Рука скользнёт и ляжет на плечо, И пальцев кончики коснуться твоей шеи, Губами прикоснусь к щеке легко, В твоих объятьях и в твоей постели. Рукою проведу по волосам, Касаясь седины неосторожно, Без слов… Ты все, что нужно знаешь сам, И явью станет то, что невозможно. Прижмусь к груди, что б чувствовать тебя, И темнота окажет нам услугу, Иначе всё


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A Kelsey and Lambert novel. Has Chief Inspector Kelsey meet his match at last?Anna Conway, rising twenty, had much to live for: not least a devoted young husband who put her welfare before all else. Yet she suffered from depression and, just before leaving on a restorative cruise, she was found dead in her bath.Chief Inspector Kelsey and Sergeant Lambert at first accepted Anna's death as suicide, and the more they learned of her unloved childhood, the more understandable suicide became. So it was with shock that when Anna married David she was already the widow of an elderly man, whose death was not without unusual features.But when they learned that David Conway too had been a widower, his first wife having also committed suicide, Kelsey developed a gut feeling that this grief-stricken widower was a cold-blooded murderer. Yes there was testimony on all sides to his devotion to Anna, his alibi was unimpeachable and his motive for murder non-existent.Doggedly the Chief Inspector set out to prove David’s guilt. But each time he unearthed a suspicious circumstance, David came up with an innocent explanation.

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Язык:   Английский
Просмотры:   399

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