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Your Personal Horoscope 2010: Month-by-month Forecasts for Every Sign

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Your Personal Horoscope 2010: Month-by-month Forecasts for Every Sign Joseph Polansky Your complete one-volume guide to the year 2010. This fantastic and in depth book includes month-by-month forecasts for every sign and all you need to know to find out what is in store for you in the year ahead.Discover when your lucky days will fall and when it might be better just to stay in bed, with your complete one-volume, month-by-month guide to the year 2009 – the only horoscope you will ever need.This bestselling guide gives you individual predictions for the year ahead and shows you how you, your friends, your family and lovers will fare. It includes:• A month-by-month forecast for every sign• A personality profile for each sign• What to expect in terms of love, sex, work and money• Detailed predictions of your best days and worst days – and the ideal days to attract love or money.• Invaluable advice on exactly when to ask for that pay rise, what days you should be on the look out for exciting revalations and the days you should probably just stay in bed! Your Personal HOROSCOPE —2010— The only one-volume horoscope you’ll ever need Joseph Polansky Contents Introduction (#u99cd1a4b-367e-5d04-98fb-92c10f538d10) Glossary of Astrological Terms (#litres_trial_promo) Aries (#u7f542b4e-b0b4-580f-951c-4486f4063401) Personality Profile (#ueea414b9-735a-52a9-b84a-fa156bfad1a3) Understanding an Aries (#uf44ee616-971f-5192-82f4-d9c5c3faf0bb) Horoscope for 2010 (#ue66635c5-2182-5f4d-abef-253ee3db0526) Month-by-month Forecasts (#u01cfe889-d0b0-5669-b984-203aa8979c1b) Taurus (#u580d0a4d-98ff-5ccf-8276-d3ebd1f52ba0) Personality Profile (#u9af3f47d-69c7-562f-8586-aa95b898e757) Understanding a Taurus (#ua1b7675f-8e47-5dde-b21a-12db650ef38a) Horoscope for 2010 (#ub5574336-5a25-52e2-9b8a-376e9a73a7a2) Month-by-month Forecasts (#u738639ad-1ac9-585b-a4f7-bf3f64cd590e) Gemini (#u6149d8c9-6562-5089-ae04-3fbb32f9d8fe) Personality Profile (#uf3ef125e-8a89-5076-b4ec-cf9026bc0b6a) Understanding a Gemini (#u031eed71-3877-5d47-8537-ea3e16355c6f) Horoscope for 2010 (#u64bd6c39-f5e5-57d0-b4b7-eac01b79b2d0) Month-by-month Forecasts (#u909fade6-e52a-516c-91e8-56f8bad7eabe) Cancer (#litres_trial_promo) Personality Profile (#litres_trial_promo) Understanding a Cancer (#litres_trial_promo) Horoscope for 2010 (#litres_trial_promo) Month-by-month Forecasts (#litres_trial_promo) Leo (#litres_trial_promo) Personality Profile (#litres_trial_promo) Understanding a Leo (#litres_trial_promo) Horoscope for 2010 (#litres_trial_promo) Month-by-month Forecasts (#litres_trial_promo) Virgo (#litres_trial_promo) Personality Profile (#litres_trial_promo) Understanding a Virgo (#litres_trial_promo) Horoscope for 2010 (#litres_trial_promo) Month-by-month Forecasts (#litres_trial_promo) Libra (#litres_trial_promo) Personality Profile (#litres_trial_promo) Understanding a Libra (#litres_trial_promo) Horoscope for 2010 (#litres_trial_promo) Month-by-month Forecasts (#litres_trial_promo) Scorpio (#litres_trial_promo) Personality Profile (#litres_trial_promo) Understanding a Scorpio (#litres_trial_promo) Horoscope for 2010 (#litres_trial_promo) Month-by-month Forecasts (#litres_trial_promo) Sagittarius (#litres_trial_promo) Personality Profile (#litres_trial_promo) Understanding a Sagittarius (#litres_trial_promo) Horoscope for 2010 (#litres_trial_promo) Month-by-month Forecasts (#litres_trial_promo) Capricorn (#litres_trial_promo) Personality Profile (#litres_trial_promo) Understanding a Capricorn (#litres_trial_promo) Horoscope for 2010 (#litres_trial_promo) Month-by-month Forecasts (#litres_trial_promo) Aquarius (#litres_trial_promo) Personality Profile (#litres_trial_promo) Understanding an Aquarius (#litres_trial_promo) Horoscope for 2010 (#litres_trial_promo) Month-by-month Forecasts (#litres_trial_promo) Pisces (#litres_trial_promo) Personality Profile (#litres_trial_promo) Understanding a Pisces (#litres_trial_promo) Horoscope for 2010 (#litres_trial_promo) Month-by-month Forecasts (#litres_trial_promo) Acknowledgement (#litres_trial_promo) Copyright (#litres_trial_promo) About the Publisher (#litres_trial_promo) Introduction (#u14fd842a-85dd-56e5-a83a-056710d0e228) Welcome to the fascinating and intricate world of astrology! For thousands of years the movements of the planets and other heavenly bodies have intrigued the best minds of every generation. Life holds no greater challenge or joy than this: knowledge of ourselves and the universe we live in. Astrology is one of the keys to this knowledge. Your Personal Horoscope 2010 gives you the fruits of astrological wisdom. In addition to general guidance on your character and the basic trends of your life, it shows you how to take advantage of planetary influences so you can make the most of the year ahead. The section on each sign includes a Personality Profile, a look at general trends for 2010, and in-depth month-by-month forecasts. The Glossary (page 3) explains some of the astrological terms you may be unfamiliar with. One of the many helpful features of this book is the ‘Best’ and ‘Most Stressful’ days listed at the beginning of each monthly forecast. Read these sections to learn which days in each month will be good overall, good for money, and good for love. Mark them on your calendar–these will be your best days. Similarly, make a note of the days that will be most stressful for you. It is best to avoid taking important meetings or major decisions on these days, as well as on those days when important planets in your horoscope are retrograde (moving backwards through the zodiac). The Major Trends section for your sign lists those days when your vitality is strong or weak, or when relationships with your co-workers or loved ones may need a bit more effort on your part. If you are going through a difficult time, take a look at the colour, metal, gem and scent listed in the ‘At a Glance’ section of your Personality Profile. Wearing a piece of jewellery that contains your metal and/or gem will strengthen your vitality; just as wearing clothes or decorating your room or office in the colour ruled by your sign, drinking teas made from the herbs ruled by your sign or wearing the scents associated with your sign will sustain you. Another important virtue of this book is that it will help you to know not only yourself but those around you: your friends, co-workers, partners and/or children. Reading the Personality Profile and forecasts for their signs will provide you with an insight into their behaviour that you won’t get anywhere else. You will know when to be more tolerant of them and when they are liable to be difficult or irritable. In this edition we have included foot reflexology charts as part of the health section. So many health problems could perhaps be avoided or alleviated if we understood which organs were most vulnerable and what we could do to protect them. Though there are many natural and drug-free ways to strengthen vulnerable organs, these charts show a valid way to proceed. The vulnerable organs for the year ahead are clearly marked in the chart. It’s very good to massage the whole foot on a regular basis, as the feet contain reflexes to the entire body. Try to pay special attention to the specific areas marked in the chart. If this is done diligently, health problems can be avoided. And even if they can’t be completely avoided, their impact can be softened considerably. I consider you–the reader–my personal client. By studying your Solar Horoscope I gain an awareness of what is going on in your life–what you are feeling and striving for and the challenges you face. I then do my best to address these concerns. Consider this book the next best thing to having your own personal astrologer! It is my sincere hope that Your Personal Horoscope 2010 will enhance the quality of your life, make things easier, illuminate the way forward, banish obscurities and make you more aware of your personal connection to the universe. Understood properly and used wisely, astrology is a great guide to knowing yourself, the people around you and the events in your life–but remember that what you do with these insights–the final result–is up to you. Aries (#u14fd842a-85dd-56e5-a83a-056710d0e228) Personality Profile (#u14fd842a-85dd-56e5-a83a-056710d0e228) ARIES AT A GLANCE Element–Fire Ruling Planet–Mars Career Planet–Saturn Love Planet–Venus Money Planet–Venus Planet of Fun, Entertainment, Creativity and Speculations–Sun Planet of Health and Work–Mercury Planet of Home and Family Life–Moon Planet of Spirituality–Neptune Planet of Travel, Education, Religion and Philosophy–Jupiter Colours–carmine, red, scarlet Colours that promote love, romance and social harmony–green, jade green Colour that promotes earning power–green Gem–amethyst Metals–iron, steel Scent–honeysuckle Quality–cardinal (= activity) Quality most needed for balance–caution Strongest virtues–abundant physical energy, courage, honesty, independence, self-reliance Deepest need–action Characteristics to avoid–haste, impetuousness, over-aggression, rashness Signs of greatest overall compatibility–Leo, Sagittarius Signs of greatest overall incompatibility–Cancer, Libra, Capricorn Sign most helpful to career–Capricorn Sign most helpful for emotional support–Cancer Sign most helpful financially–Taurus Sign best for marriage and/or partnerships– Libra Sign most helpful for creative projects–Leo Best Sign to have fun with–Leo Signs most helpful in spiritual matters– Sagittarius, Pisces Best day of the week–Tuesday Understanding an Aries (#u14fd842a-85dd-56e5-a83a-056710d0e228) Aries is the activist par excellence of the zodiac. The Aries need for action is almost an addiction, and those who do not really understand the Aries personality would probably use this hard word to describe it. In reality ‘action’ is the essence of the Aries psychology–the more direct, blunt and to-the-point the action, the better. When you think about it, this is the ideal psychological makeup for the warrior, the pioneer, the athlete or the manager. Aries likes to get things done, and in their passion and zeal often lose sight of the consequences for themselves and others. Yes, they often try to be diplomatic and tactful, but it is hard for them. When they do so they feel that they are being dishonest and phony. It is hard for them even to understand the mindset of the diplomat, the consensus builder, the front office executive. These people are involved in endless meetings, discussions, talks and negotiations–all of which seem a great waste of time when there is so much work to be done, so many real achievements to be gained. An Aries can understand, once it is explained, that talks and negotiations–the social graces–lead ultimately to better, more effective actions. The interesting thing is that an Aries is rarely malicious or spiteful–even when waging war. Aries people fight without hate for their opponents. To them it is all good-natured fun, a grand adventure, a game. When confronted with a problem many people will say ‘Well, let’s think about it, let’s analyse the situation.’ But not an Aries. An Aries will think ‘Something must be done. Let’s get on with it.’ Of course neither response is the total answer. Sometimes action is called for, sometimes cool thought. But an Aries tends to err on the side of action. Action and thought are radically different principles. Physical activity is the use of brute force. Thinking and deliberating require one not to use force–to be still. It is not good for the athlete to be deliberating the next move; this will only slow down his or her reaction time. The athlete must act instinctively and instantly. This is how Aries people tend to behave in life. They are quick, instinctive decision-makers and their decisions tend to be translated into action almost immediately. When their intuition is sharp and well tuned, their actions are powerful and successful. When their intuition is off, their actions can be disastrous. Do not think this will scare an Aries. Just as a good warrior knows that in the course of combat he or she might acquire a few wounds, so too does an Aries realize–somewhere deep down–that in the course of being true to yourself you might get embroiled in a disaster or two. It is all part of the game. An Aries feels strong enough to weather any storm. There are many Aries people who are intellectual. They make powerful and creative thinkers. But even in this realm they tend to be pioneers–outspoken and blunt. These types of Aries tend to elevate (or sublimate) their desire for physical combat in favour of intellectual, mental combat. And they are indeed powerful. In general, Aries people have a faith in themselves that others could learn from. This basic, rock-bottom faith carries them through the most tumultuous situations of life. Their courage and self-confidence make them natural leaders. Their leadership is more by way of example than by actually controlling others. Finance Aries people often excel as builders or estate agents. Money in and of itself is not as important as are other things–action, adventure, sport, etc. They are motivated by the need to support and be well-thought-of by their partners. Money as a way of attaining pleasure is another important motivation. An Aries functions best in their own businesses or as manager of their own departments within a large business or corporation. The fewer orders they have to take from higher up, the better. They also function better out in the field rather than behind a desk. Aries people are hard workers with a lot of endurance; they can earn large sums of money due to the strength of their sheer physical energy. Venus is their money planet, which means that Aries need to develop more of the social graces in order to realize their full earning potential. Just getting the job done–which is what an Aries excels at–is not enough to create financial success. The co-operation of others needs to be attained. Customers, clients and co-workers need to be made to feel comfortable; many people need to be treated properly in order for success to happen. When Aries people develop these abilities–or hire someone to do this for them–their financial potential is unlimited. Career and Public Image One would think that a pioneering type would want to break with the social and political conventions of society. But this is not so with the Aries-born. They are pioneers within conventional limits, in the sense that they like to start their own businesses within an established industry. Capricorn is on the 10th house (career) cusp of Aries’ solar horoscope. Saturn is the planet that rules their life’s work and professional aspirations. This tells us some interesting things about the Aries character. First off, it shows that, in order for Aries people to reach their full career potential, they need to develop some qualities that are a bit alien to their basic nature: They need to become better administrators and organizers; they need to be able to handle details better and to take a long-range view of their projects and their careers in general. No one can beat an Aries when it comes to achieving short-range objectives, but a career is long term, built over time. You cannot take a ‘quickie’ approach to it. Some Aries people find it difficult to stick with a project until the end. Since they get bored quickly and are in constant pursuit of new adventures, they prefer to pass an old project or task on to somebody else in order to start something new. Those Aries who learn how to put off the search for something new until the old is completed will achieve great success in their careers and professional lives. In general, Aries people like society to judge them on their own merits, on their real and actual achievements. A reputation acquired by ‘hype’ feels false to them. Love and Relationships In marriage and partnerships Aries like those who are more passive, gentle, tactful and diplomatic–people who have the social grace and skills they sometimes lack. Our partners always represent a hidden part of ourselves–a self that we cannot express personally. An Aries tends to go after what he or she likes aggressively. The tendency is to jump into relationships and marriages. This is especially true if Venus is in Aries as well as the Sun. If an Aries likes you, he or she will have a hard time taking no for an answer; many attempts will be made to sweep you off your feet. Though Aries can be exasperating in relationships–especially if they are not understood by their partners–they are never consciously or wilfully cruel or malicious. It is just that they are so independent and sure of themselves that they find it almost impossible to see somebody else’s viewpoint or position. This is why an Aries needs as a partner someone with lots of social grace. On the plus side, an Aries is honest, someone you can lean on, someone with whom you will always know where you stand. What he or she lacks in diplomacy is made up for in integrity. Home and Domestic Life An Aries is of course the ruler at home–the Boss. The male will tend to delegate domestic matters to the female. The female Aries will want to rule the roost. Both tend to be handy round the house. Both like large families and both believe in the sanctity and importance of the family. An Aries is a good family person, although he or she does not especially like being at home a lot, preferring instead to be roaming about. Considering that they are by nature so combative and wilful, Aries people can be surprisingly soft, gentle and even vulnerable with their children and partners. The sign of Cancer, ruled by the Moon, is on the cusp of their solar 4th house (home and family). When the Moon is well aspected–under favourable influences–in the birth chart an Aries will be tender towards the family and want a family life that is nurturing and supportive. Aries likes to come home after a hard day on the battlefield of life to the understanding arms of their partner and the unconditional love and support of their family. An Aries feels that there is enough ‘war’ out in the world–and he or she enjoys participating in that. But when Aries comes home, comfort and nurturing are what’s needed. Horoscope for 2010 (#u14fd842a-85dd-56e5-a83a-056710d0e228) Major Trends In 2009 two major long-term planets–Saturn and Pluto–moved into a stressful alignment with you. This should not be taken lightly, as these planets are formidable and will test your mettle for the next 2 years. (It will be a lot easier for you in 2 years’ time.) You are in a period of character building. A period for gaining strength and for building up your spiritual and mental muscles. Rest assured, the cosmos–which is always loving and just–will not give you more than you can bear. It might push you to the edge, but never over the edge. Yes, you will be working harder. Yes, your overall energy will not be up to its usual standards (we will discuss this further in the Health section, page 19). Yes, you will feel like you are walking uphill with the wind blowing in your face. But if you don’t give up, if you reach into your inner reservoirs of strength, many blessings will come. You will learn the art of alchemy–the art of taking negatives and transforming them into positives. You will develop endurance and courage. You will learn to perform well under pressure. And when the difficult period ends, you will be oh-so-much stronger and more confident. Last year was a strong social year–but more in the nature of friendships. This area is still strong, but not as much as last year. Romance and marriages were getting tested last year, and this trend continues in the year ahead. The cosmos is going to put your social life into the ‘right order’ and sometimes it uses dramatic means. More on this later. Spirituality was important last year, and this year it will become even more important–as Jupiter will move through your 12th house of spirituality in the year ahead. Both Jupiter and Uranus will move into your sign for brief periods in the year ahead–this is a major headline. These are slow-moving planets. The last time Uranus was in Aries was approximately 88 years ago (most of you have never experienced this energy in this lifetime). The last time Jupiter was in Aries was 12 years ago. While these movements are not the ‘full-blown’ transit (this will happen in 2011), they are announcements of things to come–and they are good announcements. You are getting ready for tremendous freedom and financial abundance–and it can happen very suddenly. The very pressures on you, which seem so onerous and burdensome, will lead you to a greater freedom. (Those of you born early in the sign of Aries–between March 20th and 24th–will feel this transit most keenly.) Last year Pluto moved into your 10th house of career for good (in 2008 he merely flirted with your 10th house). Pluto is now there for at least another 15 years. So your career is being ‘detoxed’–purified of effete attitudes and mis-thinking. More on this later. Your areas of greatest interest in 2010 are spirituality, children, creativity and fun (until June 7th), health and work (from April 8th to July 22nd), love and marriage (from January 1st to April 8th and from July 22nd onwards), career, and friendships and group activities. Your paths of greatest fulfilment are spirituality and career. Health (Please note that this is an astrological perspective on health and not a medical one. In days gone by there was no difference; these perspectives were identical. But nowadays there can be quite a difference. For the medical perspective, please consult your doctor or health practitioner.) Health definitely needs watching this year, Aries. As mentioned, two strong planets are in stressful alignment with you most of the year (you do get a little break from April 8th to July 22nd). So, you need to watch your energy. This is the most important thing. Avoid burning the candle at both ends. Rest when tired. Work rhythmically and alternate activities. Wear the gems, metals and aromas of your sign. Try to organize your day so that more gets done with less energy. Delegate tasks where possible. Keep your focus on the essential things in your life and let lesser things go. (This will involve tough choices, but you will have to make them.) Take a business-like approach to your energy. It is precious. You want to invest it where it will give you the maximum return. You certainly don’t want to waste it on frivolities. When our health is stressed, it doesn’t mean that sickness has to happen. It only means that more time, energy and attention need to be devoted to health. The danger this year (especially until April 8th and from July 22nd onwards) is that you will ignore things. Your 6th house of health is not strong for most of the year. You will have to motivate yourself–force yourself–to pay more attention to your health even when you don’t feel like it. The good news is that there is much you can do to enhance your health and prevent problems from developing. Pay more attention to your heart, arms, shoulders, head, and small intestine. There are many, many natural ways to strengthen these; I’m sure you know about them. However, some of you might want to work with the reflexology chart above. Reflexology Try to massage the whole foot on a regular basis, but pay extra attention to the points highlighted on the chart. When you massage, be aware of ‘sore spots’, as these need special attention. It’s also a good idea to massage the ankles and top side (as well as the soles) of the feet. Arms and shoulders should be regularly massaged. A scalp and face massage is generally very powerful for you, as the sign of Aries rules the head and the face. Therapies such as cranial sacral therapy, which deals with the alignment of the skull bones (ruled by Aries) are also favoured. Saturn, which rules the back, spine, knees, teeth, bones, gallbladder and overall skeletal alignment, will be in your 6th house of health from April 8th to July 22nd. During this period, pay more attention to these parts of the body. Give more support to your knees when exercising. Regular visits to a chiropractor might be a good idea. Regular back massage would be powerful then, too. There are certain periods this year where your health is even more stressed than usual–these are from January 1st to 20th, June 21st to July 23rd, September 23rd to October 23rd, and December 7th to 31st. These are periods to slow down and spend more time focusing on your health. Kali phosphate and Kali sulphate are powerful homoeopathic remedies. The Ram, the Dog and the Pigeon are healing power animals–their medicine is beneficial. Since your health planet, Mercury, is a fast-moving planet, there will be many short-term trends affecting your health. These will be discussed in the month-by-month reports. If you mind your energy and follow the guidelines given, you should go through the year ahead with flying colours. Home and Family Your 4th house of home and family is not a House of Power this year. Thus you have more freedom and latitude to shape this area of life as you wish. The cosmos is not pushing you one way or the other. Generally, though, this alignment tends to indicate a status-quo kind of year. However, this year there are two eclipses in your 4th house. This spells change. Also keep in mind that the Moon, your family planet, will get eclipsed twice this year as well. This needn’t mean a move. Often it just shows that hidden flaws in the home (and in the family and domestic relationship) are revealed so that they can be corrected. Those of you born early in the sign of Aries (March 20th-23rd) can easily experience house moves–perhaps a few of them. This is because Uranus makes a brief visit to your sign from May 28th to August 14th. This is a rare transit. Most of you have never experienced anything like this–the last time it happened was 85-88 years ago! I wouldn’t be surprised if you move (or live) in a foreign country during this period. In many cases it will indicate a ‘vagabond’ kind of existence–living in different places for various periods of time–even though you still have an ‘official’ address. Those of you born later in the sign will merely feel the ‘urge’ to wander. But this transit is an announcement of things to come in 2011 and beyond. Parents or parent figures are contemplating moves–but there are many delays involved. Children of appropriate age are having a status quo domestic year. Siblings probably should not move–though they are sorely tempted. They are better off making better use of the space that they have presently. Also, the cosmos is pushing them to reorganize and re-order their present domestic life. Grandchildren are likely to move this year (especially for those of you born early in the sign of Aries). Your spouse, partner or current love wants to make major renovations in the home, but you seem cool about it. If you are looking to beautify your home–i.e. repaint, redecorate, buy art objects and the like–May 20th to June 14th is a good time. Parents or parent figures are contemplating cosmetic-type surgeries. What they really want is to ‘transform’ and ‘reinvent’ their body and image, and there are various non-surgical ways to do this. Many of them will opt for these ways, too. Children are also contemplating surgery–but not the cosmetic kind. Siblings need to mind their health more. Your spouse or partner benefits from alternative, experimental therapies–they have good luck with these things. But most importantly, they need to watch their energy–keep energy levels high–and avoid depression. Finance and Career Your 2nd house of finance is not a House of Power this year. Thus, most of you seem satisfied with things as they are and have no need to make major changes. Your financial life doesn’t need special attention. It’s a status-quo kind of a year. For those of you born early in the sign of Aries (March 20th-23rd) it is a different story. Two powerful planets–Uranus and Jupiter–visit you briefly this year. Uranus will come into your sign from May 28th to August 14th; Jupiter will be in your sign from June 6th to September 10th. A very exciting period–and prosperous, too. The heavens are opening up to you and revealing riches and possibilities beyond your imagination. Your limitations get broken. A new freedom allows for new riches. While this is not the full-blown transit of these planets–these are announcements of things to come. You are being prepared for new freedom and new riches in 2011 and beyond (and this is true for all of you Aries). Your whole financial picture will change with the speed of lightning. You can be wallowing in problems or feel that you are stuck in a rut–and bam!–you are out. A friend, an acquaintance, an opportunity in a foreign land or events in foreign lands change the picture and produce opportunities. Jupiter and Uranus travelling together is read by astrologers as ‘sudden wealth’–and this will happen for those of you born early in the sign. Those of you born later in the sign will experience this in coming years. Sudden wealth is a wonderful thing, but needs to be handled just so–for it tends to be unstable. One should set aside earnings into stable investments. When we say ‘sudden wealth’ we don’t mean that all of you will become millionaires (though many of you will, and some will even become billionaires). We mean that you attain your own ‘standard’ of wealth suddenly. For some this might mean a pay rise of X amount. For others a specified sum. For others a certain kind of lifestyle. But your net worth will increase ‘suddenly’. There are lessons to be learned from poverty, and lessons to be gleaned from wealth. It is said in various scriptures that one needs to know how to live with both. Now–and in 2011–you will be learning the lessons of wealth. Venus is your financial planet and she is a fast-moving planet. During the year she will move through all the signs and houses of your horoscope. Thus money and financial opportunities will come to you in a variety of ways and through a variety of people and conditions. These short-term trends are best dealt with in the month-by-month reports. There are career changes happening this year–especially for those of you born early in the sign. Those of you born later, after March 26th, will experience these changes in future years–but all is being prepared. Your whole corporate hierarchy (and industry) is undergoing deep and fundamental change and this will open up opportunities for you. The barriers to advancement are being blown away. Your own attitudes to career and success are also getting purified. Non-helpful attitudes (perhaps unconscious) will go, and this will be very helpful to you. Many of you are doing deep re-thinking about your entire career path. Your career planet shifts between two signs this year (like last year). It begins the year in the sign of Libra, then it moves into Virgo (where it has been for the past 2 years) from April 8th to July 22nd, and then moves back into Libra after July 22nd and for the next 2 years or so. While your career planet is in Libra (January 1st to April 8th and July 22nd to December 31st) you advance your career by ‘soft’ methods–through social means, through attending or hosting the right parties and gatherings, through making friends in the right places and, in some cases, through marriages, alliances and joint ventures. While Saturn is in Virgo you advance your career the old-fashioned way: through sheer hard work. Your career planet shifting signs also shows that bosses and superiors value different things this year. Sometimes they value the work ethic–that becomes for them the paramount virtue. But other times they value ‘likeability’–social grace, the ability to get on with others–more than merely ‘hard work’. You need to be prepared for this shift. Love and Social Life When Saturn first moved into Libra (October 29th, 2009) it signalled a testing of current love relationships–marriages and partnerships. This doesn’t mean that they had to fail–though many have failed. It only means that great stress was put on these relationships–in the same way a car manufacturer puts unusual stress on a new design–to ferret out weaknesses and flaws and to determine how much stress and rough handling the vehicle can take. For basically sound relationships–where the fundamentals are good–these testings can be very valuable and lead to a more enduring and deeper relationship. For we never really know the depth of our love for or commitment to someone when ‘times are good’–when the sun is shining and the roses are blooming. It is during the tough times–the storms of life–that we learn of our love. Does he or she really love me? How much? How deeply? These are the questions that are getting answered now. For relationships that were not fundamentally sound–that only survived because of fair weather or convenience–this transit signals the end. It is doubtful whether they can survive the tests. Either way, the end result is good. It is good that a fundamentally flawed relationship ends–this leaves both parties free to find a more perfect relationship. This testing process continues in the year ahead. There is a brief respite from April 8th to July 22nd (as Saturn moves out of the 7th house and back into the 6th) but then it resumes again from July 22nd onwards. Last year was a great social year–especially in regard to friendships. This year, those friendships will also get tested. But Saturn moving through your house of love and marriage also gives us other messages. It shows that you are mixing with people–socially and romantically–who are above you in status, the high and the mighty, people of power, prestige and position. For singles this is a classic aspect of the ‘office romance’–romance with the boss or a superior. Love attitudes this year are practical. Singles are looking for the good provider, the settled and stable relationship, the person who can boost their career. In many cultures this aspect would indicate an arranged marriage. Our common notions of ‘romance’ are not shared by many cultures–they see it as an illusion and delusion. And many of you are feeling this way these days. Never mind passion–marriage or a relationship is a job, a career move, like any other. One can learn to love anyone, so one might as well learn to love the person who can help in practical ways. Often these aspects show a marriage of convenience–this is especially so for singles. Those already married are in danger of keeping their relationship going strictly for the sake of it. Another problem in relationships–and this pertains to those of your born early in the sign (March 20th-23rd)–is Uranus’ move into your sign. This is not a great aspect for committed kinds of relationships. It creates a desire for personal freedom–of wanting no obligations whatsoever–and this is the very antithesis of relationship. Those of you involved romantically with an Aries should understand this. Give your Aries mate as much space as possible this year (so long as it isn’t destructive). Try doing unconventional things together as a couple–e.g. whitewater rafting, journeys to exotic places, hiking the Grand Canyon or visiting the wildernesses of Greenland–things of that nature will satisfy the Aries’ longing for change. Everything we have been saying pertains to those in or working towards their first marriage. Those in or working towards their second marriage are having a status-quo kind of year–marrieds will tend to stay married and singles will tend to stay single. Those working towards their third marriage had fabulous aspects in 2009–and still have good aspects in January of this year. Many of you remarried or had serious relationships. Those who didn’t still have beautiful opportunity from May 28th to August 14th. With fast-moving Venus as your love planet, there are many short-term trends in love. These will be discussed in the month-by-month reports. Self-improvement Spirituality has been important in your life for many years now. Uranus has been moving through your 12th house of spirituality since 2002. This year spirituality becomes even more important as Jupiter moves into this house on January 18th and stays there for most of the year ahead (there is a brief interlude from June 6th to September 18th where it leaves the 12th house–but mostly it will be in your 12th house.) So this is a year of spiritual growth and expansion. More so than in previous years. Those of you already on the path will experience more success here–your practices will yield greater results. There will be much interior spiritual revelation happening. You will actually ‘enjoy’ your spiritual practice–it will not be boring or tedious or done out only through an exertion of will. It will be a joy. You will actually look forward to your periods of meditation and prayer. They will be the highlights of your day. Those of you not yet on a spiritual path will probably embark on one this year. The ‘great invisible’ has been calling to you for many years, and this year is likely to succeed. Jupiter is your planet of religion, higher education and foreign travel. So his presence in your 12th house is giving us many messages. First off, you will be exploring the mystical traditions of your own native religion. No need to embrace other paths or other cultures–your own has everything you need if you could but penetrate it. What we call ‘organized’ or ‘exoteric’ religion is really the end result of the mystical experiences of its founders–it is based on mystical experience. If you can tap into this, you will have a newfound respect for your own culture and tradition. But there are other messages here, too. This is a year for taking a religious pilgrimage. A year for taking spiritually-orientated retreats. A year for having personal experiences with the supernatural or paranormal. The ‘great invisible’ has many ways of letting you know that it is around. Your dream life will become more active–and probably prophetic in many cases. In other cases it will just ‘dramatize’ a conundrum or problem you are having and thus reveal a solution. Often it shows the ‘why’ of a certain problem. Your intuition will be much sharper. There will be all kinds of synchronistic experiences–strange coincidences that can’t be explained logically. You think of someone and that person calls you. You wish for something and it happens. You need a parking spot in a busy area and it magically opens up. You are driving and an interior voice tells you to slow down, and right behind you is a police car. This interior expansion is preparing the way for your greater freedom and prosperity in coming years. For as you ‘break through’ on the inner, the outer breakthroughs just naturally happen. You are seeing the intimate connection between your inner and outer life very starkly these days. Month-by-month Forecasts (#ulink_9be6e3fe-838d-57ba-bcb4-ee4739e5059b) January Best Days Overall: 2, 3, 11, 12, 21, 22, 30 Most Stressful Days Overall: 1, 6, 7, 13, 14, 28 Best Days for Love: 4, 5, 6, 7, 13, 14, 15, 25, 26 Best Days for Money: 4, 5, 6, 7, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27 Best Days for Career: 6, 13, 14, 15, 16, 25 An interesting month, Aries, with many changes in store. You are in the midst of a yearly career peak right now that lasts until the 20th. There is much progress happening there. Also a solar eclipse occurs in your 10th house on the 15th. You should take a reduced schedule during this period–this eclipse seems strong on you–a few days before and after the eclipse. I read this eclipse as a positive from a career perspective. Yes, there are changes and upheavals in your career, but these seem to favour you. Keep a cool head until the dust settles. There are also upheavals in your company and corporate hierarchy and this will change the rules of the game. Parents or parent figures are experiencing dramatic events. There are dramas in the lives of children as well. Mars, your ruling planet, is retrograde all month. Mercury, your work planet, is retrograde until the 15th. Thus you should not rush into a new job or promotion opportunity these days–these kinds of things will wait for you. Study them more. Ask more questions. Resolve all doubts. Things are not what they seem. Overall energy is not what it should be, either. Be sure to rest and relax more. Overall health is good, but this is not one of your best months healthwise. You can enhance your health by paying more attention to your spine, knees, bones, teeth, gallbladder and overall skeletal alignment. More visits to a chiropractor might be a good idea. It’s important that your spine and overall posture be in the correct alignment. Give more support to your knees when exercising. Health and energy will improve after the 20th. Don’t rush into dramatic changes in your health regime until the 15th–these too need more study. After the 15th your judgement will be much better. Personally, you want to have fun–Mars is in your 5th house–but career responsibilities prevent this. Yes, be ambitious and go after your dreams, but make sure to have some fun, too. Love is good this month. Those of you who are married are giving priority to the marriage. You seem to hold your lover or partner in high esteem–you have them on a pedestal. Singles have love opportunities at work or with bosses or authority figures. There are opportunities for the classic office romance. You are more practical in love this month. Bottom-line issues seem very important. The passion of love takes a back seat to security issues. But this will change after the 18th, when you seem more idealistic about love. Singles find love opportunities as they pursue their career goals or with people involved in their career. February Best Days Overall: 7, 8, 17, 18, 26, 27 Most Stressful Days Overall: 2, 3, 9, 10, 11, 24, 25 Best Days for Love: 2, 3, 14, 15, 24, 25 Best Days for Money: 2, 3, 4, 5, 14, 15, 19, 20, 21, 24, 25 Best Days for Career: 2, 9, 10, 11, 12, 22 Last month, on the 18th, Jupiter made a major move into your 12th house and you are now in a very powerful spiritual period–for many months into the future. This is a great time (but especially after the 18th) to get on the spiritual path or (for those of you already on it) to spend more time cultivating these things. Good for meditation seminars, spiritual studies, spiritual retreats, charitable and altruistic kinds of activities. Also good for going on that religious pilgrimage. This is the kind of month where you will have many supernatural kinds of experiences–things that can’t be explained by logic. Those of you on the spiritual path will understand what is happening and actually rejoice in it, but for newcomers it can be scary. As Franklin Roosevelt said, ‘there is nothing to fear but fear itself.’ Observe what is happening–your dreams, the strange coincidences, the synchronicities, the intuitions and the hunches–but don’t judge. Simple observation will reveal what is happening–there is much more to life than what you experience with your senses. Health is much improved over last month. To enhance your health even further pay more attention to your spine, knees, bones, teeth, gallbladder and skeletal alignment (like last month) until the 10th. After the 10th pay more attention to your calves and ankles. Massage them regularly and give your ankles more support when exercising. Avoid thinking too much or talking too much–you will have the tendency to do both this month! This will keep your life energy where it belongs: within you. There will be more available for cell repair and healing. (Also for the achievement of your fondest hopes and wishes.) Your 11th and 12th houses are powerful this month. Thus the tone of the month is social and spiritual. A great period (but especially until the 18th) to get involved with groups and organizations (especially if these are of a spiritual nature). Career is still powerful. Saturn, your career planet, is receiving wonderful aspect these days–especially early in the month. (It had great aspects last month, too.) But as mentioned, study all career opportunities more carefully. Though marriage is not likely this month, it is still a happy love and financial month. Until the 11th, love and financial opportunities come through friends and through involvement with groups and organizations. Be sure to keep up to date with the latest technology, and don’t be afraid to upgrade your existing equipment. After the 11th love and financial opportunities come in spiritual ways–through intuition and hunches, through involvement in charities and through consciously accessing the spiritual supply. This is a period where you make progress in understanding the spiritual laws of supply. February 12th to 16th is an amazing period for both love and money. If you feel lucky, go to the casino or buy a lottery ticket. But your good can come in other ways as well. Looks like a happy windfall or opportunity. Singles will meet someone significant during this period. There is also luck in speculations from the 26th to the 28th. March Best Days Overall: 6, 7, 16, 17, 25, 26 Most Stressful Days Overall: 2, 3, 9, 10, 23, 24, 29, 30 Best Days for Love: 2, 3, 5, 6, 16, 17, 25, 26, 29, 30 Best Days for Money: 4, 5, 6, 14, 15, 16, 17, 19, 20, 23, 24, 25, 26, 31 Best Days for Career: 2, 8, 9, 10, 11, 21, 29 Mars, your ruling planet, has been retrograde since the beginning of the year. On the 10th he starts moving forward again–and will be in forward motion for the rest of the year. This shows that you have now found your own voice and your own centre. You have direction. You are clear. You are confident. You will start to make more rapid progress towards your goals. The tone of the month–but especially until the 20th–is spiritual. Read our discussion of this last month. Intuition is guiding you in love and financial affairs. On the 20th the Sun moves into your own sign and into your 1st house. Thus you enter a yearly personal pleasure peak. Spirituality is still important, but it doesn’t preclude having fun or enjoying the delights of the senses–probably you will do these things in a more conscious way. Health and energy will be wonderful. Those of you who have had health problems these past few months will suddenly and miraculously start to feel better. Perhaps some doctor or therapist will get the credit (and they deserve some) but the truth is that the planets have aligned themselves more harmoniously to you–they are giving you more energy. With energy, diseases flee. Life-force is the strongest medicine there is. You are in the mood for fun and it comes to you. Love and financial opportunities seek you out (instead of the reverse) on the 5th to the 8th (but this will happen all month). You can afford to have fun. The money is there. Singles don’t have to do much to have love–it seeks them out. You are having love (and most other things in life) on your own terms. You are not adapting to the world, the world is adapting to you. Job-seekers have wonderful opportunities all month but especially from the 7th to the 9th and the 15th to the 20th. Job opportunities seek you out, rather than vice versa. Although it is always good to use common sense when looking for a job, during this period poring through the classifieds seems like a waste of time. Finances are also good. You are earning more and spending more–especially on yourself. Reckless spending seems the major danger. Avoid speculation on the 11th, 12th, 25th and 26th. Be more careful driving on the 20th. Emotions run high in the family from the 14th to the 16th–be more patient with them. A new car or communication equipment comes to you from the 7th to the 9th. April Best Days Overall: 3, 4, 13, 14, 22, 23, 30 Most Stressful Days Overall: 5, 6, 19, 20, 26, 27 Best Days for Love: 5, 15, 16, 25, 26, 27 Best Days for Money: 1, 5, 10, 11, 15, 16, 19, 20, 25, 28, 29 Best Days for Career: 5, 6, 7, 16, 25 The planetary power makes an important shift to the bottom half (the night side) of your horoscope after the 3rd. Thus you are in the ‘night-time’ of your year. Family, domestic and emotional issues are important–more important than career or outward ambition. This doesn’t mean that you abandon your career, only that you start paying more attention to your family and emotional harmony. When this is right–when your home base is stable–your career will improve almost on its own. You are still very much into your yearly personal pleasure peak until the 20th. The party continues. Enjoy. On the 20th, as the Sun moves into Taurus, your money house, you begin a yearly financial peak. This is one of the most prosperous periods of your year. You are successful mostly because you are more focused on finances–and intense interest is 90 per cent of success. A business partnership or joint venture seems likely until the 25th. Your social contacts and social grace play their roles in your financial life. Your spouse or partner (or current love) is supportive financially. You earn money in happy ways. There is a joy in the financial life–happy experiences. You spend on leisure and entertainment (and also on your children if you have them)–more than usual. There is luck in speculations (though you should avoid them from the 14th to the 16th). If you need to attract outside investors or borrow money, the 4th to the 6th seems like a good time. (There is more sexual activity during this period, too–depending on your age and stage in life.) Singles find love opportunities as they pursue their normal financial goals and with people involved in their financial life. Love is, once again, practical. Wealth and material gifts are turn-ons. Singles are going for gold. The danger here is relationships of convenience rather than relationships based on love. But by the 25th your love interests change. Communication and mental compatibility become important. There is a joy in sharing one’s thoughts with another in an open way. Love is shown through communication. Money is not enough for you; you need to love the other’s mind as well. Health continues to be good. You can make it better by paying more attention to your neck, throat and jaw. Regular neck massage is very powerful this month. There are reflexes between your neck and shoulders that relieve neck tension–you should massage these areas. Your health planet goes retrograde on the 18th, so avoid making dramatic changes to your health regime from the 18th onwards. Saturn retrogrades back into your 6th house of health on the 3rd, so pay more attention to your spine, knees, bones, gallbladder and overall skeletal alignment. Get back into your disciplined health regimes of the past. May Best Days Overall: 1, 10, 11, 19, 20, 27, 28 Most Stressful Days Overall: 2, 3, 4, 17, 18, 23, 24, 30, 31 Best Days for Love: 5, 6, 15, 16, 23, 24, 25, 26 Best Days for Money: 5, 6, 8, 9, 12, 13, 15, 16, 18, 25, 26 Best Days for Career: 2, 3, 4, 14, 22, 30, 31 Jupiter and Uranus make a very rare (once every 12 years or so) conjunction in your 12th house this month. A very happy–but dramatic–kind of aspect. Often this brings big financial windfalls. But in your case it is most likely to bring spiritual or religious kinds of breakthroughs. These things tend to change one’s whole life and whole attitude to life. A sudden insight into a perplexing problem changes everything. It also shows a sudden journey to a foreign land. Perhaps of a religious nature. There is a dramatic change in a legal issue you are involved with–a happy change. Students hear unexpected good news from universities or graduate schools. On the 28th, as we have written, Uranus makes a rare move into your own sign–Aries. Thus you are ready for change–you feel it coming on. It might not be here yet (for many of you this will happen in future years) but you are feeling its call and getting yourself ready. You are creating a new ‘you’–and when the ‘you’ is different, everything is different. Love has been challenging this year–serious love, that is. And now perhaps more so. You want your freedom and independence, and this generally doesn’t go well with serious relationships. Existing relationships will be tested by this as well. The tone of the month ahead is financial (especially until the 20th) and intellectual. You are still in the midst of your yearly financial peak until the 20th. There is still, like last month, luck in speculations. You are spending more than usual on your children (if you have them) and on leisure activities–but can also earn from these fields. Mercury is still retrograde (until the 11th) in your money house, which suggests a need to be more careful in how you communicate about finance or with people involved in your financial life. Sales and marketing are unusually important this month–you should be planning these things until the 11th and then releasing the mailings or advertising blitzes afterwards. Health is good this month but can be enhanced in the ways discussed last month. When your 3rd house becomes powerful after the 21st it is a good time to expand your mind and pursue your intellectual interests. This is a time to catch up on all those letters, phone calls and e-mails. Your intellectual refinement will also attract love to you, until the 20th. The mind is as much a sexual organ as any other–perhaps more so. This period is also good for taking courses in subjects that interest you, for teaching and for giving speeches. June Best Days Overall: 6, 7, 15, 16, 24, 25 Most Stressful Days Overall: 13, 14, 19, 20, 26, 27 Best Days for Love: 4, 5, 13, 14, 19, 20, 24, 25 Best Days for Money: 4, 5, 6, 9, 10, 13, 14, 15, 24, 25 Best Days for Career: 10, 18, 26, 27 Last month, Uranus moved into your sign. This month, on the 6th, Jupiter joins him and these two very powerful planets are travelling together most of the month–they are conjunct. Many of the trends we wrote of last month are still very much in effect–perhaps even stronger. There are still sudden and unexpected journeys to faraway places, happy financial surprises, sudden lucky experiences, a religious pilgrimage, good luck for students seeking entrance to university or graduate school, good fortune in legal matters. With Jupiter in your own sign now, Lady Luck is smiling on you. You are living the good life–eating the best foods and going to the best places. There is luck in speculations. There is a need to watch your weight now. Women of child-bearing age are more fertile these days. The urge for personal freedom is even stronger than last month and, again, this tests existing relationships. Singles are more interested in love affairs than in serious romance–and perhaps this is the right way to be right now. Until the 14th love is close to home and comes through family members or family connections. (Financial opportunities likewise.) Emotional closeness–intimacy–is the way to your heart, and to the heart of a current love. But after the 14th love is about fun–non-serious, just good times, another form of entertainment. The person who shows you the best time is the one who appeals to you. There is a lunar eclipse on the 26th in your 10th house and this suggests career change. This is not a surprise. You are in the mood for more freedom and will want a career that allows for that. There can be near-death type experiences in the lives of family members or parent figures. Perhaps surgery. As with every lunar eclipse, if there are problems in the home they will be revealed so that you can correct them. Be more patient with family members during the period of the eclipse. Also take a reduced schedule. Though overall health is good, take a more reduced schedule from the 21st onwards. Do what needs to be done, but focus on what’s most essential. Enhance your health in the ways mentioned last month, until the 10th. After that enhance your health by paying more attention to your lungs, small intestine, arms and shoulders. Watch your speech and your thoughts–keep them positive and constructive. Avoid talking or thinking too much. Venus re-stimulates an eclipse point from the 9th to the 11th and this can bring upheavals (generally temporary) in love and finance. Be more patient. Let the dust settle. The solutions will be there. July Best Days Overall: 4, 5, 13, 21, 22, 31 Most Stressful Days Overall: 10, 11, 17, 23, 24, 25 Best Days for Love: 5, 14, 16, 17, 18, 23, 24 Best Days for Money: 3, 5, 6, 7, 12, 14, 21, 23, 24, 31 Best Days for Career: 7, 16, 23, 24, 25, 26 This month we see phenomena that we haven’t seen in a few years. There is a lot of fire in the horoscope. Some 30 per cent and sometimes 50 per cent of the planets will be in fire signs for most of the month. On a world level we will hear more talk of global warming. (This talk will vanish in a few months as the fire element weakens.) There will be more fires and the like. But for you, Aries, this is comfortable. You are fiery by nature and so you revel in this kind of energy. Health is good. You feel optimistic. You have the energy and enthusiasm to achieve any goal. Goals are achieved quickly. The pace of life quickens (only keep in mind that 30 per cent of the planets are retrograde and, after the 23rd, 40 per cent will be retrograde–make haste but with mindfulness and awareness.) The only problem here is too much of a good thing. You can be more rash and impulsive than usual. Your innate optimism might be unrealistic at times and you may try to bite off more than you can chew. Haste is probably the leading cause of accidents, so be especially mindful now–especially from the 28th to the 31st as Mars opposes Uranus. There is a solar eclipse on the 11th that is strong on you, Aries, so be sure to take a reduced schedule for a few days before and after. Do what you need to do, but spend more quiet time at home and avoid risky activities. This eclipse occurs in your 4th house and once again has an impact on the family, family members, children and people who are like family to you. There are dramatic experiences in their lives. They will tend to be temperamental. The family unit itself can be in crisis–threatened in some way. Be more patient with family members and parent figures (they are also involved here). Often during these kinds of eclipses (sometimes a week before or after) you discover problems in the physical home and these will need your attention. But these problems have been there for a long time and it is good that they are revealed–this way they can get corrected. A love affair (not a marriage) gets tested now. In spite of all the muss and fuss of the eclipse, life is basically good overall. As mentioned, health is good–though you need to rest and relax more until the 23rd. You can enhance your health by paying more attention to your stomach and chest until the 9th and to the heart afterwards. With Jupiter and Uranus in your own sign you are experiencing freedom and prosperity. Love is more difficult, and existing relationships are more stressed. You will have to force yourself to show more love and warmth to others–you might be unconsciously projecting coldness and criticism, and being judgemental. August Best Days Overall: 1, 9, 10, 17, 18, 27, 28 Most Stressful Days Overall: 7, 8, 13, 14, 20, 21 Best Days for Love: 3, 4, 13, 14, 22, 23 Best Days for Money: 2, 3, 9, 17, 27, 30, 31 Best Days for Career: 4, 13, 19, 20, 21, 22 Last month, on the 23rd, you entered another yearly personal pleasure peak and it is continuing this month as well (until the 23rd). A party period. You will be working hard as well–working hard and playing hard. On the 23rd, as the Sun enters your 6th house, you are more serious about things and focusing on health and work issues. The party is still happening but is more subdued–you are taking a work break. The power in the fire element is dying down this month and levels will be more ‘normal’ (the way they have been for a few years) after the 23rd. The pace of events is slowing down. Add the fact that 40 per cent of the planets are in retrograde motion (and, after the 20th, 50 per cent) and the slow-down is even stronger. A good month for a holiday as nothing much is happening in the world anyway. Also good for learning patience–a general weakness in the Aries personality. With so much retrograde activity, the cosmos is calling you to avoid shortcuts. Be slower but more perfect in what you do. Pay attention to the little details and get them right. Health is more stressed this month as three planets in Libra are stressing you out. Happily you are more focused on health–making it a priority–and this is a help. Rest and relax more and pay more attention to your heart and small intestine. Earth-orientated therapies such as mud packs, mud baths and healing crystals are good now. If you feel under the weather, spend more time in the mountains or old forests or caves–places where the earth energy is strong–and you will feel much better. The planetary power is now mostly in the Western, social sector of the chart (the sunset period of your year). Sunset is the time for lovers. You are more social now, but love–serious love–seems very complicated. You are no shrinking violet these days. You go after the person you want. You are popular–as you go out of your way for others and for your beloved–yet Saturn in your 7th house seems to deny romance. You have opportunities but feel blocked–inhibited. Perhaps there is some fear about love–some innate pessimism that needs to be looked at. Mars, your ruling planet, travels with Saturn, your career planet, early in the month–this suggests romantic opportunities with older people, or people of high status and prestige. You are more involved with a parent or parent figure, too. Love opportunities are there, but go slow and steady. No need to rush into anything. A business partnership or joint venture seems in the making after the 7th. September Best Days Overall: 5, 6, 13, 14, 15, 23, 24, 25 Most Stressful Days Overall: 3, 4, 9, 10, 16, 17 Best Days for Love: 2, 9, 10, 11, 21 Best Days for Money: 2, 5, 11, 12, 21, 22, 26, 27 Best Days for Career: 1, 9, 16, 17, 18, 28 Last month Uranus left your sign and this month, on the 10th, Jupiter follows. After the 10th there is almost no fire in the horoscope (only when the Moon moves through a fire sign temporarily). No more talk of global warming. The earth is colder now. It is at times like these that the world needs people like you, Aries–it needs your fire, your flame of passion and enthusiasm, your optimism and can-do attitude. Your natural leadership qualities get more respect. Yes, it is great to have good ideas and communication skills. Great to have a pragmatic attitude, but without the verve and energy of fire these things ring hollow. Without people like you to motivate others–to light a fire under them–they will just ‘go through the motions’. Health still needs more watching–especially after the 23rd. Like last month, enhance your health by resting and relaxing more and working to a rhythm. Try to alternate your activities. Pay more attention to your heart and small intestine. Be more mindful on the 1st and drive defensively. Avoid risk-taking activities. Mind your temper. Job-seekers had many opportunities last month and this trend continues in the month ahead. But last month your work planet went retrograde on the 20th and will be retrograde until the 12th of this month. Job opportunities need more study. Job changes as well. After the 12th judgement should be clearer about these things. With Saturn camping out on an eclipse point all month there are changes in your career. Upheavals happening. There are shakeups in your corporate hierarchy and in your industry. Parents and parent figures are experiencing personal dramas, too. But these shakeups are helping you–opening doors for you. Be alert. This month the planetary power shifts–and in a dramatic way–from the lower to the upper half of the horoscope. In fact, by the 23rd 90 per cent of the planets will be in the upper half–a huge percentage. This is the time to pursue your career goals. By now your family situation should be more stable, and you can serve them best by being successful in the world. On the 23rd, as the Sun enters Libra, you enter a yearly social peak. For singles there are many love opportunities–more dating, parties and going out. Those already in a relationship are having their relationships tested. The best way to save a current marriage is to make it your number-one priority–almost your mission in life. Anything less will not do it. October Best Days Overall: 3, 4, 11, 12, 21, 22, 30, 31 Most Stressful Days Overall: 1, 2, 7, 8, 13, 14, 28, 29 Best Days for Love: 1, 7, 8, 9, 18, 19, 28 Best Days for Money: 1, 2, 9, 10, 18, 19, 23, 24, 28, 29 Best Days for Career: 7, 16, 13, 14, 26 You are still in a yearly social peak until the 23rd. There is a romantic opportunity with someone older or a boss on the 1st and 2nd. A child of appropriate age has a wonderful career opportunity or has some career success at his or her present job. There is still a need to make your marriage, current relationship and social life your main mission in life. This will bring social success. Venus makes a rare retrograde on the 8th. Thus, this is a good period to review your love and social life and see where improvements can be made. As mentioned, this is not a time (from the 8th onwards) to make important love decisions. Often we meet seemingly exciting people under this retrograde, but don’t get swept off your feet–go slow and steady in love. There is no rush. Finances should be reviewed as well. This is no time to make important financial decisions, major purchases or investments. Of course, you continue with your normal expenditures–you don’t stop buying groceries or necessities–but you are more careful with the big things. Health needs watching until the 23rd, but the problems are only temporary. As mentioned, strive to maintain high energy levels. Pay more attention to your heart all month, to your small intestine (until the 3rd), kidneys and hips (from the 3rd to the 21st), and colon, bladder and sexual organs (from the 23rd onwards). Detox regimes are powerful from the 22nd onwards. Your 8th house was powerful last month and will get even stronger in the month ahead. Whatever your age or stage in life there is a strong libido and more sexual activity. Your spouse, partner or current love is having a banner financial month (he or she is now in a yearly financial peak). There is better spousal support and generosity now. This is an excellent period to get rid of the excess and effete from your life–whether possessions, effete material in the body or old, outworn mental and emotional patterns. For those on the spiritual path, this a period for going more deeply into the mysteries of resurrection and transformation. Both these things depend on getting rid of excess. On a more mundane level, this is a good time for paying off debt, attracting outside investors to your projects (or dealing with existing investors) or borrowing money. Prosper this month by helping others to prosper–by putting their financial interests ahead of your own. November Best Days Overall: 7, 8, 17, 18, 26, 27 Most Stressful Days Overall: 3, 4, 10, 11, 24, 25 Best Days for Love: 3, 4, 5, 13, 23 Best Days for Money: 5, 6, 13, 15, 16, 19, 20, 21, 23, 25 Best Days for Career: 3, 4, 10, 11, 12, 13, 22 Many of the trends that we wrote of last month are still in effect now. Venus, your love and financial planet, is still retrograde–so finances and love are in a period of review and study. Some 90 per cent, and sometimes 100 per cent, of the planets are still in the upper half of the horoscope–ambitions are strong and much career progress is being made. You can continue to de-emphasize emotional and family issues and focus more on outer success. Saturn is still in your house of marriage, testing and reorganizing your love life, marriage and friendships. Proceed slowly in love. Allow time–whether you are planning a marriage or divorce. Like last month, your 8th house is powerful until the 22nd. Review our discussion of last month. This month your 9th house is powerful, too. It started to get strong on the 28th of last month and will get even stronger this month. Thus foreign lands are calling to you and there will be happy opportunities for foreign travel, too. Your travel planet, Jupiter, will start to move forward on the 18th, so try to schedule your travel after that. There are also many other happy things going on. There are happy educational opportunities. Students, on the university or graduate school level, seem successful. Applicants likewise. Those of you involved in legal issues should see improvement in the month ahead. There are religious and philosophical breakthroughs for those who want them–and when these things happen there is great joy. The mental horizons get expanded. The Hindu religion considers the 9th house to be the most fortunate of all the houses–so this is a happy month. Health is much improved this month–especially after the 22nd. Still, with Saturn having an impact on you, pay due attention–especially to your heart (all month), your colon, bladder and sexual organs (until the 9th), and your liver and thighs (from the 9th onwards). Detox is still powerful until the 9th. Regular thigh massage is powerful after the 9th. Job-seekers should look in foreign lands or with foreign companies. There are also opportunities at universities, religious institutions, travel agencies and publishers. December Best Days Overall: 5, 6, 14, 15, 16, 23, 24 Most Stressful Days Overall: 1, 7, 8, 21, 22, 28, 29 Best Days for Love: 1, 2, 12, 22, 28, 29, 31 Best Days for Money: 1, 2, 4, 12, 13, 17, 18, 22, 23, 31 Best Days for Career: 1, 7, 8, 10, 20, 28 The planetary momentum is overwhelmingly forward this month. Some 90 per cent are moving forward, and from the 6th to the 10th (and from the 30th onwards) 100 per cent are forward. So this is a month of rapid forward motion–just the way you like things. Your 10th house of career becomes powerful after the 8th. On the 21st, as the Sun crosses the Midheaven, you enter a yearly career peak. Keep in mind that 90 per cent (and sometimes 100 per cent) of the planets are still in the upper half of the horoscope. So this is a banner career month. You are on top–elevated–respected–honoured and appreciated. There are pay rises and promotions. You are honoured for your professional achievements but also for who you are. Push forward boldly to your goals. Reach for the Sun, Moon and stars. Health becomes more delicate after the 21st–probably due to the focus on your career and the demands of success. As always, try to rest and relax more. Pay more attention to your heart (all month), your liver and thighs (on the 1st and from the 19th to the 31st), and your spine, knees, teeth, bones, gallbladder and skeletal alignment (from the 2nd to the 19th). Mercury goes retrograde right in the heart of the Christmas shopping season–from the 10th to the 30th. Probably a good idea to do your shopping early. With your financial planet (Venus) now moving forward, the financial picture is more clear. Your financial judgement is sound. If you have done your review in the past few months, your goals are clear and you are ready to implement your improvements. Venus is receiving wonderful aspects from Jupiter, so this is a prosperous month. But, as mentioned earlier, you need to be aware of the financial interests of others and put them first. Good to pay off debt. Your spouse or partner seems very generous and is prospering. There are opportunities with troubled properties or troubled companies. You need to keep taxes in mind when making important financial decisions. Inheritance can happen for many of you. Others are planning their estates now. Love is still delicate. You still need to make your marriage or relationship your number-one priority (a rival to your career). Singles seem most interested in the sexual chemistry. There are many opportunities this month. Marriage seems unlikely, though. A happy sex life will cover many sins in a troubled marriage–but your relationship needs more than that. Taurus (#ulink_d3fdf462-3a26-57ae-91a8-4d04b3834569) Personality Profile (#ulink_81eb416b-475c-58bb-9282-e8fede597178) TAURUS AT A GLANCE Element–Earth Ruling Planet–Venus Career Planet–Uranus Love Planet–Pluto Money Planet–Mercury Planet of Health and Work–Venus Planet of Home and Family Life–Sun Planet of Spirituality–Mars Planet of Travel, Education, Religion and Philosophy–Saturn Colours–earth tones, green, orange, yellow Colours that promote love, romance and social harmony–red-violet, violet Colours that promote earning power–- yellow, yellow-orange Gems–coral, emerald Metal–copper Scents–bitter almond, rose, vanilla, violet Quality–fixed (= stability) Quality most needed for balance–flexibility Strongest virtues–endurance, loyalty, patience, stability, a harmonious disposition Deepest needs–comfort, material ease, wealth Characteristics to avoid–rigidity, stubbornness, tendency to be overly possessive and materialistic Signs of greatest overall compatibility–Virgo, Capricorn Signs of greatest overall incompatibility–Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius Sign most helpful to career–Aquarius Sign most helpful for emotional support–Leo Sign most helpful financially–Gemini Sign best for marriage and/or partnerships– Scorpio Sign most helpful for creative projects–Virgo Best Sign to have fun with–Virgo Signs most helpful in spiritual matters–Aries, Capricorn Best day of the week–Friday Understanding a Taurus (#ulink_d249dd17-beed-5db2-aa98-c4a23a34b99e) Taurus is the most earthy of all the Earth signs. If you understand that Earth is more than just a physical element, that it is a psychological attitude as well, you will get a better understanding of the Taurus personality. A Taurus has all the power of action that an Aries has. But Taurus is not satisfied with action for its own sake. Their actions must be productive, practical and wealth-producing. If Taurus cannot see a practical value in an action they will not bother taking it. Taurus’ forte lies in their power to make real their own or other people’s ideas. They are generally not very inventive but they can take another’s invention and perfect it, making it more practical and useful. The same is true for all projects. Taurus is not especially keen on starting new projects, but once they get involved they bring things to completion. Taurus carries everything through. They’re finishers and will go the distance so long as no unavoidable calamity intervenes. Many people find Taurus too stubborn, conservative, fixed and immovable. This is understandable, because Taurus dislikes change–in the environment or in the routine. They even dislike changing their minds! On the other hand, this is their virtue. It is not good for a wheel’s axle to waver. The axle must be fixed, stable and unmovable. Taurus is the axle of society and the heavens. Without their stability and so-called stubbornness, the wheels of the world (and especially the wheels of commerce) would not turn. Taurus loves routine. A routine, if it is good, has many virtues. It is a fixed–and, ideally, perfect–way of taking care of things. Mistakes can happen when spontaneity comes into the equation, and mistakes cause discomfort and uneasiness–something almost unacceptable to a Taurus. Meddling with Taurus’ comfort and security is a sure way to irritate and anger them. While an Aries loves speed, a Taurus likes things slow. They are slow thinkers–but do not make the mistake of assuming they lack intelligence. On the contrary, Taurus people are very intelligent. It is just that they like to chew on ideas, to deliberate and weigh them up. Only after due deliberation is an idea accepted or a decision taken. Taurus is slow to anger–but once aroused, take care! Finance Taurus is very money-conscious. Wealth is more important to them than to many other signs. Wealth to a Taurus means comfort and security. Wealth means stability. Where some zodiac signs feel that they are spiritually rich if they have ideas, talents or skills, Taurus only feels wealth when they can see and touch it. Taurus’ way of thinking is, ‘What good is a talent if it has not been translated into a home, furniture, car and holidays?’ These are all reasons why Taurus excels in estate agency and agricultural industries. Usually a Taurus will end up owning land. They love to feel their connection to the Earth. Material wealth began with agriculture, the tilling of the soil. Owning a piece of land was humanity’s earliest form of wealth: Taurus still feels that primeval connection. It is in the pursuit of wealth that Taurus develops intellectual and communication ability. Also, in this pursuit Taurus is forced to develop some flexibility. It is in the quest for wealth that they learn the practical value of the intellect and come to admire it. If it were not for the search for wealth and material things, Taurus people might not try to reach a higher intellect. Some Taurus people are ‘born lucky’–the type who win any gamble or speculation. This luck is due to other factors in their horoscope; it is not part of their essential nature. By nature they are not gamblers. They are hard workers and like to earn what they get. Taurus’ innate conservatism makes them abhor unnecessary risks in finance and in other areas of their lives. Career and Public Image Being essentially down-to-earth people, simple and uncomplicated, Taurus tends to look up to those who are original, unconventional and inventive. Taurus likes their bosses to be creative and original–since they themselves are content to perfect their superiors’ brain-waves. They admire people who have a wider social or political consciousness and they feel that someday (when they have all the comfort and security they need) they too would like to be involved in these big issues. In business affairs Taurus can be very shrewd–and that makes them valuable to their employers. They are never lazy; they enjoy working and getting good results. Taurus does not like taking unnecessary risks and they do well in positions of authority, which makes them good managers and supervisors. Their managerial skills are reinforced by their natural talents for organization and handling details, their patience and thoroughness. As mentioned, through their connection with the earth, Taurus people also do well in farming and agriculture. In general a Taurus will choose money and earning power over public esteem and prestige. A position that pays more–though it has less prestige–is preferred to a position with a lot of prestige but lower earnings. Many other signs do not feel this way, but a Taurus does, especially if there is nothing in his or her personal birth chart that modifies this. Taurus will pursue glory and prestige only if it can be shown that these things have a direct and immediate impact on their wallet. Love and Relationships In love, the Taurus-born likes to have and to hold. They are the marrying kind. They like commitment and they like the terms of a relationship to be clearly defined. More importantly, Taurus likes to be faithful to one lover, and they expect that lover to reciprocate this fidelity. When this doesn’t happen, their whole world comes crashing down. When they are in love Taurus people are loyal, but they are also very possessive. They are capable of great fits of jealousy if they are hurt in love. Taurus is satisfied with the simple things in a relationship. If you are involved romantically with a Taurus there is no need for lavish entertainments and constant courtship. Give them enough love, food and comfortable shelter and they will be quite content to stay home and enjoy your company. They will be loyal to you for life. Make a Taurus feel comfortable and–above all–secure in the relationship, and you will rarely have a problem. In love, Taurus can sometimes make the mistake of trying to control their partners, which can cause great pain on both sides. The reasoning behind their actions is basically simple: Taurus people feel a sense of ownership over their partners and will want to make changes that will increase their own general comfort and security. This attitude is OK when it comes to inanimate, material things–but is dangerous when applied to people. Taurus needs to be careful and attentive to this possible trait within themselves. Home and Domestic Life Home and family are vitally important to Taurus. They like children. They also like a comfortable and perhaps glamorous home–something they can show off. They tend to buy heavy, ponderous furniture–usually of the best quality. This is because Taurus likes a feeling of substance in their environment. Their house is not only their home but their place of creativity and entertainment. The Taurus home tends to be truly their castle. If they could choose, Taurus people would prefer living in the countryside to being city-dwellers. If they cannot do so during their working lives, many Taurus individuals like to holiday in or even retire to the country, away from the city and closer to the land. At home a Taurus is like a country squire–lord (or lady) of the manor. They love to entertain lavishly, to make others feel secure in their home and to encourage others to derive the same sense of satisfaction as they do from it. If you are invited for dinner at the home of a Taurus you can expect the best food and best entertainment. Be prepared for a tour of the house and expect to see your Taurus friend exhibit a lot of pride and satisfaction in his or her possessions. Taurus likes children but they are usually strict with them. The reason for this is they tend to treat their children–as they do most things in life–as their possessions. The positive side to this is that their children will be well cared for and well supervised. They will get every material thing they need to grow up properly. On the down side, Taurus can get too repressive with their children. If a child dares to upset the daily routine–which Taurus loves to follow–he or she will have a problem with a Taurus parent. Horoscope for 2010 (#ulink_b3b229a7-467e-5d5c-9638-d7b66f5265c4) Major Trends Last year was a banner career year–for many of you it was a life-time high. There will be a little bit of a lull early in 2010–to give you some time to digest, and acclimate to your success–and then, boom! You go even higher. Another amazing career year coming up. Last year you worked hard and played hard–you managed to have some fun. This year it is not so easy. With career success comes more work and you will have to ‘carve’ out leisure time–even when you can’t seem to find any. Spirituality has not been a major interest for some time, but this year we see big changes–not only short term, but on a long-term level. Two powerful planets–Jupiter and Uranus–make brief visits to your spiritual 12th house and this will activate your spirituality in a very powerful way. You will not feel the full brunt of this in 2010 (unless you were born early in the sign of Taurus–April 20-22) but will start feeling it from 2011 onwards. With Jupiter moving into your 11th house this year, this is a year for friendships, for involvement with groups and organizations and group activities. A happy area of life. New and prominent friends are coming into your life. This was a happy and active area last year and the trend is continuing. Health was good last year and will get even better this year as Jupiter moves away from a stressful aspect to you. More on this later. In 2009 Pluto–a long-term planet–made a major move into your 9th house. This began a long-term interest in religion, philosophy and higher education. This trend continues in the year ahead. There is a detox–a purification–going on in your religious and philosophical beliefs. Two eclipses in your 9th house this year further reinforce what we say. Religious and philosophical beliefs–your view of the world and life–will get tested, and many deeply held beliefs will fall by the wayside. Pluto’s move into Capricorn in 2009 brought important changes in love attitudes–especially for singles. This is a long-term trend. Love is looked at from a more practical perspective–in a bottom-line kind of way–the way an experienced older person might look at it. This year Pluto will be camping out on an eclipse point (the lunar eclipse of June 26th) for many months–and this is going to test existing relationships. More on this later. Your most important interests in the year ahead will be children, fun and creativity (from April 8th to July 22nd), home and family (until June 7th), health and work (from January 1st to April 8th and from July 22nd to December 31st), foreign travel, religion, higher education, legal issues, career, friends, friendships, group activities and organizations, and spirituality (from May 28th to September 10th). Your paths of greatest fulfilment this year are religion, foreign travel, higher education and legal issues, friendships, groups activities and organizations (from January 18th to June 6th and from September 10th to December 31st). Health (Please note that this is an astrological perspective on health and not a medical one. In days gone by there was no difference; these perspectives were identical. But nowadays there can be quite a difference. For the medical perspective, please consult your doctor or health practitioner.) Except for Neptune, the major long-term planets (the slow-moving ones) are either making nice aspects to you or leaving you alone. A wonderful health signal. Energy and vitality should be high. Health should be good. Of course there will be periods in the year where health and energy are not up to their normal levels, but these periods will be temporary–caused by short-term transits–and are not trends for the year. When these stressful transits pass, your natural good health returns. (We will cover these short-term trends in the monthly reports.) ReflexologyTry to massage the whole foot on a regular basis, but pay extra attention to the points highlighted on the chart. When you massage, be aware of ‘sore spots’, as these need special attention. It’s also a good idea to massage the ankles and top side (as well as the soles) of the feet. Saturn will be in and out of your 6th house of health this year (but mostly in). First off, this shows that health is important to you and that, for the most part, you are paying attention here–you are not ignoring health issues. Also it shows that you willingly take on daily disciplined health regimes. (Perhaps you are attributing your good health to these regimes, but your health would be good even without them.) Third, it shows that you are exploring the metaphysical aspects of health–the power of prayer, thinking right and a positive attitude. You get wonderful results from these kinds of therapies. You are, for the next 2 years, evolving a good philosophy of health and disease–a more accurate philosophy–and this will be a big help to you. This is too big a subject to discuss here–but you should study the metaphysical literature on this subject (books by Ernest Holmes, Emmet Fox, Joseph Murphy, Florence Shinn and Mary Baker Eddy, just to name a few.) Your health is good, but you can make it even better. This is done by paying special attention to the following parts of the body: neck and throat (neck massage is powerful for you, as much tension tends to collect there. Cranial sacral therapy would be good, too) kidneys and hips (hips should be regularly massaged) spine, knees, bones, gallbladder and overall skeletal alignment. Since these are your most vulnerable areas, problems–should they happen–would most likely begin there–so you can nip them in the bud by being more vigilant. Natrium sulphate is a wonderful homoeopathic remedy. The bull, swan and dove are healing power animals. Try to be around them if you feel under the weather. With Venus as your health planet you should always examine your love life, marriage and friendships if you feel under the weather. Disharmony in love tends to have a dramatic impact on physical health–the spiritual root cause of health problems. Restore the harmony in your love life and chances are that your health problem will dissolve–the energy supporting the problem will no longer be there. Even if you need the services of a health professional, healing will go proceed more quickly and easily. Venus, as our steady readers know, is a fast-moving planet. She moves through the entire horoscope in any given year. Thus there are many short-term health trends in your chart–these are discussed in the monthly reports. Home and Family Mars spends an unusual amount of time in your 4th house this year–over 5 months! (His normal transit is 1? to 2 months in any given house.) This shows that there is much activity going on here. On the most basic level, this indicates extensive repairs or construction going on in the home. Some of you are probably building a new home from scratch. Many of you are investing in exercise and sports equipment and making the home as much a gym as a home. Many are buying guns or other defensive kinds of equipment for the home. You want to make it like a fortress–impregnable. These are all good things. But there are other issues involved here as well. It shows that tempers are flaring in the home. Perhaps there is much conflict between family members. Your challenge–and it will be daunting–is to keep the peace here. It would also seem wise to accident-proof and childproof the home during this period (January 1st to June 7th). Keep matches and lighters away from children. Be more aware of sharp objects, such as knives or razor blades, and make sure children can’t get near them. Are there nails sticking out of your rugs? Is that shelf too low or too sharp? Take an inventory. Be more mindful at home and more patient–for Mars can lead to accidents if one is not careful. Check your electrical wiring and see to it that it is in good order. If you take simple precautions you can prevent many problems developing. Mars is your spiritual planet. His position in the 4th house shows various things. Some of you might be expressing philanthropy by taking in strangers or showing hospitality to strangers–not so advisable during this period. It is only advisable if intuition commands it. Some family members of appropriate age are joining the military or police force. There is a noble motive behind what they do. Others (and this seems more likely parents or parent figures) are having surgery this year. Family members are becoming more spiritual during this period, and while this is a good thing it can also be a source of conflict with other family members–in fact, it is a classic source of conflict. There can also be conflicts over your friends or with your friends. Try to be soft-spoken and not provocative when dealing with family members. Take a few deep breaths and count to ten before answering. Your spouse or current love (and children, too) wants to move or enlarge the home (or perhaps buy an additional home). You are cool about it. This could happen from June 6th to September 10th. Parents or parent figures are doing extensive repairs in the home. Siblings are better off not moving in spite of their spouses’ desires. There is space where they are if they manage it properly. Finance and Career Your 2nd house of finance is not a House of Power this year. So you seem content with the way things are going. You have no need to make major changes. This tends to be a status-quo kind of year. Keep in mind, though, that the empty money house (for the most part) also gives you much freedom to shape your finances according to your desires–and since Taurus is always interested in money there is more financial freedom this year. With fast-moving Mercury as your financial planet, earnings and earning opportunities tend to come to you in a variety of ways and means. It all depends on where Mercury is at a given time and the kinds of aspects he is receiving. We’ll discuss these in the monthly reports. Your financial planet will go retrograde four times this year–this is unusual. Generally he retrogrades three times in a given year. Thus, in the year ahead you will need to do more financial homework and exercise more caution than usual. Steady readers know that when your financial planet goes retrograde it is time to review your finances–to see where improvements can be made. It is not time for important decision making. Mercury’s retrogrades this year are from January 1st-15th, April 18th to May 11th, August 20th to September 12th and December 10th to 30th. We will discuss this further in the monthly reports. The real headline, like last year, is your career. You did well last year and will do even better in the year ahead. Jupiter and Uranus are pretty much conjunct (travelling together) from May 15th through September. This shows sudden, meteoric success–promotions, pay rises, advancement. Many of you will attain sudden fame in the year ahead. How much fame depends on your status and stage in life. Whatever your stage, it is safe to say that you will become more well known than in the past year. Sudden, unexpected career opportunities will come your way. Many of you will have happy career changes. These things usually lead to more money, but money per se doesn’t seem the objective. Career success seems to come from friends in the right places who are helping you. It would be a good idea (from a career perspective) to be more involved in professional, trade or social organizations. Jupiter rules your 8th house of inheritance. Thus an inheritance is likely in the coming year. Hopefully nobody has to actually die. It can come through being named in someone’s will or being named as an executor, or through trust funds and the like. This position also shows being ‘suddenly’ out of debt. Or having a sudden–a large–increase in your line of credit. Investors can come to you suddenly out of the blue as well. From an investment perspective, high-tech companies, new inventions, airlines, bonds and the bond market are all favourable this year. In general property, telecommunications, transport and media are favourable for you. Meteoric success can be just as stressful as meteoric failure. Your challenge will be to handle this in a calm and balanced way–not to let it go to your head. Be thankful and appreciative, but keep your feet planted firmly on the ground. Love and Social Life Your 7th house of love and marriage is not a House of Power this year. Normally this would show satisfaction with the status quo–and thus no major changes here. Singles would remain single, marrieds would remain married. By the way, this is the way Taurus likes things. Status quo is a happy state for Taurus. But, as we mentioned earlier, your love planet will be eclipsed in the coming year–and not only that, it will be camping out on this eclipse point for many months. You might want the status quo, but change is definitely happening. Your marriage or current relationship (especially if it is your first marriage) is getting tested by the eclipse. (This applies to business partnerships as well.) Generally this brings out the dirty laundry in a relationship–the problems that have been repressed or suppressed. If the relationship is basically sound, it survives and even gets stronger. But if the relationship was flawed from the start, it can dissolve. There are a few issues happening here. First, your love planet made a major move last year from happy-go-lucky Sagittarius to sober and conservative Capricorn. This changed your needs and attitudes in love. Love was basically happy-go-lucky and fun-loving for the past 15 years. Now, suddenly, it is more practical. You, or your beloved, are thinking differently about the relationship. And this creates stress. In some cases there is a feeling that the passion has gone out of the marriage–that you and your beloved have lost the ‘spark’, that you are just going through the motions coldly and mechanically–that, perhaps, the marriage is just a convenience and not a real romance. Third, the eclipse is happening. Sometimes the testing comes from dramas in the life of your partner or beloved–health issues or surgery–and is not the fault of the relationship per se. Somehow or other the spark has to be reignited. With your kind of chart–with Pluto as your love planet–good sex will cover many sins. But this of itself won’t be enough. Material gifts and material support are important. And with your love planet in the 9th house–foreign journeys, second honeymoons, taking courses together as a couple, worshipping together as a couple–will also be a big help. For singles, this eclipse of the love planet can actually signal a marriage–a change in your marital condition. With your love planet now in Capricorn, let love develop slowly–don’t try to test it. (The eclipse will test things on its own without your help.) While it is good to be practical in love and to want security, don’t go overboard and just marry for convenience (you are sorely tempted now)–those things rarely bring happiness in the long term. Sexual chemistry is always important for you, but also look for someone who is ‘philosophically’ compatible–someone who looks at life in a similar way to you. You find love and social opportunities at educational or religious settings–at university or a university lecture–at church, synagogue, ashram or mosque–in foreign countries and perhaps with foreigners. You gravitate to foreign people these days–they are more exotic. Good education and refinement are also important to you. Love is seldom a smooth ride, but this year it seems even more bumpy than usual. Those in, or working on, their second marriage also have a bumpy ride, as two dynamic planets–Saturn and Uranus–make stressful aspects to your love planet. Relationships are being tested. Those working towards their third marriage have fabulous opportunities this year–it is likely to happen. Friendships are much smoother and easier than romance. This, like last year, is a banner year for friends. New and prominent–high-status–people enter your circle of friends. Self-improvement As mentioned earlier, spirituality is going to be very important in coming years. In 2010 you will only feel the first inklings–the first stirrings–of it, especially those of you born early in the sign. But in 2011 (and for years after) all of you will be deeply involved. In fact we could go so far as to say that spirituality in coming years will be your single most dominant interest. For Uranus is your career planet–it is the planet of success on one level, but also the planet that shows your main purpose in life. His move into the 12th house, therefore, is very significant. There are many levels to this interpretation. First off, you are going to be more idealistic about your career. You are going to want a career that helps the planet as a whole–something that blesses all of life. Career will not just be about personal success or ego gratification. (This has been happening in your life for some years and will only get stronger with time.) Second, even a mundane career will be enhanced by your involvement in charitable activities and altruistic causes. It’s a very curious thing: While you apparently deny yourself and help others–donate time and money for altruism–your career and public image are magically enhanced. There are all sorts of scenarios as to how this happens–you make important contacts as you do these things, you develop a good public reputation, superiors make note of your activities–perhaps most importantly, you pay off negative karma which might have been hindering you. When a person acts altruistically with no thought of personal gain, then, as Emerson said, ‘the universe conspires to make it happen’. All the powers of heaven will scramble to pay it, and if it can’t be paid in one way it will be paid in another. For those of you already advanced on a spiritual path, this transit is showing something even deeper. That spirituality itself–doing your spiritual practices and exercises–is your career and purpose–everything else in life must be subservient to that. At first blush this seems outlandish. What do my breathing exercises, chanting, prayer, meditation or asana practice have to do with my career? Plenty. These spiritual practices change your whole vibration and atmosphere. This changes the vibration of all whom you contact or associate with. And this actually changes the world. Someone in trouble comes into your aura and you are able to dispense help and healing–and this can have huge ramifications. You walk into a shop where perhaps a robbery or murder is about to happen and, because of your positive energy, it doesn’t happen. You sit next to someone on a bus or train–someone who is perhaps ready to commit suicide–and your mere presence, just the vibrations that you emanate, heal and soothe this person. These events are not things you read about in the newspapers–the 12th house is all about secret, behind-the-scenes activities–but they are nevertheless real. It is the ‘secret service’ of life. Uranus moving into your 12th house also has other messages. It shows dramatic changes in your spiritual attitudes, ideals and practices. Those not yet on the path will get on it. Those already on the path will change teachers and practice. Easterners might choose a Western path. Westerners might switch to the Eastern path. It also shows that the ‘spiritual side’ of astrology will become more interesting (Uranus rules astrology). There are many, many valid paths to ultimate reality. But with Uranus in the 12th house you need a more scientific and rational approach. Mere faith (though important) and emotional exaltation (also important) will not be enough for you. You need to understand what is happening on a scientific level. There are many paths that deal with this–esoteric astrology, hermetic science, kabbalah (in the Western tradition) and jnana yoga (in the Eastern tradition). These will be things to explore in the years to come. Month-by-month Forecasts (#ulink_6220caa3-95e5-5137-974b-a62a514284ec) January Best Days Overall: 4, 5, 13, 14, 23, 24 Most Stressful Days Overall: 2, 3, 8, 9, 16, 17, 30 Best Days for Love: 4, 5, 8, 9, 13, 14, 15, 23, 25, 26 Best Days for Money: 4, 5, 6, 7, 13, 14, 16, 17, 18, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27 Best Days for Career: 1, 9, 10, 16, 17, 19, 20, 28, 29 You begin your year with 70 to 80 per cent of the planets above the horizon–the ‘day’ side of your year. Not only that, but on the 20th you enter a yearly career peak, as your 10th house becomes ultra-powerful. Family is always important to you, but you can serve them best by succeeding in your outer ambitions–being the good provider. Focus on your career and de-emphasize home and family. Interesting, the family seems supportive in your career goals–this is what they want from you. It’s also good to focus on the careers of individual family members in a supportive way. The status and prestige of the family as a whole get elevated this month. This is a month where a shift in the planetary power is happening. By the 20th the Eastern (sunrise) sector of the horoscope becomes stronger than the Western, social sector. This creates psychological changes for you. You are becoming more independent and more in charge of your life. You have less need of other people. You can achieve your goals independently if they don’t co-operate. You are in a period where you have the power to create circumstances as you like them. There is a solar eclipse in your 9th house on the 15th. This eclipse seems benign for you–it actually makes nice aspects to you. Still, it won’t hurt to take a reduced schedule anyway–people in general are not up to par during an eclipse–why expose yourself to this when you don’t have to? This eclipse will bring up the dirty laundry in the family circle, and family members are likely to be more temperamental. Be more patient and understanding. With knowledge of what is going on, we can’t always stop events but our understanding makes us more philosophical about them–and we don’t make matters worse. This eclipse (and there will be others in the year ahead) will test your religious and philosophical beliefs–a process that is going on all year. This is good. It tests your faith. Many people claim that they have faith until a big situation comes along–then, suddenly, they discover they had none. The good thing here is that once you understand your weakness you can correct it. For university or graduate students this eclipse brings changes in their educational plans or within their school (shakeups in the school’s hierarchy, and rules). Sometimes heavy construction goes on that disrupts your normal study or routine. A legal matter (if you are involved in this kind of thing) will take a dramatic turn. Though you are honoured and successful in your career, your financial planet, Mercury, is retrograde until the 15th. This won’t stop earnings but will probably create weird delays and glitches. Avoid major financial decisions until after the 15th. February Best Days Overall: 1, 9, 10, 11, 19, 20, 21, 28 Most Stressful Days Overall: 5, 6, 12, 13, 26, 27 Best Days for Love: 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 9, 14, 15, 19, 24, 25, 28 Best Days for Money: 1, 4, 5, 11, 12, 14, 15, 22, 23, 24 Best Days for Career: 6, 12, 13, 16, 25 Overall health is good, but try to rest and relax more until the 18th. The demands of career are taking all your energy. Delegate tasks where possible. Enhance health by paying more attention to your spine, knees, teeth, bones, gallbladder, skeletal alignment, hips and kidneys all month. Until the 11th pay more attention to your ankles and calves (massage them and give them more support when exercising) and to your feet from the 11th onwards (foot massage will be unusually powerful). By the 18th, most career goals (at least of a short-term nature) are attained and your focus turns to friendships and group activities. This is an exciting and happy area of life all year, but especially during this period. You are meeting new and significant friends now, friends who are almost ‘like family’ to you. There is a nice financial windfall on the 27th and 28th as the Sun and Jupiter travel together (this can happen a few days before or after as well). Your spouse, partner or current love also has a windfall. This period is also good if you are negotiating a loan or mortgage or want to attract outside investors to your projects. Seems like you are spending more on the home or family during this period as well. During this period Mercury and Neptune are travelling together, suggesting an excellent financial intuition. A flash of insight and inspiration comes to you. On the 10th Mercury, your financial planet, crosses your Midheaven. This shows that money comes to you through a pay rise or through your good professional reputation. Parents or parent figures seem unusually supportive, too. Love is happy this month. Jupiter is making fabulous aspects to your love planet all month, bringing love opportunities with friends or at group activities or organizations. When Mercury crosses the Midheaven there is a non-serious romantic opportunity with a boss or person of power. There is another happy love encounter from the 15th to the 17th as Venus and Jupiter travel together. This encounter seems sexual in nature but could lead to more than that. A friend either gives you a good financial idea or provides some opportunity on the 27th-28th. Your financial intuition is very sharp during this period. The New Moon of the 25th occurs in your 10th house and is going to clarify your career, your relations with your bosses and with your parents or parent figures. March Best Days Overall: 1, 9, 10, 19, 20, 27, 28 Most Stressful Days Overall: 4, 5, 11, 12, 25, 26, 31 Best Days for Love: 5, 6, 7, 9, 16, 17, 18, 19, 25, 26, 27 Best Days for Money: 4, 5, 14, 15, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 31 Best Days for Career: 5, 11, 12, 15, 24 Like last month, the main headline is your social life–especially friendships. Definitely a month to be involved in group activities and with social or professional organizations. It is not only important careerwise, but financially (and love-wise) as well. In fact, for many years now your friendships have been your main mission in life. You are here for your friends. The 11th house is the house of fondest hopes and wishes. With so many benefic planets in this house you are manifesting your fondest hopes and wishes–and so this is a happy month. Of course, as soon as you manifest them, new ones will come into the picture–the wheel of life, the round of creation–never stops. Love is happy, too. It is happy for all of you, but especially for those of you working on your third marriage. There are serious opportunities now (and last month, too). There are some bumps in the road to love. Be more patient with your beloved on the 11th, 12th, 20th, 25th and 26th. Finances are happy this month, too. Again, friends are very involved here. The good use of technology is important from the 2nd to the 17th. Not only that, but your technological expertise boosts your bottom line. Don’t be afraid to spend on technology to upgrade or improve–it is a good investment. On the 17th your financial planet moves into Aries, your 12th house. Be careful of rash spending or rash financial decisions. When intuition is on, these decisions will be good, but if you are not in the ‘correct state’ you could get hurt. Intuition will, for the most part, be good–and you need to follow it. Taureans are down-to-earth, practical people. Generally (this has been my experience) they have some problems understanding the spiritual aspects of wealth. They like ‘tangible’ things that can be touched and felt. But this is a month–from the 17th onwards–for going more deeply into these things. There is no contradiction between spiritual wealth and tangible wealth–it is merely a question of cause and effect. Spiritual wealth–the precipitation of spiritual substance–is the cause of ‘tangible’ wealth–and thus must be given priority. This is a month for more charitable giving as well. On the 20th as the Sun moves into your 12th house you enter a more spiritual period. Those of you already on the path will have breakthroughs and insights. Those not on the path will experience more dream activity and many weird coincidences that can’t be explained logically. The seeds of future spiritual development are being planted now. April Best Days Overall: 5, 6, 15, 16, 24, 25 Most Stressful Days Overall: 1, 8, 9, 22, 23, 28, 29 Best Days for Love: 1, 5, 15, 16, 24, 25, 28, 29 Best Days for Money: 1, 5, 10, 11, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 24, 28, 29 Best Days for Career: 2, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 20, 21, 29 Relationships with your children (or those who are like children to you) have been difficult for the past 2 years. For the past few months you’ve seen some improvement, but now Saturn retrogrades back into your 5th house and relationships become challenging again. The good news is that these difficulties are short term. The children have needed to take on more responsibilities and this is generally not comfortable. Some have been suffering from low self-esteem and perhaps depression. Be more patient with them for the next few months. The planets are now in their most extreme Eastern position–especially from the 20th onwards. Thus you now have maximum independence–maximum power to create circumstances as you desire them to be–maximum ability to have life on your terms. Create, and create wisely. Later on, circumstances will show whether your creations have been wise or unwise, for you will have to live with the consequences for a time. On the 20th the Sun crosses your Ascendant and so you enter a yearly personal pleasure peak (one of several this year). This is a time for getting in shape and for enjoying all the pleasures of the senses. Also there seems more involvement with family and with a parent or parent figure. He or she is coming to stay or is very devoted to you these days. Family support seems good, but on the other hand there is a feeling that you are not your own person–that familial support comes with a price. Health is excellent now–especially after the 20th. You can enhance it even further by paying more attention to your neck and throat (regular neck massage is powerful) until the 25th and to your lungs, arms and shoulders (regular arm and shoulder massage is good) from the 25th onwards. On the 2nd your financial planet, Mercury, crosses your Ascendant. This brings money–more than usual–to you, and also brings very interesting financial ideas. Mercury will spend most of the month ahead in Taurus (from the 2nd onwards) and this is a signal of prosperity. Financial opportunities are seeking you out; you don’t have to run after them. (Job opportunities are also seeking you out–though last month was stronger for this than now.) Try to make major purchases or important decisions before the 18th, as Mercury starts to retrograde then. Love maintains the status quo this month, though your personal magnetism and charisma are certainly attractive. A fun-and-games love opportunity comes to you this month–but it doesn’t seem serious. This person seems involved in your financial life. There is a more serious romantic opportunity from the 5th to the 7th. May Best Days Overall: 2, 3, 4, 12, 13, 21, 22, 30, 31 Most Stressful Days Overall: 5, 6, 19, 20, 25, 26 Best Days for Love: 2, 3, 5, 6, 12, 15, 16, 21, 25, 26, 29, 30 Best Days for Money: 2, 8, 9, 12, 14, 15, 18, 21, 25, 26, 30 Best Days for Career: 5, 6, 9, 18, 26 Jupiter and Uranus are travelling together this month. This brings financial windfalls for your spouse, partner or current love. Also it can bring you sudden and unexpected insurance or royalty payments. There is a sudden opportunity to pay off debt or to borrow if you need to. Investors can mysteriously appear if you have good ideas. A parent or parent figure has a windfall as well. Uranus moves into your 12th house of spirituality at the end of the month. This will bring lightning flash-like intuitions, inspirations and revelations to you–sudden spiritual breakthroughs. Also it shows that you are making important and dramatic changes in your spiritual life–in your practice and in your attitudes. You are still in a yearly personal pleasure peak until the 21st. Enjoy the party. Taureans are famous for their ability to enjoy the carnal pleasures–so this is a happy period. On the 21st as the Sun enters your money house you begin a yearly financial peak. Prosperity will be good all year, but this is one of the high points of the year. And with your financial planet moving forward after the 11th, your financial confidence and clarity are increased. I always like property for Taurus–in all of its various ramifications–but I especially like it this month. Good sales and marketing–good PR, good use of the media–is always important to you, but this month especially so. Investors might want to look at the beauty industry–art, jewellery, antiques, perfumes, fashion–for profit ideas. Also telecommunications, transport and media companies. Finance is the major focus from the 21st onwards. Health is still excellent this month. You can enhance it further by paying more attention to your lungs, arms and shoulders (until the 20th) and to your stomach and breasts afterwards. Arm and shoulder massage–overall air purity–is important until the 20th. Afterwards, diet becomes more of an issue for you. Your foreign travel planet, Saturn, has been retrograde for many months. This month it starts moving forward on the 30th. Best to schedule foreign travel after the 30th. Legal and educational issues–and decisions–are best delayed until after the 30th as well. Pluto, your love planet, started to retrograde on the 7th of last month and will be retrograde this month and for some months to come. This is a good time to review your marriage and social life with a view to improving things. Not a good time to make major love decisions. Pluto stays retrograde for many months. This doesn’t mean that your love life comes to a halt. Singles will still date and there will be many social opportunities–only you don’t rush into things. You let love develop as it will. June Best Days Overall: 9, 10, 17, 18, 26, 27 Most Stressful Days Overall: 1, 2, 15, 16, 21, 22, 29, 30 Best Days for Love: 4, 5, 9, 13, 14, 18, 21, 22, 24, 25, 26 Best Days for Money: 5, 6, 10, 11, 12, 15, 19, 20, 24 Best Days for Career: 1, 2, 5, 6, 15, 24, 29, 30 You are still in a yearly financial peak (Taurus heaven) until the 21st. Mercury, your financial planet, moves speedily this month. You cover a lot of ground financially and have good success and confidence. Finance is still the major interest until the 21st. Most of the financial trends of last month are still in effect now. There is a lunar eclipse on the 26th in your 9th house. This will test your religious and philosophical beliefs. Events will happen that will show whether they are correct or not. Also, your faith will be tested. Even your faith in correct beliefs. Events will happen that will show whether you really have the faith that you have long professed. This eclipse is basically a repeat of the last solar eclipse of January 15th. Students will make changes in their educational plans. The main difference between this eclipse and the one in January is that it occurs right on Pluto, your love planet. This will test not only love relationships and marriages but business partnerships as well. This doesn’t mean that they must fail–only that major changes and adjustments will happen. Good relationships will go through a rough patch, but they will survive. It is the so-so relationships that are in real danger. Pluto (as mentioned last month) is still retrograde, so don’t make any hasty love decisions one way or the other (you will be sorely tempted, though). The other major headline of the month is Jupiter’s move into Aries, your 12th house. As mentioned in the yearly report, this has a major impact on you. Taureans are down-to-earth people. They are not against spirituality–many of them are truly spiritual–but they go with the evidence of their senses. Reality is what is tangible. Now you are being exposed to all kinds of spiritual phenomena–contacts with other-worldly creatures, spiritual beings, a prophetic dream life that seems as real as reality can be, uncanny intuitions, enhanced ESP abilities and many other things not mentioned. You will be in contact with spiritual teachers–guru types–now, too. The ‘other world’–the world of the invisible–will be more interesting than the physical world! What a shock for Taurus! Many of you will find the spiritual path now. The other major headline this month is the power in your 3rd house of communication and intellectual interests. By now you have achieved your financial goals–it is a prosperous month–and now you want to explore the fruits of financial success. It buys you time to develop your mind and to study the things that interest you. On a more practical level it is excellent for sales, marketing and PR projects. Your mind and communication faculties are very sharp. Health is good and will get even better after the 7th (as Mars moves out of Leo and into a more harmonious aspect to you). You can enhance your already good health even further by paying more attention to your stomach, breasts and diet (until the 14th) and to your heart afterwards. July Best Days Overall: 6, 7, 15, 23, 24, 25 Most Stressful Days Overall: 13, 19, 20, 26, 27 Best Days for Love: 5, 6, 14, 19, 20, 23, 24, Best Days for Money: 1, 2, 3, 8, 9, 12, 21, 22, 31 Best Days for Career: 3, 4, 12, 21, 26, 27, 31 A solar eclipse on the 11th is basically benign to you personally but seems to affect siblings, parents or parent figures and the family as a whole. This eclipse is basically a repeat (though not an exact one) of the last eclipse in this house on December 31st, 2009. The family and domestic pattern experience disruptions and changes. The home might be in need of repairs. Family members are more temperamental and passions will run high. Family members are having dramatic experiences in their lives. If possible, without being pushy, encourage family members to take a reduced schedule and avoid risky activities. This eclipse affects school children. They may change schools now or their educational plans. There are disruptions in the neighbourhood or in the lives of neighbours as well. The focus is on the family this month–but especially from the 23rd onwards. Issues with children will start to improve after the 21st as Saturn leaves your 5th house. Health is mostly good–especially until the 23rd. After that try to rest and relax–maintain high energy levels. Enhance your health by paying more attention to your heart (all month) and to your small intestine from the 10th onwards. After the 21st, start paying more attention to your spine, knees, teeth, bones, gallbladder and overall skeletal alignment (as mentioned in the yearly report). Though energy and vitality are not what you are used to, the problem is short term; you will feel a lot better next month. Though you are past your yearly financial peak, finances still look good. Mercury, your financial planet, moves speedily this month. You are confident, covering a lot of ground and making fast progress towards your goals. You are spending more on the home and family this month, but can also earn from them as well. The family seems supportive. Home-based businesses look interesting and profitable. Family connections are profitable. Mind your spending from the 9th onwards–you seem more reckless than usual. Any financial deal or purchase from the 25th to the 27th needs more scrutiny. Get more disclosure. You are, like last month, in a very strong spiritual period. This is a period for exploring spiritual healing. You will make good progress during this period. Though most of the planets are below the horizon this month–not a period of great ambition–nevertheless very exciting career opportunities are happening for you of late: promotions, successes, honours, sudden advancements. These things may have happened in the past few months (from May onwards) but can still happen now. You can advance your career by getting more involved in charities and altruistic kinds of activities. Psychics, astrologers and gurus have important career guidance for you. August Best Days Overall: 2, 3, 11, 12, 20, 21, 30, 31 Most Stressful Days Overall: 9, 10, 15, 16, 22, 23 Best Days for Love: 2, 3, 4, 11, 13, 15, 16, 20, 22, 23, 29 Best Days for Money: 2, 5, 6, 9, 11, 12, 17, 20, 21, 27, 30, 31 Best Days for Career: 8, 9, 16, 22, 23, 26 There is an unusual amount of retrograde activity this month, Taurus–40 per cent of the planets are retrograde all month, and 50 per cent from the 20th onwards. You are normally a very patient person, but even this virtue gets tested in the month ahead. This is a time to strive for perfection in everything you do–little mistakes or oversights can be magnified beyond what you can imagine. Shortcuts can be the long way round in the end. Go slow and steady and take nothing for granted. Many eclipse points are getting re-stimulated this month as well, and it is good to be aware of these things. The restimulation of an eclipse point can often be as powerful as the actual eclipse itself. Venus, your ruling planet–and thus an important planet for you–re-stimulates eclipse points from the 4th to the 9th and from the 25th to the 28th. Avoid risky activities and be more mindful. Mars re-stimulates eclipse points from the 4th to the 9th and from the 25th to the 28th–the same advice applies. Mind your temper as well–avoid arguments and confrontations. Mars’ re-stimulation can bring weird dreams or ESP experiences which shouldn’t be taken too seriously. Saturn re-stimulates eclipse points from the 26th to 31st. This can bring changes in educational plans for students, and it might be better to reschedule foreign travel around this period. With health needing watching until the 23rd, and all this eclipse phenomena going on, take it easy this month. Enjoy more quiet time at home. Have fun, but in a relaxed kind of way. Career, as mentioned, is still very exciting–wonderful things are happening there–but keep your focus on family and their needs now. Work to maintain a state of emotional and domestic harmony. Your career planet retrogrades back into Pisces (where it has been for 7 or so years). It might seem to you that your career is moving backwards instead of forwards–but this is not the case. Many good things are happening behind the scenes. Charity and altruistic activities–as we have seen for many years–are still powerful ways to enhance your career and your public standing. Your 5th house is powerful all month, but especially after the 23rd. You are in another yearly personal pleasure peak–a fun and creative period. Even money will come to you in happy ways–and there is luck in speculations (I prefer before the 20th than afterwards). Your financial planet makes another one of his retrogrades on the 20th, so try to wrap up important financial decisions or major purchases before then. September Best Days Overall: 7, 8, 16, 17, 26, 27 Most Stressful Days Overall: 5, 6, 11, 12, 18, 19, 20 Best Days for Love: 2, 7, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16, 21, 26 Best Days for Money: 1, 2, 5, 7, 12, 16, 22, 27, 28, 29 Best Days for Career: 4, 12, 18, 19, 20, 22 Though your career planet is still retrograde and most of the planets are still below the horizon–you are not that ambitious this period–very interesting and dramatic things are happening in your career–perhaps unbeknownst to you, behind the scenes. These seem very happy. There is sudden advancement in store for you. Continue to enhance your career by ‘doing good’ for the world, not just at your job. Again we see sudden financial windfalls for parents or parent figures, and they are likely to be generous with you. You are still in one of your yearly personal pleasure peaks until the 23rd, but your 6th house of work is also strong. You need a good balance between work and play. Mercury is retrograde until the 13th, so spend the time reviewing your finances and financial management, and execute on your plans after the 13th. Speculations are still favourable this month, but after the 13th seems better than before. Like last month, money comes to you in happy ways. There is joy in the act of money-making. Often with these aspects a night out on the town with important clients produces more money than hours of tedious work. Sometimes you are at the theatre or a party and make an important financial connection. You are spending more on health this month but can also earn from this field–especially those of you who are investors. Your financial planet in your 5th house also shows that you are spending more on children (or those who are like children to you) or investing in them. But a child can come up with interesting financial ideas as well–or be the motivation or inspiration for greater earnings. Though your health is good you still seem more focused on health issues this month. Your 6th house is very strong and will get even stronger after the 23rd. Most likely you are into healthy lifestyles or preventative kinds of medicine. You can enhance your already good health by paying more attention to your kidneys and hips (always important for you but especially until the 9th), to your spine, knees, teeth, bones, gallbladder and overall skeletal alignment (important all year), and to your head, face, skull and adrenal glands (until the 14th). After the 23rd focus on your heart as well. Emotional wellness is very important after the 23rd. Probably you will be more involved in the health of family members then, too. Love is a mixed picture this month. On the one hand, Venus, your ruling planet (and the generic planet of love) moves into your 7th house on the 9th. You are more popular, more social, more proactive in love. You are going out of your way for your friends, spouse or current love. Yet Pluto is still camping out on an eclipse point, so existing relationships are being tested. Singles might be opting to change their marital status–Pluto on the eclipse point signals a dissatisfaction with the current status. Pluto will start to go forward on the 15th after many months of retrograde motion–and love issues will start to clear up. October Best Days Overall: 5, 6, 13, 14, 23, 24 Most Stressful Days Overall: 3, 4, 9, 10, 16, 17, 30, 31 Best Days for Love: 1, 5, 9, 10, 13, 18, 19, 23, 28 Best Days for Money: 2, 7, 10, 17, 19, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29 Best Days for Career: 2, 10, 16, 17, 19, 20, 29 Last month, on the 15th as Mars moved into Scorpio, the planetary power shifted from the bottom to the top half of your horoscope. Dawn is breaking in your year. You’ve had a good night’s rest for the past 6 months and you are ready to face the day with new energy and enthusiasm. This energy will only increase in the coming months. It’s time to let go of family and emotional issues for a while and start to pursue (implement) your career goals. As we have been mentioning for the past few months, there are dramatic things going on in your career–sudden advancements and successes–happy changes. You are like a rocket ship these days. Also helping matters is the power in your 6th house of health and work. You are serious, sober, disciplined and hard-working. You are more than willing to earn your success. You are every employer’s dream these days. (Those of you who employ others are attracting serious, hard-working people as well.) The problem now is that you can overdo things. You seem a little bit ‘too’ serious. Lighten up and have some fun as well. Health is good and you can make it even better in the ways described last month. With your health planet in Scorpio, pay more attention to your colon, bladder and sexual organs. Detox regimes are more powerful than usual now. Good health is not about adding things to the body, but about getting rid of things that don’t belong there. Venus, your ruling planet, goes retrograde on the 9th–a rare retrograde for her. This could make you feel that you ‘lack direction’–perhaps you feel confused. This is natural. It is only the cosmic signal that you need to review your personal goals and plans. Also a good time to review your health regime and the state of your physical body and personal appearance. Probably there are many things that can be done to improve these things; now is the time to look for them. With your attention all kinds of possibilities and solutions will come to you–and later, when Venus starts to move forward, you’ll be able to implement them. Not a good idea to make drastic changes either to your image or health regime after the 9th. Wait till November 18th when things will be clearer. Venus’ retrograde is also a good time to review your self-esteem and self-concept. How do you think of yourself? Who do you think you are? What kind of image do you project to others? What can be done to improve things? (Confidence tends to be weaker when your ruling planet is retrograde.) When you upgrade your self-image and self-concept you will also be helping your relationships–we always attract who we are. Finances look good. Your financial planet is moving speedily now, showing good financial judgement and confidence (personal confidence might not be that high, but this doesn’t seem to affect finances). From the 1st to the 3rd there is luck in speculations. From the 3rd to the 20th money is earned through work–and since you seem more productive, this is a signal for prosperity. Social connections and networking seem powerful during this period. After the 20th it is a good time to pay off debt or refinance on better terms. Your spouse or partner seems more supportive. November Best Days Overall: 1, 2, 10, 11, 19, 20, 21, 28, 29 Most Stressful Days Overall: 5, 6, 12, 13, 26, 27 Best Days for Love: 1, 5, 6, 10, 13, 19, 23, 28 Best Days for Money: 6, 15, 16, 17, 22, 23, 25, 27, 28 Best Days for Career: 6, 12, 13, 16, 25 On October 23rd you entered a yearly social peak, and this is still in full swing now until the 22nd. Love is not perfect–there are bumps in the road–but it is active and there are many opportunities for singles. As we have seen for some months, you are more popular, you go out of your way for others, you put the interests of others ahead of your own. Singles have romantic opportunities with people from their past, from childhood and from family connections. There are intellectuals–writers, teachers, marketing people and glamorous types in your social circle. A business partnership could be forming this month as well. Singles find love opportunities at weddings, parties, hen nights and things of that nature. With Venus still retrograde until the 19th, avoid making major love decisions one way or another. By all means have fun, but go slow and steady. There is more socializing with family these days, or entertaining from home. A wedding in the family would not be a surprise either. Love is passionate and intense. There is great intensity. Both you and your beloved want to know each other on the deepest levels. This makes for high love experiences, but if not kept in check can lead to jealousy, possessiveness and many storms. There is a price to pay for passion when it goes negative. Finances are good this month. Your social connections are once again important. You can have many financial opportunities as you attend parties and gatherings, and many of you are trying to integrate your financial life with your social life. Many of the parties you attend seem about business. On the 9th your financial planet moves into Sagittarius, your 8th house. Another good period for paying off debt or refinancing at better terms. You prosper as you help others to prosper. The financial interests of the other party should be paramount to you. There are financial opportunities with creative financing–with making money with other people’s money. A good period to cut waste and expenses, too. Get rid of excess bank or brokerage accounts–consolidate. Get rid of excess possessions–things that you have no use for–detox and purify your financial life. Avoid speculating with other people’s money. Health is not what it should be these days. Overall health is good, but short term, until the 22nd, you need to rest and relax more. Listen to your body: It will tell you what is up. Enhance health in the ways described last month. Detox is still beneficial. Pay more attention to your heart until the 22nd. There is a lot of water in the horoscope this month–often over 50 per cent of the planets will be in water signs. People will be kind and compassionate–the positive side–but also over-sensitive. Be more aware. Little things can set them off –a facial expression, body language, rolling of the eyes, a seemingly innocent remark. December Best Days Overall: 7, 8, 17, 18, 26, 27 Most Stressful Days Overall: 3, 4, 9, 10, 11, 23, 24, 30, 31 Best Days for Love: 2, 3, 4, 7, 12, 17, 22, 25, 26, 30, 31 Best Days for Money: 4, 7, 13, 16, 19, 20, 23, 25, 31 Best Days for Career: 4, 9, 10, 11, 13, 22, 31 With Mars in your 8th house last month and this month, and with the 8th house powerful in general, you are in a more sexually active period. Love is one thing, sex is another. Love is being tested and many changes in existing relationships are happening–but your sex life seems unaffected. In your chart, Mars is your spiritual planet. His position in your 8th house suggests that you are in a period for learning more about the spiritual dimensions of sex. Those already on the path might want to explore tantra or kundalini yoga which deals with these things. Others might want to work on elevating the sexual act from mere animal appetite to something higher. Those on the path will want to explore the mysteries of resurrection and ascension which come under the 8th house rulership. Others might learn of these things ‘involuntarily’ as the cosmos makes them aware of their mortality (this doesn’t mean literal death, but confrontation with it in some form). Like last month this is still a good period for detox, for getting rid of the excess in your life–things that you no longer need and which tend to clog up the works. This includes effete material in the body, old and useless possessions (sell them or give them to charity) and old, outmoded mental and emotional patterns. See how much better you feel as you do this. This is a banner financial period for your spouse, partner or current love and they will tend to be more generous with you. With Mercury in conservative Capricorn, your financial judgement (always good) is even better. You are a savvy shopper who gets their money’s worth. You make good long-term investment decisions. There are financial opportunities in foreign countries or with foreigners. But Mercury goes retrograde on the 11th, so best to wrap up your holiday shopping–and other large expenditures–before then. The job situation has also improved now that Venus is moving forward. Job-seekers should explore their social contacts for opportunities–these seem better than the traditional ways of looking for work. There is a lunar eclipse on the 21st right on the border (the cusp) of your 2nd and 3rd houses. Probably the eclipse will have an impact on the affairs of both of these houses. Thus there are financial changes in store (but wait until next month before implementing them if possible). Students make changes in their educational plans and perhaps change schools. There are shakeups in the schools they attend. Communication equipment and cars will get tested–if there are problems you will find out about them now. Once again (and this has been happening all year) there are dramas with siblings and neighbours. This eclipse seems basically benign to you, but perhaps siblings should take a more reduced schedule–family members as well. Health is good and will improve even more after the 21st. You can enhance it even further in the ways described last month. Venus (both your ruler and health planet) is now moving forward. Thus you can implement the changes you want to make to your health regime. Love is more active this month–especially after the 21st. But there are still many bumps in the road and testings of existing relationships. Singles will have love opportunities in foreign lands or with foreigners. Family connections and family introductions also play an important role in love–especially after the 21st. You are meeting old flames from the past–reconnecting with them–in order to clear up unfinished business. Continue to push forward with career goals. Much progress is being made. Next year will be even better than now. Gemini (#ulink_de4b1868-c5b1-5b56-a4f3-7642e220f92d) Personality Profile (#ulink_0886a857-e788-54fd-8cad-8967ef54da3c) GEMINI AT A GLANCE Element–Air Ruling Planet–Mercury Career Planet–Neptune Love Planet–Jupiter Money Planet–Moon Planet of Health and Work–Pluto Planet of Home and Family Life–Mercury Colours–blue, yellow, yellow-orange Colour that promotes love, romance and social harmony–sky blue Colours that promote earning power–grey, silver Gems–agate, aquamarine Metal–quicksilver Scents–lavender, lilac, lily of the valley, storax Quality–mutable (= flexibility) Quality most needed for balance–thought that is deep rather than superficial Strongest virtues–great communication skills, quickness and agility of thought, ability to learn quickly Deepest need–communication Characteristics to avoid–gossiping, hurting others with harsh speech, superficiality, using words to mislead or misinform Signs of greatest overall compatibility–Libra, Aquarius Signs of greatest overall incompatibility–Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces Sign most helpful to career–Pisces Sign most helpful for emotional support–Virgo Sign most helpful financially–Cancer Sign best for marriage and/or partnerships– Sagittarius Sign most helpful for creative projects–Libra Best Sign to have fun with–Libra Signs most helpful in spiritual matters–Taurus, Aquarius Best day of the week–Wednesday Understanding a Gemini (#ulink_28b31bdd-e55e-519f-b900-2eccc330ab59) Gemini is to society what the nervous system is to the body. It does not introduce any new information but is a vital transmitter of impulses from the senses to the brain and vice versa. The nervous system does not judge or weigh these impulses–it only conveys information. And does so perfectly. This analogy should give you an indication of a Gemini’s role in society. Gemini’s are the communicators and conveyors of information. To Geminis the truth or falsehood of information is irrelevant, they only transmit what they see, hear or read about. Thus they are capable of spreading the most outrageous rumours as well as conveying truth and light. Geminis sometimes tend to be unscrupulous in their communications and can do great good or great evil with their power. This is why the sign of Gemini is symbolized by twins: Geminis have a dual nature. Their ability to convey a message–to communicate with such ease–makes Geminis ideal teachers, writers and media and marketing people. This is helped by the fact that Mercury, the ruling planet of Gemini, also rules these activities. Geminis have the gift of the gab. And what a gift this is! They can make conversation about anything, anywhere, at any time. There is almost nothing that is more fun to Geminis than a good conversation–especially if they can learn something new as well. They love to learn and they love to teach. To deprive a Gemini of conversation, or of books and magazines, is cruel and unusual punishment. Geminis are almost always excellent students and take well to education. Their minds are generally stocked with all kinds of information, trivia, anecdotes, stories, news items, rarities, facts and statistics. Thus they can support any intellectual position that they care to take. They are awesome debaters and, if involved in politics, make good orators. Geminis are so verbally smooth that even if they do not know what they are talking about, they can make you think that they do. They will always dazzle you with their brilliance. Finance Geminis tend to be more concerned with the wealth of learning and ideas than with actual material wealth. As mentioned they excel in professions that involve writing, teaching, sales and journalism–and not all of these professions pay very well. But to sacrifice intellectual needs merely for money is unthinkable to a Gemini. Geminis strive to combine the two. Cancer is on Gemini’s solar 2nd house (of money) cusp, which indicates that Geminis can earn extra income (in a harmonious and natural way) from investments in residential property, restaurants and hotels. Given their verbal skills, Geminis love to bargain and negotiate in any situation, but especially when it has to do with money. The Moon rules Gemini’s 2nd solar house. The Moon is not only the fastest-moving planet in the zodiac but actually moves through every sign and house every 28 days. No other heavenly body matches the Moon for swiftness or the ability to change quickly. An analysis of the Moon–and lunar phenomena in general–describes Gemini’s financial attitudes very well. Geminis are financially versatile and flexible. They can earn money in many different ways. Their financial attitudes and needs seem to change daily. Their feelings about money change also: sometimes they are very enthusiastic about it, at other times they could not care less. For a Gemini, financial goals and money are often seen only as means of supporting a family; these things have little meaning otherwise. The Moon, as Gemini’s money planet, has another important message for Gemini financially: in order for Geminis to realize their financial potential they need to develop more of an understanding of the emotional side of life. They need to combine their awesome powers of logic with an understanding of human psychology. Feelings have their own logic; Geminis need to learn this and apply it to financial matters. Career and Public Image Geminis know that they have been given the gift of communication for a reason, that it is a power that can achieve great good or cause unthinkable distress. They long to put this power at the service of the highest and most transcendental truths. This is their primary goal, to communicate the eternal verities and prove them logically. They look up to people who can transcend the intellect–to poets, artists, musicians and mystics. They may be awed by stories of religious saints and martyrs. A Gemini’s highest achievement is to teach the truth, whether it is scientific, inspirational or historical. Those who can transcend the intellect are Gemini’s natural superiors–and a Gemini realizes this. The sign of Pisces is in Gemini’s solar 10th house of career. Neptune, the planet of spirituality and altruism, is Gemini’s career planet. If Geminis are to realize their highest career potential they need to develop their transcendental–their spiritual and altruistic–side. They need to understand the larger cosmic picture, the vast flow of human evolution–where it came from and where it is heading. Only then can a Gemini’s intellectual powers take their true position and he or she can become the ‘messenger of the gods’. Geminis need to cultivate a facility for ‘inspiration’, which is something that does not originate in the intellect but which comes through the intellect. This will further enrich and empower a Gemini’s mind. Love and Relationships Geminis bring their natural garrulousness and brilliance into their love life and social life as well. A good talk or a verbal joust is an interesting prelude to romance. Their only problem in love is that their intellect is too cool and passionless to incite ardour in others. Emotions sometimes disturb them, and their partners tend to complain about this. If you are in love with a Gemini you must understand why this is so. Geminis avoid deep passions because these would interfere with their ability to think and communicate. If they are cool towards you, understand that this is their nature. Nevertheless, Geminis must understand that it is one thing to talk about love and another actually to love–to feel it and radiate it. Talking about love glibly will get them nowhere. They need to feel it and act on it. Love is not of the intellect but of the heart. If you want to know how a Gemini feels about love you should not listen to what he or she says but rather observe what he or she does. Geminis can be quite generous to those they love. Geminis like their partners to be refined, well educated and well travelled. If their partners are more wealthy than they, that is all the better. If you are in love with a Gemini you had better be a good listener as well. The ideal relationship for the Gemini is a relationship of the mind. They enjoy the physical and emotional aspects, of course, but if the intellectual communion is not there they will suffer. Home and Domestic Life At home the Gemini can be uncharacteristically neat and meticulous. They tend to want their children and partner to live up to their idealistic standards. When these standards are not met they moan and criticize. However, Geminis are good family people and like to serve their families in practical and useful ways. The Gemini home is comfortable and pleasant. They like to invite people over and they make great hosts. Geminis are also good at repairs and improvements around the house–all fuelled by their need to stay active and occupied with something they like to do. Geminis have many hobbies and interests that keep them busy when they are home alone. Geminis understand and get along well with their children, mainly because they are very youthful people themselves. As great communicators, Geminis know how to explain things to children; in this way they gain their children’s love and respect. Geminis also encourage children to be creative and talkative, just like they are. Horoscope for 2010 (#ulink_eaa8ad07-5f80-5580-853a-49fcf93cc290) Major Trends Last year–especially the latter part of the year–was a banner career year, and this trend continues in the year ahead. You are on a roll–going from glory to glory and from achievement to achievement. This is the main headline of the year ahead. You will need to learn to cope with success. Pluto’s move out of your 7th house last year has stabilized your love and social life considerably. For many years love has been stormy. The cosmos was detoxing your love life and marriage–and this was not always pleasant. Many of you lost husbands, wives and dear friends or have been divorced over the past 15 years. But now things are quieter. You are clear in love matters. You know what you want and what you need. You know the difference between real love and its imitation. The love that comes now will be good. You have paid your dues. More on this later. Your social life in general is becoming more exciting. You will only feel the beginnings of this in the year ahead as Uranus makes a brief visit to your 11th house of friends. But in coming years you will feel this more strongly. Many existing friends will leave the picture and new ones will come in. Your whole circle of friends will be changing. The past 2 years have been difficult on the home front. You took on more responsibility–more burdens. It was not safe for you to express your real feelings. Perhaps you felt physically or emotionally cramped at home and with the family. Most of this is over with, but you have a brief revisit from April 8th to July 22nd as Saturn moves back into the 4th house. The cosmos will give you a ‘final exam’ to see if you’ve learned your lessons–and then it will leave you alone. Saturn moved in to your 5th house on October 30th of last year and will be there for most of the year ahead. Thus the cosmos is going to set your children (or those who are like children to you) in straight order. It will set your relationship with them in order and this means you might have to be more firm and disciplined with them. Being overly kind at the wrong times can be destructive to a child’s character and development, and this is the kind of a year where you go more deeply into these things. Pluto in your 8th house shows a deeper interest in sex, birth, death, past lives, reincarnation, life after death and occult studies. This is going to be a very long-term trend. Along with this you will be confronting death on a psychological level–perhaps through dreams or through events that happen in your life. The cosmos is calling you to a deeper understanding of this. When you learn the truth about death, you learn the truth about life. Your most important areas of interest in the year ahead will be communication and intellectual interests (January 1st to June 7th), home and family (April 8th to July 22nd), children, creativity and fun (January 1st to April 8th and July 22nd to December 31st), sex, death and rebirth, transformation, personal reinvention and occult studies, religion, philosophy, higher education and foreign travel, career, and friends groups, organizations and group activities (May 23rd to September 10th). Your paths of greatest fulfilment will be sex, death and rebirth, transformation, personal reinvention and occult studies, religion, philosophy, higher education and foreign travel (until February 18th), career, and friends groups, organizations and group activities (May 23rd to September 10th). Health (Please note that this is an astrological perspective on health and not a medical one. In days gone by there was no difference; these perspectives were identical. But nowadays there can be quite a difference. For the medical perspective, please consult your doctor or health practitioner.) Overall health and vitality, though not perfect, is steadily improving–and this is the important thing. Last year was better than 2008 and 2010 is better than 2009. Next year will be better than this year. Uranus, which has been making stressful aspects to you, will leave its stressful aspect for a few months–from May 28th to August 14th. Saturn, which has been stressing you for 2 years now, will mostly be making harmonious aspects to you (however, for a few months–from April 8th to July 22nd–it is in stressful aspect). Overall, health is reasonable. You can, if you like, make it even better. Pay more attention to the following parts of the body: heart colon, bladder and sexual organs spine, knees, teeth, bones, gallbladder and overall skeletal alignment. Pluto is your health planet. Last year he moved out of Sagittarius and into Capricorn and will be in Capricorn for the next 15 or so years. This brought long-term changes in your health attitudes and regimes. Many of these changes seem positive. You are more disciplined with regards to your health–you seem willing to take on daily disciplined health regimes and healthy lifestyles. You are interested in long-term cures rather than ‘quick fix’ solutions. However, you are more conservative in health matters–and seem afraid to experiment with new therapies or new modalities that could help you. You are interested in therapies that are ‘well tested’ and that have stood the ‘tests of time’. Even those of you who are into alternative medicine are interested in the traditional forms of it. ReflexologyTry to massage the whole foot on a regular basis, but pay extra attention to the points highlighted on the chart. When you massage, be aware of ‘sore spots’, as these need special attention. It’s also a good idea to massage the ankles and top side (as well as the soles) of the feet. Pluto rules the colon, bladder and sexual organs. Hence their importance in your overall health. Safe sex and sexual moderation are important for everyone, but for you especially. Pluto rules surgery and many of you see this as a solution to health problems. But detox, also ruled by Pluto, would be in many cases equally effective. While Pluto was in Sagittarius your liver and thighs needed more attention, as these organs are ruled by Sagittarius. But now with Pluto in Capricorn, your spine, knees, teeth, bones, gallbladder and overall skeletal alignment are important–and for the long term. Regular visits to a chiropractor or osteopath would be a good idea–the vertebrae of your spine need to be kept in alignment. Therapies such as Alexander Technique, Feldenkreis Method or Rolfing would be good. Yoga is excellent for your spine and it would be wise to focus more on the asanas that strengthen your spine. (Do your normal routine, but spend more time with the asanas that strengthen your spine–your instructor can guide you in this.) If health problems occur–and if you want to clear the spiritual root cause of the problem–it would be wise to examine your sexual attitudes and sexual practice. Misuse of the sexual force tends to be behind most problems in your case. Correct the problem and chances are that the health problem will dissolve of its own weight. Your health planet will camp out on an eclipse points for many months this year–this would show major changes in your health regime and practice. In some cases it can show health scares. But with overall energy basically good this year, they will probably be only scares and nothing more. Kali muriaticum and Calcium phosphate are excellent homoeopathic remedies for you. Turtles, eagles, scorpions and alligators are healing power animals–their medicine is beneficial on a health level. Home and Family Home and family have been important for some years now and continue to be important for a few months this year. Saturn has been in your 4th house for some years. This has brought a reorganization and re-structuring not only of the physical home but of the family and family relationship. In many cases there has been a death in the family (Saturn rules your 8th house of death). In other cases it wasn’t a physical death per se, but the death of a family relationship as it existed. Perhaps the family broke up. In many cases you ‘died’ inwardly to the family–only to be reborn on a better level. This was the true purpose of this transit: to transform, detox and purify the family relationship and the domestic situation–to make it more ideal and perfect. But while the process was happening it wasn’t pleasant. Most of the rough spots are over with. Saturn left the 4th house on October 29th of 2009. But this year it returns for a few months–from April 8th to July 22nd–so that you can tie up loose ends and deal with things that you haven’t yet dealt with. Saturn, as mentioned earlier, also brought increased family responsibilities and burdens. While these were probably unpleasant, you emerged from it a better person–a stronger character. You have a few more months of this in 2010. Moving was not advisable for the past few years, nor does it seem advisable this year. Though you feel cramped in the home as it feels that you don’t have enough space, the fact is that you do if you organize the space better. Many of you made major renovations in the home in the past 2 years, and if not it can happen this year as well. We’re not talking about superficial things–like repainting or buying new curtains–but heavy construction–ripping out wires and plumbing, knocking down walls and the like. With the ruler of the 8th house in the 4th house, the symbolism suggests getting rid of old household possessions, selling them or giving them away. A thorough house-cleaning should be done. Be ruthless. If it is something that you don’t use or rarely use, get rid of it or give it to charity. (By the way, this will liberate much needed space in your home.) Those of you who understand psychic energy will go further than this–you will not only do a physical house-cleaning, but a psychic/spiritual house-cleaning as well. You will clean the home of negative geo-pathological fields, negative energy vortexes or disembodied entities that might have been attracted there. When you do this, the whole atmosphere of the house will change. There are many ways to do this and those of you who are psychically aware know them. But if not you can call professionals–shamans or priests–who will do it for you. There are many dowsers who specialize in this sort of thing as well. A parent or parent figure has been having a rough 2 years–perhaps it is depression or ill-health, or just feeling their age. But this is mostly over with. Another parent figure has been restless and nomadic–needing to explore his or her own personal freedom. This other figure is having a very prosperous year and will be travelling much. A sibling is making major renovations in the home and would also benefit from both a thorough physical and psychic/spiritual house-cleaning. Children too. (This seems to run in the family these days.) Finance and Career Your 2nd house of finance is not a House of Power this year, Gemini, thus you basically seem satisfied with the status quo. Normally this would show a status-quo kind of year, but with two eclipses happening in your money house–one, the lunar eclipse of December 31, 2009, very much in effect this year, the second a solar eclipse on July 11, 2010–there will be many a financial change. Forced change. These changes will ultimately be for the good, but while they’re happening they tend to be unpleasant. Sometimes these things involve mere inconvenience–you have to change banks and thus change all your direct debits and BACS payments, or you change brokers or accountants. But sometimes the disruptions are more than that–a sudden expense comes that you weren’t ready for. Or perhaps you decide on a big purchase that forces you to rearrange your investments or planning. Overall, though, earnings will be status quo. The main headline this year is your career. Jupiter crosses your Midheaven on January 18th and will be in your 10th house of career most of the year ahead. This brings outer success, promotion, elevation, honour and glory–each according to their stage in life. Most of you will not become ‘household names’ in the year ahead, but for sure you will be better known and regarded than in the past year. When career is going well, pay rises also come. Elders, authority figures, parents and bosses are supportive of your career goals. Partners and friends likewise. Career has been unstable for many years, with many shifts and sudden changes, but this year (and in coming years) you seem to have found your niche–your groove. You have less need for change. You are on a path and sticking to it. Jupiter is your love planet. His move through your 10th house shows many interesting things. First off that you have friends in high places who are helping you. You can advance (and probably will advance) your career through social means–through attending or hosting the right kind of parties and through meeting people who can help you. Your social grace, your ability to get on with others, your personal likeability are probably playing more of a role in your success than your actual abilities. In the year ahead these qualities are prized by the powers that be. Keep in mind that social connections can open doors for you, but in the end you have to perform. One parent or parent figure is prospering greatly this year (and seems supportive of you), the other parent or parent figure is more tight financially–reorganizing finances in the year ahead. If these two figures are together (which is not always the case) they are in conflict about finances–and how to manage them. One wants to spend, the other wants to conserve. Your spouse or current love is supportive careerwise and seems very personally involved. He or she needs to be careful of debt and needs to follow the financial intuition. Children of appropriate age also need to cut down on debt and be more conservative financially. Siblings have passed through some major financial trials in the past 2 years and the year ahead looks much easier for them. Love and Social Life Your love and social life look happy and active in the year ahead. Very exciting. And there are periods in the year (as your love planet travels with Uranus) where it is like a soap opera or roller-coaster ride. It seems to me that you will have a successful social year. Jupiter, your love planet, will be in your 10th house. This shows that love and marriage are very important to you. For many months in the coming year it will actually be the ‘most elevated’ planet in the horoscope–which shows your ‘highest aspiration’. This importance that you place on it–this interest–will enable you to deal with the various challenges that arise. Your needs and desires in love are a bit complicated this year. Jupiter in the sign of Pisces would make you very idealistic. You would be more interested in the ‘pure feeling of love’ than in practical considerations. But Jupiter in the 10th house of career shows a practical side that is equally strong. So when you meet someone where the chemistry is good, where the love feeling is there, your practical side might not be happy–e.g. he or she has no status, no money, is not from the ‘right’ family, etc. Conversely, when you meet someone of high status–the good provider, etc.–your idealistic side complains ‘there is no passion here,’ etc. It is like having two people in the same body looking at things from opposite perspectives and arguing with each other–difficult to please both sides. Your ideal love this year would be someone who could please both sides of your nature–someone who is a poet, creative, spiritual, idealistic, but yet has money and status. This is not so easy to find, but this year you are likely to meet up with these kinds of people. With Jupiter as your love planet you always like someone who is educated and refined. You are allured to academics, religious people and foreigners. You have a need for philosophical compatibility. And this year is no different. But as Jupiter moves through spiritual Pisces, the spiritual dimension becomes more important this year. You not only need philosophical compatibility but also spiritual compatibility–someone who is on your spiritual path, who shares your spiritual ideals and values. You can have great physical chemistry, but if the spiritual compatibility is lacking there will be problems. Generally you find love and social opportunities in foreign countries or in religious or educational settings–at college or while taking courses or attending lectures, or at university functions or religious functions. Often love opportunities come through the matchmaking efforts of professors, priests or pastors. This is still true in the year ahead. But this year love opportunities happen as you pursue your career goals and perhaps with people involved in your career. This year you have the aspects for the classic office romance–a romance with a superior or boss. Status and power turn you on–but as mentioned there needs to be more than that. Since Jupiter will be travelling with Uranus for many months in the year ahead, love can happen suddenly and out of the blue. A lightning flash from above. This is a year for ‘love at first sight’. The only problem with this is that love can end just as suddenly, too. It introduces instability in your love life. Existing relationships can suddenly break up due to meeting a special someone very suddenly. Jupiter will be in your 11th house of friendships for a few months this year–from June 6th to September 10th. During this period love opportunities will happen at groups or organizations–and perhaps something that was just a friendship develops (suddenly and unexpectedly) into something more. This is a good love year for those working on either their first, second or third marriages. Those in or working towards their fourth marriage have a status-quo year. Self-improvement Saturn will be in two houses of your horoscope this year. Most of the time he will be in your 5th house of fun, creativity and children. But he will spend a few months–from April 8th to July 22nd–in your 4th house. His return to your 4th house–where he has spent the last 2 years–shows that the reorganization of your home and family life (but most especially your emotional life) is still not over. You are in a situation where it is not safe to express how you really feel. You are between a rock and a hard place. If you express your true feelings, you will alienate family members. If you repress them, you run the risk of depression–or worse–physical pathologies that arise from depression. Worse, you probably won’t succeed in repressing your feelings for too long–and when they do get expressed it will be an avalanche–in many cases totally out of proportion to the event that triggered it. But there is a third way. Express you feelings, but in a harmless way. Write them out or talk them out into a tape recorder. Don’t hold anything back. When you have finished, erase the tape or throw the paper out (don’t play back what you’ve recorded or reread what you’ve written). You will feel much better and no one close to you will have been hurt or alienated. This period is not only one for physically cleaning the house, as mentioned, but also for emotional house-cleaning. Old possessions (emotional patterns, memory patterns, traumas from past experiences) that are no longer serving you should go. They are just clogging up the works. This is really what the cosmos wants from you. Saturn in your 5th house (where he will be for most of the year) has various interpretations. Much depends on how you view life. If you view the object of life to be pleasure–sensual pleasure and its pursuit–this transit will certainly be difficult. For it shows a need to limit these things–manage them better and get them under control. When you consider that you are in a very powerful career year, this need to limit recreational activities is understandable–you need to focus on serious issues like success. But if you view life as a process of ‘character building’–of building a ‘temple’ that a higher power can use in the world–then this transit will actually be very helpful to you. You will limit certain kinds of sensual pleasures so that you can experience more refined, higher types of pleasure. The cosmos is not interested in having you walk around with a hair shirt or in sackcloth and ashes–it is the very antithesis of this. But it has more pleasures to offer you than the commonly accepted ones. So it might limit you on the sensual level in order to expand you on different levels. There is always a compensation in life. For those of you in the creative arts this transit will force you to be more disciplined in your approach–it will force you to be more detail-orientated in your creativity–to create based on system and order and not solely on inspiration. You will learn to create regardless of the mood of the moment. Learning to discipline children–in a right and proper way–will also be one of the lessons of this transit. To leave children without limits or to let them run the show (as is becoming the norm here in the US) could be considered a form of child abuse. To over-discipline them can verge on cruelty and create a generation of cruel people. There is a delicate balance here and you will learn it these next 2 years. Month-by-month Forecasts (#ulink_3cd0344c-c38d-58b8-b6e9-b68c895909b1) January Best Days Overall: 6, 7, 16, 17, 25, 26 Most Stressful Days Overall: 4, 5, 11, 12, 18, 19 Best Days for Love: 4, 5, 6, 7, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 25, 26, 27 Best Days for Money: 1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 25, 26, 27, 28 Best Days for Career: 7, 17, 18, 19, 26 You are in the ‘day’ time of your year as the year begins. A stunning 70 per cent, and sometimes 80 per cent, of the planets are above the horizon. Your 10th house of career becomes very powerful after the 18th, while your 4th house of home and family is basically empty (only the Moon moves through there on the 4th and 5th). This is the time to focus on your career and outer goals and to pursue them with boldness and confidence. Let family and emotional issues go for a while–de-emphasize them. You are in a period of great outer success. Jupiter crosses your Midheaven on the 18th (and many of you will feel this even earlier than that), the classic signal of career success and ‘worldly favour’. You lead a charmed life careerwise. There are pay rises, promotions and even honours awaiting you. Most of the planets are in the Western sector as the year begins, but this will change very soon. A strong social month as well. Jupiter is your love planet. His position at the top of the chart (the Midheaven) shows success in love as well as in your career. Your spouse, partner or current love is also prospering and successful–also elevated–and is supportive of your career goals. Singles have very interesting love opportunities with people ‘at the top’–people of power and status, bosses, people who can (and do) help your career. You have the aspects for ‘office romance’. After the 18th you can further your career through social means–through attending or hosting the right parties with the right people. You have a knack for meeting (socially) just the right people who can help you. Many a marriage will happen this month. A solar eclipse on the 15th occurs in your 8th house. Your partner is prospering now, as we’ve mentioned, but will also make very important and dramatic financial changes. These changes will occur over a period of about 6 months–but they will be dramatic. Siblings and neighbours have dramas in their lives. The cosmos will make you aware of your mortality–this doesn’t mean literal death, just a kindly reminder that death does exist and is something to be confronted and dealt with. Students (younger than university age) will have changes of school or changes in their educational plans. Oftentimes there are shakeups in the school they are attending. Cars and communication equipment get tested. Health is good and you can enhance it further according to the ways mentioned earlier. This hasn’t changed. Detox is unusually powerful during this period as well. Finances are status quo–the real action is happening in your career. February Best Days Overall: 2, 3, 12, 13, 22, 23 Most Stressful Days Overall: 1, 7, 8, 15, 16, 28 Best Days for Love: 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 14, 15, 24, 25 Best Days for Money: 2, 3, 4, 5, 13, 14, 15, 24, 25 Best Days for Career: 3, 13, 14, 15, 16, 23 Career is getting better and better. You go from glory to glory–from success to greater success. A heady feeling. Some 70-80 per cent of the planets are above the horizon. Jupiter, the planet of luck and expansion, is comfortably camped out in your 10th house of career. On the 11th Venus will cross your Midheaven, bringing social success and new and powerful friends–also spiritual guidance related to your career. And on the 18th, the Sun crosses the Midheaven and enters your 10th house of career–this initiates a yearly career peak. A career peak in a strong (overall) career year. Go boldly towards your goals and reach for the stars. You have a lot of help. You can safely de-emphasize home and family now–you can serve them best by succeeding in your outer life. You have a special success careerwise on the 27th and 28th–a meeting with a superior goes well. A happy career turn happens. Overall the month ahead looks very happy. Until the 18th, your 9th house is very powerful. This brings optimism, the expansion of your horizons, happy travel and educational opportunities. For students it brings success in their studies. The Hindu astrologers consider the 9th house to be the luckiest of all the houses. Health is good but after the 18th start to rest and relax more. Pace yourself. Keep energy levels high. Yes, career demands are strong, but try not to overdo things. Make sure you get a good night’s sleep. Enhance your health after the 18th in the ways mentioned earlier, but also pay more attention to your heart. Career is a much stronger interest than mere money–and you are right to think this way. Career success, a good professional reputation, good public standing, will eventually lead to money. Nevertheless there are some happy financial experiences this month. The New Moon of the 14th and 15th not only clarifies educational and legal issues but brings a nice windfall as well (sometimes it brings opportunity). It also brings very powerful financial intuition or interior revelation. Look for it. On the 27th and 28th the Sun travels with Jupiter (makes a conjunction), a classic signal of prosperity–but short term. Love also seems very happy. With Jupiter at the top of your chart (near the Midheaven), love and social activities are important and high on your agenda. You put your partner or spouse on a pedestal these days and he or she appreciates it. You are still mixing with the high and mighty, people of power and prestige–and these people are helping you. Singles still have opportunities at the office or with people involved in their careers. On the 15th-17th there is a meeting with someone very spiritual and creative–someone you consider marriage material. However, it could just be fun and games. Neither you nor the other is sure. March Best Days Overall: 2, 3, 11, 12, 21, 22, 29, 30 Most Stressful Days Overall: 1, 6, 7, 14, 15, 27, 28 Best Days for Love: 4, 5, 6, 7, 14, 15, 16, 17, 23, 24, 25, 26, 31 Best Days for Money: 4, 5, 14, 15, 23, 24, 25, 31 Best Days for Career: 3, 12, 13, 14, 15, 22, 30 Many of the trends that we wrote of last month are very much still in effect. You are still in the midst of a yearly career peak, much career progress is being made and there is much outer success in your life. Continue to give the focus there and de-emphasize home and family issues. Do what you need to do with the family, but keep your focus on your career. We have a lot of water in the horoscope this month. Both the love planets in your horoscope are in water signs (Jupiter, all month; Venus, until the 7th). People–and especially romantic interests–are more sensitive now, much more than usual. You need to watch your facial expressions, body language and speech. Even stray dark thoughts–thoughts that come involuntarily–are picked up by your beloved, and there is a strong reaction to them. Keep your love feelings pure. Be more patient and understanding. Try not to make a bad situation worse by defending yourself or attacking the other party. Their sensitivities are their sensitivities. It is what it is. The good part of this is that you will be experiencing highs and nuances in love that few people ever experience. It is precisely this sensitivity that allows for this. Health needs more watching now–especially until the 20th. Enhance your health in the ways discussed last month. The same health trends are in effect. The New Moon of the 15th once again brings happy (and substantial) financial windfalls and opportunities. It will boost your career even further and bring sudden–unexpected–material good. (Sometimes people spend more than usual under this aspect, too.) Your ruler, Mercury, starts to travel with Jupiter from the 7th to the 9th. This too brings happy windfalls–prosperity. In this case it also brings a very happy romantic experience. For marrieds it shows more romance within the marriage, happy social invitations and the meeting of new friends. For singles it indicates meeting a special someone–or a person that you would consider ‘marriage material’. By the 20th career goals have been basically achieved (in the short term, anyway) and your focus shifts to friendships, group activities, networking and involvement with organizations. This is a happy month both in terms of friendships and on a romantic level. April Best Days Overall: 8, 9, 17, 18, 26, 27 Most Stressful Days Overall: 3, 4, 10, 11, 24, 25, 30 Best Days for Love: 1, 3, 4, 5, 10, 11, 15, 16, 19, 20, 25, 28, 29, 30 Best Days for Money: 1, 3, 4, 10, 11, 13, 14, 19, 20, 24, 28, 29 Best Days for Career: 9, 10, 11, 18, 27 Saturn retrogrades back into your 4th house of home and family on the 3rd. There are important family responsibilities to deal with now–and perhaps a renovation or repair of the home. But keep your career in focus. Most of the planets are still above the horizon, and your 10th house of career is still a lot stronger than your 4th house. There is still much success happening–perhaps a foreign journey or a few journeys (career related) this month (and in the months ahead). The planetary power is now mostly in the Eastern sector of your horoscope–the sector of Self. The planets will reach their maximum Eastern position next month. So you are independent now (more than usual) and have the power to create conditions as you like them–and you should. It is a time to create your own happiness and let the world adapt to you rather than vice versa. You are still in a very social period. Your 11th house of friends and group activities is still strong until the 20th. Friendships are a lot happier. New friends are coming into the picture. This is also a very spiritual month. Your 12th house of spirituality is very strong all month, but especially after the 20th. Career is demanding and exciting to be sure. Family responsibilities also weigh on you. But still it is good to make some time for your spiritual studies–your meditation and inner work. It is the best gift you can give to yourself. As you do this you will find that, rather than wasting time, this will create time–your work and duties will flow more smoothly and be done in a fraction of the normal time. A good month for getting involved in charities and altruistic activities. You will probably ‘just naturally’ desire more seclusion–and this is normal. Good to go on spiritual retreats or religiously-orientated pilgrimages. We mentioned that you are probably travelling related to your career, but if you can fit in a religious pilgrimage or retreat it would be wonderful. When the 12th house is strong there are more supernatural kinds of experiences happening–whether you are on the path or not. Those on the path understand what these things are and smile. They are generally joyous things. Those not on the path scratch their heads in bewilderment, but remember the incidents. The cosmos is planting seeds for future growth in these folk. Now that Saturn has moved back into Virgo (on the 3rd), pay more attention to your health. Rest and relax more. Delegate tasks wherever possible. Maintain high energy levels. Enhance your health in the ways mentioned earlier, and also start paying more attention to your heart. Reduce stress and worry as much as possible (another good reason for getting involved in your spiritual studies–meditation is the best natural way to reduce stress and lower blood pressure.) May Best Days Overall: 5, 6, 15, 23, 24 Most Stressful Days Overall: 1, 7, 8, 9, 21, 22, 27, 28 Best Days for Love: 1, 5, 6, 8, 9, 15, 16, 18, 25, 26, 27, 28 Best Days for Money: 2, 3, 8, 9, 12, 13, 17, 18, 23, 25, 26 Best Days for Career: 6, 7, 8, 9, 16, 24 Jupiter (your love planet) and Uranus are more or less conjunct all month. They are travelling together now. The conjunction will be most exact towards the end of the month–but you will feel this all month. This is a very dynamic aspect that will be in effect for the next few months. There are sudden travel opportunities to foreign countries. Students hear unexpected good news about university or graduate school. Love is like a rocket ship–you soar in the heavens. Singles find love suddenly and unexpectedly. New–and very exciting–friends come into your life. Existing relationships can be severely tested. Perhaps there are rivals for your affections or the affections of your beloved. There is good news on the legal front (if you are involved in these kinds of things). There are major religious and philosophical breakthroughs. Those involved in a marriage would be wise to give their partner as much space as possible so long as it isn’t destructive. It might be wise to do unconventional things together as a couple–perhaps travel to some exotic, remote location. The relationship needs some change. Same old, same old will not cut it. Use your creativity. Business partnerships are also being tested. But new and sudden ones can happen as well. Health still needs watching but will improve after the 21st. Continue to enhance your health in the ways mentioned earlier, and pay more attention to your heart. Worry is said to be (by spiritual healers) the root cause of most heart problems. Worry is so common that we consider it ‘normal’. Yet from the spiritual perspective it is considered a pathology. If there is something positive to be done about a situation–then by all means the positive action should be taken. But if not, what does the worry accomplish? It only saps your energy. Uranus’ entry into your 11th house on the 28th signals many changes in your friendships and social circle. Now–and for the next few months–you are getting a foretaste of the future. The full-blown transit will happen next year. Your whole social circle will be different as the years progress. Old friends are leaving the scene and new ones are coming in. On the 21st the Sun crosses your Ascendant and enters your sign. This signals a yearly personal pleasure peak. A time for pampering the body, for enjoying good food and sensual pleasures, for getting your body and image into shape. Finances are good, but will get better after the 20th as Venus enters your money house. Venus brings gifts of intuition and luck in speculations. Happy money comes to you. You are still mingling with the high and mighty. June Best Days Overall: 1, 2, 11, 12, 19, 20, 29, 30 Most Stressful Days Overall: 4, 5, 17, 18, 24, 25 Best Days for Love: 4, 5, 6, 13, 14, 15, 24, 25 Best Days for Money: 1, 2, 5, 6, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 21, 24 Best Days for Career: 2, 4, 5, 12, 20, 30 Jupiter and Uranus are still travelling together and much of what we wrote of last month is still in effect now. Love is exciting. Love happens at first sight. You are bold in love–fearless. You jump into relationships quickly. However, keep in mind that love is also highly unstable. The one you love today, might not be around tomorrow. And the reverse is also true. You might feel passionate today, but tomorrow feel nothing. The mood swings in love are very severe. But, no matter. You are undaunted. New love seems ever available. For marrieds the advice we gave last month is still valid. Do the unconventional. Love attitudes seem different this month, though. For most of the year you’ve favoured people of power and prestige–good providers–those who could help your career. Now you want friendship with your beloved. You want a relationship of peers–of equals. You want to be experimental in love. You want to throw out all the old rule books and see what works for you. You are allured by people of different cultures and ethnicities–the more exotic, the better you like them. On the 28th of last month Uranus left your 10th house of career. On the 6th of this month, Jupiter will follow. On the 10th, the planetary power shifts from the upper to the lower half of your horoscope. Thus career goals seem to have been achieved–you have been successful this year–now it’s time to pay attention to your family and emotional life. Of course you will still have a career, but pursue it more ‘internally’–through setting goals, dreaming about them, visualizing them. In due course, as the new day breaks in your year, they will manifest quite naturally. Now find your point of emotional harmony and function from there. You are still in a yearly personal pleasure peak until the 21st. Enjoy. On the 21st, as the Sun moves into your money house, you enter a yearly financial peak. The most prosperous period of your year. Your focus is on money, and what you focus on tends to happen. Use your intellectual and communication skills to create wealth, either through writing, teaching, blogging, sales, marketing or PR. Investments in these kinds of companies–media, telecommunications or transport–property too–all seem interesting. Many creative kinds of ideas are coming to you after the 14th. Health is much improved now, but still needs watching. Continue to enhance health in the ways we’ve discussed in previous months. A lunar eclipse on the 26th brings job changes. If you employ others, or have others who report to you, there is instability with these people–there will be turnover happening. This lunar eclipse forces change (as every one does)–this time in your financial planning and strategy. July Best Days Overall: 8, 9, 17, 26, 27 Most Stressful Days Overall: 1, 2, 15, 21, 22, 28, 29, 30 Best Days for Love: 3, 5, 12, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31 Best Days for Money: 1, 2, 3, 10, 11, 12, 20, 21, 31 Best Days for Career: 1, 2, 9, 18, 27, 28, 29, 30 More long-term financial changes coming up this month. Last month’s lunar eclipse affected finances because the eclipsed planet was your financial planet–the Moon. Now there is a solar eclipse in your money house, which is again affecting finances. Two eclipses back to back have an impact on money. Some deep changes are needed in your financial planning and thinking. Income (or people that you’ve relied upon) may not be as reliable as you thought. Investments or jobs that seemed reliable might also not be reliable. Eclipses also force change from ‘good’ things. Major luck (which has been happening careerwise) can be just as disruptive–and time-consuming–as bad things. People often change their banks, brokers, financial planners and accountants under these aspects. Often, evidence of financial mismanagement–either personal or with those entrusted with your money–surfaces, and changes have to be made. Sometimes there is an unexpected expense that forces a rearrangement of the financial affairs. There are many scenarios as to how things can happen. But, in the end, the changes are for the good–though not always comfortable while they are happening. The eclipsed planet, the Sun, is also your communication planet. Thus, as we saw in January, this eclipse tests your car and communication equipment. There are dramatic events in the lives of siblings and neighbours. Siblings should be encouraged to take a reduced schedule and to avoid risky activities. Though this eclipse is basically benign to you, it won’t hurt to take a reduced schedule as well. The good news this month is that in spite of the financial shakeups and turmoil, you are prospering. You are still well into your yearly financial peak until the 23rd. Your native gifts of communication–your mental agility–lead you on the path to profits. Just be yourself and prosperity will happen. Your 3rd and 4th houses are also powerful this month. Again, the cosmos is urging you to be your natural self–to expand your mind and your knowledge–to learn and to teach others. Gemini heaven. There is more focus on the family now–and this is as it should be. Career goals have been achieved, and with your career planet retrograde there’s not much more to be done. Career issues will need some time for resolution. This is a month for renovating or beautifying the home–for entertaining from home as well. Saturn leaves his stressful aspect with you on the 23rd. And overall, health and energy will be much improved. Continue to enhance your health even further by following the methods outlined in the general overview of the year. Êîíåö îçíàêîìèòåëüíîãî ôðàãìåíòà. Òåêñò ïðåäîñòàâëåí ÎÎÎ «ËèòÐåñ». Ïðî÷èòàéòå ýòó êíèãó öåëèêîì, êóïèâ ïîëíóþ ëåãàëüíóþ âåðñèþ (https://www.litres.ru/joseph-polansky/your-personal-horoscope-2010-month-by-month-forecasts-for/?lfrom=688855901) íà ËèòÐåñ. Áåçîïàñíî îïëàòèòü êíèãó ìîæíî áàíêîâñêîé êàðòîé Visa, MasterCard, Maestro, ñî ñ÷åòà ìîáèëüíîãî òåëåôîíà, ñ ïëàòåæíîãî òåðìèíàëà, â ñàëîíå ÌÒÑ èëè Ñâÿçíîé, ÷åðåç PayPal, WebMoney, ßíäåêñ.Äåíüãè, QIWI Êîøåëåê, áîíóñíûìè êàðòàìè èëè äðóãèì óäîáíûì Âàì ñïîñîáîì.
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