*** Всё грустнее мне от водки. Нет в ней радости, как прежде… За окном морозит солнце, И кипит осенний дождь. Был кураж – да вот не стало Даже крохотной надежды. Если ждал чего-то раньше, То теперь совсем не ждёшь. Всё грустнее мне от песен Под гитару в час полночный И от чтенья умных книжек, Что лежат на стеллажах. Раньше день был бесконечным, А

Empowered Educators in Singapore. How High-Performing Systems Shape Teaching Quality

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BEST PRACTICES FROM SINGAPORE'S HIGH-PERFORMING SCHOOL SYSTEM Empowered Educators in Singapore is one volume in a series that explores how high-performing educational systems from around the world achieve strong results. The anchor book, Empowered Educators: How High-Performing Systems Shape Teaching Quality Around the World, is written by Linda Darling-Hammond and colleagues, with contributions from the authors of this volume. Empowered Educators in Singapore delves into the country's rapid rise to educational excellence on a global scale and the national effort that drives it. Singaporean students routinely outperform their peers from around the world, placing first or second in international assessments, particularly in math and science. In 2015, Singaporean students topped the league table for both the Programme in International Student Achievement (PISA) and the Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS). With educators around the world clamoring for the «Singapore secret,» the reality is that Singapore's excellence is the result of a 25-year drive to improve education through systemic, long-term and ongoing, consistent, and deliberative reform with an emphasis on teacher quality. This book describes the interwoven strategies that merge context, quality, governance, and continual evolution into a consistently high-achieving student population.

Цена:2895.14 руб.
Язык:   Английский
Просмотры:   195

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