience laughed loudly as children in a buffoonery, and these have more and more angered the fat man. He damned also “Noah’s Ark”, and the Nov, and all who invented this chertova piece. He prefers that it was fried alive, but will not cross a threshold of “ark”. – Money back! – he shouted. – You know the charter of society: money does not come back at all. You can only sell the shares if you find the buyer, – told goodness knows where from the appeared in time commercial director Collins. – I do not want to look for buyers! Let then vanish. Would be gone and all of you here together with “ark”! Where my airplane? – and he walked to to airfield. Collins considered excessive to hold him. – What there is with it it? – Collins asked the doctor. – Anything special, – the doctor answered. – These billionaires, no offense be told them, there were nervna as hysterical young ladies. There is its table. Work of heart: before experience – seventy four, after experience – seventy two. Pressure in arteries: before experience – hundred thirty, after experience – hundred sixty. Small falling of pulse and some increase arterial blood pressure. I think if to make over it observations in an office of its bank, throughout day during exchange fevers such fluctuations in work of his heart could be noted repeatedly. Collins thought, without listening to the doctor, and then interrupted him: – And you know, we should refuse these experiments with ours shareholders and future participants of flight. Here such individual not only itself will run away, but also another will stir up. There is enough. For Zander at us already there is a sufficient material. You the doctor, and you will be able to define, having examined the person whether he is fit for a travel. – I am afraid that to us such ruins which are more suitable for will come in large numbers crematorium, than for flights on rockets. – Do not tell trifles! – strictly Collins noticed. – Absolute safety of rocket flights for us not only advertizing, but also the purpose. Zander’s care – to make the rocket convenient and safe as a cradle child. And he will make it, otherwise it would not cost that money which we we spend for all these experiences. Having abruptly turned, Collins floated in the long-skirted fur-coat to to office. This day Hans perekatatsya on all roundabouts, tried on himself “attractions” of an extraordinary amusement park. He studied effects of dizziness on a st-sirsqui roundabout, feeling feelings of take-off, descent, a list, turn. He decided to break the endurance record at increase in weight and forced to rotate itself at reckless speed. Many tried to compete with it, but he won against all the tsvetnokozhy and white rivals. However, it great was unsteady, descending from a roundabout. Especially the room in the form of the rotating cylinder surprised him. It span round its pivot-center and circled. Here it was studied so the called “Coriolis acceleration”. When it approached room walls, where the centrifugal effect was stronger, all his body as if was poured lead. And was to turn the head enough as it seemed that all room fell down or up as if cabin walls during strong rolling. It there was very unpleasant feeling. It depended on how explained to it subsequently the doctor that the center which is located in a head brain of the person at long rotation of the room gives feeling of balance. Person as if forgets about rotation, and at turns of the head of it it turns out impression of new rotation. At walls centrifugal force directed sideways was five times more gravity, and Hans involuntarily “climbed on a wall”. He felt attacks seasickness. With great difficulty he managed to put the head directly and to pass from a wall to the center of the room where all unpleasant feelings immediately left it. In this room it made vsevozmozhneyshy experiences: tried to write on the little table standing in the middle of a floor to sit down, to rise. The body did not obey it. It as if had others body, not ïîâèíóþùååñÿ to it, or other the world, with other laws of the movement and balance. But for it it was not sport, as for Blotton. No, he persistently trained himself. He knew that in the rocket, at the real flight, to it together with Vinkler and Zander it is necessary to work, work in these extraordinary conditions whereas all passengers will be on the back, not capable to anything, except complaint and moaning. He thought not only of “Noah’s Ark”, but also about future flights on “the” rockets. And he stoically transferred everything trials on which put itself. Subsequently in this room he had to spend not one day. It did various observations over a deviation of a current of liquids, air stream, movement of insects, small animals Not smaller interest caused in it and the rotating glass sphere. It was similarity “the interplanetary dwelling”, arranged especially for behavior researches the person and animals under the influence of centrifugal force. The sun shining with clear sky, filled a sphere with the warmth giving life to plants put on “equator” of a sphere of the room. Rotation of the room created on sphere walls the centrifugal force exceeding Earth attraction, and plants grew here not up, as usual, and sideways, from walls to the center of a sphere. It watched their growth, development. Here rabbits, hens, cats were located in cages. All of them, apparently, did not notice singularity of the side situation. Walls sphere for them were “bottom”, the earth. Rabbits jumped on cages, peacefully ate cabbage leaves, carrots, hens rushed, brought chickens. The water standing “steep wall” in relation to the earth, did not spill from cups, grain did not wake up. When Hans stood in the center of a sphere, all animals and plants were in relation to it in vertical position as if he looked at inhabitants of this small world from above, lying on steep to the rock. But as it approached “equator”, his body also adopted gradually steep provision. And, standing near cages, he saw the table standing on a floor in the middle of a sphere as if this table was it is strengthened on a wall of the ordinary room. As all situation of a sphere rotated together with it, it not tested dizzinesses and even ceased çàìå÷àâ rotation of the room. Only extraordinary position of a body when it moved on sphere walls, reminded him of it. In a sphere there was only the tenth part of normal amount of oxygen, but Hans did not feel a lack of air. Oxygen was emitted with plants the greenhouse occupying sixteen square meters. Plants absorbed the carbonic acid emitted to them and animals. Here the foundation of “circulation of substances” which had to were laid to give to future heavenly travelers all necessary for life if their flight will drag on or on other planets there will be a lack of the atmosphere and food. Finger and a metal sphere which comprised “a piece examined interplanetary space”. In this sphere the double door with the camera conducted, as in a caisson, and it was possible to enter it only in special suits, like diving. Zander worked over these suits much. It was necessary to create special laboratory for test of various materials which would provide, on the one hand, almost absolute not heat conductivity, and with another – sufficient durability. – And it is impossible to freeze in such suits, being in world space? – Hans asked. – Coloring of clothes and action of sunshine can give from minus two hundred to plus hundred and more degrees Celsius, – the laboratory assistant answered. — Therefore fears of cold of interplanetary spaces are exaggerated. – And it that for tanks? – Hans asked. – Test of a surface of the rocket for reflection and absorption of beams, — the laboratory assistant answered. – Let’s enter in this cylinder. – They entered. – Now here it is dark and quite cool. The cylinder is turned to the sun by the the shining, polished surface which reflects sunshine. Let’s turn the cylinder a black opaque surface now. – The laboratory assistant turned the lever, the cylinder began to rotate on a longitudinal axis so that to Hans and it the satellite had “to go on one place” until the cylinder stopped. Did not pass also two minutes as Hans felt, what became much warmer. – You feel how the Sun heats? And on the Earth’s surface a half of sunbeams is reflected the atmosphere. Now you look. The laboratory assistant rummaged around in the dark and again turned the lever. Above opened window through which the sunlight rushed. Temperature began quickly to raise. – The ray of sunlight is collected by a concave mirror and directed to a back wall rockets. Turning the rocket a black or brilliant surface, we can to change temperature in it from twenty nine to seventy seven degrees Celsius. Applying mirrors, it is possible to melt metals. But it is possible “to fill” and world cold. Having such wide temperature scale in the hands, Zander designed in principle Tsiolkovsky the solar engine. Two reported the cylinder in turn address on solar, on shady side. In the Sun liquid in the cylinder evaporates, which presses on the piston, in a shadow – liquid and steam are cooled. – You needed to examine laboratories where models were tested rocket engines, the placed in an oak frame, six laboratories on to domestic service of passengers of the rocket. – Whole six! – Yes, – the laboratory assistant answered. – A question here at all not in conveniences, and in need. We have to neglect nothing and all are obliged to provide. In usual conditions we do not notice much, about much simply we do not think, and about such “trifles” without which it is possible to be gone in “sky”, or, on the contrary, which can do huge harm if them not to eliminate. Chapter 8 WORTHY PUPIL OF TSIOLKOVSKY – Zander arrived! We go to it! – Vinkler told. Hans raised the head over the book. He was excited. Hans worked with Zander not one month. But for the first time the engineer-inventor invited him to himself. – What for? – Probably, wants to get acquainted with you closer. Perhaps, to charge some work, – Vinkler answered, and his eyes cheerfully smiled. – Well, we go. In Stormer-city Zander lived in a separate lodge with an attic. On a call Vinklera was heard at first desperate bark of a sheep-dog; the door was opened, and the old servant severely muttered: – There is no house! – but, having recognized Vinkler, smiled as to the old acquaintance, and told: – Ah, it you! You enter. Wait, I will only take away a dog. Finger guessed how there lives Zander. The office which is filled up seemed to Hans drawings, models and all other accessories of the inventor. But it was mistaken. The small office of Zander where it accepted visitors, was it is arranged more than simply. A desk, two chairs before it, near table – the small rotating shelf with books, and only. Only thing the big portrait under glass in dark oak was decoration of the room to frame, hanging on a wall behind the owner. On a portrait it was represented bearded old man unknown to Hans wearing spectacles. Under a portrait – book shelf from the same oak where several tens of books stood in a row in covers with a gold stamping. Sharp eyes of Hans were read on backs covers of “Ziolkowsky”. On a table – the desk set, a lamp, a blotting pad – and anything else. Finger was a little disappointed. Vinkler subsequently explained to him that Zander usually works in an attic where at it the library and small laboratory are located. But in this sanctuary it lets nobody, and Vinkler managed to look only once the room and that in absence of the owner. The owner met them friendly, seated in chairs and, having had a talk about that, about this, suddenly asked Hans an unexpected question: – Whether you will tell me that such bipolar equation of a hyperbole? Finger studied mathematics and somehow answered. Zander nodded and asked a new question which nonplused Hans. Followed it others – from the field of chemistry, astronomy, biology. It was real examination. Hans was confused – he expected it least of all and therefore as to it it seemed, not always answered truly and it is sensible even on well familiar questions. Really it will fail at this examination? But Zander was, apparently, it is satisfied. He nodded meaning that test it is over, and told: – You know more, than I assumed. But you should know immeasurably it is more than what you know if you want to become my same assistant as Vinkler. Would he like to become! Hans was ready to work day and night that to seize all necessary knowledge. – You got used to be engaged independently? – the new question was asked. — Vinkler will help you, but he will not be able to devote to it much time. – And, addressing already Vinkler, Zander continued: – I think, to our Hans Finger will be reasonably useful to live month – another in a glass sphere. Observations will not take away from it too it is a lot of time, and there it will be able to increase the mathematical knowledge. Without mathematicians in our business it is impossible to step also to a step. Zander talked some more minutes to Vinkler about affairs and got up. The audience was ended. – Well? Did not expect such bath? – Vinkler when they left from asked houses. – You should sit in solitary confinement. Month-other in solitary confinement! This prospect at all not smiled to Hans. He wanted to get acquainted somewhat quicker with the city, from it strange laboratories, extraordinary constructions. It not all saw. – To all time will come, – Vinkler consoled it. – Today you will carry out put more “on freedom”, tomorrow, well, since morning you will bypass, you will examine what did not see yet: laboratory where experience action of various substances, other laboratory in which ways of cooling are tested working part of the rocket – walls snuffled or äþç. For tomorrow it is enough. – What will I do in the conclusion? – Oh, your existence will be very peculiar! You on yourself have to you will be to test and on you it will be checked whether the person can exist in the conditions of artificially created circulation of substances. As soon as you you will enter a sphere and you will receive the necessary explanations, a hermetic door will slam for you. But there is phone, and we will be with you to keep in contact. You will take with yourself necessary books, textbooks, notebooks. – But what I will eat there? – Perhaps, you should sit a little on vegetarian food. You you will eat those plants and fruits which grow in to sphere greenhouse. To your services there will be an electric stove, a teapot. – And water? – Tomorrow you on everything will receive the answer. All allocations of your organism will be processed. Allocations of intestines will go to fertilizers; allocations of a bladder, having passed through the soil, through plants, gases, refrigerators, filters, will turn into the purest water. Water will be given also the cooled breath gases emitted by you, plants and “companions on to the conclusion” – animals. You will have to look after and behind them – to feed, to give to drink. Plants will give oxygen, they will absorb exhaled by you and animals carbonic acid. In a word, if calculations are right, you will have in sphere all necessary. I will visit you. If you it is nasty itself you will feel, we will stop experience. Create to yourself the notebook or notebook in which write down the major formulas, data from the theory jet flights, help data, calculations. It is Zander’s council. Such the notebook very much will help you. Hans nodded and asked: – By the way, tell whose portrait hangs in Zander’s office? His father? Vinkler burst out laughing. – Yes, in some way father. It is also the famous scientist-self-educated person Tsiolkovsky, patriarch of a zvezdoplavaniye. Not “father”, and rather “grandfather” his numerous followers: Roberta Esnopeltri, Robert Goddard, Herman Obert, Walter Gomann, Tuberculine test, Debus and our Leo Zander. I already spoke to you about this remarkable person. Modest the provincial teacher, he managed to rise by “space” height theoretical thought. This Columbus of the star worlds theoretically planned in the main all next way of creation of interplanetary messages. Laid to people road to the sky. In one thousand nine hundred third it published work in which stated all theoretical calculations of space flights; but the Russian imperial government helped nothing to it. – So it is its works stand on the shelf under a portrait? – Yes. Zander does not leave them. This day ended with an effective show: from the mountain platform, turned to the ocean, the first trial was started up in twelve o’clock in the morning the rocket without people, with recording automatic devices. It had two meters of height it was also strengthened almost steeply, with an easy inclination in side of the ocean. At experience there were Zander, Vinkler, Hans, Blotton and a little the engineers working with Zander. Approximately a rocket deviation from a vertical it was almost not noticeable, and Blotton told: – And suddenly it will fall to us on the head? Zander, smiling, answered: – It is a lot of years ago, in the seventeenth century, the monk Mersen and the military Pti conducted such experiment: they delivered to a down vertically as it seemed to them, and shot, observing whether the kernel on the earth will return. They several times repeated this dangerous experiment. But as at them it did not appear there is enough art to force a kernel to hit them directly the head, they considered themselves to have the right to conclude that it hung in mid-air where and long time will stay, undoubtedly. Not only at that time, but also now it is seldom possible to find the gun which is perfectly calibrated for such experience and it is difficult to establish it absolutely vertically. Well, and now depart. I launch the rocket. All departed and became silent waiting. In the dark sky stars flickered. The new moon shone almost over the head, and it seemed that the rocket goes to a lunar travel. Burst explosion. Thunder peals, reflected by rocks, shook air. The fiery strip cut through space. For a moment the mountain platform as though contacted the sky golden bridge. Then the comet created by people picked up the tail, turned into an asterisk and grew dim in height. Zander looked on the dial of a chronometer and, counting seconds, spoke: – Upper bound of the troposphere… Went beyond a stratosphere… Return flight. Next morning the whole flotilla of motorized vessels was sent for searches the rocket which fell to the ocean. But Hans as he wanted it, could not to take part in searches. Having examined several laboratories with Vinkler and far without having got acquainted with all “shops” of grandiose “the zvezdo-flight plant”, Finger took away chosen for him by Vinkler books, a commonplace book, a recording feather also went to the glass prison where had to spend not one day. Chapter 9 ON THE EARTH THERE IS NO RESCUE! – All this is awful! – lady Hinton told. Put finger-tips to to temples: – Give me cologne, Ellen! – Would you like to rub whisky a menthol pencil, lady Hinton? — doctor Teker asked. – Does not help! – with irritation lady Hinton answered. – This rolling will kill me. Why the steamship stands still? When it moves, swings it is less. – We have to protect fuel, lady Hinton! – drowsily responded from the chairs Stormer. – Dead ripple. For hundred miles from us there passed the cyclone… The baron – that absolutely got sick. Expresses with one interjections. – I cannot… To me it is bad!. – Ellen squeezed spoke by voice. Her face became green. It pressed a scarf to a mouth and, convulsively pulling shoulders, hasty was removed. – Ah! – it is noisy lady Hinton sighed. – It is heavy to be the exile in ours years! Without house, a shelter and hopes… – And I prefer to be an exile, than the decaying corpse. Yes! — Stormer objected, sucking round pomegranate. – If not mine foresight, we, likely, would already be production of sepulchral worms. – Any hair will not fall from the head without God’s will! – instructively the bishop Iov Weller noticed. – Why you, the my Lord, did not remain in London, having entrusted to God’s will your head of hear? Distorted lady Hinton from such “blasphemous” words. “Demons of war and revolutions broke from chains” as Shnirer before was was expressed the rocket is ended and the huge motor ship is constructed. Stormer managed to charter the ocean steamship standing in port, to put on it shareholders – participants of future interplanetary flight and to sail in Silent ocean. – Around water. Defenseless, unarmed, we stand in full view of all… — lady Hinton continued the complaints. Stormer was bothered, probably, by it grumbling. – You begin to hallucinate? – almost he shouted at the old woman. — Whom do you see? Who has us on a look? Who looks at us? The ocean is desert, as in the first days of creation. And who will look for us now? Believe, nobody does not care about us. Ocean not of Oxford Street, not Piccadilly. In the ocean there are roads and the solitudes. We are in the center the triangle which is formed crossing of big ocean ways: from Yokohama and Valparaiso – Japan, South America; from Wellington – New Zealand to Panama and from Panama along coast of South America to Magellanic to the passage. More than one thousand kilometers separate us from west banks Southern America. Here any ship does not come, unless a cyclone a sailing vessel will bring. But sailing vessels to us are not terrible. Ocean steamships all are equipped radio stations. They notify on themselves, we have a radio direction finder. From a special mast tower watchmen sharp-sightedly watch the horizon. Ours vessel one of the most high-speed. And we could not get away unless only from warships. And, at last, we have hydroplanes. All valuable freight long ago it is stored in the Andes. Lady Hinton became angry about the fact that Stormer-city was called not her name. Not to irritate the old lady, Stormer at her presence called Stormer-city descriptively: “the city in mountains”, “the city where is under construction rocket”. – In case of extreme danger we can always depart there. – But why don’t we make it now – not to depart to this yours Stormer-city? – lady Hinton asked. – Because there yet the hotel is not built. You to live in a working barrack you will not be. Yes here, believe, and more safely. Here we can to maneuver. If not yours, – Stormer wanted to tell “whims”, but restrained, – not your indispositions, we would go down in more southern latitudes, there we would be already in the absolute safety. There we would be “on to look” at one penguins. And if to cover us in Stormer-city before the rocket will be ready, we died. It is possible to run only by air from there. But also there will be no place to run. – My God! My God, my God! – tragicly lady Hinton exclaimed. – Why you so nakazut us? – Smoke on the horizon! – lingeringly the watchman from a tower shouted. – Where? Where? – the turned pale bishop and too hasty shouted for the dignity walked to a board, taking out on the run from a case prismatic field-glass. – Second smoke., the third., whole squadron!. – the watchman proclaimed. By the ship vanity rose. Sharply the team was distributed. Powerful recovered cars, the vessel case began to tremble. It began to be developed on the left board, accelerating the course. On the deck Shnirer ran, swinging Kant’s volume. – Amelie! What? And? Already? Being unsteady, there was Ellen. From where the baron crept out. His jaw shivered. He tried to tell something to Stormer: – E-e-e… That waved away from it, as from a fly. Stormer was also excited, but kept better than others. The ship turned on the South and went with speed limit. – Well, solve horsepowers now, – Stormer murmured. – Perhaps, we absolutely are also not pursued, – suggested Ticker. – The whole world is at war. The Japanese and American fleet chases in the ocean one after another. Lady Hinton for the first time with gratitude looked at the doctor. These words of calm worked on it better than drugs. Teker caught the mercy look of lady Hinton also used it. – I will go to visit the wife and the child. I will return soon, lady Hinton, — he told. – For us or not for us a pursuit, but we were found, and this harm, – not Stormer was appeased. – The unknown squadron follows us close. If it will not be possible to disappear before nightfall, put rubbish. There came burdensome silence. It was heard only as cuts stem an ocean smooth surface yes diesels gradually knock. Hour passed after an hour. The sun was inclined to the horizon, distance between motor ship and the pursuing squadron everything decreased. – It is good still that they do not shoot! – Stormer told. All were too are suppressed to keep up the conversation. The captain phoned, that, by its calculations, before twilight the squadron will not manage to overtake them. And, perhaps, for the first time for many years of lady Hinton it is passionate wanted that time went rather. Before sunset already with the naked eye it was possible to distinguish head vessel. According to the captain, it was the military cruiser. But Japanese or American – it is hard to say. – And it is even more difficult to guess who conducts these cruisers, – noticed Stormer. — Everything in the world changes. Yesterday the country was capitalist, it today already republic of proletarians. At last beneficial night lowered the black curtain. If on it the drama play also ended, it would be possible to disperse peacefully on to the houses. An interval, alas, only an interval which should use. To disappear under the screen of night, having sharply changed a course, – here in what now there was a task. The captain thought and turned on the East. – Hgu., õãëóïî, – Marshal to whom together with night told cool the speech power returned. – In the east we will get on the sea way, which goes along the southern coast of America. – And I believe, – Stormer objected, – that our captain very cleverly arrived. It is necessary to present itself on the place of persecutors and to think about in their opinion, we will choose volume, what way. That, which you specify. And for the same reason. And the squadron will probably turn on the West. A sea way on which there are commercial ships, to us not it is terrible. Even it is better if we meet these trade ships. They will distract attention of persecutors if the squadron nevertheless turns, as well as we, on East. The baron and Stormer continued to argue. The squadron went probably with the extinguished fires. It was impossible to define, far it or it is close. The captain, having given the instruction and having charged management to the assistant, collected also declared all passengers it: – Our situation remains extremely serious: the squadron can to be divided, having directed the ships in three directions – east, western and southern. And next morning you can be overtaken. Could save you unless Êîíåö îçíàêîìèòåëüíîãî ôðàãìåíòà. Òåêñò ïðåäîñòàâëåí ÎÎÎ «ËèòÐåñ». Ïðî÷èòàéòå ýòó êíèãó öåëèêîì, êóïèâ ïîëíóþ ëåãàëüíóþ âåðñèþ (https://www.litres.ru/pages/biblio_book/?art=43114965&lfrom=688855901) íà ËèòÐåñ. Áåçîïàñíî îïëàòèòü êíèãó ìîæíî áàíêîâñêîé êàðòîé Visa, MasterCard, Maestro, ñî ñ÷åòà ìîáèëüíîãî òåëåôîíà, ñ ïëàòåæíîãî òåðìèíàëà, â ñàëîíå ÌÒÑ èëè Ñâÿçíîé, ÷åðåç PayPal, WebMoney, ßíäåêñ.Äåíüãè, QIWI Êîøåëåê, áîíóñíûìè êàðòàìè èëè äðóãèì óäîáíûì Âàì ñïîñîáîì.
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