Вечный Шопен, в этом вечере стразовом, месяц баюкает, словно дитя. Глупая девочка, в платьице рАзовом, что ты услышала в «Вальсе дождя»? Шепчет, глотающе, море голодное. (где этой луже Шопена постичь) Барная стойка, скользящехолодная. Пойло дежурное - Sex on the Beach. Фьюжн и китч, какбымода кричащая, псевдоэклектика, недолюбовь, ночь силиконово

Greener Fischer-Tropsch Processes for Fuels and Feedstocks

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How can we use our carbon-based resources in the most responsible manner? How can we most efficiently transform natural gas, coal, or biomass into diesel, jet fuel or gasoline to drive our machines? The Big Questions today are energyrelated, and the Fischer-Tropsch process provides industrially tested solutions. This book offers a comprehensive and up-to-date overview of the Fischer-Tropsch process, from the basic science and engineering to commercial issues. It covers industrial, economic, environmental, and fundamental aspects, with a specific focus on 'green' concepts such as sustainability, process improvement, waste-reduction, and environmental care. The result is a practical reference for researchers, engineers, and financial analysts working in the energy sector, who are interested in carbon conversion, fuel processing or synthetic fuel technologies. It is also an ideal introductory book on the Fischer-Tropsch process for graduate courses in chemistry and chemical engineering.

Цена:19592.55 руб.
Язык:   Английский
Просмотры:   198

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