* * Ах, какой невозможный такт! - Тело вложено в этот ритм, Чтоб бесстрашно - вот так, вот так - Полыхнуть в резонанс - двоим! Звук пронзает, как ток: каблук... Тень тревожной свечи. Оплыв. Нас уносит ритмичный стук - В фееричный взрывной отрыв! Вот взметнулись миры. Кружат. Заметают пожар - в метель.

Lean Architecture. for Agile Software Development

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More and more Agile projects are seeking architectural roots as they struggle with complexity and scale – and they're seeking lightweight ways to do it Still seeking? In this book the authors help you to find your own path Taking cues from Lean development, they can help steer your project toward practices with longstanding track records Up-front architecture? Sure. You can deliver an architecture as code that compiles and that concretely guides development without bogging it down in a mass of documents and guesses about the implementation Documentation? Even a whiteboard diagram, or a CRC card, is documentation: the goal isn't to avoid documentation, but to document just the right things in just the right amount Process? This all works within the frameworks of Scrum, XP, and other Agile approaches

Цена:6174.89 руб.
Язык:   Английский
Просмотры:   238

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