Кто стучится в дверь ко мне? Кто звонит моей родне? Кто с петелек дверь снимает, Громко топает во тьме? Ближе-ближе стук шагов, Тут понятно все без слов, Страх сковал мое сердечко, Наломаю нынче дров. На пороге -силуэт. "Вот,хозяюшка,обед. Я -судьба твоя лихая, Принесла свой винегрет. В нем -нарезка разных снов, Твой пред

Public Key Cryptography. Applications and Attacks

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Complete coverage of the current major public key cryptosystems their underlying mathematics and the most common techniques used in attacking them Public Key Cryptography: Applications and Attacks introduces and explains the fundamentals of public key cryptography and explores its application in all major public key cryptosystems in current use, including ElGamal, RSA, Elliptic Curve, and digital signature schemes. It provides the underlying mathematics needed to build and study these schemes as needed, and examines attacks on said schemes via the mathematical problems on which they are based – such as the discrete logarithm problem and the difficulty of factoring integers. The book contains approximately ten examples with detailed solutions, while each chapter includes forty to fifty problems with full solutions for odd-numbered problems provided in the Appendix. Public Key Cryptography: • Explains fundamentals of public key cryptography • Offers numerous examples and exercises • Provides excellent study tools for those preparing to take the Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP) exam • Provides solutions to the end-of-chapter problems Public Key Cryptography provides a solid background for anyone who is employed by or seeking employment with a government organization, cloud service provider, or any large enterprise that uses public key systems to secure data.

Цена:9586.82 руб.
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Язык:   Английский
Просмотры:   260

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