Выбор. Во власти тьмы седая роща, Листва тревожно шелестит. И нужно мне, душой не робща, Свечу сквозь рощу пронести. Что б не погас огонь священный, И что б не дрогнула рука, Когда раздастся смех надменный, Моего вечного врага. Он здесь, Он рядом, Злобный гений, И ад крадущийся в ночи. Но свет моих стихотворений, В огне свечи.

Advanced Electrical and Electronics Materials. Processes and Applications

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This comprehensive and unique book is intended to cover the vast and fast-growing field of electrical and electronic materials and their engineering in accordance with modern developments. Basic and pre-requisite information has been included for easy transition to more complex topics. Latest developments in various fields of materials and their sciences/engineering, processing and applications have been included. Latest topics like PLZT, vacuum as insulator, fiber-optics, high temperature superconductors, smart materials, ferromagnetic semiconductors etc. are covered. Illustrations and examples encompass different engineering disciplines such as robotics, electrical, mechanical, electronics, instrumentation and control, computer, and their inter-disciplinary branches. A variety of materials ranging from iridium to garnets, microelectronics, micro alloys to memory devices, left-handed materials, advanced and futuristic materials are described in detail.

Цена:16888.30 руб.
Язык:   Английский
Просмотры:   39

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