Рука скользнёт и ляжет на плечо, И пальцев кончики коснуться твоей шеи, Губами прикоснусь к щеке легко, В твоих объятьях и в твоей постели. Рукою проведу по волосам, Касаясь седины неосторожно, Без слов… Ты все, что нужно знаешь сам, И явью станет то, что невозможно. Прижмусь к груди, что б чувствовать тебя, И темнота окажет нам услугу, Иначе всё

The GL Diet Made Easy: How to Eat, Cheat and Still Lose Weight

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Dieting is so much easier thanks to Nigel Denby's fantastically simple GL diet. There's no calorie or point counting, no hunger, no guilt and no faddy food rules. Even better, you can drop a size in 10 days – and keep it off. All you need to do is stick to a few simple eating guidelines and enjoy his delicious recipes and flexible meal plans.GL, or Glycaemic Load, gets better results than GI (Glycaemic Index) because it helps you manage the quality AND the quantity of the food you eat. For example, on a GI diet chocolate is off the menu because a single bar of chocolate and a truckload of chocolate have the same bad rating. It's a different story on GL: you can cheat a little and still enjoy your chocolate fix. This diet is so easy and so indulgent that you'll hardly notice you are on it until your unwanted pounds disappear.• Simple eating guidelines – no rigid rules• Safe, permanent weight loss• 10-day flexible planner – drop a size and get on track• Mouth-watering choice of 10-minute recipes

Цена:605.23 руб.
Язык:   Английский
Просмотры:   314

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