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Nectar for Your Soul

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Nectar for Your Soul Valeria Dubkovskaya Vladimir Dubkovskiy In this book you will find answers to the eternal philosophical questions of mankind:• Who are we, the “new and improved” results of natural evolution from monkeys, or God’s creations?• What is the meaning of life?• What has been happening on our planet in recent decades?What is the reason for the cataclysms and crises that have descended upon the Earth?And also many other important questions found the answer in this book. Nectar for Your Soul Vladimir Dubkovskiy Valeria Dubkovskaya Translator Ryan Wyeth Translator Mark Rawlins Cover designer Tatiana Ivanova © Vladimir Dubkovskiy, 2018 © Valeria Dubkovskaya, 2018 © Ryan Wyeth, translation, 2018 © Mark Rawlins, translation, 2018 © Tatiana Ivanova, cover design, 2018 ISBN 978-5-4493-8961-9 Created with Ridero smart publishing system In this book you will find answers to the eternal philosophical questions of mankind: • Who are we, the “new and improved” results of natural evolution from monkeys, or God’s creations? • What is the meaning of life? • What has been happening on our planet in recent decades? What is the reason for the cataclysms and crises that have descended upon the Earth, and when will they come to an end? What is the meaning of the Great Transition of 2012 foretold in the Mayan calendar? • Why is there so much injustice and suffering, and why are there so many unhappy people in the world? • Is it possible to find harmony in family relations, and how exactly can this be done? • Why are believers’ prayers not answered, and how does one need to pray in order to ensure that they are? • Is it possible to change the world around us and the people we are close to? What is our conscious mind capable of, and is it possible to harness that potential? • What is the “Formula for Happiness”? This book contains many simple and beneficial recipes for improving one’s life. All recommendations are based on deep scientific research and backed by years of practice. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form without the express written consent of the copyright owners. Author’s email: [email protected]     © Vladimir Dubkovskiy, Valeria Dubkovskaya, 2011.     © Tatiana Ivanova, cover design, 2011. Nectar for Your Soul – A Russian bestseller Nectar was published in June 2011. By October of the same year it had already become a bestseller among the one million plus books sold by Russia’s number one online megastore – Ozon.ru. Since then and up to date of publication of this edition (March 2013) Nectar has been in the top three best sellers in Ozon.ru. Nectar’s English Facebook page can be found at: https://www.facebook.com/nectarforyoursoul (https://www.facebook.com/nectarforyoursoul) Nectar’s Russian Facebook page can be found at: https://www.facebook.com/soulnectar (https://www.facebook.com/soulnectar) On December 30, 2011, the International Nectar Fan Club was established in Kyiv (Ukraine). Its Facebook page is located at: https://www.facebook.com/nectarclub (https://www.facebook.com/nectarclub) The reviews[1 - These reviews were taken from Prostobook’s (the Ukrainian publisher of Nectar) website: http://prostobook.com/product/11-298242/] from Nectar for the Soul’s[2 - The Russian edition of the book is entitled Nectar for the Soul.] first readers Andrei Aleksandrov, 29 years: Hello Valeria and Vladimir! I read Nectar for the Soul. Thank you very much for your effort! The book didn’t just broaden my horizons in terms of how I relate to the world: I’ve also been struck by the feeling that I too should make my contribution to the development of humanity. Thank you so much! Your work should go through millions of print runs in all the languages of the world. Larisa Ivukova, 45 years: The appearance of this book is an event for all intellectual people on our Earth. The moment this book fell into my hands, I could immediately feel that this is an endless source of knowledge, energy and strength. It goes far beyond what is generally understood to be a “book.” I can confidently say that Nectar is not only a tool for development and an enormous depository of knowledge, but also a powerful source of strength, love and inspiration. It is a universal book: it is accessible for the understanding of any reasonable person who is discovering this information for the first time and is an enormous personal development engine for all of us who have already long been studying these topics. The enormous base of evidence; the logical sequence of all the chapters, which proceed “from the simple to the complex”; and the authors’ clear and precise position on many complex questions give readers the opportunity to construct a personal understanding of the meaning and value of their own lives. And for myself I’ve made the following conclusion: Nectar is a singular KEY for understanding the most important questions for humanity and is a “tuning fork” for future development. In particular, I’d like to note Valeria’s distinctive and miraculous “presence” in the book. Each word is filled with light, love and grace and “goes down smooth,” just like nectar! An enormous “thank you” and deep bow to our Teachers and this, their Great Labor! Irina Atarbaeva, 31years: I RECOMMEND that EVERYONE have this book in their library!!! It answers all the questions that one accumulates throughout live! An ENORMOUS “thank you” to the Dubkovskys for this excellent nectar for our souls!!! Aziz Atarbaev, 44years: Our Dear Vladimir and Valeria, thank you so much for this book! I am an air force reserve officer and have seen and endured much in my life, and it was very interesting to find out that I chose this all for my own growth. I personally read many of the authors that you made reference to and I say that with you everything is simpler and more accessible! Everything’s become peaceful and serene and my goals have become more vivid and understandable! I’m going to recommend the book to all who want to understand earthly life!!! WE THANK YOU, OUR SPIRITUAL TEACHERS!!! Vladimir Betin, 41years: Nectar for the Soul is the book of life. I call it the Bible of the Soul. In it are answers to all the questions that are important in life: Who am I? What is my purpose? What is the meaning of life? How do I find these things out so that I can travel my path and not fulfill someone else’s program? and many others besides. I am sure that this book will broaden the consciousness of millions of people; it’s simply a matter of time. And so I would like for everyone to open themselves up just a little bit to understanding and allow light into their souls. Having studied this book, you begin to value every day of life, every minute; you understand that it depends on you alone, what is going to happen down the road and how your life will be set out. You reconcile your life goals with that which you do and don’t allow your valuable time to be stolen away. Why is it necessary to toil in this life and do good rather than awaiting Heaven? In this life, we have everything that is necessary for resolving these issues: all that’s necessary is to act. Having studied this book, you will receive a powerful motivation to act. The time for doubt and indecisiveness has gone. Now is the time to act! Thank you Vladimir Evgenievich and Valeria Aleksandrovna for the years of life you’ve saved me in coming to an understanding of these materials. I really value this and am glad to be one of the first to have the opportunity to read NECTAR FOR THE SOUL. Elena and Aleksei Tkachyovy, 36years: It’s a great honor for us to be among the first to read this unique book! Nectar for the Soul is a Holiday for the Soul! The information therein is deep, important and very interesting. We read it in one breath. Elena: Having read this book, I experienced a pleasant “shock”: I found answers to a multitude of questions about life: where to find happiness, what the meaning of life is, how to achieve family harmony, life after life and an array of others. Finding everything that’s written about in Nectar for oneself would require years of intense searching. But now all of this can be grasped in a few days’ time. This book is an excellent tool for developing one’s consciousness and understanding of the Truth. I have two degrees of higher education, I am open to new information and nevertheless Nectar was, for me, a revolution in the brain, in my Consciousness. Our company includes several hundred people and we are putting every effort into ensuring that every person has this amazing book in his or her library!!! Vladimir and Valeria, I give you great thanks for your efforts!!![3 - More reviews (over 130) can be found on Ozon.ru‘s website: http://www.ozon.ru/context/detail/id/7237324/] A Parable of the East [An] Eastern King […], desiring to know the history of man, was brought by a sage five hundred volumes; busy with affairs of state, he bade him go and condense it; in twenty years the sage returned and his history now was in no more than fifty volumes, but the King, too old then to read so many ponderous tomes, bade him go and shorten it once more; twenty years passed again and the sage, old and gray, brought a single book in which was the knowledge the King had sought; but the King lay on his death-bed, and he had no time to read even that.     (From Somerset Maugham’s book Of Human Bondage) We know full well that modern people, world leaders and simple mortals alike, are burdened with just as many cares and worries as the eastern lord mentioned above. They also don’t have the time to read even fifty books that reveal the meaning of life. For this reason, billions of people live in suffering and die in ignorance, not even suspecting that this is reflected on the eternal life. As such, we undertook the task of tying together if not “all the world’s wisdom” then at least a very large part of it and of fitting it all into one book, which we offer you to read now, rather than waiting until you’re on your death bed. We have named it Nectar for Your Soul, though other names would have fit just as well, names like The Encyclopedia of Everything and A Travel Guide through Life: Both the Earthly and the Eternal. We hope that, having come to the end, you’ll agree with this assertion.     The Authors About the Authors Vladimir Dubkovskiy was born in 1953 in Leningrad (modern day Saint Petersburg). After graduating from law school at Leningrad State University, he served with the Military Prosecutor’s Office as a Captain of Justice. He then worked as a prosecutor in the Investigations Department of the Leningrad Public Prosecutor’s Office, was a member of the International Bar Association, a reporter for the newspaper Leningradskaya Pravda, an employee of the Soviet-American joint venture “The Hermitage”, and a screenwriter for the first two documentary films about prostitution in the Soviet Union. From 1989 to 1999 he switched to the business world, and was the founder and head of a number of commercial companies which focused on manufacturing, commerce and insurance. In 1999, together with Valeria, his wife and business partner, he founded the School, and then the Academy, of System Business. Branches of the Academy successfully operate in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Moldova and Kazakhstan, and tens of thousands of managers from various commercial companies have studied at them. For their achievements in this field, Vladimir and Valeria received 15 awards from the Eurasian Academy of Business including best business-trainers, authors of the best training program, and authors of the best books, of which they have written more than 50, with a total printing run of one and a half million copies. Vladimir was awarded the title “Honorary Citizen of the City of Memphis,” (Tennessee, USA) for his contributions to the development of Russian-American cultural relations (during his work at “Hermitage”). His literary and scientific activities served as the basis for his election to the position of Associate Academician of the International Informatization Academy (in General Consultative Status of the United Nations). Valeria Dubkovskaya graduated from law school at Leningrad State University, where she studied with Vladimir, to whom she was married in 1975. For twelve years she worked as the Head of a Section of the Civil Registry Office before becoming Vladimir’s partner in all his endeavors. Since 1999, she has headed the School and Academy of System Business together with Vladimir. She holds both Russian and international seminars. She is the author of many lectures and psychological training programs, and a brilliant orator. An active member of the Eurasian Academy of Business, she has been awarded many prizes and diplomas for her contributions to the training of managers from a large number of companies. Valeria is also a mother of two children: a shining example of womanhood in the business world. She is referred to as “Soul of the Academy” and “Guiding Light” by her thankful students. She has received wide recognition from participants for her musical training programs “House of My Dreams,” “Person of the New System” and many others. But Valeria has been carried to legendary status by her “prophetic” blessing-autographs, which are inevitably fulfilled. e-mail: [email protected] Chapter 1. Where is happiness hiding? Napoleon’s confession on the island of Saint Helena. The private tragedy of Abraham Lincoln, 16  President of the United States. What have great people suffered from, and why are the majority of families unhappy? The collection of knowledge necessary for achieving happiness. The formula for happiness. Who believes in God and how do they practice their faith? An ancient Sumerian recipe for success. How a 43 year-old woman overcame infertility. Ignorance is the source of all suffering.     Socrates Napoleon Bonaparte gloomily walked on the shores of Saint Helena. The year was 1818, the third year of his exile after his defeat at the Battle of Waterloo and his abdication from the throne. Like all those doomed to a life of imprisonment, he now lived only on memories, reliving in his mind, day by day, his eventful, turbulent life. For what was already the tenth time, he recalled all the episodes of combat and romantic exploits, faithfulness and betrayal, accomplishments and mistakes… “In my life there were but three wonderful days: Marengo, Austerlitz and Jena, if you don’t count a fourth, when I granted an audience to the Austrian Emperor, in a ditch on the field of battle,” he unexpectedly broke the silence. Napoleon’s companion on his walk, the Count Emmanuel de Las Cases, stopped and produced his notebook. “This, I cannot believe, Your Excellence!” he cried, hastily making a note, fearing to miss even one word. Las Cases, who had been an officer in Napoleon’s entourage and a faithful servant, had agreed to voluntarily share in his vanquished emperor’s exile. He was Napoleon’s most regular companion on his short daily walks, during which he meticulously recorded all Napoleon’s remarks in his notebook. “Nevertheless, it is so,” Napoleon sighed sadly. “But even Alexander the Great did not achieve fame such as yours!” objected Las Cases “and his glory burned brightly for many years!” “If you consider the essence of fame, you will come to the conclusion that it amounts to very little,” responded Napoleon, “It is no reason for pride, no matter the words of the ignorant, praises of fools, or the approval or vilification of the crowd.” “I remember well what honors you were given by your soldiers and the people after your great victories. Were you then not happy?” “Such honors were pleasing only at the beginning of my successes,” Napoleon sadly shook his head, “Those who strive for honors are like lovers: the conquest devaluates the prize.” “But you were the richest monarch in Europe, your wealth was envied by kings!” Las Cases refused to yield. “Those who search for happiness in luxury and extravagance are like people who prefer the glow of candles to the light of the Sun,” Napoleon noted philosophically. Waiting for Las Cases to finish writing this phrase, Napoleon uttered the following: “The strong-willed avoid indulgence like ship’s navigators avoid rocks.” It is difficult to suspect Napoleon of insincerity. All suspicions that the abased emperor was lying when he admitted the unhappiness of his famous life disappear once one has read all his dictums that Las Cases scrupulously recorded in his notebook for posterity. Now anybody can read his words; after Napoleon’s death, Las Cases’s notebook was published in France under the title Maximes et pens?es du prisonnier de Sainte-H?l?ne. Manuscrit trouv? dans les papiers de Las Casas [1]. What did Napoleon lack that he needed for happiness? He achieved all those things which people usually strive to attain: fame, power and wealth. Perhaps love? In the letters of Las Cases there is not a word about this, but history has been preserved in Napoleon’s letters to Jos?phine, which were written twenty years before his exile and which shine a bright light on their relationship. There were many such letters, but two are sufficient to understand who loved and who was loved in their marriage. Letter of April 3, 1796: “My one and only Jos?phine, apart from you there is no joy; away from you, the world is a desert where I am alone and cannot open my heart. You have taken more than my soul; you are the one thought of my life. When I am tired of the worry of work, when I feel the outcome, when men annoy me, when I am ready to curse being alive, I put my hand on my heart; your portrait hangs there, I look at it, and love brings me perfect happiness, and all is miling except the time I must spend away from my mistress. By what art have you captivated all my facilities and concentrated my whole being in you? It is a sweet friend, that will die only when I do. To live for Jos?phine, that is the history of my life I long…. “To die not loved by you, to die without knowing, would be the torment of Hell, the living image of utter desolation. I feel I am suffocating.My one companion, you whom fate has destined to travel the sorry road of life beside me, the day I lose your heart will be the day Nature loses warmth and life for me.” There were many such letters, but few replies. Napoleon’s letter from November 13, 1796: “I don’t love you, not at all; on the contrary, I detest you – you’re a naughty, gawky, foolish Cinderella. You never write me; you don’t love your own husband; you know what pleasures your letters give him, and yet you haven’t written him six lines, dashed off so casually! “What do you do all day, Madam? What is the affair so important as to leave you no time to write to your devoted lover? What affection stifles and puts to one side the love, the tender constant love you promised him? Of what sort can be that marvelous being, that new lover that tyrannizes over your days, and prevents your giving any attention to your husband? Jos?phine, take care! Some fine night, the doors will be broken open and there I’ll be. “Indeed, I am very uneasy, my love, at receiving no news of you; write me quickly four pages, pages full of agreeable things which shall fill my heart with the pleasantest feelings. “I hope before long to crush you in my arms and cover you with a million kisses as though beneath the equator” [2]. We will return to Napoleon later, but for now let’s return to one of the phrases from his letter to Jos?phine, dated June 8, 1796: “I never believed in happiness.” Two more of Napoleon’s phrases, recorded by Las Cases in his notebook, will be useful to us later: “It seems to me that the ability to think is tied to the soul: the more reason achieves perfection, the greater the perfection of the soul.” “Great foolishness is written concerning the soul. We must strive to know not what others say about it, but what our own reason can reveal to us, regardless of others’ opinions.” Do you believe that Napoleon ever had a chance to find happiness in his marriage to Josephine? We maintain that he did, and after having read this book, you will find the reason for our certainty. We are convinced that every person who has the ability to reject false notions and to open themselves to new knowledge can become happy, regardless of the circumstances of his or her life at the present moment. In this book we will set forth this new knowledge, but for the moment, let us acquaint ourselves with the story of one more great person: Abraham Lincoln (1809—1865) the sixteenth president of the United States. He was a man possessed both of a great mind and great masculinity, who made massive contributions to the unity of his country. He earned the respect of both his friends and enemies, of everyone but his wife, who was a great source of suffering for Lincoln. American psychologist Dale Carnegie speaks of them in his book How to Win Friends and Influence People: “The great tragedy of Abraham Lincoln’s life also was his marriage. Not his assassination, mind you, but his marriage. When Booth fired, Lincoln never realized he had been shot; but he reaped almost daily, for twenty-three years, what Herndon, his law partner, described as “the bitter harvest of conjugal infelicity.” “Conjugal infelicity?” That is putting it mildly. For almost a quarter of a century, Mrs Lincoln nagged and harassed the life out of him. “She was always complaining, always criticizing her husband; nothing about him was ever right. He was stoop-shouldered, he walked awkwardly and lifted his feet straight up and down like an Indian. “She complained that there was no spring in his step, no grace to his movement; and she mimicked his gait and nagged at him to walk with his toes pointed down, as she had been taught at Madame Mentelle’s boarding school in Lexington. “She didn’t like the way his huge ears stood out at right angles from his head. She even told him that his nose wasn’t straight, that his lower lip stuck out, and he looked consumptive, that his feet and hands were too large, his head too small. “Abraham Lincoln and Mary Todd Lincoln were opposites in every way: in training, in background, in temperament, in tastes, in mental outlook. They irritated each other constantly. “Mrs. Lincoln’s loud, shrill voice,” wrote the late Senator Albert J. Beveridge, the most distinguished Lincoln authority of this generation—“Mrs Lincoln’s loud shrill voice could be heard across the street, and her incessant outbursts of wrath were audible to all who lived near the house. Frequently her anger was displayed by other means than words, and accounts of her violence are numerous and unimpeachable.” “To illustrate: Mr. and Mrs. Lincoln, shortly after their marriage, lived with Mrs. Jacob Early – a doctor’s widow in Springfield who was forced to take in boarders. “One morning Mr. and Mrs. Lincoln were having breakfast when Lincoln did something that aroused the fiery temper of his wife. What, no one remembers now. But Mrs Lincoln, in a rage, dashed a cup of hot coffee into her husband’s face. And she did it in front of the other boarders. Saying nothing, Lincoln sat there in humiliation and silence while Mrs. Early came with a wet towel and wiped off his face and clothes. “Mrs. Lincoln’s jealousy was so foolish, so fierce, so incredible, that merely to read about some of the pathetic and disgraceful scenes she created in public – merely reading about them seventy-five years later makes one gasp with astonishment. She finally went insane; and perhaps the most charitable thing one can say about her is that her disposition was probably always affected by incipient insanity” [3]. You could say that Lincoln, like Napoleon, was simply unlucky in his marriage. But if we take a look at the research of sociologists, we see that 90% of people are “unlucky” in marriage. This distressing statistic is tied to the fragility of family unity in the world around us. On average, almost every other marriage in the world officially ends in divorce, and of the remaining half of marriages three fourths of wedded couples can be found in the category ranging from “habitually-indifferent” to “it can’t get any worse.” Those marriages in which it “can’t get any worse” retain their legal status for a number of reasons: lack of desire to divide possessions, complex legal procedures, fear of judgment on the part of society… “Unplanned” or “unlucky” marriages don’t exist, and in the pages of this book it will be revealed how any marriage can be transformed into a happy or, at the very least, peaceful and comfortable marriage. But don’t rush to thumb through the pages in search of this information; our recipes work only if you study the contents of each chapter attentively and in their proper order. Familial disarray is not the only reason for suffering. People suffer from injustice and the knowledge of their inability to combat that injustice, from fear of impending old age and from poverty, from pain after the loss of loved ones, from creative failure, and from loneliness and disease… While researching the boundless theme of “Human Suffering,” we found deeply unhappy people in all historical eras and in all circles of society. Torturous suffering affects not only average people, but also kings, presidents of countries and corporations, top models, and the stars of Hollywood and show business. The dream of many young women to be a supermodel seems appealing on the glossy covers of magazines. But the famous German beauty Claudia Schiffer revealed what goes on “behind the covers” in her interview for the magazine Fivetonine: “Top-models are going extinct like mammoths, their lives are completely thrown into disarray, they turn to alcohol, debauchery and narcotics” [4]. It also turns out that almost all famous artists and wealthy people are unhappy. Nikolai Gogol (1809—1852), the famous Russian prose writer and dramatist, wrote in a letter to his friend: “Hanging or drowning appear to me as medicine or relief.” Lev Tolstoy (1828—1910), the great Russian writer, author of novels known around the world such as War and Peace and Anna Karenina, admitted in a letter in 1878: “I am hiding the rope in order to stop me from hanging myself from the rafters in my room at night when I’m alone. I don’t go hunting anymore, so as to avoid the temptation to shoot myself. It seems to me that my life has been a stupid farce.” Gustave Flaubert (1821—1880), a French writer, complained in his journal: “Everything seems loathsome to me. I would hang myself with joy, but only pride prevents me…” [5]. Flaubert kept himself from suicide, but many of his famed peers were unable to do the same. In the eyes of many readers the great American writer Ernest Hemingway (1899—1961) resembled the hero of his well-known story “The Old Man and the Sea,” whose slogan was “Do not surrender under any circumstances!” He was a Nobel laureate, succesful fisherman, first-class hunter, frequenter of pubs – in general, a real man: smart, strong and warmhearted. But this was all merely a mask, behind which hid a deeply suffering soul. Hemingway repeatedly attempted to kill himself. Even on the way to the clinic, where he planned to get help for his depression, Hemingway tried to throw himself from an airplane, and then on the ground, after landing he tried to kill himself on the blades of a spinning propeller. Having returned home after treatment, Hemingway all the same went through with what he had earlier attempted and ended up shooting himself with his favorite rifle on July 2, 1961. The writer’s granddaughter, the beautiful Margaux, was at one time the highest paid model in America and then a successful actress; but she too could not escape depression, fell into alcoholism and marked the thirty-fifth anniversary of her grandfather’s death in a most peculiar way, by ending her own life. The tragic story of Hemingway immediately calls to mind the tragedy of another great American author, Jack London (1876—1916), who killed himself as the result of prolonged depression, exacerbated by alcoholism. London also extolled the will to live; the heroes of his novels and stories, who were able to overcome any difficulty, became images of strength and masculinity for generations of readers around the world. At first the author himself resembled his heroes, enduring many hardships and blows of fate. On the surface he always appeared as a cheerful, energetic, strong-willed man and displayed unbelievable work ethic; in the course of fifteen years, he wrote so much that the full collection of his works constituted forty volumes! But he too lived behind a mask his entire life, even suffering from depression in his youth. Since childhood Jack had been subject to bouts of depression, but none of his many friends and comrades knew of this. He was always filled with barely contained energy and life, smiling and supporting others even in the most difficult moments of his life. At the age of 37, London became the highest paid author in the world and owner of an enormous tract of land, on which were planted 140,000 eucalyptus trees. The great author was well acquainted with the many sides of life, but that which he saw during his time on earth stirred up in him first ennui, then deep depression. London began to drink, which was the beginning of the end. At first he became disillusioned with the people around him, then with his beloved eucalyptus trees and then with literature itself. Having driven himself into a corner Jack London ended his life by drinking a fatal dose of poison on November 22, 1916. Noted Japanese writers, too, are not set apart by their optimism. Mishima Yukio (1925—1970), the most famous Japanese writer of the twentieth century, killed himself by committing seppuku. Kawabata Yasunari (1899—1972), Nobel laureate, killed himself by releasing poisonous gas into his study. This list could go on much further. Just a roster of famous people who have commited suicide would take up dozens of pages. There are those who claim that great and wealthy people simply “act out of boredom,” that if they needed to think more about their immediate needs they wouldn’t have time to fall into such deep suffering. However, further down the social ladder one finds that ordinary people do not suffer any less than kings, top models and creative geniuses. The only difference between the first and the second is that the tragedies of each star comprise a story in and of themselves, sufficient for a novel or loud headlines in the media, whereas the suffering of billions of average people is simply a statistic for sociologists. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), stress and depression have become an epidemic which affects all of humanity. The world has seen sharp increases in suicide rates: according to the WHO, around a million people commit suicide each year (that is, one suicide every forty seconds). The number of people who commit suicide surpasses the number who are killed by war or crime. In China alone the number of suicides yearly exceeds 250,000 people. When researching the theme of “suffering” the thought arises that our entire planet is a stronghold of evil and unhappiness, and that in their lives on Earth people are consigned to suffer from the start. Just such a point of view received wide acceptance during the fifth century, when St. Augustine (354—430) put forth the idea of the “original sin,” committed by Adam and Eve in paradise. In the “Epistle from the Patriarchs of the Eastern-Catholic Church on the Orthodox Faith,” (1723) the Christian Patriarchs stated “It is our belief, that the first man created by God fell from grace when, having heeded the treacherous advice of the serpent, he broke God’s commandment, and that from this the original sin flowed out into all man’s descendents, so that not one person, born into flesh, would be free from that burden and all would feel the consequences of the fall in their earthly lives… For their infraction, God’s justice has sentenced mankind to toil, sorrow, infirmity, birth defects, a grievous life on earth, wandering, and ultimately, death” [6]. And so, according to the Christian version, Adam and Eve are responsible for all the troubles of mankind, who’s crime consisted of the fact that they, tempted by the cunning Serpent, ate of the fruit of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, a deed strictly forbidden by God. The Creator was swift in His reprisal, and sent the unheeding people out into the Earth, to toil in sorrow by the sweat of their brow. Eve, who was primarily to blame for their exile, was additionally sentenced to the “pain of childbirth” and to forever be under her husband’s control. And finally, God cursed the very Earth into which He was sending the sinners (Gen. 3:16—19). The holy fathers were consistent in their negative attitude towards knowledge. In the course of many centuries not only progressive scholars were burned on the fires of the Inquisition, but books as well, which contained forbidden knowledge. It is well known that in 1562, Diego de Landa Calder?n (1524—1579), a Spanish monk who was sent to the Americas in order to convert the Indians to Christianity, gathered together and burned massive quantities of Mayan manuscripts. For this and other “feats” he was elevated to the order of Bishop, whilst the priceless knowledge of Mayan culture was forever lost to humanity, which is now racking its brains in an attempt to understand the Mayan prophecy about the Great Transition of December 21, 2012. By announcing that the eating of the fruit from the Tree of Knowledge is the reason for all suffering, both for those who ate of the fruit and for all their descendents, Saint Augustine and his followers turned the problem on its head, and they themselves, not God, doomed millions of people to suffering. Under the idea of original sin there is nothing left but to suffer or to hang oneself (shoot oneself, poison oneself, etc). What more can one do who has been sentenced by God (!) to live a life of sorrow on an Earth cursed by God (!)? In reality, the state of things is exactly the opposite; the reason for all suffering is ignorance, and the accumulation of knowledge is the natural mode of deliverance from these things (ignorance and suffering); the renowned Greek philosopher Socrates (469 – 399 B.C.) spoke of this one thousand years before Saint Augustine was even born. It was precisely ignorance that Socrates viewed as the reason for all the afflictions and suffering of mankind. “The only good is knowledge and the only evil is ignorance,” affirmed the great thinker. Socrates, as is known, was recognized by the Oracle at Delphi as the wisest man of his time. Later, millions of people throughout the world would agree with the orcale. And so this wise man left us with a precise diagnosis of the problems (ignorance) and a working recipe for ridding ourselves of them (knowledge). Socrates’ logic is irrefutable, as ignorance is simply the absence of knowledge, a lack of education. There is no reason to find something offensive in this word, ignorance; it is not stupidity, but an unknowing individual, unaware of the answers to certain questions, and nothing more. The truth of Socrates’ words has been confirmed by history, since there are actually happy people on the Earth! The very fact of their existence decisively proves the fallaciousness of conceptions about original sin and the need for all people to eternally pay for that sin. Happiness, as has been shown, can only be achieved by those people who have managed to comprehend the meaning of life and their destinies (i.e. who have gained knowledge of their destinies), and by those who have the capacity to realize that destiny (who have discovered how to do this). This is attested to by several years of research such as our own and such as that of world renowned American psychologist Abraham Maslow (1908—1970) [7], along with many other scholars. Socrates presented the complete ignorance of his contemporaries in terms of questions about human nature, the soul and the meaning of life; in precisely those questions which open up the road from suffering to happiness. We’ll now take a look at what changed regarding this in the twenty-five hundred years that have elapsed since Socrates’ death. Has mankind managed to overcome global ignorance? How much more knowledgeable are we, the people of the twenty-first century, than Socrates’ contemporaries? Or are we just as ignorant as our ancestors? According to scholars, it took from the start of the Common Era until 1750 for the scope of human knowledge to double. Knowledge had doubled again by 1900 and a third time by 1950. In the ‘70s, human knowledge doubled within the span of ten years, in the ‘80s within five, and by the end of the ‘90s human knowledge was being doubled practically once a year. The amount of information, particularly digital, is growing even quicker. If, at the current rate, the information created by mankind in a year were to be converted to book format, it would comprise twelve stacks of books, each one reaching from the Earth to the Sun (93 million miles). The growth of knowledge is particularly evident in technological development. The modern cell phone contains a microprocessor which has more processing power than all the processors which were on the Apollo spacecraft during its flight to the Moon in 1969! Thousands of colleges and universities are dedicated to the training and education of people all around the world. In the U.S. alone, 260 billion dollars are dedicated to education and science each year. And so, from the scope, i.e. the amount of knowledge alone, it would seem that we have surpassed Socrates’ contemporaries hundreds if not thousands of times. But the question is this: what is this knowledge about? What, for example, does the owner of a new cell phone know about his own conscious and subconscious? What does a designer of modern, flashy cars know about his soul, about the meaning of life, or even about the sexual cycles of his wife? What, for example, does the president of a bank or a mighty industrial corporation know about his destiny in life? What about the average citizen, with or without a diploma from a renowned university? What do they know, for example, of the Akashic Records and the experiences of the Monroe Institute in researching the World of Souls? What do people know about the achievements of quantum physics in the realm of human consciousness and the material of our thoughts, of the cycles in development of human civilization and about the real reasons for climate change? We maintain that 90% of all people don’t know the answers to these questions and don’t even think about them. We were brought to this conclusion by the results of our own research, which we have been carrying on now for more than ten years among our pupils, the number of whom at this point exceeds 50,000 people. Where have we found all these students? In 1999 we, the authors of this book, founded the “School of Business” in Russia for training managers of direct sales companies in successful methods of carrying out their duties. There are more than two hundred such companies in Russia, and the question of professional training for their managers was and is to this day a very pressing issue. Our great and continually successful experience in this field turned out to be in high demand, and the School soon transformed into an international one, opening branches in Ukraine, Belarus, Moldova and Kazakhstan. Hundreds and sometimes thousands of people regularly gather for seminars at our school, and in almost every class we carry out surveys that include many questions which shed light on the level of people’s knowledge, their needs and their interests. Our pupils represent a perfect sample of the middle class in each of these countries. Among managers there are people from every age group (from 20 to 60 years of age) the majority of whom possess college diplomas, that is, people we are accustomed to calling educated. But only individuals among them possess knowledge of the questions enumerated above. Official information, acquired as the result of sociological research in various countries, attests to the majority of people’s low level of education, particularly as regards questions that are common to high school and college programs. In Russia, for example, 40% of the adult population doesn’t read books at all, and those who do read are generally satisfied with detective novels and harlequin romances. The English, looking into the education level of their own population, stated with both shock and concern that some children (from the ages of 8 to 15) sincerely think eggs are laid not by chickens, but by cows. English adults are also not distinguished by their knowledge. According to statistics from the British Ministry of Education, around 16 million members of the adult, working population of England “don’t measure up” to grade school education standards (the level of knowledge possessed by an eleven-year-old schoolchild). In the U.S., 60% of adults questioned responded that Homer is the main character of the TV show The Simpsons and only 20.5% knew that he is in fact an ancient Greek poet, author of The Iliad and The Odyssey. Scholars at the University of Michigan conducted research and came to the conclusion that only 28% of Americans, 14% of Europeans, and 5% of Japanese can be considered “scientifically literate.” Under their system, in order to fall into the category of “scientifically educated” a person needed to understand, for example, what is a molecule, a neuron, a nanometer, DNA, and other such “complex topics.” According to their research, 70% of people living in the United States are unable to understand even an article published in the “Science” section of TheNew York Times. Remember that this is not a scientific journal, but a newspaper, intended for the general population, where all materials are prepared with the mindset that they will be read not by scholars, but the simplest of U.S. citizens. The results of all research clearly point to the fact that the majority of people in the world possess a very low level of general knowledge. The level of knowledge about the soul and the meaning of life is entirely negligible. We earlier mentioned the sad statistics about divorce, which draw a gloomy picture of family life for the majority of wedded couples. As it turns out, people’s ignorance is primarily to blame for this, an ignorance based in lack of knowledge about elementary issues in the sphere of sexual relations. Dale Carnegie’s abovementioned book, How to Win Friends and Influence People, presents convincing arguments which support this point of view: “Dr. Paul Popenoe, as head of the Institute of Family Relations in Los Angeles, has reviewed thousands of marriages and he is one of America’s foremost authorities on home life. According to Dr. Popenoe, failure in marriage is usually due to four causes. He lists them in this order: 1. Sexual maladjustment. 2. Difference of opinion as to the way of spending leisure time. 3. Financial difficulties. 4. Mental, physical, or emotional abnormalities. Notice that sex comes first; and that, strangely enough, money difficulties come only third on the list. All authorities on divorce agree upon the absolute necessity for sexual compatibility. For example, a few years ago Judge Hoffman of the Domestic Relations Court of Cincinnati – a man who has listened to thousands of domestic tragedies – announced: “Nine out of ten divorces are caused by sexual troubles. “Sex,” says another specialist, Dr Butterfield, “is but one of the many satisfactions in married life, but unless this relationship is right, nothing else can be right. “Sentimental reticence must be replaced by an ability to discuss objectively and with detachment attitudes and practices of married life. There is no way in which this ability can be better acquired than through a book of sound learning and good taste.” One of the authors of this book, Valeria, worked for twelve years (1980—1992) as Head of a Section of the Civil Registry Office in Leningrad (modern day Saint Petersburg). During this period tens of thousands of couples came through her office registering important events in their lives: marriages, births and divorces. Here is Valeria’s personal opinion on the matter: “The majority of marriages that I registered occurred because of love. Because of this, almost all these young people sincerely believed that this feeling alone was enough to create a strong marital union. If this was combined with good living conditions then perspectives truly seemed bright. But most of these people didn’t have the slightest idea about the rules of family life. Their comprehension of the sexual side of married life came exclusively from practice; they didn’t even suspect the existence of special books on this topic. And very often, as a rule within the third year, they showed up in front of me again to file for divorce. I know with surety that the underlying reason for this sad end was sexual maladjustment, ignorance of their partners in the realm of sexual relations.” In the meantime, a precise and simple recipe for harmonization of sexual relations was revealed around the middle of the ‘50s. But none of our acquaintances and students had even heard of it. Having learned of this knowledge gap, we immediately included the topic “Methods for the Mastering of Sexual Energy” in our School’s program, along with a detailed study of the aforementioned formula. Just one month after this, we received a message that several dozen married couples (!) had drastically improved their relationships. Some even reported a return to the sort of relationship that was characteristic during their honeymoons! And all they needed to do was attend a three-hour long class! Incidentally, all these sexually-harmonized people’s successes in business also took a sharp turn upward. We promise to return to the formula for harmonious sex in chapter 9, where we will examine many practical recipes for improving one’s life. And so we see that there are more than enough reasons for human suffering. Great minds have exhausted themselves thinking on this question throughout the history of mankind. And simple people have, in the meantime, always searched out their own, common methods for relieving stress. Sociologists have revealed which “stress medicines” are used by modern people: – Television – 46% – Music – 43% – Alcohol – 19% – Food – 16% – Medication – 15% – Sports – 12% – Sex – 9% – Yoga, meditation – 2% These numbers add up to more than 100%. This means that some of the participants in these surveys chose not one, but two or more answers, for example, drinking generous amounts of alcohol and going to a rock concert. The end result of this sort of “medication” we already know from the World Health Organization’s reports on the turbulent rise of stress, psychological disease and suicide. But along with ignorance, that is a lack of knowledge, a large part of humanity possesses deep misconceptions regarding many of the processes and phenomena in our lives; they live in a system of false conceptions, i.e. are possessed of false knowledge. Modern society is rife with myths and misconceptions. There are so many of them, that just a short description of them took up five volumes, The Encyclopedia of Delusions, released by the Russian publishing house EKSMO in 2004 [8]. In the West a similar book was written by famous author Steven Fry, titled The Book of General Ignorance. “Many facts that we consider irrefutable are actually downright fabrications, and much of our knowledge is erroneous. We live in a world of universal ignorance and general misunderstanding, but we’re too ashamed to admit it,” asserts the author of this book, and we could’t agree more [9]. However, we must make an important note: far from all ignorance is dangerous, and not all misconceptions lead to tragedy for people. Could our lack of knowledge about the inventor of rubber boots or the myth that the color red will enrage a bull actually affect our happiness? In truth bulls are colorblind. These things fall within the category of benign misconceptions and harmless ignorance. But then there are other questions. Ignorance or fallacious conceptions about such questions rules out even the possibility of finding happiness. These questions are precisely those that we have come to regard as the eternal questions of mankind: • Who are we, a product of evolution or God’s creations? • Where did we come from when we entered the world, and where do we go after death? • Do people have souls, and are they eternal? • Is there a life “beyond the grave”? Does that life include a Heaven and a Hell? • What is the meaning of life? Does each person have a specific destiny, and if so, how do we find out about it? • Is there such a thing as Fate, and who decides it? Can a person change his/her fate, or is their entire life predetermined? • Why is the world made to include so much unhappiness and suffering? • Are souls reincarnated in a new body after death, or do we only live once? • Do people have guardian angels and how can one make contact with them? • What is the meaning of our dreams? Do they have some sort of logic or are they simply the expression of our deep-seated wishes and fears? • Do each of us have a “soul mate” somewhere in the world, and how do we search them out? It is ignorance about these questions that bring down sorrow upon a person both here and in the afterlife, regardless of whether or not someone believes in life after death. When people do not know the answer to these questions, or when they possess false conceptions regarding them, it is only possible, at best, for them to find physical pleasure and short-lived happiness during their time on Earth. We assert that happiness is a state of the soul, which is attained through the implementation of the program for its (the soul’s) fulfillment. Only in such a case will one’s “soul sing for joy.” It is precisely the soul, and not the body, which is able to sing from bliss (which is not the same as true happiness) as a result of this or that earthly achievement or physical pleasure. But is it possible to realize your plan if you do not even suspect its existence? Or if you guess its existence, but cannot imagine what it might contain? Of course not. This is why for ignorant people happiness remains an unachievable dream. One of the most destructive ideas that stems from ignorance is the opinion that people are created for complete happiness. This theory is the opposite of the “original sin” point of view, but no less dangerous. And it is a theory which has a large number of proponents, among them many respected figures. There is a widely known saying from Leo Tolstoy’s classic of world literature which says that “man must be happy.” In Russia there’s another popular saying, also attributable to a former author, Vladimir Korolenko (1853—1921): “Human beings are created for happiness as birds are created for flight.” This author and his works have long been forgotten by the general public, but this phrase took flight and is loved by all. Konstantin Ushinsky (1824—1871), the founding father of Russian scientific pedagogy, also threw in his ten cents in support of this view of man’s fate: “The right to happiness is an inalienable right of all people.” As the highest authority on pedagogy in all of Russia, Ushinksy’s assertion made its way into all school programs in not only Tsarist but in Soviet Russia as well. And again people saw in this idea what they wanted to see: if a person has a right to happiness, then someone else (but not ourselves) has the responsibility of ensuring that happiness. This deep misconception with respect to the meaning of life has taken root not only in Russian minds; long ago it spread throughout the entire world. It was developed rapidly during the third century B.C. by the great ancient Greek thinker Epicurus (342—241 B.C.), who not only played a major role in the philosophy of antiquity, but who also exercised significant influence on the worldview of millions of people in the following generations. Epicurus stated that “for us pleasure is the beginning and end of a happy life.” That satisfaction of material needs will remove suffering and lead to happiness is the core of his philosophy, which quickly and easily took root in the soil of Greece and subsequently succeeded in spreading throughout the world. The noted French writer and philosopher of the Renaissance Michel de Montaigne (1533—1592) proposed that man exists not to create ethical ideas for himself to strive to attain, but rather to be happy. To be fair, in his book Les Essais he does note that “our good or ill has no other dependence but on ourselves.” “Man is placed on the earth not to become rich, but to become happy.” So thought the distinguished French writer Gustave Flaubert (1821—1880), who has greatly influenced the belief systems of millions of people not only in France but throughout the entire world. This is the same Flaubert, by the way, who wrote in his Memoirs (1853): “Everything seems loathsome to me. I would hang myself with joy, only pride prevents me…” But few are acquainted with this side of his work, and Flaubert’s depression, by the way, had its roots precisely in his false conceptions about the meaning of life and the absence of any concept of harmony in the Universe. The Indian philosopher Maharishi Mahesh Yogi (1914 – 2008) also enabled the wide spread of this illusion about people’s destinies. In 1957, having undergone training in India, Maharishi created the worldwide Spiritual Regeneration Movement, and in 1958 began missionary work first in America and then in Europe. By the start of the twenty-first century, his Meditation Centers had spread throughout the world and his followers exceeded five million people. What was the philosophy introduced by Maharishi to the Western World? “Life is Bliss. Man is born to enjoy the grace of God. Just float in a stream of bliss and nature and this stream will take care of everything else.” Of course, how could millions of suffering people not like such a philosophy? All that remained was to find this “stream of bliss,” immerse your head in it, and forget all about your troubles and sorrows, along with all your plans and responsibilities. The stream will take care of the rest. Intentionally or unintentionally, Maharishi’s philosophy engendered the rise of the hippy movement, which took hold of the West during the 1960s. Hippies protested against traditional culture, called for peace and unity with nature, grew out their hair and wore ragged clothes, listened to rock-n-roll, smoked marijuana and engaged in meditation, sex, Zen Buddhism, and Taoism. Of course, they didn’t work anywhere and lived “in the stream of bliss and nature,” exactly as Maharishi suggested. But the word hippy only superficially resembles the word happy, and so the hippy movement, having exhausted itself, had already come to nothing by the 1970s; but the philosophy of bliss remained. And so, today 200 million drug addicts (according to the UN) are searching for the oblivion of “the stream,” which is carrying away not only happiness, but their very lives as well. Over the loud choir of preachers suggesting the possibility of a Paradise on Earth it is almost impossible to hear the voice of German dramatist and philosopher Gotthold Lessing (1729—1781) coming to us from the depths of the eighteenth century: “The primary reason for our dissatisfaction with life is the unfounded assumption that we have a right to complete and undisturbed happiness; that we are born for such happiness.” Please read these words one more time: “…the unfounded assumption…” Where did Tolstoy, Ushinsky, Flaubert and other great minds draw their assumptions from, or, more precisely, assertions? Most likely from a great desire to be happy. Just as every man wishes to be happy, so that it was so easy for the sayings of these authoritative figures to pass on to their children and grandchildren… As a result millions of people in the world are absolutely sure that they are born to be happy. And because of this, they are in truth born bound for a completely different end: a collision of their false belief system with harsh reality, leading to stress, which is soon followed by depression and suffering. This is the source of Flaubert’s depression, of Gogol’s sad thoughts, and of the suffering of millions of people throughout the world. So much suffering is produced by this one illusion! And so many more harmful misconceptions are firmly entrenched in people’s consciousness! We are fully united in the conviction that it is not the harsh conditions of life that are themselves the reason for suffering, but our conceptions about what is good and bad for us and about how the world ought to be. This thought was clearly expressed two thousand years ago by the great Roman Emperor and no less great philosopher Marcus Aurelius Antoninus (121—180). As he departed this life, he left to posterity not only a prospering and well-defended Rome, but also an entire collection of wise thoughts, which later formed a book by the title The Meditations. Here is an example taken from among them: “Take away your opinion, and there is taken away the complaint, […] Take away the complaint, […] and the harm is taken away” [10]. And so, everything depends on our thoughts, on our attitudes towards the people, subjects and phenomena that surround us. It is precisely our thoughts, values and convictions, i.e. our worldview, rather than material conditions, that defines the quality of our life. Another German philosopher, Arthur Schopenhauer (1788—1860), was among those who share the sensible beliefs of Gotthold Lessing. He writes: “There is one misconception at the root of all problems – it is the belief that we are born to be happy.” But Shopenhauer’s words went unheard; as a rule people only hear what they want to hear. For this reason the ideas of their countryman Friedrich Nietzsche (1844—1900) received wide acceptance throughout the world. Among his ideas is the concept of suicide as an escape from difficult situations. He claims, that if happiness does not show its smiling face, we can quietly part with life, ridding ourselves of all stress and suffering in a single stroke: “My death, praise I unto you, the voluntary death, which cometh unto me because I want it.” The idea of suicide so attracted Nietzsche that he actually poeticized it: “…Do I go out like a candle, which is not blown out by the wind, but palls, having spent itself; a burnt-out candle? Or in the end, do I blow myself out, so as not to burn low?” Could even the great Nietzsche write in ignorance? And why not? Who added him to the list of great philosophers? This is unclear, but what is well known is that Nietzsche spent the last twenty years of his life suffering heavily from physical and psychological ailments. It was in precisely this period that he wrote his great philosophical works. What else can we expect from a man sick in both mind and body but hymns to death’s sweet deliverance? That deliverance, by the way, finally came to the philosopher in a psychiatric ward. We have already noted the results of our own research regarding “spiritual questions” among our students. Their level of knowledge was nothing to scoff at. Now let’s take a look on the world level; what do people believe in and what do they know of the global questions regarding their existence? Let us begin our review in the Unites States, the country with the greatest number of universities scientific institutions and the greatest amount of financial investment in education. However, as it turns out, all these universities and investments are ineffective at enlightening people about the global questions of their existence. An analytical report from Gallup International paints a striking picture of American ignorance regarding what goes on beyond the boundaries of traditional science. The following results were received by Gallup as the result of phone interviews with 1,002 people over the age of 18 during June of 2005: 59% do not believe in extrasensory abilities; 68% do not believe in ghosts; 69% do not believe in telepathy; 74% do not believe it is possible to look into the future or the past; 79% don’t believe it is possible to contact the souls of the dead; 80% do not believe that souls are reborn into new bodies after death (reincarnation). Only 1% of Americans simultaneously believe in all the above phenomena, and 27% do not even believe in one of them! And this despite the fact that all these phenomena are confirmed and proven by thousands of experiences and experiments and are written about in hundreds of books! But, as it turns out, people prefer comics, detective novels and trashy novels to such books. Research into such questions in Western Europe and in Russia yielded similar results. The Gallup Center’s statements regarding the number of people who believe in God and spiritual life after death are of similar interest. It would seem that these numbers should coincide – all religions speak of the immortal soul – but look for yourself at the results of their polls: What God is it that people believe in if they deny the existence of life after physical death? We took an interest in similar research carried out by other organizations and received several other facts. 121,215 people from all over the world took part in internet-surveys regarding the question “Do you Believe in God” on the site www.yesnogod.com. Here is how their votes were divided: As you can see, the number of believers is significantly less than in the Gallup Center research. In June of 2006, on the eve of Pope Benedict XVI’s visit to Germany, a German sociological institute conducted a poll in which only 50% of respondents indicated a belief in God. At the same time, according to statistics 65% of Germans officially belong to either the Roman Catholic or one of various Protestant churches. Does it follow that 15% of Germans belong to the church but do not believe in God? We began to sort through these contradictions by carrying out research among our students, and revealed that all the above mentioned statistics are unreliable; not one of them reflects the real state of affairs. Here’s why. In responding to the proposed questions with a monosyllabic “yes” or “no,” each person saw in the answer their own understanding of the given question, an understanding which turned out, under detailed questioning, to be either incredibly vague or completely absent. And so, including themselves among believers in God were people who have never read the Bible (such people constituted 60%), who do not observe the majority of their religion’s tenets (82%), who do not go to confession (99%), who know nothing about the life of even one saint (93%) and who even have a very incomplete understanding regarding the life of Jesus Christ (75%). Even the “Lord’s Prayer” could be recited by only 15% of those who responded as “believers.” Those who did observe religious ceremonies couldn’t explain their content, origins or significance for the development of the soul. “Believers” did not even know the very core of Christian teaching, couldn’t explain what it means “to turn the other cheek,” Christ’s command to “love your enemies,” or the phrase “blessed are the poor in spirit.” There were few who could even list Christ’s commands from the Sermon on the Mount, not to speak of regularly applying them to their lives. But the saddest result of our research was that many people’s very understanding of God turned out to be alarmingly primitive. Most people imagined God as some sort of entity that constantly fixes us in his field of vision and carefully tallies good and bad deeds so that after each person’s death they can be called to account for their actions. Such an image is very similar to that which reined among our ancestors hundreds and thousands of years ago. Many people counted themselves among Christians simply on the basis that they sometimes attend church. Others did it just to feel “like everyone else,” in case the people around them primarily consisted of such “believers.” A few were sincerely convinced that to consider oneself a Christian and to call oneself a believer on the survey it was enough to simply not kill, not steal and attend church on major holidays. People who considered themselves atheists also did not shine with knowledge about even one of the questions directed at them. “I don’t believe, and that’s it!” proudly replied the unbelievers. “What specifically do you not believe in?” we attempted to clarify. “Not in God, not in the devil!” “And why don’t you believe?” “I don’t believe, and that’s it!” In general, things went along the lines of the following parable: The Parable of the Great Atheist In ancient times, several thousands years ago, there lived a young man who considered himself an atheist. At the time rumors were circulating about some Great Atheist who could defeat any priest in a debate. The young man decided to find this Great Atheist and become his pupil. And so, after much wandering, he came to the hut where he had been told the Great Atheist lived. His knock was answered by an elderly voice: “Who has the night brought searching to my door?” “I seek the Great Atheist, so that I might become his student,” said the young man. The elderly man allowed him to enter and began to question him. “What do you wish to learn from me?” he asked his first question. “How to debate with priests and to counter their arguments. I already do not believe in either God, souls, or the afterlife, but my arguments don’t suffice for debate.” “But why don’t you believe?” asked the old man. “It’s all nonsense!” cried the young man, “They simply doesn’t exist!” “But have you read the Bible or the Koran?” “Of course not! I’m an atheist!” he proudly replied. “And have you consulted with priests?” “So far no. That’s precisely why I came here, to learn how to argue with them.” “And what do you know of clinical death?” “At this point nothing.” “Have you tried to leave your body?” “No! Can one even do such a thing?” “Have you talked with people who claim that this is not their first life?” “I haven’t met any such people.” “And what do you know about reincarnation?” “I don’t even know that word.” “Well, then you are not an atheist,” the old man summed up the conversation, “and you have nothing to do with me.” “Then what am I?” said the surprised young man, “I don’t believe in anything!” “You’re simply a fool,” the Great Atheist sighed compassionately. Why is it that we are examining these questions about faith in such detail? Is it really necessary, in order to find complete happiness, to be a true believer, to delve into religious canons and practice saintly compliance with all religious tenets? Of course not. We raise the question of faith in God simply because without a clear conception of the soul and its relationship to God it is impossible to understand either the meaning of life or its purpose, without which understanding happiness will, in its turn, seem unobtainable and the defeat of suffering – impossible. And so, we have established the firm connection between people’s suffering and their total ignorance about the global questions of life. The diagnosis is clear, but what is the cure? Is it possible that knowledge could be the cure? And what knowledge in particular is necessary to embark on the road to happiness? The results of our years of research point unequivocally to one conclusion: understanding oneself, the meaning of one’s life and one’s purpose and the fulfillment of that purpose here on earth is the one path to achieving true happiness. Happiness begins where ignorance ends We have become convinced of this both due to our own long marriage experience of 35 years and the experiences of our students, many of whom have managed to transform from suffering, unhappy people to successful, happy ones. And there’s no big secret here – these people simply began to seriously study and to grasp concepts about which they previously had either no knowledge at all or had misconceptions. Of course success was achieved only by those who didn’t simply attend lessons but who obstinately worked at them and who, furthermore, did so by employing the special methods which we shall discuss a little later. We have already noted that in 1999 we opened the “School of Business” for the professional training of managers from commercial companies. And we really do train people in successful sales methods. But that’s not all we do. In our School’s program there are twenty topics which could be categorized as relating to personal growth if not for one “but.” This “but” consists in the fact that all these “spiritual” topics, as we call them, turned out to have enormous influence on the professional growth of our students. As such, we have long ceased to divide the subjects taught at our school between those related to professional growth and those related to personal development. They are simply concepts which lead to improvements in life as a whole: to health, to successful business, to understanding the meaning of life and to self-realization, and, in the end, to happiness. Specifically what knowledge is it that helped us and thousands of our students to change our lives on a basic level, to be done with despair and to achieve, if not complete happiness, then at least a peaceful, harmonious existence? Before all else, it is knowledge of the Divine Nature of the Universe and of man as its building blocks, of the meaning for mankind’s existence and of personal destiny. In this area we were greatly helped by recent discoveries in the field of quantum physics. Understanding of the cycles of development of the planet and of society, of the true reasons for the alarming events taking place on the Earth today: of global warming and natural catastrophes, of economic and demographic crises, of increased violence and mental illness, about the ties between them and their relation to cosmic factors such as, before all else, the precession of the earth’s axis. Understanding of human energy, the ability to direct energy along paths in your body, the mastering of various methods of holographic therapy. Understanding of the material character of our thoughts and the mechanism for fulfilling one’s desires in life, comprehending the “Dream Formula.” Understanding the magical power of words and the fact that it is possible, with the help of verbal self-affirmation, to shake off disease and strengthen one’s self confidence. Understanding the physiological basis of family relations and sexual cycles. At our School, we teach our students a diverse range of topics and, for a start, help them to discover their potential. We work off the idea that each person, from birth, is endowed with a massive collection of abilities, but during the coming of age process, he or she accumulates false conceptions and fears, like a husk. In the end the individual transforms into a twisted, insecure, suffering being. We see it as our mission to use our collected knowledge to help each person to peel back this husk, layer by layer, and to reveal his or her true, Divine existence. Our experience tells us that it is within the power of each person who sincerely wants change in his or her life, and who is able to overcome his or her idleness. In the following chapters we will reveal the basic sources of knowledge and give quintessential knowledge about them. Understandably, it is impossible for us to cram an entire course from our “School of Business” into one little book, but this is not necessary. From this book alone you will receive a large enough volume of knowledge for fast practical growth, along with the guiding threads which will allow you to independently follow the entire path which has been walked by us and many of our students. We promised that we would discuss the special method of training which enables achievement of such outstanding results. In truth this is the method of self training, of internalizing the materials being studied. It requires only one thing, and that is perseverance. We will describe the method now, but first we’d like to make one observation. In the process of preparing our classes we found a massive quantity of useful knowledge regarding each topic. Thousands of books have been written on the topic of achieving success and changing one’s consciousness, in which are contained hundreds of excellent formulas. Why, in the face of such an abundance of legitimately effective sources of knowledge, have millions of people failed to achieve success and continued to suffer physically, materially and spiritually? What prevents people from translating these formulas into real success? The answer is simple: the improper approach to these materials. People buy books containing legitimate knowledge, read them, rave about the recipes contained therein and then throw the book on the shelf. Then they buy another book, read it as well, agree with its contents and place it on the shelf as well. As a result, they collect and entire library of beneficial books without receiving any of the benefit. And with such an approach it’s impossible to do so. Our method is this (and we recommend that you apply it when working with this book): Before all else, we reject the concept that printed sources of knowledge are books. If you treat them as books, you will follow the process described above: read, place on the shelf, forget. Books (unless we’re speaking of scientific treatises) as we usually understand them, are for reading, from which we expect either enjoyment or a method of passing the time. We understand printed sources of knowledge to be tools for development. Even just this change in attitude alters the very character of our actions. We are constantly working with tools, but books we simply read. Our work process proceeds like so: we take a marker in hand, let’s say, for example, a blue one, open our tool for development, and begin to study each phrase word by word. Study means to ponder, to get to the bottom of things, and if something isn’t immediately understandable, read it a second or third time. If even this is not enough in light of the complicated (unfamiliar) nature of the materials, we read it a fifth, even a tenth time, until we’ve finally got it. And until that point we don’t go any further, we don’t try to skip the difficult places. If some phrase is set apart by cursive text or by a different font, we pay special attention to it, thinking about why the author wanted to draw our attention here. We measure ourselves up against each concept included by the author, asking ourselves the question: how would I react in a situation similar to the one described? What do I know about these questions? Those phrases that, in our view, are the most important, we highlight with our marker. And having completed our study of a particular source of knowledge, we review the places that we underlined one more time. We then create a written plan for the modification/expansion of our daily activities. Only then do we place the tool on the shelf and continue on to the next, beginning to put into practice the formulas that we have learned and accepted. After a month or two, we return to the tool and reread it, this time with a red marker in hand. We mark out that which catches our attention on this, our second read. It always turns out that there are many things we had previously failed to pay attention to. As such, the tool’s rate of benefit to us grows. On our third read we use a green marker, and again we find places we wish to highlight. As a result, if a tool is truly valuable, it will end up entirely colored with different markers, and the ideas included in it will become part of our own world view and only then will they begin to work. By the way, almost all the authors of developmental books that we know of recommend rereading their book several times. For example, in his book The Greatest Salesman in the World, Og Mandino (1923—1996) suggests rereading the chapters of positive affirmations (he calls them “scrolls”) 90 (!) times. He rightly suggests that they will otherwise not become ingrained in one’s subconscious. We will here give a simple example of the benefits of our training put into practice. When our pupils study the formation of positive thoughts within oneself through the use of verbal self-affirmation, they each receive a printed tool (in the form of a small brochure) that we have prepared, which contain ancient Sumerian affirmations. They were used in the Kingdom of Sumeria five thousand years ago and the clay tablets on which they were inscribed were uncovered by archeologists while on a dig. We recommended arming oneself with this affirmation, written on a cardboard card. The affirmation goes like so: You should place this card next to the place where you sleep in order to read it aloud first thing in the morning. You can place this card in the bathroom (in a place where you’ll notice it) or on the toilet seat – the important thing is that your eyes will come across it first thing after you open them. You need to do this every day. Only then will the affirmation penetrate your subconscious and begin to really work. If you simply read a brochure full of affirmations and then place it on the shelf, its effect will be reduced to nothing, and the time and money that you spent on going to the seminar will simply be lost. Of course the hardest thing is to form a habit of doing at least one of the things recommended in the seminars or taken from the printed materials every day. But there is no other way. The transformation of one’s conscious is a drawn-out process. Its length depends on the level of “trash” in one’s conscious, the amount and durability of false conceptions that have been soaked up during the course of one’s life. But believe us, the game is worth playing! Chapter 2. Farewell, ignorance! The true reasons for global warming, natural disasters, economic crises and other negative processes. The pulse of the planet (Schumann Resonance) and precession of Earth’s axis. Scientific progress and spiritual degradation, materialism versus the Creator. The end of the Epoch of Ignorance and the Great Transition to the Era of Aquarius, mankind’s Golden Age. Beware of false knowledge; it is more dangerous than ignorance.     George Bernard Shaw (1856—1950),     British writer and Nobel laureate At this point, many of our readers are likely feeling offended on the part of humanity; so many accusations of ignorance rang out from the pages of the first chapter! And to boot, people don’t know the meaning of life, and they aren’t even aware of their own destinies, and they haven’t even heard of sexual cycles. It would seem that humanity is just a mass of utter fools suffering in the grip of their own false knowledge and total ignorance. In truth, we didn’t accuse people of being ignorant; we simply established that ignorance as fact. We couldn’t make accusations, since we know all too well that humanity as a whole is not to blame for the situation that has arisen. To blame modern-day people for their lack of awareness would be equivalent to condemning a bear for the fact that it hibernates during the winter. That’s just the way it is: bears go into hibernation in winter, wildflowers close at night, and trees shed their leaves in fall. Who made it like that? God, of course! He constructed the world so that everything proceeds in cycles and predefined rhythms; from the entire Universe down to each individual flower. People have cycles as well: infancy, childhood, youth, adulthood, and old age; throughout their lives people lay down to sleep at night and in the morning they get up. Cycles and rhythms penetrate every aspect of our lives. They can be found in the planets as well, and in human civilization, and in each individual person. And they are all so closely connected that each one’s movements are dependent on those of the next. For example, the vibrational frequency of our planet, known as The Schumann Resonance, has, during the course of thousands of years, remained at a constant strength of 7.83 Hz. (Vibrational frequency is the number of full cycles completed by the source of an oscillatory motion in one second. The unit of measurement for frequencies is Herz (Hz), the number of oscillations per second.) It was so stable, that military personnel used it to calibrate their instruments. Soon after its discovery by German physicist Otto Schumann in 1952, it was noted that, when in dream state, a healthy human mind pulses at exactly the same frequency of 7.8 Hz. It was then proven that the intensity of the Schumann Resonance directly affects the higher neural activity and the intellectual abilities of a human being. A human being is, before all else, a complex electromagnetic system, for which reason we can, with full justification, refer to the Schumann Resonance as a tuning fork for life, any changes in the “hum” of which are immediately reflected in the workings of the human brain. In relation to rhythms of the mind, the following information will be useful to us later on: The human brain generates electric signals, the vibrational frequencies of which are dependent on the person’s state of being. In sleep, these frequencies are less than 8 Hz, in the process of awakening they rise to 12 Hz, and in an active, lively state the mind emits waves in the range of 13—30 Hz. In 1994 the Schumann Frequency suddenly began to increase and reached a level of 8.6 Hz, after which it steadily rose to 13 Hz! The intensity of our planet’s magnetic field is also changing; 2,500 years ago it was one and a half times greater than it is now. A sharp fall in intensity occurred 500 years ago, and during the past 200 years it has slowly descended to its current level. The shifting of Earth’s magnetic poles has also been documented. It was first recorded in 1885 and since that time the south magnetic pole has shifted 900 km towards the Indian Ocean while the north magnetic pole has moved towards Eastern Siberia. The speed of this shifting has also increased. Until 1970 the north magnetic pole drifted no quicker than 10 km a year, but during the ‘90s its speed increased to 40 km a year, and at the current time it has already reached 60 km a year. The movement of the magnetic poles has not only been observed on Earth; analogous processes take place on the other planets of the Solar System. The effects of these processes are easily noticeable both in nature and in society. Hurricanes, earthquakes and floods have veritably fallen upon the Earth. In comparison with the previous decade, the number of natural catastrophes in the world has more than doubled, from 130 to 288 a year. Particularly unsettling for many people is the recent increase in volcanic activity. Scholars have calculated that it has increased four times over since 1973. Considering the fact that there are around twelve thousand volcanoes in the world and that roughly 1,000 of those are active, such concern is fully justified. In April of 2010 the eruption from just one volcano, Eyjafjallaj?kull, in Iceland, paralyzed air traffic throughout Europe for an entire week. Hundreds of thousands of people suffered from the cancellation of hundreds of flights; and yet it is far from the largest volcano! Global Warming is another phenomenon that both excites and confuses the minds of scholars, government leaders and average citizens alike. Not too long ago the majority of scientists asserted that it was caused by the massive emission of industrial gasses. If this is the case, it can be stopped by cutting such emissions. Nowadays, many scientists have admitted that this is yet another misconception. The primary sources of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere are volcanic activity and fires. This is not the first time that the Earth has seen global warming. The temperature anomalies that mankind is encountering in the twenty-first century “also took place on the planet many millions of years ago in a cyclical manner.” This was the conclusion reached in December of 2007 by the participants in a Russian-French climate change symposium in Saint Petersburg. In addition to this, ice samples taken from deep within Antarctica and Greenland show significant variation in levels of carbon dioxide gas in the atmosphere and that the climate experienced warming in pre-industrial epochs. Furthermore, increased CO? concentrations didn’t precede these periods of warming, but rather were consequences of such changes. This means that the theory of anthropogenic warming is mistaken. This point of view was upheld by American and Chinese scholars, and the governments of these and a number of other countries refused to sign the Kyoto Protocol, which would require governments to cut back their emissions of industrial gas. The Earth’s climate really is changing, but this is not a result of human actions, but rather of the repeating processes (cycles) that take place in the Earth-Sun-Space System. The changing of Earth’s magnetic field and shifts in its magnetic poles strongly influence the planet’s biosphere, of which we and you, our dear readers, are a part, along with all the animal world. The “navigational instruments” of some animals that make seasonal migrations have begun to fail them. Newspapers increasingly inform us of the mass suicide of whales and dolphins, whole herds of which throw themselves onto land. Of course, we won’t be talking about any “whale suicides”; it’s simply that whales orient themselves according to the magnetic poles and don’t know that in some places their vector of alignment has moved towards land. The same thing has happened with the birds’ “compasses”; they’ve been demagnetized and now point in the wrong direction. During the past several decades, Great Britain has been literally attacked by flocks of wild tropical parrots, which are believed to have come from India. Their numbers are yearly rising by a third. Around 20,000 of these exotic birds occupy all the gardens and parks of London. Just one sports complex in the county of Surrey was found to be home to 3,000 wild parrots, though the rainy climate of England does not suit the birds very well. In 2004 hundreds of Swedish carrier pigeons, sent from Arad (Romania) to Athens in order to mark the opening of the Olympic Games, went astray and failed to return to their dovecotes. More specifically, of the 850 pigeons only 50 managed to find the road home. The same thing happened to their Hungarian brethren; of 1,500 pigeons only 40 returned. For hundreds of years 28,000 pelicans have flown the proper route to Chase Lake National Wildlife Refuge in North Dakota (USA). But last season, the birds failed to return. It is believed by Ornithologists that they went astray on the way there. And so, their nests remained empty. The rare sight of the brown pelican has also disappeared from Northern California. Humanity has reacted to these global cosmic changes with record levels of alcoholism, increased crime, psychological illness and a sharp fall in the birthrate in all the developed countries. One could say that people’s “navigational instruments” have also been damaged. Our conscious is as closely tied to the Earth’s magnetic field as an embryo is to the body of its mother. From this has arisen terrorism, common crime, stress, drug addiction, chronic fatigue, psychological illness and many other negative phenomena that we see in our everyday lives. We can clearly see what is happening to our planet and to humanity, but few know of the true reasons for these happenings. Ignorance about this question gives rise to suffering, from which there is only one method of escape: understand the nature of these cataclysms and, having reached this understanding, change your attitude towards them and take effective measures to improve your state of being. You have likely already noticed the repeated phrase cycles and rhythms. Our entire lives and, by the way, the economy as well, are subject to them. Academics have established that the economy, like the Sun, has periods of decline and of activity, short and long cycles of strictly defined length. In the ‘30s the renowned Russian scientist Alexander Chizhevsky (1897—1964) not only proved the cyclical nature of all phenomena of a physical, biological, economic and social character, but found their uniting thread and showed that they are fully dependent on the oscillations of cosmic radiation and solar electromagnetic activity. At the middle of the twentieth century and particularly in its second half appeared the works of hundreds of scholars from various countries affirming the cyclical nature of all Earthly processes, whether social, historical, economic, natural, or demographic, and the connections between them and, most importantly, the cycles of the cosmos. Now we are close to arriving at a conception which answers questions about the reasons both for global ignorance and for the cataclysms that have assaulted the planet in previous decades. We are referring to the precession of earth’s axis, or the precession of equinoxes (Latin: praecessio aequinoctiorum). The cycle of precession lies at the root of everything that is currently happening and that will happen in the near future on our planet. The precession of equinoxes is the slow movement of the Earth’s axis of rotation in a cone-shaped path over a period of 25,920 years. This phenomenon is easily demonstrated using a spinning top (the children’s toy) as an example. If you spin a top, it will turn about its axis while simultaneously exhibiting a wavering motion which increases in relation to the decrease in the speed at which the top spins. The thing is, the planet Earth is not a perfect sphere, it is somewhat flattened at the poles and slightly more convex at the equator. Additionally, the Earth’s core is shifted away from its center towards the surface by the irregular gravitational forces exerted on the Earth by the Moon and Sun. As a result we have precession, in the process of which the Earth’s axis of rotation moves in a cone, pointing in turn to various constellations, which are famous as the Signs of the Zodiac: Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces, twelve constellations in total. The projection of Earth’s axis changes from one Sign to the next in the course of 2,160 years (25,920:12) and people have long become accustomed to refer to these periods as epochs or eras, as in the Era of Taurus, the Era of Pisces and so on. These epochs make up a unique chronological scale according to which proceed changes to both people’s consciousness and the psycho-physiological condition of humanity. Having proceeded through all twelve constellations, the projection of Earth’s axis intersects two important points: its maximum and minimum distances from the center of our galaxy the Milky Way. The fact that the magnetic field at the center of the Milky Way is ten times stronger than in the rest of the galaxy is of principle importance to us. The world renowned researcher of our civilization Drunvalo Melchizedek described the precession of the Earth’s axis in detail in his famed book The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life. Diagram 1 In this book can be found drawings with images of the precession of equinoxes (the points at which the Earth’s celestial or astronomical equator intersects its ecliptic) thanks to the slow rotation of the Earth’s axis around the line perpendicular to its ecliptic (diagram 1). The celestial equator is the large circle in the celestial sphere, the plane of which is perpendicular to the Earth’s axis. Ecliptic is the name for the large circle of the celestial sphere along which the yearly movements of the center of the Sun proceed. The Sun is located exactly on the plane of the equator on the fall (September 23) and spring (March 21) equinoxes, when the length of the day is exactly equal to the length of the night. The oscillating movement of the Earth’s axis takes the form of an oval: the large oval in diagram 2, which is taken from the same book, represents one such oscillation. The right end of the oval’s axis is called the apogee and points towards the center of the Galaxy. The lower half of the oval reflects the movement of the projection of the planet’s axis towards the center of the Galaxy, and the upper half shows when the axis, having returned to its point of origin, is moving away from the center of the Galaxy. Diagram 2 Drunvalo Melchizedek writes: “Great changes do not happen on the outermost points of this oval, but soon after passing these points, as shown by the points labeled with small ovals A and C in diagram 2. Great changes occur at these two points… At this time, (in the ‘90s and in the first years of the twenty-first century) we are located on point A (the lower of the small ovals). This is a time of momentous change… As of recent the Earth’s magnetic field has been undergoing unheard-of changes.” Drunvalo Melchizedek noted two more places in the drawing where serious change can occur using points B and D. He writes further: “Point A is where we are right now and point C is the time when the Fall of Atlantis occurred. Point C also marks the moment of the shifting of the poles; science has established that it took place precisely then. This is that time when the icecaps melted and the Great Flood from the story of Noah’s Ark occurred, resulting in all the changes that took place on the Earth at that time” [11]. And so, about 13,000 years ago, when half a cycle of precession of the Earth’s axis was completed, there occurred drastic changes in the Earth’s magnetosphere, which lead to the onset of a period of cataclysms. After this global tumult, the planet began to calm down and steadily proceed into a “hibernation period.” Those who survived the cataclysms also fell into slumber and during the span of thousands of years practically no evolution was seen on the Earth. Hunting, fishing and gathering were the primary concerns of humanity. However, around 6,000 years ago (point D in diagram 2) this slumber was suddenly interrupted. It was precisely then that highly developed civilizations arose practically simultaneously in Sumer (the territory of modern-day Iraq) and Egypt, for reasons completely unexplainable from the point of view of traditional science. As if at the call of a magic wand, amidst an almost complete absence of evolution, semi-wild tribes of hunters and fishers suddenly acquired fully developed language, literacy, and a deep knowledge in the areas of agriculture, astronomy, mathematics, geometry, hydraulics and simple sciences, including knowledge about the precession of equinoxes. The reasons for these strange events are not included in this book; their analysis would cause us to digress far from the subject of our research. We will simply note that these answers can be found, they are included in Melchizedek’s abovementioned book The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life and in dozens of other works by modern scholars, which reveal the influences on humanity’s development in other civilizations. From among these, Graham Hancock’s books Fingerprints of the Gods and Keeper of Genesis, co-authored with Robert Bauval, deserve particular attention. The world renowned writer Zecharia Sitchin wrote a whole series of very interesting books about the origins and development of our civilization: The Lost Realms, The Cosmic Code, Journey to the Mythical Past and others. Curious readers can easily search out these books in book stores or on the Internet. At the moment, we are interested in a different fact: why, after a short period of unprecedented development, did both the Sumerian and Egyptian civilizations, quickly fall into decline? Why did they begin to decay rather than steadily climbing up the evolutionary ladder? The key thing is that their astounding knowledge was not the result of evolution, but came from an outside source. There occurred a powerful injection, and insertion of knowledge into these semi-wild tribes. The moment the injection ceased and a new one didn’t follow, mankind once again safely plunged into slumber and the ancient cultures fell into decline fully corresponding with the cycle of precession in which they existed. Do you remember the frequency of the planet’s vibrations, which remained constant throughout the past thousand years? It was 7.8 Hz, which corresponds to the vibrations of the human mind in sleep state. Until 1994, when the Schumann Frequency began to intensify, the Earth and mankind were in a state of hibernation and mass ignorance was the natural state of humanity. The cosmic rhythms defined the state of consciousness of the planet and of its population, and rare breakthroughs in the minds of individual people had no effect on the general psychological state of mankind. People didn’t regain their knowledge of the precession of the Earth’s axis until the year 133 B.C. when it was rediscovered by the Greek astronomer Hipparchus. Many of the genius inventions of Hero of Alexandria, who lived in Egypt during the first century B.C., were forgotten. Hero invented around 80 various mechanisms, which operated using the principles of hydraulics and pneumatics, “invented” a second time only in the eighteenth century. In the third century B.C. ancient physicians successfully performed craniotomies with a survival rate twice as high as, for example, in St George’s Hospital in London from 1870—1877. So many books have been written about the Egyptian pyramids that it would be possible to build an entire pyramid from them, but the ancient builders’ methods remain a mystery to this day and the information encoded in the construction of the pyramids continues to amaze us. It has already been established with absolute certainty that the basic dimensions of the earthly sphere, the length of an earthly year, the mathematical constant pi, the scale of the precession of the Earth’s axis and degree of longitude, and a number of other basic parameters and characteristics of the Earth and other planets in the Solar System are all encoded in the proportions of the Pyramid of Giza. Modern specialists, professionals in the area of construction, evaluating the pyramids as building projects from the point of view of the complexity of their construction, have announced more than once that even at the modern level of development of science and technology, the construction of such a complex would pose an enormous problem. The issue isn’t just the transportation of the multi-ton blocks. For example, it is a little known fact that the meridian line of the Great Pyramid deviates from the true line from north to south by a total of 3/60 of a degree, whereas the Greenwich Observatory deviates from the same parameters by 9/60 of a degree, i.e. three times more. And the exactness with which the stones in the pyramids are fitted is more than twice as precise as the fitting of ceramic tiles on the Space Shuttle. In 1978 a group of Japanese researchers attempted to construct an 11 meter high pyramid using the exact same methods that, according to the official version, were used in Ancient Egypt. The Japanese “pyramid builders” had at their disposal all the experience and knowledge of our civilization and had access to all our scientific discoveries. And yet their efforts were all for naught. It turns out that modern Japanese technology couldn’t even cut stone with the same precision as the builders of the pyramids. For this reason Egyptology’s official assertion that all this was done by underdeveloped slaves to satisfy their pharaoh’s megalomania fails to stand up under criticism. By the way, chronicles from the time of Pharaoh Khufu, in which are recorded all the major events of his reign, do not mention a single word about the building of a grand pyramid 6.5 million tons in weight and constructed from 2.6 million blocks, though the enormous difficulty of transporting just one stone for his sarcophagus is described in sufficient detail. It is sufficiently clear to any impartial researcher that the civilization which planned and constructed the complex of pyramids at Giza was not only out of place in the epoch of the pharaohs, but was also far more advanced than our modern society. Scholars point to the astounding achievements of ancient civilizations on the American continent as well. The Pyramids of the Sun at Teotihuacan and Cholula are twice as large as Khufu’s pyramid and no less puzzling. In many scientific fields, the Mayan Indians surpassed the science of the Greeks and Romans. Their advanced knowledge of mathematics and astronomy enabled them to bring their calendar system, and the science of chronology in general, to perfection. They built observatories with domes that are better oriented than the seventeenth century Parisian observatory. They established the exact length of the solar year as 365.2420 days, and we, after long calculation, arrived at almost the same exact number of 365.2422 days. During frequent instances of earthquakes in the Andes, the construction of these ancient cities didn’t suffer once, while many buildings constructed at a much later time using modern building technology were destroyed. It turns out that each block of these ancient structures interlock with its neighbors like pieces of a puzzle permanently fitted together. How this was constructed remains a mystery. In India to this day stands the Iron Pillar of Deli, which is made of pure iron. Since the time of its erection in the third century B.C., this column has not rusted. Modern metallurgists to this day do not know the secret to manufacturing rust-proof iron. In India is also preserved the Black Pagoda, also constructed in the first century B.C. Its roof is crowned by a monolithic stone weighing 2,000 tons. Even modern construction equipment is unable to lift such a load. The ancient Romans devoted extensive attention to the fields of architecture and city building. European architects achieved the same capacity for constructing domes only at the end of the eighteenth century. Archeologists have established that plumbing and sewage systems were used in the countries of the ancient world – Babylon, Sumer and Egypt. Sewer systems existed in Ancient Rome which were built in the sixth century B.C. Later they were forgotten. In the middle ages there was a full return to primitive simplicity. Neither sewer systems, nor normal water supply systems existed even in the castles of nobles. Waste was simply thrown into a chute, which deposited it outside. In Paris, in 1270, a special law was even passed forbidding, under threat of fine, the dumping of slop and waste from upper windows of houses. This was done to prevent waste from being dumped on passersby below. Leonardo da Vinci, the genius representative of the Italian Renaissance (1452—1519), having been invited to the palace of King Francis I, was so shocked by the stench of Paris that he designed a special toilet with a drain for the king. Sewer systems similar to those which existed in the ancient kingdoms thousands of years ago only began to appear in the countries of Europe during the nineteenth century. And so we see that there is extensive proof for assertions about the degradation of humanity and about its fall into an Epoch of Ignorance during the course of the last thousand years. Just a list of the inventions forgotten throughout the centuries could form an entire book. Precisely this was done by Russian author Alexander Belov in the book Anthropological Detective, from which we have taken many of the abovementioned examples of humanity’s degradation [12]. Not only ancient technology, but also ancient technological knowledge, was steadily lost. Much knowledge regarding the energy of the planet and of human beings met the same fate. Knowledge of so-called bio-electromagnetic fields was expanded during the twentieth century. These fields are intersecting energy lines on the surface of the Earth; at the points of their intersection, there radiate outward streams of energy, which are harmful to humans. Such radiation also occurs above the majority of underground anomalies such as subterranean springs and their points of intersection, fault lines, subterranean caverns, etc. These zones that are harmful to people are called geopathogens, and the branch of science which studies the effects of natural energies on people is geobiology. The grid of energetic lines has been named the Hartman Grid after the German scientist Ernest Hartman (1915—1992), who made a major contribution to their study. He established that this grid encircles the entire Earth, and that the size of the cells in this grid is 2.0 x 2.5 m. There are other energetic grids as well with larger cell sizes, but no less harmful radiation. It turns out that the ancients knew of the existence of these energetic fields. In old monasteries in the Himalayas, cells of monks are situated and oriented in such a way that they are located entirely within cells of the energetic grids, where a neutral zone exists. Our ancestors took energetic lines and streams into account in the construction of any building, religious or residential. They also clearly understood the influence of the shape and material of things on the character of their radiation. Modern researchers are shocked by our ancestors’ fundamental understanding of the unusual properties of the natural environment and its elements, and of their effects on a person’s health, including on his or her psychology. It turns out, for example, that all the famous Roman roads of conquest were constructed to correspond exactly with the energetic grids and as such enabled the reduction of fear in soldiers marching along them. The facts, which are described in hundreds of books, convincingly attest that in the course of centuries and thousands of years there occurred not evolution, but devolution of humanity. And the “guilty party” is the precession of the Earth’s axis, which submersed people in the kingdom of sleep. You could retort: what about modern progress? Haven’t we ourselves steadily achieved space-flight, nanotechnology and particle colliders? Or did someone else toss us these ideas as well? Let’s find out. Before all else, we are researching the question of happiness, its achievement through realization of the meaning of life and of one’s purpose, which, in turn, comes from understanding the nature of creation, your soul and the program for its fulfillment. This is in no way related to colliders and nanotechnology, and they, just like all other technological achievements, will not bring anyone happiness. In fact, they’ve become yet another barrier on the road to it. At first glance this sounds strange, but only at first. Upon closer examination we find a completely different picture. In the first place, it has been precisely established that the brain does not develop thoughts, but rather serves only as their receptor and point of transfer to the nervous system. The transmission of these thoughts results from some “psychological principle” which is located outside the person. This is the opinion of John Carew Eccles (1903—1997), Nobel laureate in physiology and medicine, and is shared by many of his colleagues and upheld by the numerous examples from everyday life of people who, in general, have no brains. We’ll return to this question in the next chapter, but at the moment we’re simply establishing this fact in order to shine a light on the sources of our progress. Second of all, the transition from one era to another does not occur instantly, but takes place over a certain period. It reminds one of a natural awakening, with no alarm clock. In the ultimate phase of the sleep cycle, the influence of the factors which gave rise to the cycle is constantly weakening and it becomes possible to take in new information. Recall what we said earlier about the intensity of the Earth’s magnetic field: “2,500 years ago it was 1.5 times greater than it is now. A sharp fall in the intensity occurred 500 years ago, and in the intervening 200 years it has decreased to its current levels.” This means that 500 years ago, that is, in the sixteenth century, a “window of opportunity” for progress opened. As is known, it is connected with the scientific development, known as the scientific revolution, which took place in Western Europe during the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. All the works produced before this time are considered by scholars to be “pre-scientific.” Then, 500 years ago, humanity faced a choice of paths for its development. There were two choices: theological or technological. And while the Church at that time was extremely influential, mankind all the same chose the second path, beginning a movement away from God towards materialism. Only that which can be measured, weighed by logic, researched with the help of physical instruments and reproduced many times under laboratory conditions is considered to be scientific. The human soul does not fall under this category, and for this reason not only does it remain outside the framework of scientific research, but its very existence has been subjected to doubt and even denial. Scientists who try to punch a hole in our ignorance by researching “forbidden” topics that lie beyond the bounds of orthodox science have been expelled from the official scientific community. Every sort of commission imaginable for rooting out pseudoscience has ruthlessly hounded these daredevils without even taking a look at their scientific merits and knowledge. In the Soviet Union, for example, the genial scientist and academician Igor Tamm was rudely criticized for having taken liberties in his textbook The Fundamental Theories of Electricity (1946) when he lightly touched upon the theory of torsion fields influencing biological processes. This theory didn’t fit within the traditional framework of prevailing materialist notions and “smelled of” idealism. As a result, the material that “compromised legitimate science” was removed from the textbook and Tamm, like Galileo, was forced to renounce his views. Academician Tamm escaped this “minor scare” and later, in 1958, even became a Nobel laureate. History knows many similar examples of the hounding of forward-thinking academics, and many such trailblazers were, in earlier times, awaited not by the critiques of their colleagues, but by the fires of the inquisition, the guillotine, or the psychiatric ward. In connection with this, we would do well to recall the universal Law of Conservation, which reads: “If something is added in one location, that same amount is lost in another.” In this instance this means that a strong leaning to the side of materialism leads to a sharp reduction (and in places to complete obliteration) of knowledge about the soul and all things associated with it. If, in scientific circles, and in society as well, official science is considered the highest authority, then all those who put forth ideas about the World of Souls, guardian angels, telepathy or communication with the souls of the dead are instantly labeled “mystics” and equally accused of stupidity. In the third place, the technological path of development brings with it a great threat for all of humanity. In April of 2009 all the major world news agencies distributed materials from a report by American scientists studying the Sun’s behavior. This report was named “Severe Space Weather Events – Societal and Economic Impacts” and contained information about the possibility of a “perfect solar” electromagnetic storm hitting the Earth in September 2012. Scientists predict that as a result an electromagnetic catastrophe will take place on the Earth: all energy and heating systems will go out of commission, all transformers will be burned out, and it will be impossible to replace them. The factories that produce them will also be paralyzed. One probably doesn’t need to be an expert to imagine what would happen if the world was left without electrical energy. In reality, the report shouldn’t have been called “Severe Space Weather Events” but rather “Severe Consequences of the Technological Path of Development, Which We Rashly Chose 500 Years Ago.” The things is, magnetic storms are a frequent phenomenon on the Sun, and storms of the magnitude reported by these American scientists have struck the Earth before, but didn’t lead to any catastrophes. The last such storm took place in 1859, but humanity came to practically no harm at all. At that time the world wasn’t dependent on the sources of energy without which we can’t even take a step today. However, don’t be too quick to panic. Russian scientists, who study the Sun no less carefully than their American colleagues, do not share their pessimism. Boris Somov, head of the Department for Solar Physics at the Sternberg Astronomical Institute, announced that the level of modern science doesn’t allow us to see that far ahead. The furthest in advance that we can predict solar flares is one week. We fully share the opinion of the Russian scientists. Science today is not even in a condition to predict the precise date of the impending eruption of a volcano that is strewn with sensors. It fails to notice the massive asteroids flying a dangerously close distance from Earth. Tsunamis, hurricanes and earthquakes as a rule spring upon us abruptly, and the weather forecasts are generally grossly far from reality even just a week ahead of time. But this theoretical catastrophe does, of course, resemble actual events. The six million residents of Canada likely still remember when, in 1989, they were left without power for a period of 9 hours after a magnetic storm. Ten million residents of various European countries lived through a similar headache in 2006 after an energy failure in Germany. And so, we can come to the conclusion that by the beginning of the twentieth century humanity had already acquired enough technological development, materialist frame of mind and spiritual ignorance (not counting certain exceptions). It’s well known how and in what direction development proceeded in the course of the last hundred years: the Epoch of Ignorance tenaciously held in its embrace almost all of humanity, but its grip on civilization weakened with each year. People simultaneously began to feel the positive energies of the incoming Epoch of Aquarius. Quantum physics was born and developed, and provided glances at the secrets of consciousness and the conscious creation of the world. Ancient knowledge revealing the secret of creation began to return. More and more people began to discover that they possessed unusual abilities. Specialists unanimously assert that in the Era of Aquarius mankind will achieve harmony and mutual understanding, a high spiritual level and the revelation of beneficial knowledge. The Era of Aquarius will unite all nations and erase borders, and material worth will play a lesser role in relation to the spiritual. Truly massive changes await us that will change not only science and worldviews, but the very form of human civilization. And finally, our society will reject the harmful technological path of development and make an abrupt turn towards the spiritual side. In this era many scientific discoveries will be made regarding the strength of human thought (telepathy) and other subtle energy fields. We still must answer the question of when this wonderful Era of Aquarius, Epoch of Enlightenment and Harmony, will arrive. Among specialists there is no unanimous answer to this question. Some propose that the change of Epochs already took place on January 13, 1996, when Uranus entered the sign of Aquarius. Others say March 21, 2003; a third group asks us to continue waiting until December 21, 2012 or until January 20, 2013. But the majority of experts are of the opinion that the transition will not take place on one day, but rather than it is an entire period whose length ranges, according to different estimates, from 20 to 160 years. We uphold the following point of view: The change of epochs began in 1994 when the Schumann Frequency began to grow. The peak of the transition period came about on August 11, 1999, and Aquarius will arrive in full on January 20, 2013, when the Sun enters its sign: (It is an interesting coincidence that the term of office of the 44 President of the United States, Barack Obama, expires on January 20, 2013. But random coincidences don’t exist, and in general nothing on Earth is accidental. What coincidences tell us, and how they affect the fates of people, even presidents, will be examined in detail in the following chapters.) And what was so remarkable about the day August 11, 1999? Many people have already forgotten this date, but throughout the entirety of 1999 the whole world lived in somber anticipation of the Apocalypse, fearing its arrival on specifically this day. There was a whole list of reasons for this: The famed sixteenth century astrologer Michel de Nostredame (Nostradamus) in quatrain 72.10 predicted that the year of the great King of Terror would arrive on Earth on August 11, 1999. Second of all, it was well known that on exactly this day there would be a grand solar eclipse with the image of a cross in the sky. The vertical bar of the cross would be made up of the Sun, Moon and Uranus, and the horizontal bar of Mars and Saturn, malignant planets according to astrologists. According to the canon of medieval astrology this configuration in the sky bodes great troubles for humanity. A third reason is that several “specialists,” performing unbelievably complex “decryptions” of Biblical texts, pointed to August 11, 1999 as the day of the Second Coming of Christ. The impending arrival, along with all this, of the end of a millennium only aggravated these fears and prophets of all colors began exaggerating the theme of the Apocalypse, predicting the collision of the Earth with a massive asteroid (doesn’t this sound like the King of Terror?) The renowned French couturier Paco Rabanne, who considers himself a medium, only added fuel to the fire. He announced that he had decrypted Nostradamus’s famous quatrain and revealed through it that at the time of the eclipse on August 11, 1999 Paris would be erased from the face of the earth by the deorbit of the space station Mir. On August 11, 1999 humanity held its breath for three hours, following the eclipse, and then heaved a concerted sigh of relief; neither the Messiah, nor the King of Terror appeared. And people quickly forgot about the eclipse; in many countries this was the time of summer vacation, and people happily returned to their enjoyable activities. But a grandiose event took place on that day all the same, only the common person didn’t notice it and scientists didn’t publicize it. During solar eclipses, specialists monitor the condition of the Earth’s magnetic field, which defends the planet from cosmic radiation, particularly closely. One such vigil was described by the Russian scholar and physicist Viktor Rogozhkin in his book Eniology: “At the moment when the Moon covered the sunspots one after another, the Earth underwent an intense agitation as the parameters of its electromagnetic field abruptly changed. It was as if our planet sprayed its accumulated energy into space. But afterwards its potential was decreased and at some moment was reduced to nothing. The Earth then began to slowly emerge from this state of clinical death: its electromagnetic “heart” began working again, but its characteristics were different, the vector of the field changed its direction, i.e. our planet was reborn in a different state… It would appear that the date August 11, 1999 became the date of departure, the “zero mark” on a new calendar of evolutionary processes on Earth. The new Era of Aquarius had begun!”[13]. Tired from its millennia of suffering, humanity has already christened the new epoch “The Golden Age.” And in this humanity is correct. The sorts of prospects that take one’s breath away are opening before us. But there is one nuance that we must know and frequently remember: “The Golden Age” does not mean streams of grace will pour from heaven and automatically make every suffering person happy. All these streams have a high level of vibration (remember the increases in the Schumann Frequency?) and, according to the Law of Attraction, pour out exclusively on those people whose personal vibrations are in resonance with them. In order to grab your piece of the “Aquarian Pie” you must work on your personal development; no other method for increasing your vibrations exists. The best method is to plunge yourself in a source of new knowledge. Nowadays this is neither difficult nor dangerous; the fires of the Inquisition have already been extinguished and the guillotines disassembled. As the saying goes, you just have to want it. If you have such a desire, we invite you to begin your immersion by opening the next chapter. Chapter 3. According to your faith be it unto you… How ignorance and fallacious conceptions divest humanity of the very potential for achieving happiness. The basic types of worldviews: religious, scientific, philosophical and skeptical. Why are skeptics doomed to be unhappy? What’s more important: faith, knowledge, or faith founded in knowledge? The eight conditions for curing ignorance. Why are many good books about the strength of positive thinking ineffective? Proof of the materiality of thoughts and the strength of the conscious: scientific facts and practical experiments. How knowledge and faith help to fulfill desires. Why the prayers of believers are not fulfilled and how one ought to pray in order to see results. The story of Pope John Paul II’s canonization. Russian academician Georgiy Sytin and his “miracle.” The falseness and hypocrisy of Lourdes. A man does not suffer nearly as much from the events in his life as from his attitude towards them.     Michel de Montaigne,     French philosopher (1533—1592) Earlier we mentioned the following observation of Roman Philosopher and Emperor Marcus Aurelius: “Take away your opinion, and there is taken away the complaint, […] Take away the complaint, […] and the harm is taken away.” This same thought was repeated one and a half thousand years later by Michel de Montaigne, whose words are used as the epigraph to this chapter. We could have incorporated dozens more similar sayings from noted thinkers throughout the ages, affirming the preeminence of our conscious over external conditions. This means that happiness, as a distinctive condition of the soul, is fully determined not by that which happens to us and around us, but exclusively by our attitudes towards those events. Thousands of books contain this Truth; though few read such books, as people are more interested in other things. We will here include one small but highly characteristic example of people’s interests today. In June of 2010, Apple announced the impending release of the new iPhone 4 smartphone, and crowds of people formed huge lines ahead of time in front of stores. The press reported that a Justin Wagoner from Dallas had decided to await the beginning of sales in front of a store for an entire week. He set up a tent in front of the store and brought with him a week’s worth of food and drink as well as a folding chair and sleeping bag, and all this in order to become the first owner of the new smartphone. Earlier, one million units of Apple’s tablet computer the iPad were sold in a total of 22 days. It’s impossible just to consider that even the wisest of philosophical books had similar success; in the value systems of millions of people a new smartphone and tablet computer rank significantly higher. Because of this millions of people, unsatisfied with their lives, try to struggle with circumstances rather than changing their worldview, despite the fact that it specifically is responsible for all their major problems. We would do well to touch upon this question, despite the fact that we personally would really like to quickly move on to the presentation of interesting facts and revelation of the methods for obtaining happiness. But we well know that all “solid” facts and precise recipes will inevitably shatter upon one’s system of conceptions if it contains contradictions. For this reason, please exercise a little more patience and try to attentively follow the entire path of our reasoning; that way the facts and recipes can be properly understood and will bring maximum benefit. And so, everything depends on one’s worldview, which consists of a system of firm views, principles, values and beliefs that define our attitude towards reality as well as our understanding of the world as a whole and of our place within it. Under identical circumstances, one person will be happy, another not. It’s like in the famous parable about two travelers in the desert, dying of thirst. When they meet a man who offers them each a half glass of water, one cries out with joy, having seen a half-full glass, while the other is greatly upset, having paid attention only to the fact that the glass is half-empty. Billions of people found themselves in a similar situation in 2008 when they were hit by the world economic crisis. The crisis hurt everyone, but people reacted to it very differently. On January 6, 2009 in Germany, billionaire Adolf Merckle, one of the richest people in Europe, committed suicide by throwing himself under a train. “The desperate situation of his companies, caused by the financial crisis, the uncertainties of the last few weeks and his powerlessness to act, broke the passionate family entrepreneur and he took his own life,” stated a press release distributed by the family of the deceased. In Chicago, on February 23, 2009 another billionaire, Steven Good, CEO of the company Sheldon Good & Company Auctions International, committed suicide by shooting himself in the head. His company auctioned off real estate. These are just two examples from many instances of suicide by people who lost significant parts of their estates during the crisis. Others rejoiced at the fact that they hadn’t lost everything. The difference between the first and second is only in their belief systems regarding the significance of money in a person’s life and, ultimately, the meaning of life itself. If it consists of hoarding billions then of course their losses become serious grounds for suicide. And ignorance about what awaits those who commit suicide after death transforms those grounds into action. When reality begins to contradict one’s personal belief system, a personality crisis occurs. For this reason it’s important to clarify when, how and by what a person’s belief system is formed. This process starts with the parents. It is precisely from them that a child receives the first, incredibly important information about him or herself and about the surrounding world. These founding concepts and values take shape through childhood and for many people remain fundamental throughout their lives. What defines a person’s religious identity? Only a few individuals make a conscious choice during adulthood; everyone else receives religion from their parents. The famous Russian researcher of beliefs and religions Victor Nyukhtilin writes in his book Melchizedek: “Having examined the believers around us, we unfortunately see that more often than not each person’s faith is nothing more than automatic participation in the club of some faith on the basis of birth, locality or observance of tradition. Christians everywhere don’t know the meaning of their holidays, Muslims don’t know that Allah is that same God who is in one instance Jehovah and in another the Trinity, don’t know one line of the Koran and consider Christ the enemy of Islam, though Christ is considered by Islam to be one of the great prophets of Allah… Once, having asked some Buddhists from Kalmykia, the only Russian republic where the official faith is Buddhism, to explain the difference between the first and second turnings of the Wheel of Dharma, I was met with merry laughter: we didn’t become Buddhists to fill our heads with such nonsense. Well then what for? Adherence to a faith most often is defined from childhood and takes a form based on external characteristics involved in religious patriotism rather than a sense of God within oneself. For this reason it makes sense for each person to ask him or herself, how well do I understand my faith and how do I live out my connection to God and not the inescapable traditions of my fathers, which I accept as an established part of my life and in my mind, but not in my heart. To what extent is my faith the state of being of my soul and not the national style of my life? And on the other hand, shouldn’t at least a slight discomfort arise at the thought that if you were born, for example, just five hundred kilometers further south you would be a Muslim and not a Christian? And if faith had carried your parents just a little closer to the equator and a little further to the right, you would be a Buddhist. And if you were an atheist lost in a big city, addled by a nervous disorder, and on a straight path to the Jehovah’s Witnesses… In practically every one of these situations, a person has no choice! He receives his religion, so to speak, along with his birth certificate… Religious denominations seem to have sort of divided the Earthly sphere into spheres of influence, and those born in one of these spheres immediately acquire a faith not of their choosing during childhood. And the important thing is that many of those people have religion but don’t have Faith… “Inhereted” religion, unfortunately, doesn’t require Faith, but is limited to observation of rituals” [14]. During a person’s adolescence, the formation process of his or her worldview is influenced by teachers, friends, mass media, books, films… Some information is rejected immediately as it is received, some partially settles in, and a few parts take on the status of worldview. It is only natural that of the ocean of information found in the world a person receives only droplets and remains ignorant about the rest. And when questions arise during life, the answers to which lay beyond the bounds of one’s personal knowledge, a person inevitably makes mistakes. In many families parents and children are in conflict with one another. Taking this into account, few know that there are many so-called “indigo children” among those born in the last two decades. Indigo children are unique people: their level of immunity is many times higher than normal and their IQs significantly exceed the average. In fact, this is a new race that is set apart from us by their very genetic code. Interacting with them requires special knowledge, the absence of which leads not only to conflict, but to tragedy; in the eyes of these children, wise beyond their years, who have come into the world already understanding many truths, normal adults appear stupid and undeserving of respect. And when these “stupid people” begin to “raise” and even punish their unusual children in an attempt to make them like everyone else, indigo children show aggression; there are marked incidents of these children’s violence against their “uncomprehending” parents. On the Internet there are already dozens if not hundreds of sites that shed light on these uncommon children, in book stores there has appeared special literature which gives insights that are simply necessary for normal interaction with indigo children. But have many parents and teachers delved into this knowledge? Assuredly no. Our experience, from interaction with hundreds of people at seminars shows that the majority haven’t even heard of indigo children. We already wrote a little about people’s sexual illiteracy. But the knowledge of sexual cycles, revealed by Dr. John Kappas, does little on its own for family happiness. One also needs a specific worldview regarding the basis of marriage. Many men live in a belief system in which a wife is three things in one: housekeeper, nanny, and sex machine. His role consists only of financial support and giving her presents on major holidays. Such men are then surprised – why did this previously sweet wife suddenly transform into a malicious Gorgon? And how many women act similarly to Mrs. Lincoln, of whom we spoke earlier? Gloria Taylor Brown, president of the American Women of Wisdom Foundation, affirms: “The shift in paradigm will require that men and women see each other as we really are. We will both have to step into who we are for the good of all concerned. If I want a positive relationship with a man, then it is necessary for me to see the good in him. We will have to support one another completely, both as individuals and as a couple. We will have to honor the God and Goddess in one another. It’s what the Hindus are doing when they say, “Namaste” – I bow before the Divine in you. That is the way we must learn to see one another. We will have to learn to see the best in each other, to say, “The God in me honors the God in you.” And this means redefining our concepts of what constitutes a relationship. There are many kinds of relationships. For many, sex is simply an animalistic urge to reproduce, but we can look beyond the body and simply have a spiritually based relationship” [15]. You’ll agree that this is a distinctive worldview, but it doesn’t simply fall from the sky; it can only be acquired by studying the corresponding books or attending seminars of such people as Gloria Brown. Scholars define four basic types of worldview: religious, scientific, philosophical and skeptical. They’re probably right; among people you can find representatives of all these types. But we don’t plan to study them in detail; we’re more interested in knowing, what are the proportions between them? We came to the somber opinion that no less than 90% of people are skeptics. We already showed that practically none of those people who count themselves believers know even the fundamentals of their religion. A scientific worldview is held only by scientists, and philosophical only by philosophers, who together with scientists make up an insignificantly small layer of society. There are so many skeptics that they even form their own societies and take great pride in their skepticism, considering it, to all appearances, a sign of great intelligence. They proclaim – we won’t be deceived or cheated; we aren’t gullible simpletons, easily sucked in by any old drivel. The basic principle of skeptics’ thinking is doubt, the notion that everything which lies beyond the bounds of one’s personal experience is unreal or fallacious. More often than not, elementary ignorance is hiding behind skepticism, and skeptics, ashamed (or not ashamed), hide this with a proud denial of everything they cannot comprehend due to the limits of their knowledge. And all the skeptic’s knowledge, as we already revealed, flows from his or her personal knowledge, which is often highly insignificant – it’s all just like in one famous parable about twins. The Parable “The Twins’ Discussion” “Two twins held a discussion in the womb of a pregnant woman. One of them believed in the combing life, the other was a skeptic. Second Twin: You believe in life after birth? First Twin: Yes, of course. Everyone knows that life after birth exists. We’re here so that we can become strong enough and ready for what awaits us later on. Second Twin: That’s stupid! There can’t be any life after birth! Can you imagine what such a life would look like? First Twin: I don’t know all the details, but I believe that it will be brighter and that we might walk on our own and eat with our mouths. Second Twin: What foolishness! It’s impossible to walk on one’s own and eat with your mouth! That’s just ridiculous! We have an umbilical cord that feeds us. You know, I want to tell you: there can’t exist life after birth because our life is our umbilical cord, and it’s far too short. First Twin: I’m sure that it’s possible. Everything will simply be a little bit different. That’s conceivable. Second Twin: But nobody’s ever returned from there! Life just ends with birth. And in general life is just one big instance of suffering in darkness. First Twin: No, no! I don’t know exactly how our life after birth will look, but in any case, we’ll see Mom, and she’ll take care of us. Second Twin: Mom? You believe in Mom? And where is she? First Twin: She’s all around us, we reside in her, and thanks to her we move and live; without her, we simply can’t exist. Second Twin: Complete foolishness! I haven’t ever seen any Mom, and as such it’s clear that she simply doesn’t exist. First Twin: I just can’t agree with you. Sometimes, when everything quiets down, you can even hear how she sings and feel how she touches our world. I firmly believe that our real life will begin only after birth.” The discussions in this book are about things that are just as strange for many people as life after birth for one of the twins. For this reason, the question of faith and of its formation, on which is based our specific worldview, which then affects the form of our entire lives, demands detailed examination. We’ll immediately take a moment to make a very positive note: faith and worldview can change, drastically and quickly. So the skeptics and ignorant who are mired in their prejudices do not face a fatal diagnosis. Full emancipation (in other words enlightenment) from these grievous ailments is possible for everyone who really wants it. Those who really want happiness must first cure themselves of ignorance. This is possible under the following set of circumstances: First: strong dissatisfaction with one’s life. We emphasize the word strong. Almost everyone experiences simple dissatisfaction, but it’s not enough to start change. Discontent with one’s current situation must be so sharp that it at least leads to sleeplessness. Second: admission that one’s personal experience is too insignificant to reveal the path to life change. Third: understanding of the fact that if there are after all happy people in the world, this means that in principle it is possible to achieve happiness. Fourth: rejection of fatalism, the feeling of resignation, the opinion that some prewritten fate rules over the will of mankind. We are sure that the facts presented in this book completely suffice to fulfill this condition. Fifth: agreement that people are not born happy, but become happy, and that this means there is some sort of concrete recipe (unknown to the majority of people) for achieving this condition. Remember that there are thousands more well-known “rags to riches stories” than stories about those “born with a silver spoon.” Sixth: understanding that if recipes for a happy life exist, then they are written down somewhere and this information can be found. Seventh: preparedness to receive new knowledge; rid yourself of any fear of it. Eighth: rejection of the concept that everyone around you is a self-interested cheat and put your skepticism to rest at least while reading this book. Our experience shows that change in worldview proceeds along two paths: First path: natural, slow change in understanding as the result of gradual reception of portions of new information. When the first portion is grasped and accepted, there comes the second, then the third… and so, step by step, a belief system is born (or transforms). This is how the typical process of education in schools and universities proceeds. Second path: sudden, sometimes even momentary, when an entire worldview changes under the influence of a strong external factor. Among those factors, clinical death holds first place. Everyone who has survived it returns to this world a completely different person. We affirm this not only because hundreds of such cases are described in the books of world famous doctor Raymond Moody, but also on the basis of personal experience of one of the authors of this book, who has survived clinical death twice. The other factors are often heavy trauma as in the case of the Bulgarian clairvoyant Baba Vanga, immersion in regressive hypnosis or a lightning strike. At times a book can serve as such a strike of lightning, when “the roof flies off” and opens up a whole new view of the world and oneself. Admittedly, this is an extremely rare occurrence. Gradual change of conceptions, without lightning and clinical death, can be traced through a simple example. Consider yourself right now to be not just a reader, but a participant in an experiment on transformation of consciousness. Let’s imagine you heard that a person can live without his or her brain. Would you immediately agree with this assertion? If you responded “yes,” the next question is “why?” and then you would need to present arguments supporting this point of view. And if you have such arguments, it means that you received them somewhere at an earlier time: heard them, read them, saw them in a pop-science film, etc. If you never before encountered this question, you would have two more or less likely variations of answer. The first: “I am not aware of the topic, and as such I can neither confirm nor deny this.” The second, skeptical, would sound like this: “What stupidity! That’s just impossible!” We now propose to step by step acquaint ourselves with the following information: • In 1336 in Germany under King Ludwig the Bavarian, at the execution of Ditz von Shaunburg, the following incident took place. Ditz, being condemned for revolt, received the king’s word that he would pardon four rank and file soldiers in the mutiny if he (Shaunburg) could (after execution) run, without his head, past these four warriors, who were placed in a row eight steps away. The king was forced to uphold his word, which he gave to the condemned man before everyone, when Ditz von Shaunburg really did run past all four lance knights who were standing eight steps away. Please, stop for a minute and think about your attitude towards the story described. Once you’ve formed an opinion, read on: • In the review of Dr. Robinson at the French Academy of Sciences is described an even more unique incident. An elderly man in his sixties was wounded in the Parietal lobe by the sharp end of a skewer. This led to slight bleeding. For the length of a month the wounded man seemed fine. He then began to complain of poor vision, but felt no pain. A short time later the afflicted man unexpectedly died with signs of epilepsy. Autopsy revealed that the deceased had no brain. There was preserved only a thin shell of brain matter containing a putrid decomposed substance. For almost a month the man lived with practically no brain. Again, pause and reconsider the question: how do you react to this? If you reach the conclusion that these are merely historical anecdotes and do not convince you of anything, then there are other, more modern stories. For example, this one: • In 1935 at Saint Vincent’s Hospital in New York a child was born lacking a brain (absence of a brain at birth is called anencephaly). Nevertheless, in spite of all medical conceptions, the child lived, ate, and cried like all newborns over the course of 27 days. Furthermore, the child’s behavior was completely normal, as affirmed by eyewitnesses, and nobody even suspected that he had no brain until the autopsy. Getting “warmer”? Or you still don’t believe like before? Then read on: • In 1940 Doctor Augustine Iturricha made a sensational announcement to the Anthropological Society in Sucre (Bolivia) and presented his colleagues with a dilemma that even today remains unanswered. He and Doctor Nicholas Ortiz had long studied the illness of a fourteen year old boy who was a patient at Doctor Ortiz’s clinic. The adolescent ended up there because of a diagnosis that he had a tumor in his brain. The youth was fully in command of his reason and retained consciousness until the very end, complaining only of a headache. When pathologists performed the autopsy they were amazed. The entire brain mass had been separated from the internal cavity of the braincase. A large abscess had taken hold of the cerebellum and part of the brain. The question arose, what was this child thinking with? But the riddle that Ortiz and Iturricha came across was not as mind-bending as that which the famous German brain specialist Hufeland became acquainted with. He completely reconsidered all his earlier views after the autopsy of the braincase of a man who was stricken by paralysis. The sick man retained all his mental and physical abilities until the last minute. The results of the trephination were stupefying: in place of a brain the braincase of the deceased contained a little over 300 grams of water. • In 2002 a little girl from Holland survived an intensive operation in response to a neurological infection (the diagnosis was Rasmussen’s encephalitis). They removed the left hemisphere of her brain, where the speech center is to this day thought to be located. Today this child astounds doctors with the fact that she has mastered two languages and is studying a third. The girl talks with her sister in perfect (for her age) Dutch, and communicates with her mother in Turkish. Doctor Johannes Borgstein, observing the little Dutchwoman, says that he has already advised his students to forget all the neurophysiological theories that they are studying and will study. If these facts are too little for you, take a look into the authoritative scientific journal Nature; issues 415—420 from 2002 contain many similarly interesting materials. In the preceding chapter we already mentioned Nobel laureate John Carew Eccles’s statement about the mind. We’ll now add to that the opinion of the great scientist and surgeon Valentin Voyno-Yasenetsky (1877—1961), who is also known as Luka, Archbishop of the Russian Orthodox Church. In his book Spirit, Soul and Body he asserts that “by its very construction the brain shows that its function is the transformation of outside stimuli into a well chosen reaction… The nervous system and the brain in particular, are not the apparatus of pure conception and cognition, but simply instruments designed for action.” But even if the brain is absent, outside signals can be received by other organs. We earlier employed the example of how the beheaded Ditz von Shaunburg ran more than 20 meters. In Voyno-Yasenetsky’s book there is another example: “If a beheaded frog’s skin is irritated, it will take appropriate action directed at removing the irritation, and if it is prolonged, the frog will turn to flight and hop just as if it were not beheaded. In the wars of ants, which have no brain, there is clearly revealed premeditation and, accordingly, rationality, which in no way differs from that of a human being”. Having studied a large collection of materials regarding the brain, we saw that in the last two decades science has definitively admitted the fact that the brain does not think and that mental functions are located beyond its boundaries. The ancient Greek philosopher Heraclitus of Ephesus (544—483 B.C.) knew this 2,500 years ago; he said “The power of thinking is outside the body.” Now tell us honestly, has your conception about the functions of the mind changed after reading these past four pages? We’ll honestly say that when we ourselves first encountered such facts we reacted to them with amazement bordering on aversion. Our belief system didn’t allow for the possibility of existence without a brain, even for a short time. But through the accumulation of information (of which only a small part was presented here) our views underwent a gradual change, which led to full acceptance of the fact, which is now a part of our belief system. And if someone were now to try returning us to our previous beliefs, this would prove to be impossible. We don’t simply believe in the possibility of life without a brain, we now know that this is so. Our faith regarding this specific question has received a strong foundation in light of our knowledge. We are deeply convinced that for the modern person with an open mind only such faith, a faith founded on knowledge, has any meaning. Only knowledge can serve as the basis of the new worldview that opens the road to a new life and to increase in one’s personal vibrations (remember that they need to be strengthened to the level of vibrations of the planet?). And only for this reason do we not simply state this or that fact which are Truths according to our conceptions, but include many arguments and proofs to support them. We well know that this complicates reading and makes it more demanding, but there is no other way if we want our book to bring readers practical benefit and not just a broadened horizon. In our book, we will obviously be talking only about the soft, natural change of belief systems, through gradual acceptance of new, true knowledge. There immediately arises the pointed and fully reasonable question: but where can one find true knowledge about the soul, Universe and meaning of life? And how does one separate the “wheat from the chaff” if we live in an ocean of illusions and fallacious conceptions? (Recall the multivolume Encyclopedia of Delusions that we referenced in the first chapter). How does one avoid falling from one delusion into another, no less harmful? Where is that prophet who can be trusted? In modern times, the shelves of bookstores are literally breaking under thousands of books claiming to be “textbooks for life.” Among them there really are wise guides for changing one’s conscious, but readers’ skepticism renders them useless. Overcoming this most widespread of worldviews is undoubtedly difficult, and if an author didn’t work to include weighty enough arguments in defense of his or her views, the book will either be met with bayonets or will be indifferently laid aside after the first unsuccessful attempt at implementing it. This failure, of course, is written off by the reader as the author’s fault, not understanding that it is precisely the inadequacy of one’s own faith in the recipes presented that renders them ineffective. The thing is that lack of faith is also a faith, but with a minus sign. For example, if a person doesn’t believe in his or her abilities, they believe that they don’t possess them. And the strength of the faith with a “plus sign” and faith with a “minus sign” are identical. As such, even the slightest distrust in information is capable of fully neutralizing it. In 2006—2007 Australian television and radio producer Rhonda Byrne’s documentary film The Secret and her book by the same name, written about the contents of the film, received wide popularity in many countries all over the world. The film, released on DVD, and book not only became popular, they were thunderously successful and underwent millions of printings throughout the world. Time magazine included Rhonda in its 2007 list of most influential people in the world, and soon after this she was included in the Forbes rating of “The 100 Most Famous People.” The essence of The Secret can be briefly laid out: Our thoughts are concrete and form reality around us in agreement with the Law of Attraction, according to which “like attracts like.” All that remains is to think positively and all aspects of your life – family, finances, love, health, and others – will change in the most magical of ways. In support of this idea Rhonda Byrne conducted interviews with many dozens of people who she considered “gurus” and “experts”. Any popular work, be it a book or film, which creates a wide resonance throughout society inevitably divides viewers or readers into two camps: ecstatic supporters and fierce opponents. Since the theme of Rhonda Byrne’s film and book is so closely intertwined with the contents of our book, we will allocate a bit of time to this work. Before all else, we’ll immediately define our position: we fully share the fundamental idea of The Secret and consider Rhonda Byrne’s film and book absolutely correct and extremely beneficial. But we can simultaneously establish the sad fact that these works turned out to have little effect. This is explicitly proven by the surveys we conducted among thousands of students of our School, among whom The Secret was as popular as it was throughout the world. Among our students there were no opponents of The Secret; all those polled about it gave favorable responses. But to the question how did The Secret influence their lives, an absolute majority responded “no influence whatsoever.” Naturally, we weren’t satisfied with such a response and began to dig for the reason – we were already working on our book at that time and were concerned about its future effectiveness. Here is what we found: Practically none of the respondents worked with the book The Secret. They read it, approved and placed it on the shelf. People didn’t underline phrases in the book, didn’t write them down on note cards, didn’t reread it a second time; in general, they did nothing to ensure that the ideas laid out in the book penetrated their subconscious and became part of their worldviews. And ideas that haven’t seeped into the subconscious don’t work! Only having reached the subconscious will ideas begin to create, to call up automatic reactions associated with them, as in the surrounding world (by attracting and forming events) so in an individual organism (by healing, change in figure, etc). The second reason for the low effectiveness of The Secret lies in the fact that the majority of readers (noting that we are speaking here only of our students) didn’t unconditionally believe in the Law of Attraction and the concrete nature of thought. These ideas contradicted their previously formed material worldview and Rhonda Byrne’s proofs didn’t strike them as convincing. One system of views can only take the place of another (particularly a contradictory other) under the influence of extremely strong arguments; the new system needs to dislodge the old, to defeat it through strength of proof. But such proofs were only seldom revealed in Rhonda Byrne’s book. Regarding The Secret’s “gurus” and “experts,” people said: “These are not experts, but simply propagators of positive thinking, like Rhonda Byrne herself, and nothing more.” In reality, among those the author included as experts there were primarily psychologists, motivational and personal development trainers and “experts on achieving success”. They presented correct ideas, but didn’t reinforce them with scientific facts, proofs and experiences. A few short scientific references couldn’t influence the unconvincing situation as a whole. Meanwhile, namely scientific proofs for the materiality of thought and the Law of Attraction already sufficiently exist, and we will turn to them several times in the pages of this book. The Secret’s weak scientific base gave an avenue for opponents to fall upon it with a hail of criticism, which extended even to rude accusations. “outlandish psychology,” “thoroughly false occult story,” “masterful phrase-mongering,” “closely tied to witchcraft and pagan movements,” “devoid of anything scientific,” “an insatiable vampire, sucking all blood from its victims” – this is far from a full list of the epithets awarded to The Secret and its author by Jean-Charles Condo and Natacha Condo-Dinucci in their book Enqu?te sur Le Secret. Their critical arguments are very characteristic of all skeptics, and as such we will turn to them time and time again in order to help our readers look into definitively complicated questions. As an example let’s examine just one of the many assertions of Enqu?te sur Le Secret’s authors: “All modern scientific thought points to the fact that the Law of Attraction is nothing more than an imagination game. Despite The Secret’s assertions, thoughts are not magnetic waves that permeate the universe, and also, not one scientific experiment worthy of being called such has shown that mental processes can exercise direct influence on the surrounding world or the course of events” [16]. First of all, in terms of “all modern scientific thought,” research in the area of quantum physics refutes the claims of Enqu?te sur Le Secret’s authors and provides evidence in Rhonda Byrne’s favor. Enqu?te sur Le Secret itself once again affirms our thesis about the wide spread of ignorance and skeptical worldviews. We suggest that you acquaint yourself with legitimately scientific concepts, look what conclusions modern science came to regarding the energies of the conscious and psychological strength. The great Russian scientist and director of the Science Center of Vacuum Physics, academic Gennady Shipov asserts: “There is currently no doubt in the existence of telepathy, levitation, clairvoyance, retrocognition or of the fact that the energy of the conscious plays a specific role in physical processes” [17]. The next statement comes from a different Russian physicist and scholar, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences A. V. Moskovsky: “We objectively came to the conclusion that the World has at its base Consciousness as a united world starting point. In light of recent discoveries, the existence of the world, like universal Consciousness, presents itself in a variety of ways as a scientific reality. The field of Consciousness gives rise to everything, and our conscious is part of it” [18]. Telekinesis, the ability to move objects using strength of will, long ago became a subject of scientific investigation. In Russia many experiments affirming the phenomenon of telekinesis have been carried out at the Moscow State Institute of Radio Engineering, Electronics and Automation under the leadership of associate member of the Academy of the Sciences Yury Gulyaev and at the Saint Petersburg State Institute of Fine Mechanics and Optics under the leadership of the institute’s rector, Professor Gennady Dulnev. All these experiments were performed according to strict scientific methodology and are the basis for director Viktor Olender’s documentary film Nine Years with Psychics (1989). In this film are established other unique phenomena: interaction with spirits of the dead, the reading of thoughts from a distance, and conversations of modern people in ancient languages. Another of Viktor Olender’s films, The Wars between Black and White Magic (1990) confirms the effect of thoughts on physical processes and received worldwide circulation and took a leading place at the 1994 Cannes Film Festival. All this director’s films can be found online at RuTube and are accessible to everyone. We admit that it would have been difficult for the authors of Enqu?te sur Le Secret to acquaint themselves with the results of scientific research carried out in Russia. But when they decided to debate psychological processes and the scientific experiments associated with them, they were simply obligated to take an interest in the experiments of Western scientists. Thousands such experiments have been performed in all the developed countries of the world, and thousands of reports about them have been published in the form of whole books and of articles in authoritative scientific journals. From this ocean of scientific facts we will include just a few drops of information, which are sufficient for understanding the decisively scientific viewpoint regarding the power of human thought and the possibility of interaction without contact between biological objects. Incredibly interesting in this regard are the experiments of the famous American scientist Marcel Vogel, who did research in the field of phosphors (crystals that emit light when heated) at IBM for 27 years. While working with liquid crystals he observed the following: depending on what thoughts he projected onto still unhardened crystals, they changed shape throughout crystallization; if he thought about a tree, the crystal took the form of a tree. For a person not acquainted with modern science, this sounds strange, but for representatives of quantum physics, it’s natural. An important position of quantum physics, proven through experimentation, states that even if a person simply looks at something, it changes under the influence of that person’s gaze. It is factually proven that “an act of observation is, at its core, an act of creation, and actions of the conscious have creative power.” Professor at the University of Oregon Institute for Theoretical Physics (USA) Amit Goswami asserts that “consciousness is the ground of all being, and as a result, the Universe we observe around us.” He dedicated an entire book, titled The Self-Aware Universe: How Consciousness Creates the Material World to proving this point [19]. In 1967, professor of psychiatry Jule Eisenbud wrote the book The World of Ted Serios: “Thoughtographic” Studies of an Extraordinary Mind. This sensational book is about the work of forty year old Ted Serios, who showed American researchers that thought can imprint images on film. Ted formed “thoughtographs” images which consciously or unconsciously appeared on the film of a Polaroid camera. In order to do this Serios looked through a small cardboard cylinder at a field lens, concentrated, slammed his hand down and awaited the result. Sometimes he had to wait for hours. At the beginning only general outlines took shape, which gradually took on features and transformed into some sort of recognizable object: a building, like the Washington Hilton, or an image of an ancient man that exactly corresponded to a copy of a Neanderthal at the Chicago History Museum. Other’s of Serios’s psychological photographs included things like portraits of friends and prominent figures [20]. The effect of thoughts on various objects was studied by the English scholar and physicist John B. Hasted, who published the results of his scientific work in a book by the name The Metal-Benders. Research on metals, crystals and organic substances showed that psychokinetic phenomena occur as a result of a change, prompted by psychological influence, in the atomic structure of the object being tested. Such changes as change to the form (bending and stretching), hardness and volume of the object can result. The experiments of American biologist Cleve Backster received widespread fame in the scientific world when in 1966 he discussed the influence of the thoughts and intentions of those performing an experiment on its results. Cleve Backster experimentally established that plants absorb human thoughts and react to them. In 2003 Cleve Backster’s book Primary Perception. Biocommunication with Plants, Living Foods, and Human Cells was printed in the United States; it is the culminating work of his almost forty years of research in the sphere of biocommunication. In the book are detailed descriptions of the many experiments that Backster performed on plants, animals and people. To perform his experiments he used an instrument known as the “lie detector.” Connected to a plant and with the help of an automatic recording device, it recorded the plant’s reaction to external circumstances. So if an “evil” person who had broken branches and torn leaves earlier in the experiment entered the room, the plant “cried out,” inciting a turbulent spot on the recording machine. The plant immediately and unmistakably recognized the “evil” person and not only absorbed his or her thoughts, but even identified his or her character and the intention to cause harm! The plant reacted analogously to the appearance of a “good” person who had earlier watered it and spoken soothingly. In such circumstances the recording machine produced completely different oscillations, reflecting the plant’s “happiness” [21]. Undoubtedly, those readers who have plants at home or on the grounds of their homes will pick up on the truth in the results of Cleve Backster’s experiments. They know full well, without any detector, that plants which are lovingly cared for grow better than those that receive the minimal amount of attention necessary. Once, after having discussed Cleve Backster’s experiments in lessons at our School, a letter came to us from Saint Petersburg from one of our students, Tatiana Ivanovna. Here’s what she told us: “I have a vivid example of the materiality of thoughts. Not long ago I bought mandarin oranges on branches with fresh leaves; they were very sweet, aromatic, and unusually tasty. I really wanted to grow a mandarin tree. I placed some wet cotton balls in a glass and placed a seed in that. I held my hand over it and requested that it grow (I had an image of the future tree in my head during this). I then put two more seeds in the cup. After several days, the seed I had willed to grow began to do so. The other two lay lifeless. I removed the growing seed and planted it in the earth. This is where things got very interesting: I willed the other two seeds to grow (but without the images in my head). They too began to grow. I then added to the cup two new seeds that I didn’t ask anything of. I planted the growing seeds in the ground (in environments that were in every way identical). I monitored them: the first (most wished for) seed sprouted two leaves in the third day, i.e. really fast growth. The second and third are growing very slowly (a week’s already gone by and still no leaves), and the last two lie unchanged. So there it is. Simple as can be! It’s genius! All you need is to ask, believe and act.” Undoubtedly many of you, dear readers, have heard of the old belief that you can determine someone’s opinion of you based on how long the flowers they give you live. If the flowers are given with love, they will live for a long time, if given with a neutral or negative attitude (given just because the situation demanded it), the flowers will quickly whither. In light of Cleve Backster’s experiments, this omen turns out to have a scientific basis: the flowers absorb and remember the thoughts of the person and react in kind. So a gifted bouquet of flowers can work as a real-life lie detector and maybe even better – mechanical instruments can still be fooled, but you can’t deceive flowers. Backster also established that plants react if animals die nearby. For example, instruments registered a strong wave of emotion from plants if live shrimps were thrown into boiling water nearby. They reacted to the explosion of psychic energy that occurred at the moment of these sea creatures’ death. Backster’s research was tested many times over by other scientists with the exact same results. In scientific literature there are many descriptions of experiments with snails. In one of these, performed in France, scientists took fifty snails, divided them into pairs and isolated the males from the females. They then sent all the “women” to America and the “men” remained, to be subjected to electric shocks. The result was stunning: at the exact moment that a “Parisian” received a shock, his “other half” in America twitched. It’s also known that dogs separated from their owners are able to find them even if they are taken hundreds of miles from home. At the time of the experiments, the owners changed places of residence and the dogs returned not to the home but to the owner. This means that they caught onto and identified the waves of the owners’ minds and not the radiations of the residence. In January 1986 the newspaper Sovietskaya Rossiya reported a similar incident in America with a dog abandoned by its owner. He left New York and moved to a small town in California, almost two and a half thousand miles from his previous place of residence. The shepherd followed its owner’s trail and searched him out at the end of an eight month journey. In Cleve Backster’s book are also described experiments regarding biocommunication between people. Backster’s laboratory has been located in San Diego on the west coast of the United States since the ‘80s. One woman, who lived on the other coast of the US, came to visit her daughter in San Diego where she donated some white blood cells from a throat swab for experiments in Backster’s laboratory. After that the woman returned home. When Backster’s lab technicians learned that this donor’s daughter was having some slight troubles, they asked her to call her mother and relate these problems to her at the same time that the vial with the mother’s oral samples was connected to special equipment. During the daughter’s conversation with her mother the recording device noted a deviation at the exact moment when the daughter told her mother about her problems, to which the mother reacted in a worried fashion. Backster performed similar experiments with different people of various ages. As these experiments show, the recording machine registers a deviation from the norm in the instance of mental activity in the donor which is caused by various life situations; distance was not a factor. Cleve Backster proceeded exactly as demanded by traditional science: he performed experiments, repeating them many times under laboratory conditions, and registered the results of his experiments using mechanical instruments. And how did the scientific community react to this? Did they express admiration at the labor of a talented scientist? Did they bestow an honorary title on him? Nothing of the sort! For many long years, Cleve Backster fiercely and courageously fought with the fools of modern science, who refused to accept the discovery of biocommunication. The academic world en masse met Backster’s experiments with great skepticism and prejudice, while average people expressed their admiration for Backster’s discovery, the popularity of which rang all throughout America. Backster himself made appearances on television and radio programs, in the press, and even once gave a testimony before a commission of the US Congress. Backster everywhere staunchly defended his point of view. In the end the scientific world warmed up to these years of labor to understand biocommunication. And today nobody is surprised by discussion of the fact that in our world there exists a form of exchanging information and energy such as biocommunication. We have so many of our own examples of biocommunication and the materiality of thoughts that just a description of them would consist of several fat tomes. But we will limit ourselves to just one story, told by one of the authors of this book. Story of the Dagger From 1975 to 1982 I served with departments of the naval prosecutor’s office and upon discharge from duty handed in my naval officer’s dagger. I admit that I dearly wanted to keep it in memory of my military service, but the law didn’t allow for this – the dagger was considered a deadly weapon, and average citizens were not allowed to own such things. This story, fantastical for those who don’t know about psychic power and don’t believe in the Law of Attraction, takes place twenty years later. It begins in Moscow, where I traveled to visit a relative, Pyotr Bondar, also a retired officer, on his birthday. Among the guests were many of his comrades-in-arms, all, of course, with gifts. One of the gifts in particular attracted my attention; it was an officer’s dagger. I have to say that at this time the Soviet Union had already ceased to exist ten years ago and many of the former laws had stopped being observed. In the Moscow markets honorary decorations, medals and various military equipment was freely sold. I immediately remembered with what regret I had parted with my dagger during my youth, already so long ago, and suddenly wanted to find it again. Events were in my favor, my own birthday was in a week, and I requested a specific present – the same sort of dagger. My relative approved; I had taken away the problem of choosing a gift, which is always complex when you want to give something a person will truly appreciate rather than simply to mark an occasion. “I’ll send it to you in a week,” Pyotr assured me. “I can’t come personally, but the dagger will surely come.” I arrived home satisfied in Veliky Novgorod the next day, but on my birthday received from Moscow not a dagger but a telephone call with an apology. “I was at the market yesterday, but there weren’t any sabers there,” reported Pyotr. “But you don’t need to worry, they promised me that they’ll bring one next week, so just be patient a little while.” I felt upset; as they say, a spoon is dear when lunch is near (things are good when they come on time). Additionally, I had already gotten so used to the fact that my strongest desires were always fulfilled, that I began to think: why didn’t it materialize this time? What wasn’t done properly on my part? Maybe I didn’t desire it strongly enough? Or I allowed myself to doubt that my wish would undoubtedly come true? But I had even pounded a special decorative hook into the wall, on which to hang the dagger! In my thoughts it already hung on the wall, but the day had already given way to evening, and the dagger was not there. And if we employ sound reasoning, then we see that after the call from Moscow, the chances of receiving the desired gift weren’t just reduced, but became practically null. Only a miracle could change this situation. And that’s just what happened. Day had already given way to evening when there was an unexpected knock at the door. I looked into the monitor of the intercom; on the doorstep stood a whole group of men and women, among whom, to my surprise, I recognized students of our School of Business. I was amazed not by the fact that students had come without invitation to wish their teacher a happy birthday – such surprises are fully acceptable and even welcome – I was struck by the appearance of these particular students in Novgorod. They were all part of the group from the Urals branch of the School! The same Urals branch that was located in Chelyabinsk, almost 1,500 miles from Veliky Novgorod! I opened the door and let the whole team of seven people inside. They were all employees of one company, a group of managers led by the charming twenty-five year old Natalia Barasheva. She stepped forward, shielding the embarrassed students behind herself. “Please forgive us our brash intrusion,” she said, holding out to me a small wooden case. “We just wanted to stop by for a minute and wish you a happy birthday, and then we’ll head straight to the hotel.” I opened the case. From its crimson, velvet holder flashed the gold of a naval dagger. And not just a common officer’s saber, like the one I’d asked after in Moscow, but a real work of art! The gilded scabbard and the blade itself were decorated with fine engravings, and the hilt wrapped in fine gold wire. “This is a copy of an admiral’s dagger from the time of Empress Catherine the Great,” Natalia hastily began to explain, even more embarrassed as a result of my amazed expression. “We thought for a long time about what to get you, and decided you might like this. They make these in Zlatoust, an old city of bladesmiths near Chelyabinsk. They retain old designs there, according to which masters make souvenir copies…” Of course, I wouldn’t allow my unexpected guests to stay in any hotel and we sat all night around the fireplace in interesting conversation. That’s the extent of my unusual story of how I came to possess the dagger, but no less interesting is the second side of the story, told by Natalia herself: “When we decided to travel to Novgorod, the question of a gift immediately came up. We all racked our brains trying to find an answer to this riddle. Finally, I remembered our famous workshop and that they produce masterfully artistic works. I travelled there and was confounded by their exhibition. There was such an abundance of uncommon beauty for my eyes to run over: various goblets, cups, swords, sabers, knives, and the like. I liked everything so much that I simply couldn’t choose; this was so beautiful, and that as well… And suddenly I heard a voice inside me, which clearly and loudly said: ‘Get this dagger.’ Listening to intuition, I chose it. Did my intuition suggest the right thing?” I then simply reassured Natalia of the correctness of her choice and began to think myself. Comparing the dates of my trip to Moscow and Natalia’s to Zlatoust, I revealed that the idea to go to the workshop for a gift came to her the day after my visit to my relative. What happened? This was in truth no miracle, but an exchange of informational energy. My thoughtform “I want a dagger for my birthday” had already been hung in the informational field. Natalia’s thoughtform “I want to get a present for my teacher’s birthday” also found its way there. The vibrations of both thoughtforms coincided ideally and attracted one another. And so the idea first came into Natalia’s head to travel to Zlatoust, and once there she distinctively heard the word “dagger.” As a result, my wish materialized on June 4, 2002. Strong desires are always fulfilled if you wish for them properly. We’ve already revealed one of the secrets of the proper technology for fulfillment of dreams; recall what was written a few lines above: “In my thoughts it already hung on the wall.” The prayers of the faithful also come true. The strength of prayer is very great, but it also needs to be constructed correctly. When we delved into this question, we revealed without surprise that “ignorance reigns” here as well: none of the believers we’re acquainted with knew how one needs to pray! Psychic processes are very similar to technology; if you don’t follow the specific guidelines, the result will always be failure. In the case of prayer, failure is everywhere the absence of a result. What did our research about this topic show? People practice two forms of sending up prayers: The first: they find a special prayer book, choose a prayer to fit the occasion, and sit before an icon and read the text. The second: gazing at an icon (either in church or at home) they turn to God with some sort of concrete request, formulating it arbitrarily, in their own words. They ask for healing for themselves or a loved one, provision of a desire, or deliverance from something undesirable. Having completed their prayer, they return to their usual routine and wait for God to provide (heal, emancipate, etc). When God doesn’t fulfill anything, they go again to the icon and repeat the ritual. And again they wait. After many unfruitful prayers they begin to think like so: “It means I’m not worthy enough for God to hear my prayers.” This situation reminds one very much of that which happened to the majority of readers of Rhonda Byrne’s book The Secret. People thought up a wish, imagined something related to this (as Rhonda Byrne advised) and waited. Since nothing came true, they declared it a cheap book and Rhonda Byrne’s advice – not valid. With God it’s different; you can’t call him a cheat. As such, in the case that prayers aren’t fulfilled, people instead denigrate themselves. But the essence of the matter is this: both in the case of unfulfilled desires according to Rhonda Byrne’s recipe, and in the case of unfulfilled prayers the technological process was violated because it was completely misunderstood. Prayers, like desires, come to fruition only under observance of specific conditions. If these conditions are violated, there’s no chance for their fulfillment! The difference between simple desires and desire expressed in prayer is not great, but it does exist. When a person “simply wants” something, he or she doesn’t turn to someone in person; their request is directed to impersonal space. In prayer the exact same wish has a concrete address: a saint or the Creator Himself. The first and most important condition is faith When we talk about prayer, we’re talking about faith with many faces, each of which is very important. We’ll examine each of them. The first face is faith in the Creator, in His omnipotence. Believers don’t have a problem with this part, that’s why they’re believers. The second face is belief in the fact that every person is always within God’s field of vision; that he hears and looks after everything. Difficulties don’t arise here either. God’s status as Omniscient is firmly entrenched in the consciousness of every believer. The third face is unconditional faith that a prayer will be fulfilled. And this is where everything’s messed up. Of the many dozens of believers that we surveyed in person, not one had that sort of unconditional faith. People believed this in principle; they admitted its possibility, but not 100%. But even 1% of doubt will break a prayer. It’s impossible to be partially pregnant. And as they say, a spoonful of tar spoils a barrel of honey. We propose that regarding unconditional faith in the power of prayer, things aren’t just in a bad condition among the students we polled. The majority of believers throughout the world don’t possess such faith (since they received their faith along with their birth certificates, as written about earlier). If this wasn’t the case, the world would be different. Hundreds of millions of people are daily praying for the world, health, love and material well-being. And yet no sort of changes take place, whether on the planet as a whole or in the lives of those doing the praying. We need not to prove this. If a prayer finds fruition, it is instantly declared a miracle – a rare phenomenon. A vivid example of this is the story of the canonization of Roman-Catholic Pope John Paul II. Canonization means being counted among the ranks of the saints, and usually takes place in two phases, the first of which is beatification, which means being held as one of the blessed. One of the necessary conditions for beatification is the occurrence of a certified miracle after the death of a candidate (for beatification) and in response to prayers to the deceased. The Vatican began this process almost immediately after the death of the pontiff on April 2, 2005. According to the traditions of the Roman-Catholic Church, the question of canonization can be posited no earlier than five years after the person’s death. However, taking into consideration the merits of the deceased and the fact that even on the day of his death millions of believers (according to the testimony of journalists) were chanting “Santo subito” (“immediate sainthood”), the new Pope Benedict XVI decided to break with tradition and on May 13, 2005 announced an early start to the process of John Paul II’s canonization. It would seem that finding the necessary miracle would present no problem: undoubtedly millions of Catholics throughout the world turned their prayers to the deceased pontiff. But no such thing occurred! With great difficulty and after half a year the Vatican found just one such desired miracle. This was the healing, unexplainable from the point of view of medical doctors, of a nun who had been suffering from Parkinson’s disease. The healing of this nun, whose name was kept a secret, occurred soon after she prayed for John Paul II directly following his death. In March of 2007 the secret was revealed and the happy nun came forth with the story of her healing in a press conference, becoming a sensation. However, one miracle is too little for canonization, proof of a second miracle is also necessary. Years of searching lead to the revelation of an incident in which a resident of southern Italy was healed of throat cancer. The healing occurred thanks to the prayers of the sick man’s wife, which were directed to John Paul II. The woman asserts that her husband began to recover immediately after she saw the deceased Pope in a dream, where he promised that the woman’s husband would surely be cured. At the same time, thousands of famous cases of miraculous healing have occurred throughout the ages and in all countries. What’s more, some of these came about after believers turned to a certain saint or directly to God and others under other circumstances in no way connected to God. Nobody disputes the numerous healings from appeals to icons or powerful saints, which are known to all, and as such we’re not going to dwell on them. But we need to focus a bit on non-divine healings, as they hold the key to understanding many phenomena of interest to us. In Russia, and for that matter in many other countries, the methods of healing of Doctor Georgiy Sytin have received wide fame. Sytin is currently an honored academician, a scholar with a name known around the world and the author of dozens of books printed millions of times throughout the world. If the idea got into someone’s head to declare him a saint because of the miracles he has caused, the search would present no problem whatsoever; Sytin has performed miracles (from the point of view of traditional science) daily over the course of several dozens of years. Thanks to him thousands of people have been healed of various illnesses, and grievous ones at that. On the cover of one of his books (TheThoughts, which Create a Man’s Youth) are included the words of Soviet Pilot and Cosmonaut, Hero of the Soviet Union V. M. Zholobov: “I have been following the achievements of doctor and academician Georgiy Nikolaevich Sytin for many years. It’s clear to me that what he is doing can’t be done by entire institutes, by all of academic science, or by all of world medicine. It’s impossible to award him any sort of scientific degrees or medals, or any sort of awards. What he’s doing is inconceivable. Medicine can be proud if after even a hundred years it comes close to the results regularly achieved by this genius” [22]. Who is this unique doctor? And what are these inconceivable miracles he performs? As an aside, they are considered miracles only by the ignorant; Doctor Sytin himself gives a completely different explanation. This explanation will be very useful for understanding how, in principle, a person’s wishes are fulfilled, regardless of whether or not they take the form of a prayer. Doctor Sytin’s is a unique lot in life. At the time of the Second World War, he, a young soldier, received nine wounds, the last of which was especially severe. By the age of twenty he was severely disabled and suffered from memory loss, limited movement… From 1944 onwards, Georgiy Sytin, having taken an interest in psychology, began to create affirmations for development of volitional quality and self perfection. His first experiments were, fittingly, performed on himself. In 1957, in front of a medical commission, he was pronounced completely fit for military service! Forty years later, after comprehensive research at the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Sytin received a report that despite a calendar age of 75, his biological age was that of a 35 year old! And all thanks to the affirmations that he actively employed all these years. At 68, he fathered a daughter, and at 70, a son. Doctor Sytin is currently 89 years old, but he’s never drawn a pension and continues to work. The idea that thoughts influence physical reality, and as such the health of a person, naturally wasn’t understood in the Soviet Union. Furthermore, despite his impressive personal results, Sytin was arrested three times, put in prison and named an enemy of the people for their propaganda. But a half-century of harassment couldn’t break this man, who asserted that constructive thoughts are stronger than fate! They can save one from all troubles, illness and even old age, the most important thing is to correctly and positively think of oneself as a person who is talented, willful, strong and capable of anything. “There are practically no sick patients that we can’t help,” announces Doctor Sytin, “we’ve learned how, without operations, to cure women of mastopathy, hysteromyoma, polycystic eggs and other malignant tumors; we’ve learned to cure men of prostate adenoma and impotence; we’ve also learned how to effectively cure not only victims of schizophrenia, but even of multiple sclerosis, how to quickly cure cardiac arrhythmia and other cardiovascular irregularities…” Doctor Sytin worked out dozens of various verbal sayings, consisting of positive affirmations. Repeating them many times over, the patients committed these affirmations to their subconscious, which contains the physiological processes of an organism. And the patients recovered. Here’s what Doctor Sytin himself has to say about this: “There’s no sort of mysticism, miracle, or charlatanism here. Everything is founded on strict science, on the teachings of Russian academician Ivan Pavlov about speech’s role as a second signaling system and its connections to a person’s subconscious, which directs the physiological processes in an organism. And if such a connection exists, then with the help of words it’s possible to exercise direct influence on the mind and through these processes restore and strengthen the functions of internal organs and activate self-regulation.” In other words, we’re speaking of psychic energy, the possibilities and power of which Rhonda Byrne’s critiques and millions of other skeptics so fiercely deny. Doctor Sytin’s affirmations are capable not only of healing the body, but also of strengthening the soul, faith in oneself and in one’s abilities. We’ll include short extracts from two of the affirmations: “All my face muscles are relaxed, my whole face is smoothed out; I am completely calm; I am completely and absolutely at peace, like the mirror-smooth surface of a lake. I am, to my core, completely and absolutely at peace. All the blood-vessels in my body are completely open; my circulation is absolutely unobstructed. And my young, healthy, energetic blood flows through all the blood-vessels in my body in a quick, free-flowing stream…” “I am capable of overcoming all difficulties and obstacles that I encounter in the course of fulfilling my work. I firmly know that if great and unforeseen difficulties arise, they will all the same be smashed by my powerful will. My internal stability in life is ten times stronger, a hundred times stronger than all the difficulties and obstacles I might meet in the process of my work. With each passing day I become a person who is more and more brave, evermore self-confident. With each passing day my will becomes ever stronger…” [22]. Now let’s take a look, what do the healing of a patient using Doctor Sytin’s affirmations, the recovery of the French nun, and the fulfilled wish for the naval dagger have in common? Common to all these situations is unconditional faith in the result, plus the factor we wrote about above, that one needs to pray (desire) correctly. We encourage you to read on but slowly and extremely attentively. In the following lines will be presented the key which opens the door to all prayers and dreams. It turns out that when people pray or dream about something (which are at their core one and the same thing), they simultaneously and unconsciously throw up a mighty barrier on which their prayers and dreams are broken. At first the barrier rears up between the praying person and those to whom the prayers are directed. Here I am, and somewhere there, in the sky or somewhere else, is God. That is, spatial separation takes shape. Then the barrier is strengthened by the creation of a time interval between the current state of affairs and the desired one. Today I’m unhealthy (without money, a loved one, good work), and I pray (wish) that in the future I’ll find that thing. That is, a time separation takes shape. While this barrier exists, praying and wishing is useless. The key to destroying this barrier, as you’ve already come to understand, is hidden in our conscious. We specially noted that a person unconsciously constructs this barrier, which means it is possible to consciously destroy it. But this can’t be done with empty hands, we need special instruments. These are already prepared for us; they are a collection of elementary knowledge about the nature of the Universe and man. We’ll return to the technology of correct prayers in chapter 6, but at the moment we’d like to at least note that rituals, in truth, have no meaning whatsoever for the fulfillment of prayers (or desires). “How can this be?” you might ask. Why then do millions of believers embark on exhausting pilgrimages to far-off holy lands where miraculous healing takes place? Why do people reverently kiss holy relics, light candles, drop to their knees and engage in so many other rituals during prayer? At least some of them come true! And miraculous healing takes place in holy places time and time again! We agree that prayers accompanied by rituals sometimes come true, and that miraculous healing does take place at holy places. But the statistics of miracles irrefutably shows the futility of rituals and pilgrimages for fulfillment of prayers (desires). Judge for yourself: For a century and a half pilgrims from all continents have yearly flocked to the French town of Lourdes seeking miraculous cures. Lourdes became famous after a series of appearances by the Virgin Mary to a village girl named Bernadette in 1858. The Mother of God appeared to Bernadette in the vicinity of the village near a grotto from which gushed a spring. Through the girl, she directed the priests to build a chapel in this place and hold services there. In no time at all this rundown, provincial village bloomed. Rumors about appearances of the Virgin Mary and a healing spring spread quickly and crowds of suffering people headed for Lourdes. The church authorities, seeing this interest, immediately built three churches with fifteen chapels instead of one and organized the proceedings with open arms. In 1933 Pope Pious XI sainted Bernadette and the famous Austrian writer Franz Werfel (1890—1945) wrote an entire novel by the name Das Lied von Bernadett (The Song of Bernadette). In Lourdes itself many hotels were built and a large airport was opened for pilgrims. According to the lowest of estimates, the yearly inflow of pilgrims and tourists to Lourdes exceeds 3.5 million people, according to different estimates, no less than 6 million. In all the pavilions around the Grotto, from morning till night, mass is performed in various languages of the world: French, English, Spanish, German, Italian, and Dutch. Each evening there are massive, torchlight processions to the Grotto. All the pilgrims carry small candles which are decorated with paper shades. The very process of ablution in the healing spring also takes place in strict accordance with established rules. And what is the result? The International Medical Association of Lourdes, which attentively tracks all instances of miraculous healing, has recorded 67 such factual instances in all the history of pilgrimages to the grotto. This is against a backdrop of tens of millions of attempts at healing, undertaken by believers! In mathematical language, 0.0001% success! We’re sure that if Doctor Sytin’s affirmations “worked” with such results, nobody would know his name today. What’s really happening at Lourdes? Why do the attempts at healing of tens of millions of true believers go without result? It’s all, of course, in the essence and form of the proceedings in Lourdes. The strong spirit of falseness and commerciality that reigns in the town and sanctuaries of Our Lady of Lourdes is vividly described by the noted French writer ?mile Zola (1840—1902) in his novel Lourdes. Naturally, the grand shows constructed in Lourdes and the entire accompanying industry of merchandise and recreation has nothing in common with the Soul’s process of interaction with God, exclusively through which healing is possible. Those who were healed all the same are those who are able to close themselves off from the atmosphere which reigns in Lourdes and come into contact with God. They were only hindered by all these loud rituals, but deep faith and the proper mood during interaction with God turns out to be stronger than all outside interference. How and in what one must believe, how to properly conduct oneself and pray, so that everything works out according to our desires is clearly written in ancient manuscripts, found in 1945 in Upper Egypt and from 1947 to 1956 in the caves of Qumran in the Judean Desert. These manuscripts, which have been named the “Nag Hammadi library” and the “Dead Sea Scrolls,” are published in the series “Discoveries in the Judean Desert” (DJD) and currently consist of 40 volumes, published since 1955 by the publishing house Oxford University Press. If the ancient knowledge of these manuscripts is combined with the achievements of quantum physics, which provide their scientific explanation, it results in an extremely beneficial cocktail, which we encourage you to taste in the following chapters of this book. Chapter 4. Who do we believe? Materialist scientists and their mistaken beliefs regarding the origins of the Universe and humanity. How the followers of Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution fooled the entire world. The groundlessness of the Big Bang Theory as an explanation of the Universe’s origin. The story of Flatland, the two-dimensional world. Renowned scientists on God and the creation of the Universe. How are discoveries and artistic masterpieces really made? What is quantum physics and how can it help us to change ourselves and influence those close to us? The Divine Matrix. The formula for altering reality. “Do you believe in God?” – “I don’t believe, I know.”     Carl Gustav Jung (1875—1961),     Swiss psychiatrist, founder of analytical psychology In the soul of man there is a God-shaped hole, and everyone fills it as he can.     Jean-Paul Sartre (1905—1980),     French philosopher, writer, playwright In our search for the answer to eternal questions of happiness and the meaning of life, we turn to various sources of knowledge, among which the primary ones are scientific, religious and philosophical. Each source has its own belief system, which differs from the others, and each insists that precisely its system is true. The majority of people, unable to grasp this mass of contradictory and mutually exclusive “sources,” fall into skepticism, losing the very possibility of achieving happiness and finding the meaning of their lives. Together with you we are trying to make sense of various sources and gather those things that are able to fill that metaphorical hole that Jean-Paul Sartre referred to. If one takes a look at sources of knowledge from “geometrical standpoints,” it is possible to divide them into two categories: external and internal. The internal or earthly source is the thoughts and conclusions of people, based on their own life experience, study of others’ experiences and scientific research. Knowledge from this source is very important; you can’t live a day without it. We receive it first from our parents, then we horde up experience, filling it out through interaction with others and at school and university. The majority of people’s troubles lie in the fact that they limit themselves to this, having scooped out of the ocean of knowledge just a teaspoon. This is like illuminating one’s life path with a small candle while there’s a powerful floodlight right underhand. We’ve already examined what this leads to in detail in the preceding chapters. However, even the most powerful earthly floodlight can’t highlight the realms of the Immaterial World where our fates are formed and gathered. It is impossible to look into “the Creator’s kitchen” with our own eyes; traditional physical instruments with all the technology of science are ineffective at this task. It is impossible to comprehend the Universe, which is the reflection of the Creator’s conscious, using technical equipment. It’s like trying to measure the depth of love with a slide rule or weigh the strength of anger on apothecary scales. We live in a three-dimensional physical world, and we can only imagine things in the framework of three dimensions: length, width, and height. But the Immaterial World is multidimensional, and as such it is impossible to look upon it from Earth, whether through radio telescopes or hadron colliders. Failing to understand this, materialist scientists periodically make sensational announcements of their “discoveries,” which fully refute their dogmas of yesterday. But then “tomorrow” comes with the appearance of new “discoveries” which once again fundamentally change the conceptions of scientists. This is how the understanding of dark energy came about in 1998, when astronomers revealed that the Universe is growing faster than it ought to in accordance with existing theories. It was declared that this unseen dark energy provides around 74% of the Universe’s mass and energy, another 23% is attributed to dark (also mystifying) matter and only 4% is attributable to ordinary matter that can be watched and tracked. Dark energy, a fact of existence known only through its effect on the Universe’s state of being, was named the greatest astronomical mystery. They didn’t manage to solve this mystery, as a different group of scientists placed in doubt the existence of dark matter as a physical phenomenon. And when, in June 2010, NASA’s Kepler space telescope transmitted images from the depths of space in which scientists made out 100 million planets of our galaxy, 140 of which are similar to Earth, another complete change in existing scientific conceptions regarding the Universe was announced. It was previously thought that beyond the boundaries of our Solar System there existed primarily gaseous planets. It has now emerged that the Universe is full of planets made of hard material. Scientists made the important announcement that they had at long last uncovered the fate of the Universe, which, in their opinion, will endlessly expand and, in the end of all things, transform into a cold and dead expanse with a temperature close to absolute zero. Science also knows where the Universe itself came from, and all of us along with it: it turns out that long ago there existed (where, and in what?) a single point with no volume and infinite mass (?!). Then one day, 14 billion years ago, it suddenly exploded, as a result of which the Universe, with its innumerable multitude of stars and galaxies, took shape. It’s that simple; from nothing there arose everything, after which it all somehow organized itself, and in a primeval ocean, under the influence of unknown factors, the molecules of amino acids accidentally took shape. Then, by chance, they formed compounds resembling proteins, after which there accidentally arose a molecule capable of reproducing itself, the first living cell arose of its own accord, and the process moved on. It proceeded so well, that there soon arose simple microorganisms, and after them more complex ones, and so on until apes, which over time transformed into humans. On the whole almost exactly according to Darwin. We say “almost” because Charles Darwin (1809—1882) himself called his idea about the origin of species through natural selection and resultant evolution merely a hypothesis and announced that he was willing to reject it if paleontologists were unable to find intermediary (transitional) forms of living organisms. Paleontologists tried their hardest, but even after several decades of persistent searching the sought-after forms remained unfound. Moreover, excavations presented a wealth of evidence that refutes Darwin’s hypothesis: the fossils that could support evolution through natural means were never found, and all the species appeared completely unrelated from the beginning. However, supporters of the theory of evolution weren’t embarrassed by this and ended up becoming greater Darwinists than Darwin himself. In 1912, completely dismayed by the search for the infamous transitional link between apes and humans, they personally improvised the desired “artifact,” attaching the jaw of an orangutan with teeth of a chimpanzee to a human skull. For a period of forty years evolutionists fooled the scientific world (and the rest of the world as well) with this fake, which has entered history as the Piltdown Man because the place of its “discovery” was reported to be the village of Piltdown in the county of Sussex, Great Britain. At first this fabrication performed an invaluable service for evolutionists, but later, after the exposure of the forgers in 1953, it dealt the theory of evolution a blow from which it couldn’t recover. In the United States, for example, only 12% of the population continues to believe in “Darwin’s theory.” Hundreds of scientists from various countries of the world have expressed their “extreme skepticism” regarding the dogmas of Darwin’s “theory of evolution.” The Discovery Institute, located in Seattle, Washington, USA, has stepped forth as an initiator for the movement to reject Darwinist dogmas. The number of scientists who oppose the Big Bang theory is also growing. The Swede Hannes Alfv?n (1908—1995), Nobel laureate in physics, proposed that the problem with the Big Bang is that astrophysicists tried to extrapolate the progression of the Universe from mathematical theories laid out on paper. According to Alfv?n, the Big Bang is a myth, and this myth was invented to explain Creation in an attempt to combine science with the authoritative religious assertion creatio ex nihilo Êîíåö îçíàêîìèòåëüíîãî ôðàãìåíòà. Òåêñò ïðåäîñòàâëåí ÎÎÎ «ËèòÐåñ». Ïðî÷èòàéòå ýòó êíèãó öåëèêîì, êóïèâ ïîëíóþ ëåãàëüíóþ âåðñèþ (https://www.litres.ru/valeria-dubkovskaya/nectar-for-your-soul/?lfrom=688855901) íà ËèòÐåñ. Áåçîïàñíî îïëàòèòü êíèãó ìîæíî áàíêîâñêîé êàðòîé Visa, MasterCard, Maestro, ñî ñ÷åòà ìîáèëüíîãî òåëåôîíà, ñ ïëàòåæíîãî òåðìèíàëà, â ñàëîíå ÌÒÑ èëè Ñâÿçíîé, ÷åðåç PayPal, WebMoney, ßíäåêñ.Äåíüãè, QIWI Êîøåëåê, áîíóñíûìè êàðòàìè èëè äðóãèì óäîáíûì Âàì ñïîñîáîì. notes Ïðèìå÷àíèÿ 1 These reviews were taken from Prostobook’s (the Ukrainian publisher of Nectar) website: http://prostobook.com/product/11-298242/ 2 The Russian edition of the book is entitled Nectar for the Soul. 3 More reviews (over 130) can be found on Ozon.ru‘s website: http://www.ozon.ru/context/detail/id/7237324/
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