Я знал… ведь знал, что так и будет, Что прокляну обратный поезд, Что это чертов вечный полис Не принесет единства судеб… Я знал… ведь знал, что будет больно. Тебя на вечность провожая, Я запах твой запоминая, Себе сквозь зубы выл: «Довольно!»… Я знал… ведь знал, что будет плохо. Тебя, проснувшись, не увидеть, Весь мир в сердцах возненавидеть, Руг


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Описание книги

Disconnected, is a gripping study of teenage pressure and identity. Catherine isn’t sure who she is. The hardworking student? The dutiful daughter? Or someone else entirely? Catherine, Cat, Cath – which is the real person?Catherine is a typical A-grade student from a middle class, high-achieving family, who suddenly, on entering the sixth form, loses her way. She stumbles from one situation to another, unable to work and turning to alcohol to take her mind off her problems. As she searches for answers through the varied and offbeat characters she meets, she learns a great many truths about life. Can she cope with the biggest truth of all – her own personality?Written in the first person, each chapter is addressed to someone different in Catherine’s life – her mother, a teacher, a schoolfriend etc, and reflects how Catherine is different to different people. It brilliantly reflects the pressures on young people today in a world where they haven’t got the time to grow up at their own pace. Is the face we present to the world our true self, or a carefully maintained construct?

Цена:181.52 руб.
Язык:   Английский
Просмотры:   432

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