Рассвет чарующий и нежный Коснулся белых облаков, И неба океан безбрежный, С востока заревом цветов Пурпурных, ярко - золотистых, Вдруг засиял. Скользящий луч Плясал на горках серебристых… И солнца лик, палящий – жгуч, Плыл над Землёй ещё ленивой, Объятой негой сладких снов… И лишь пастух неторопливо Кнутом играя, гнал коров На выпас, сочными л

Outthink the Competition. How a New Generation of Strategists Sees Options Others Ignore

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A Fast Company blogger and former McKinsey consultant profiles the next generation business strategists: the «Outthinkers» «Outthinkers» are entrepreneurs and corporate leaders with a new playbook. They see opportunities others ignore, challenge dogma others accept as truth, rally resources others cannot influence, and unleash new strategies that disrupt their markets. Outthink the Competition proves that business competition is undergoing a fundamental paradigm shift and that during such revolutions, outthinkers beat traditionalists. Outthink the Competition presents stories of breakthrough companies like Apple, Google, Vistaprint, and Rosetta Stone whose stunning performances defy traditional explanation and will inspire readers to outthink the competition. Core concepts in the book include: Discover the Eight Dimensions of Disruption Learn to play by the Outthinker Playbook Develop the Five Habits of the Outthinker Implement the Outthinker Process It's time to buck tradition in order to stay ahead. Outthink the competition and uncover opportunities hiding in plain sight.

Цена:2427.82 руб.
Язык:   Английский
Просмотры:   235

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