Звезды сыпались мне в ладони. Всплеском волн капли слез полны. Не встревожит тебя, не затронет Тихий стон дрожащей волны, Крик надрывный ушедшего лета, Боль тупая прошедших дней. Где ты? Где ты? Ну, Бог ты мой, где ты? Бледный свет не звезды моей! Это пошло, смешно и глупо, И я жить с этим не могу! Бьет в виски невообразимо тупо. Я бегу от себя,

No Regrets. A Ten-Step Program for Living in the Present and Leaving the Past Behind

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At last, freedom from burdensome regrets Everyone has regrets. But not everyone can overcome them, even when they interfere with the enjoyment of life. With this book as your guide, you'll learn how to let go of past mistakes, lost opportunities, and failed expectations to live richly in a present filled with hope and new possibilities. This wise, compassionate, and practical guide offers profound insights into the nature of regrets and how to overcome them. Grounded in proven psychotherapeutic and spiritual principles, No Regrets brings together the insights of mental health professionals, spiritual teachers, and self-help experts. In No Regrets, you'll find: * A structured ten-step program for letting go of burdensome regrets * Powerful spiritual and psychological tools for overcoming regret, including creative visualization, journaling, affirmations, thought analysis, meditation, and sharing with others * Insights into toxic thought patterns that create and support regrets * Persistent myths about forgiveness that keep us trapped in our regrets * Inspiring stories of people who have freed themselves from regret No Regrets will show you a way out of the pain, guilt, and shame of the past and how to create a rich and rewarding life in the present. «Hamilton Beazley has the distinct ability to understand the most complex inner workings of the human spirit and mind. No Regrets is destined to take its place alongside the other great self-help guides of our time.» -Howard J. Shaffer, Ph.D., Associate Professor and Director Division on Addictions, Harvard Medical School

Цена:2218.61 руб.
Язык:   Английский
Просмотры:   177

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