Распахните мне дверь, устелите дорожку цветами, Через двор до ворот проводите под руки меня, Там, с поклоном, прощусь, и отправлюсь в поход за мечтами, Отыщу каплю Света, частицу Живого Огня. Был нелегок мой путь, через мрак-бурелом Лихолесья, В испареньях болот и под хлопанье крыл воронья, Но звучала в душе колыбельная мамина песня, Се

The Tiger’s Child: The story of a gifted, troubled child and the teacher who refused to give up on her

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Описание книги

Torey Hayden returns with this deeply-moving sequel to her first book, One Child (the Sunday Times bestseller). After seven years, Torey is reunited with Sheila, the disturbed 6-year-old she tried to rescue.Sheila was a deeply disturbed six-year-old when she came into Torey Hayden's life – a story poignantly chronicled One Child. The Tiger's Child picks up the story seven years later. Hayden has lost touch with the child she helped to free from a hellish inner prison of rage and silence. But now Sheila is back, now a gangly teenager with bright orange hair – no longer broken and lost, but still troubled and searching for answers.This story of dedication and caring that began in childhood moves into a new and extraordinary chapter that tests the strength and heart of both Sheila and her one-time teacher. In The Tiger's Child the skilled and loving educator answers the call once again to help a child in need through her difficult yet glorious transition into young womanhood.

Цена:831.24 руб.
Язык:   Английский
Просмотры:   146

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