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Psycho-cosmic energies and Russia

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Год издания: 2018
Язык: Русский
Просмотры: 347
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Psycho-cosmic energies and Russia Николай Игнатьевич Конюхов Earth is continuously supplied with energy coming from Space – electromagnetic and non-electromagnetic, primarily vortex energies related to rotation of the celestial bodies and gravity energy.Some cosmic energy spectrum directly influences human mind. This is psycho-cosmic energy. Through the activity of these people and under the influence of these energies society and economy change.Russia is particularly dependent on psycho-cosmic energies.The possible measures are offered for Russia development considering the identified facts, psycho-cosmic regularities.For those who think about our future. Introduction In the context of rapid changes, recessionary events and even civilization crisis it is vital to understand the laws of socio-economic development. But there is no theory that fully meets our demands today. Social sciences lack the accuracy that is inherent to mathematics and physics. Appealing to these sciences and to systemology made it possible to establish some system dependencies, without understanding of which it is difficult to succeed in studying such a highly complex system as society. One of the important statements of systemology: quality criteria of a studied system is defined by a system of higher degree. In other words, if some issues, tendencies or system development features cannot be understood with all the efforts applied to its studying, then one should study a system of a higher degree. And which system would that be in relation to society? This is Space, space energies. Appealing to the works of V. Vernadsky, L. Gumilev, A. Chizhevsky and Russian cosmism confirmed this assumption. In the early XXI century it became evident that the cosmic energies are not just the electromagnetic activity of the Sun. But it is not electromagnetic, but primarily vortex energy related to the rotation of celestial bodies and gravity energy. There was a chance to combine the results of large-scale psychological research, the data of hundreds, thousands electroencephalograms containing various signs of cosmic energies. The was a clear, statistically significant correlation. One of such indicators is the Earth's rotational velocity. It depends not only on gravity of the other planets and the Moon, but also on the density of interstellar matter, through which the solar system moves, and also on the cosmic ether density (according to followers of its existence). Rotation of planets and the Sun is any non-absolute vacuum spins that medium into vortices. This is spin, or vortex energy, some call it torsion energy. Density and power of that energy according to a variety of attributes very well correlated with changes in EEG of the patients. It turned out that, according to well-known scientists, the cosmic energy has complex structure. At the same time one energy is increasing (e.g., electric), while the other is decreasing (magnetic). While spin energy is increasing, gravity is decreasing. While gravity-spin energy is increasing, electromagnetic one is decreasing. Ref.: V. L. Dyatlov. Polarization model of heterogeneous physical vacuum. Novosibirsk, Institute of Mathematics publishing, 1998, 183 p., etc. The growth of tree rings, cereals, growth of biota, human activity depends and resonates with a certain cosmic energy. Sometimes it is clear what kind of energy it is, but sometimes not. This energy is often related to the Earth's rotational velocity. In order not to specify this explicitly every time, in the text of this paper the term "growth of cosmic energies" relates to the type of energy that directly affects biota, predetermines its growth and provides people with energy for greater activity in various types of human occupations. Chapter 1. Methodological and evident, factual foundations of analysis of the psycho-cosmic energies impact on Russia development 1.1 On the method of problem analysis For decades research data have been collected, scientific research has been done that has shown a relationship between socio-economic and intellectual human development and cosmic energies. They relate to changes in electromagnetic, physiological and psycho-physiological human activity with the increase or decrease of certain electromagnetic or non-electromagnetic energies. Briefly about them. Our brain works differently during decrease or increase of cosmic energies, especially the energies related to the Earth's rotation (gravity-spin energies). Often during increase of gravity-spin energies the EEG frequency increases, cervical parts of the brain get more activated, its right half. This is true for ordinary people. Within this overall trend individual differences are huge. The greatest differences are observed among groups of people who are divided by the structure of the brain electromagnetic activity into a) right brain hemisphere, with high frequency of EEG activity, and b) left brain hemisphere, with low frequency. With the decrease of cosmic energies left brain hemisphere people are usually more effective, with the increase – right brain hemisphere. Each of these groups has its own psychological, psycho-physiological and other features. The changes of the increase of cosmic non-electromagnetic energies to the decrease, that is, the change of acceleration sign of the Earth's axial rotational velocity are the bifurcation points in human decision making. At these points usually the most important socio-economic phenomena start – revolutions, wars, protests, change of development trends, etc. More active in making decisions at these bifurcation points are sometimes people of type A (we call them type 1/1), and sometimes the opposite personality type (we called it type 5/5). People of type 1/1 are often more active at the minimum point of gravity-spin cosmic energies change cycle. People of type 5/5 are often more active at the maximum points of gravity-spin energies, until the moment they begin to decrease. These points can be accurately defined: these are often the points of acceleration sign change of the Earth's axial rotation. The word "more often" is used here on purpose as there are many subtleties about which one can find out by reading the books already published. The extreme values of types 1/1 and 5/5 do not occur often. Usually both of these psycho-types coexist in every person. Their activity fluctuates, a person balances in the range between the two types. The determinant of these oscillatory human changes is the cyclic change of cosmic energies. Scientific fundamentals and techniques that allow to mathematically calculate human behavior under various changes of the cosmic energies, unfortunately cannot be understood by many people. For the majority to understand this problem it should be defined in the language that we all use to talk and think. Only in this way it will be clear what measures should be taken to solve the current crisis in the world and our country. Therefore, we shall speak in plain language, using the images that are clear for everyone. If we insist that cosmic energies affect people, then they should affect the nature, since the man is a part of nature. If we insist on people's dependency on gravity-spin cosmic vortex energies which are invisible and cannot be directly detected by most physical devices, then apart from this statement we need evidence-based statistical data. Let us start with cereal yield in the world and in Russia, in relation with the cosmic energies related to rotation of Earth and other planets. These are gravity-spin energies. Deceleration of the Earth's rotation (earthdays duration grows) is associated with the increase of LOD (Length Of Day). There are two scales on the left. One is used since 1973. To the right is the scale that had been used until 1973. This scale is in millisecond units (deviation from the average for the whole observation period). We converted all data into the modern measurement scale. Let's take the data on world cereal yield from the World Bank since 1973, that is, since the period for which we have accurate data on the Earth's rotational velocity in a currently used measurement scale (deviation from average values of the length of earthday – LOD). These are milliseconds, i.e. 1/1000 of a second. Strong negative correlation on different samples. Note: in the given historical period on Earth, cereals grow betterwith an increase of the Earth's rotational velocity. It is possible that this effect of cereal yield growth is related to the improving farming techniques and decreasing gravity-spin cosmic energies over the measured time, i.e. the unique combination of these two factors – trends of cosmic energy changes and modern economic development. Usually, when encountering such coincidences and self-explanations the analysis of such correlations that "kill the science" is abandoned. But we knew something more based on previous studies. In various scientific fields the most unexpected correlations with the Earth's rotational velocity were discovered. When looking at a graph or a table one can see the matching trends with the Earth's rotational velocity that they reflect. These are true miracles. Finding good statistics is not easy. The published graphs do not always have numeric indicators. Therefore, for analysis (mathematical accuracy is not necessary here, tendency is more important) one can take existing online graphs and combine them with the Earth's rotational velocity graphs (LOD). These data are published by the leading laboratories in the world. It is important to see at least once how rigorous, systematic and accessible are the LOD data. There are many laboratories on Earth that calculate it. Every developed country has such a laboratory. Find IERS in a search engine, then open. Go to data/product/tools. Enter the finals 2000A.data.csv. When it opens, copy it as a text document. Then convert it to the Excel format. Anyone can double-check the accuracy of the data presented in this work. After all, they are unusual. They give rise to a number of consequences. The figures downloaded from the site of that laboratory are given on the graph. This is also important to combine LOD data with the data on electromagnetic activity of the Sun. They can easily be found online. With these graphs and corresponding numeric data any phenomenon, any process in the world for a particular period of time since 1962 can be correlated with cosmic energy dynamics, related to the Earth's rotational velocity. This can be done at the scale of days, as wells as at the scale of years, decades. In some cases we can rotate the graphs. Next, the example of world cereal yield according to the World Bank data. The graph is automatically plotted on the bank's website. We can rotate this graph by 45 degrees. And then combine not absolute yield values (because it grows due to various factors – manure, irrigation, pesticides, etc.), but rather relative fluctuations of the growth trend. With much confidence we can attribute these fluctuations to the influence of cosmic energies. Here is an example. Here the graph's shape of the Earth's rotational velocity is transformed, it is rotated considering the slope of the world cereal yield graph. It is clear that in general there is an anti-phase change in the world cereal yield and cosmic energies growth, which are related to the Earth's rotational velocity. Cereals grow better at the higher Earth's rotational velocity. We clarified the conclusion that was not sufficiently substantiated during search for the correlation coefficients between the Earth's LOD and increase of the world cereal yield. That is why it is so important to correlate every graph fundamental for development of the society and the planet with the Earth's rotational velocity. In this problem there are specific effective methods. Essence of the research methodology is discussed in separate, purely scientific publications. (Ref.: N. I. Konyukhov 2016a,b,c; 2017a). Here the focus is more on the problem statement methodology and the reasoning method of those who share the proposed statements. This is the technique for confirming our conclusions, that are understood by a small range of specialists, with the material and the statistics that overfill the world. This technique is aimed at comparing the Earth's rotational velocity and the solar activity (Wolf number) with the long-term and other development trends of our society. For there are social processes that depend on cosmic energies literally by days, hours and even minutes. In this regard, we shall once again note the obvious fact: with growth of the Earth's rotational velocity and other conditions being equal the cereals begin to grow better!!! And what about people, Russians? Maybe, similar to plants, every nation has its own optimal level of such energies consumption? From this perspective we shall consider the system of graphs which visualize statistical relationships between the Earth's rotational velocity, that is, between the cosmic energies that are related to it, and the variety of socio-economic and physical indicators. 1.2 Visualization of statistical relationships between the Earth's rotational velocity and socio-economic processes, psycho-physiological human responses In scientific literature there are a lot of experimental data on relationships between the various results of socio-economic human activity, the state of human health and the Earth's rotational velocity. Let's present these data in graph form. They represent independent discoveries, findings and insights of Russian and foreign scientists in this regard. A relationship was identified between the frequency of ambulance calls in Moscow and the Earth's rotational velocity. The frequency of ambulance calls is "strikingly similar to the shape of the Earth's rotational velocity series; correlation coefficient (CC) turned out to be very large, statistically significant and equal to -0.46 with more than 1600 points in each series and almost zero offset". For wave processes it is almost absolute agreement. V. A. Chereshnev, A. G. Gamburtsev, T. K. Breus. A man and three of his surrounding environments. Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2007, vol. 77, № 7, pp. 618-627. Note that the correlation is of the same order as the statistical relationship between the Earth's rotational velocity and cereals growth. A relationship is identified between the Earth's rotational velocity and the frequency of various diseases per 100000 population at the scale of decades. As the Earth's rotational velocity is growing – the number of diseased in Russia is also growing at the scale of individual years. As the Earth's rotational velocity is falling – the number of diseased is also falling at the scale of years. Evidently, this is one of the factors that influences the number of diseased. But at this point in time we have such trends agreement. We are used to relating people's morbidity to medicine funding, solar activity, etc. But here the Earth's rotational velocity as a factor simply dominates all the other. Naturally, it remained outside of the scientific analysis framework. This is often explained by social transformations of that time. Indeed, in the countries where there was no redeployment these trends are less pronounced. Although in the countries with no redeployment and higher medicine funding the relationship between the morbidity rate and the Earth's rotational velocity is weaker, nevertheless it still exists. But this does not exclude possibility of the hypothesis that cosmic energies related to the Earth's rotation particularly affect Russians. And it may happen that this is not only one of the factors of the morbidity rate growth in our country (similar relationships occur in Ukraine, Byelorussia), but also of the social transformations. We shall not repudiate such a possibility. A relationship was identified between the frequency of accidental deaths and the Earth's rotational velocity. In case of Russia this relationship is more pronounced than for other countries for a relatively long period of time. Ref.: N. I. Konyukhov. Psycho-cosmic energies: protests, revolutions, development breakthroughs. – M.: 2016, pp. 66-96. A relationship was identified between the accidental deaths rate and the Earth's rotational velocity. A relationship was identified between the birthrate, mortality rate and the Earth's rotational velocity. Correlation was identified between the mortality rate in different countries and the Earth's rotational velocity: in Russia, Ukraine and Byelorussia it is boldly related to changes of the Earth's rotation acceleration on ten-year time frames. The change of the Earth's axial rotational velocity through decades matches the disease dynamics in all countries, especially in Russia. A relationship was identified between the moments of setting the outstanding sports records and the Earth's rotational velocity. Setting of outstanding sports records is not so much related to the solar activity, but rather to the Earth's axial rotational velocity. This gives reason to conclude that with the decline of the Earth's rotational velocity people undergo qualitative changes. These changes affect mental, psycho-physiological processes, and cerebration. This was proven by electroencephalographic and other studies of thousands of people at the Biruch and Bemkon research centers. A relationship was identified between the Earth's orbital velocity and the EEG frequency of the subjects. Ref.: E. N. Konyukhova, A. R. Khayrullin. Change of EEG frequency and skewness coefficients among subjects depending on the Earth's orbital and axial rotational velocities. In the book: Fundamental and applied problems of neurosciences: functional skewness, neuroplasticity, neurodegeneration. Proceedings of the Second All-Russian Scientific Conference with international participation. M.: 2016, p. This is related to the changing results of various types of human activity. A relationship was identified between the Earth's rotational velocity and the frequency of terrorist acts. Ref.: N. I. Konyukhov. Psycho-cosmic energies and terrorism. M.: 2016, p. 7. A relationship was identified between the Earth's rotational velocity and the number of talented people born. A relationship was identified between the Earth's axial rotational velocity and the indicators of intelligence testing, as well as IQ change of the subjects. A) For annual cycles Ref.: N. I. Konyukhov, O. N. Arkhipova, E. N. Konyukhova. Manager's intelligence: for practitioners and researchers. M.: 2015, p. Calculations by A. R. Khayrullin. B) For decades For 10-year cycles the best fit is obtained by shifting the graphs by 7 years. This is an exact time of active intelligence formation under the influence of cosmic energies that are related to the Earth's rotation. A relationship was identified between the change of fundamental economic indicators and the change of the Earth's rotational velocity. There is an agreement between the Kondratieff cycles and the change cycles of the Earth's rotational velocity. A correlation was identified between the Earth's rotational velocity and fundamental indicators of the economic growth in various countries. The most accurate data are available for the USA. Ref.: N. I. Konyukhov. Psycho-cosmic energies and economic growth. M.: 2017, p. 15. http://nowandfutures.com/key_stats.html (http://nowandfutures.com/key_stats.html) Ref.: N. I. Konyukhov. Psycho-cosmic energies and economic growth. M.: 2017, p. 18. At the same time the main economic indicator of the USA – CPI (consumer price index), has value surges on the graph peaks of the Earth's rotational velocity change. But for every passing century this fit "diverges": from 1 year in the early 19th century up to 6-7 years nowadays. A relationship was identified between the GDP growth rate of some countries and the Earth's rotational velocity. Change of the relationship between the growth of the USSR (Russian) and US GDPs corresponds to the Earth's rotational velocity change. A relationship was identified between the change in the price cycles of the gold market and the Earth's rotational velocity change cycles. This relationship is also pronounced in greater time cycles. A relationship was identified between the Earth's rotational velocity change and the economic cycles of some countries. Ref.: Kondratieff waves: aspects and perspectives. Volgograd, 2012. A relationship was identified between the change rates of the Earth's rotational velocity and the GDP growth rates of some countries. At the same time, there are some countries for which this relationship is positive, and some countries for which it is negative. This depends on the location of these countries in a particular region of space ether density (according to V. A. Atsukovsky). A strong relationship was identified between the stock markets movement and the Earth's rotational velocity. A relationship was identified between the Earth's rotational velocity and the change of stock markets. They are described in terms of the wave, vortex mathematical models. Complex system relationships were identified between the Earth's axial rotational velocity moving around the Sun and the stock markets movement, as well as the EEG frequency. People's EEG frequency reflects the Earth's axial rotational velocity, as well as the velocity of the Earth's movement around the Sun. EEG frequency is related to the movement of stock and financial markets. All of these indicators are interrelated. A relationship was identified between the psycho-cosmic energies related to the Earth's axial rotation and the historical processes. Ref.: Breath of history. M .: 2015. It turned out that empires develop in unison with cosmic cycles. One of the attributes of such a cycle is the cyclic change of the Earth's axial rotational velocity. At the same time we don't have the data on the Earth's rotational velocity for the period of thousands of years ago. But there is a way to substitute these accurate data available today with the indirect data (isotope formation of various substances, etc.). And by the substituted indicators we can judge about the gravity-spin energies of the past. An agreement was identified between the change of the Earth's rotational velocity and the change of the Earth's air temperature. Synchronous changes of the Earth's rotational velocity (v?10^10) in relative units (slid blue line), accumulated anomalies of the annual number of days with processes of the circulation form -C (red) and moving averages of the air temperature global anomalies for five years after the trend exclusion according to the HadCRUT3data (black). Ref.: N. S. Sidorenkov. "Impact of the annual and monthly Earth’s rotation on cycling of the atmospheric processes, weather and climate changes", Hydro-meteorological Centre of Russia. That is, the Earth's speed is related to the powerful non-electromagnetic cosmic energies. They affect climate, people, our health, economic growth, our history. This conclusion is based on the evidence obtained by physicists: even isotope decay of various substances is statistically related to the Earth's rotational velocity. A relationship was identified between the half-life of isotopes of substances and the Earth's rotational velocity. In 2008 the article was published in the US: Jere H. Jenkins, Ephraim Fischbach, John B. Buncher, John T. Gruenwald, Dennis E. Krauseand, Joshua J. Mattes, «Evidence for Correlations Between Nuclear Decay Rates and Earth-Sun Distance». (ArXiv: 0808.3283v1 [astro-ph]). It presents the research results of the silicon isotope Si half-life at Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL) since 1982 to 1986. An annual cycling of the decay process was identified, as well as its correlation with the 1/R value, where R is the distance between the Earth and the Sun. But at the same time this is the indicator of the Earth's orbital speed. In winter at perihelion it is maximum (minimal distance to the Sun), whereas in summer at aphelion it is minimal. Let's combine these two graphs. As the Earth’s rotation slows down, the silicon isotopes half-life happens faster. There is a direct relationship between high-energy processes at the atomic level and the Earth's rotational velocity. Therefore, not only health – all physical processes fluctuate depending on the Earth's speed, including its axial rotational velocity. With the change of the Earth's rotational velocity physical, biological, psycho-physiological, social and historical processes also change. From the viewpoint of ether-dynamics it can be easily explained. The higher the density of ethereal vortices – the greater the speed, energy of all processes to which they are related. And these are transmutation processes, too. So the increase of isotopes of various substances on the Earth in the periods of higher ether density is an expected and natural phenomenon from the ether-dynamics viewpoint. Traditional physics is still unable to explain this. Therefore, let's not interfere in the dispute of physicists and move on to analysis of the facts, without adding to this analysis anything controversial that has not yet been fully proven. 1.3 Speculating on the identified statistical relationships The presented graphs and evidence suggest that there are powerful cosmic energies, which are related to the Earth's axial rotation and movement around the Sun, and these energies, that can be called psycho-cosmic, directly affect human activity, all socio-economic processes and biota. This was observed empirically long ago. There are ethnoscience evidence marks. One of them is that mushrooms grow better before a war. The growth of mushrooms, unlike the growth of trees, can be observed immediately. And people noticed that prior to the beginning of the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945 there was an extraordinary harvest of apples and mushrooms. It happens at a certain combination of solar activity and gravity-spin energies, cosmic ether energies. Whereas the width of tree rings, harvest of apples and mushrooms – are the signs of powerful cosmic energies. People and animals are also under the influence of these cosmic energies. Note that decline in the growth of the tree rings is related to the Earth's rotational velocity, that is, to decline of the gravity-spin energies. Width of tree rings, as well as cereal yield are stronger correlated with the Earth's rotational velocity than with the solar activity in electromagnetic range. So what, is this cosmic energy more important for biota development? In the long-term historical period both energies are important. But when one of these energies is undergoing optimal changes, then the energy that is lacking makes a decisive contribution. Biota is arranged extremely elaborately: flora includes the species that grow better at gravity-spin energy, as well as the species that grow better at the increasing solar activity. Moreover, there are the plants and trees which grow better at an increase of the Earth's rotational velocity, and there are some which grow better at its decrease. Ref.: Yu. P. Demakov. Factors of annual tree growth dynamics. http://csfm.marstu.net/presentation/Demakov.pdf So in the long-term historical periods, at the change of cosmic energies, biota survives due to its certain species. Life of microbes is arranged in the same way. This is well studied in the Arctic. Under the ice specific microbe species reproduce better, while the others stay in a conserved condition. As space weather changes – mass reproduction of specific microbes is replaced by reproduction of the others. Thus, shrimp always have food. Hence the food chain for the higher animals does not break even at abrupt changes of cosmic energies. There are the types of mushrooms that grow better at particular combinations of electromagnetic and gravity-spin cosmic energies. At the same time, the very shape of mushrooms resembles the vortex shape so much that it is hard to deny the direct relationship between the power of ether vortices and the mushroom growth rate even for the extreme skeptics of the ether-dynamic theory. Here are some examples of such resemblances. Vortex energy are immense. And they are related to gravity. One can refer here to see that these energies are literally all around us: http://www.videoman.gr/ru/43332. Their power is great. The more intense the vortex cosmic energy is, the easier and more naturally biota and humans can consume it. Thus, the graphs clearly show the relationship between the Earth's rotational velocity and the variety of processes taking place on the Earth. These processes are related to vortex energies. They are non-electromagnetic in nature. But they are related to development rate of countries, development of our history and culture. The question arises: how this type of energy affects Russia, our economy, our society? Chapter 2. Outstanding sports achievements and the Earth's rotational velocity (LOD): approaching the psycho-cosmic laws of Russian development 2.1 Quantification (numeralization) of the original data If cosmic energy affects people's health and economic growth rate, then it should also affect sports achievements. Under more favorable cosmic energies sports records must be higher. Let's take the list of world sports records set in weight-lifting and track and field athletics from Wikipedia. Overall the database contains 165 records and about 200 athletes. This is due to the fact that some records were set in relay races, which involve participation of several athletes. Let's present sample data collected for each athlete on the example of Liao Hui, weight-lifting, weight up to 69 kg. The birthdays and days of setting the records for all athletes from the list were coded and formalized in the same manner. Ref.: Appendix. The data were already published on the relationship between the human mental activity and the period of the Earth being at a certain orbital region, on the change of EEG frequency and characteristics depending on the person's birthday. (Ref.: N. I. Konyukhov, 2016a). Approximately a week before and a week after a birthday a person has an increased EEG frequency, and EEG activity is often shifted more to the right brain hemisphere. There is also evidence on the increase of effectiveness in sporting events in the days close to a birthday. These are the days depending on annual cycles. Now let's combine the data on the year of birth of the outstanding Russian and world athletes, the dates of setting the records that have not been beaten by the beginning of 2017, with the Earth's LOD. Ref.: Appendix. The stage of the maximum LOD values on the scale of individual years is denoted as 5, whereas the minimum ones – as 1. In this case, there might be such a situation: the peak LOD value in the current year is followed by its decline in the next year, and then it soars again. In this case, stages of cycles 3-4 and 7-9 can be observed and denoted only on a monthly data scale. On an annual scale we simply will not be able to denote them in the table and on the graph. The number of years between them is not enough to denote steps 3-4 and 7-9. Hence, percentage of the different stages in the table and on the graph is different. Code 1 denotes 13 years. This is 23.6 percent of all graph points. Code 5 also denotes 13 years. This is also 23.6 percent of all graph points. 1 and 5 constitute 47.2 percent of all graph points. Therefore, assignment of the major part of all records to stages 1 and 5 should be attributed to their representation rate in the table. This is noted to prevent the hasty emotions in regard of the relationship between the points of cycles 1 and 5 and the outstanding sports achievements. The situation is a little more complicated. Although there are bold relationships. But they are more visible on a larger time scale: bifurcation points of human development are related to points 1 and 5 of the cosmic energy change cycles. But in order to prove it other graphs and approaches are necessary. Let's use one of them. 2.2 Relationship between the birth dates of outstanding Russian and world athletes and the Earth's LOD in annual cycles Let's combine the Earth's rotational velocity with the years of birth of athletes who have set world records since the first available accurate data on the Earth's LOD until 1998, almost until the end of the XX century. The correlation coefficient between the Earth's LOD and the number of outstanding athletes born in the world that year (between columns 9 and 11) equals – 0.08. Zero correlation. In other words – there is no linear relationship. The correlation between the Earth's LOD and the number of born outstanding athletes in Russia (columns 6 and 11) equals -0.45. In Russia, the birth rate of outstanding athletes is strongly related to the Earth's rotational velocity. Most prominent Russian athletes were born during growth of the Earth's rotational velocity. Recall: cereals also grow better thereat. So are Russian sports achievements more dependent on cosmic energies in the year of birth? Are we a cosmic dependent nation? Peculiar data. From these data, along with the related evidence, follows the conclusion of our greater dependence on cosmic energy. Therefore, we shall be comprehensively evidential, statistically and factually valid. Athlete lists from the Internet. LOD data from laboratories around the world. Everything can be easily crosschecked. Let's calculate correlation coefficients between the various parameters listed in the table. The correlation coefficient between the average LOD value for a given year and the number of born women-world champions (between columns 8 and 11) equals -0.1 (minus 0.1). The correlation coefficient between the LOD and the number of born men-champions (columns 7 and 11) equals – -0.16 (minus 0.16). Конец ознакомительного фрагмента. Текст предоставлен ООО «ЛитРес». 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