Звезды сыпались мне в ладони. Всплеском волн капли слез полны. Не встревожит тебя, не затронет Тихий стон дрожащей волны, Крик надрывный ушедшего лета, Боль тупая прошедших дней. Где ты? Где ты? Ну, Бог ты мой, где ты? Бледный свет не звезды моей! Это пошло, смешно и глупо, И я жить с этим не могу! Бьет в виски невообразимо тупо. Я бегу от себя,

Mean Girls Grown Up. Adult Women Who Are Still Queen Bees, Middle Bees, and Afraid-to-Bees

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Almost every woman has experienced bullying. Whether her role was that of victim, aggressor, or bystander, the pain of relational aggression (female bullying) lasts long after the incident has passed. In Mean Girls Grown Up, Cheryl Dellasega explores why women are often their own worst enemies, offering practical advice for a variety of situations. Drawing upon extensive research and interviews, she shares real-life stories from women as well as the knowledge of experts who have helped women overcome the negative effects of aggression. Readers will hear how adult women can be just as vicious as their younger counterparts, learn strategies for dealing with adult bullies, how to avoid being involved in relational aggression, and more. Dellasega outlines how women can change their behavior successfully by shifting away from aggression and embracing a spirit of cooperation in interactions with others.

Цена:1745.70 руб.
Язык:   Английский
Просмотры:   126

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