Рассвет чарующий и нежный Коснулся белых облаков, И неба океан безбрежный, С востока заревом цветов Пурпурных, ярко - золотистых, Вдруг засиял. Скользящий луч Плясал на горках серебристых… И солнца лик, палящий – жгуч, Плыл над Землёй ещё ленивой, Объятой негой сладких снов… И лишь пастух неторопливо Кнутом играя, гнал коров На выпас, сочными л

Computer Vision and Imaging in Intelligent Transportation Systems

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Acts as single source reference providing readers with an overview of how computer vision can contribute to the different applications in the field of road transportation This book presents a survey of computer vision techniques related to three key broad problems in the roadway transportation domain: safety, efficiency, and law enforcement. The individual chapters present significant applications within those problem domains, each presented in a tutorial manner, describing the motivation for and benefits of the application, and a description of the state of the art. Key features: Surveys the applications of computer vision techniques to road transportation system for the purposes of improving safety and efficiency and to assist law enforcement. Offers a timely discussion as computer vision is reaching a point of being useful in the field of transportation systems. Available as an enhanced eBook with video demonstrations to further explain the concepts discussed in the book, as well as links to publically available software and data sets for testing and algorithm development. The book will benefit the many researchers, engineers and practitioners of computer vision, digital imaging, automotive and civil engineering working in intelligent transportation systems. Given the breadth of topics covered, the text will present the reader with new and yet unconceived possibilities for application within their communities.

Цена:12063.07 руб.
Язык:   Английский
Просмотры:   139

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