Что же есть у меня? Дыры в драных карманах, Три морщины на лбу, Да истёртый пятак... Но не жалко ни дня- Мне судьбою приданных, Хоть порой я живу Поподая в просак. Всё что есть у меня: Совесть, честь и уменье. Я отдам не скупясь- Просто так за пустяк. За постель у огня, Доброту без стесненья. И за то, что простясь, Не забыть мне ни как... Всё ч

Quantum Computing and Communications

$ Бесплатная книга
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Quantum computers will revolutionize the way telecommunications networks function. Quantum computing holds the promise of solving problems that would be intractable with conventional computers by implementing principles from quantum physics in the development of computer hardware, software and communications equipment. Quantum-assisted computing will be the first step towards full quantum systems, and will cause immense disruption of our traditional networks. The world’s biggest manufacturers are investing large amounts of resources to develop crucial quantum-assisted circuits and devices. Quantum Computing and Communications: Gives an overview of basic quantum computing algorithms and their enhanced versions such as efficient database searching, counting and phase estimation. Introduces quantum-assisted solutions for telecom problems including multi-user detection in mobile systems, routing in IP based networks, and secure ciphering key distribution. Includes an accompanying website featuring exercises (with solution manual) and sample algorithms from the classical telecom world, corresponding quantum-based solutions, bridging the gap between pure theory and engineering practice. This book provides telecommunications engineers, as well as graduate students and researchers in the fields of computer science and telecommunications, with a wide overview of quantum computing & communications and a wealth of essential, practical information.

Цена:17863.79 руб.
Язык:   Английский
Просмотры:   18

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