*** Всё грустнее мне от водки. Нет в ней радости, как прежде… За окном морозит солнце, И кипит осенний дождь. Был кураж – да вот не стало Даже крохотной надежды. Если ждал чего-то раньше, То теперь совсем не ждёшь. Всё грустнее мне от песен Под гитару в час полночный И от чтенья умных книжек, Что лежат на стеллажах. Раньше день был бесконечным, А

The Fathers Book. Being a Good Dad in the 21st Century

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What does being a dad in the 21st Century really mean? Men today want to play an active role in the upbringing of their children; that means knowing how to cope with them, play with them, control them and love them. Becoming a father however, can be an extremely daunting prospect, after all it is completely uncharted territory. This wonderful book is not only for expectant and new fathers but covers the whole range of issues dads encounter from conception through to teenage traumas. Situations such as step-fatherhood and the changing relationship with partners are also discussed in a sensitive and informative style. The stresses imposed by modern lifestyles on fathers and kids are looked at as well as the problems and benefits encountered by the fact that kids today are often very sophisticated and clued-up. Chapters include: * I'm Going to be a Dad * Bonding for Fathers * Discipline * Learning to Play Again * Teenage Traumas Written in a light-hearted yet informative style, and including numerous interviews with fathers themselves, this book reflects the latest thinking and theories on how to be a good father.

Цена:2679.85 руб.
Язык:   Английский
Просмотры:   242

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