Она спала. На улице шел снег - Безветрие и занавесь из пуха. Часы дробили время на стене, И время столбенело от испуга. Ей снился он, отметивший ее, Среди других на белом фоне пляжа: Загар неоднозначность придает Обычному лицу без макияжа. Он был "другим", точнее "не как все". Недосягаем более, чем странен, (Перебирая камешки присев), Не прилагая

Drawing and Reinventing Landscape

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How to tackle representation in landscape design Representation is a hot topic in landscape architecture. While computerization has been a catalyst for change across many fields in design, no other design field has experienced such drastic reinvention as has landscape architecture. As the world urbanizes rapidly and our relationship with nature changes, it is vitally important that landscape designers adopt innovative forms of representation—whether digital, analog, or hybrid. In this book, author Diana Balmori explores notions of representation in the discipline at large and across time. She takes readers from landscape design's roots in seventeenth-century France and eighteenth-century England through to modern attempts at representation made by contemporary landscape artists. Addresses a central topic in the discipline of landscape architecture Features historic works and those by leading contemporary practitioners, such as Bernard Lassus, Richard Haag, Stig L Andersson, Lawrence Halprin, and Patricia Johanson Written by a renowned practitioner and educator Features 150 full-color images Drawing and Reinventing Landscape, AD Primer is an informative investigation of beauty in landscape design, offering inspiring creative perspectives for students and professionals.

Цена:4338.59 руб.
Язык:   Английский
Просмотры:   166

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