Октябрь. Такой травы зеленой Не знали ни апрель, ни май! Над ней колдуют старцы-клёны: Бросают рой янтарных клонов Зашторить изумрудный рай. Прошли дожди над Приазовьем И пробудили дух весны; Лист прелый прячется с позором, Лишь крики чаек беспризорных Над сонным берегом слышны... Брожу бесцельно-бестолково По малахитовым полям И подобрать пытаюс

Building Information Modeling. BIM in Current and Future Practice

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The bright future and exciting possibilities of BIM Many architects and engineers regard BIM as a disruptive force, changing the way building professionals design, build, and ultimately manage a built structure. With its emphasis on continuing advances in BIM research, teaching, and practice, Building Information Modeling: BIM in Current and Future Practice encourages readers to transform disruption to opportunity and challenges them to reconsider their preconceptions about BIM. Thought leaders from universities and professional practice composed essays exploring BIM's potential to improve the products and processes of architectural design including the structure and content of the tools themselves. These authors provide insights for assessing the current practice and research directions of BIM and speculate about its future. The twenty-six chapters are thematically grouped in six sections that present complementary and sometimes incompatible positions: Design Thinking and BIM BIM Analytics Comprehensive BIM Reasoning with BIM Professional BIM BIM Speculations Together, these authors provide stimulating ideas regarding new directions in building information modeling.

Цена:8661.11 руб.
Язык:   Английский
Просмотры:   193

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