Звезды сыпались мне в ладони. Всплеском волн капли слез полны. Не встревожит тебя, не затронет Тихий стон дрожащей волны, Крик надрывный ушедшего лета, Боль тупая прошедших дней. Где ты? Где ты? Ну, Бог ты мой, где ты? Бледный свет не звезды моей! Это пошло, смешно и глупо, И я жить с этим не могу! Бьет в виски невообразимо тупо. Я бегу от себя,

Financial and Accounting Guide for Not-for-Profit Organizations

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A completely revised and expanded edition of the nonprofit industry finance and accounting standard Filled with authoritative advice on the financial reporting, accounting, and control situations unique to not-for-profit organizations, Financial and Accounting Guide for Not-for-Profit Organizations, Eighth Edition is recognized by professionals as the industry standard reference on not-for-profit finance and accounting. Prepared by the PricewaterhouseCoopers Not-for-Profit Industry Services Group, the book includes accounting, tax, and reporting guidelines for different types of organizations, step-by-step procedures and forms, and more. A new chapter on public debt has also been added. Presents the latest updates to regulatory reporting and disclosure changes in recent years Reflects the totally revamped and revised AICPA accounting and audit guide for not-for-profit organizations Addresses concerns of all nonprofit organizations, including health and welfare organizations, colleges and universities, churches and other religious organizations, libraries, museums, and other smaller groups Includes step-by-step procedures and forms, detailed explanations of financial statements, and a how-to section on setting up and keeping the books Financial and Accounting Guide for Not-for-Profit Organizations, Eighth Edition is the completely revised and expanded new edition of the bestselling not-for-profit accounting guide.

Цена:33193.95 руб.
Язык:   Английский
Просмотры:   189

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